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Chapter 1: The Mysterious Man

The cool March breeze lightly grazed Su Wan’s skin the moment she got off her plane in S City. With the breeze against her skin, she felt a sudden warmth enveloping her.

It was nearly 11 pm but the streets in S City were still brightly lit and crowded with people. Su Wan was astonished as she stood on the bridge, looking at the tall buildings surrounding her.

She had stayed in S City for eighteen years. It had only been three years that she had not seen the city and she felt a strangeness as if generations had passed.

Su Wan took a deep breath. She tightened the light purple scarf around her neck and called the hotel she had reserved for herself earlier.

“Hello, is this Lifetime Affinity Hotel? I’m Miss Su. I’ve reserved Room 03 yesterday. I’ll be arriving soon. Could you please have it cleaned up?”

“Of course.” Su Wan ended the call calmly yet there was a sense of loneliness in her appearance.

Looking at the ripples made by the running water under the moonlight below the bridge, Su Wan sighed. She and her parents were once regular passers-by of this bridge but now, nothing had changed but the people.

She did not inform anyone of her return from Dong Chen Country, perhaps because she didn’t want to disturb her grandparents.

Her time of arrival was pretty late and if her grandparents were to receive her that night, Su Wan would be worried. So, she pre-reserved the hotel room and thought that she would pack her things before returning to her house which she had not seen for years.

Just as Su Wan turned around, ready to hail a taxi, she saw a man in a black windbreaker walking toward her. He was tall and his body was swaying a little.

Was this man drunk?

Su Wan blinked, feeling uncertain. The man swept past her and walked quickly toward the railings on the bridge. His body started to rise and fall severely.

From Su Wan’s perspective, the man looked as if he was going to jump down the river.

Based on the windbreaker he was wearing, he looked like he was from a well-to-do family. Was he heartbroken?

Although Su Wan did not think of herself as Mother Mary, she couldn’t bring herself to ignore if someone was about to commit suicide in front of her.

Su Wan frowned slightly and dashed anxiously toward the man.

“Mister, don’t take things too hard. Maybe I can help you.”

Just when Su Wan wanted to continue consoling and advising the man in black, she saw that the man was not committing suicide but rather, he was taking off his black windbreaker. Under the windbreaker was a properly ironed smoky gray shirt.

The man threw his black windbreaker into the river! Su Wan heard the splashing of water upon the falling of the clothing into the river.

What was the man trying to do?

Before Su Wan could get an answer, her wrist was tugged by someone.

Su Wan’s brain froze when the tall man’s shadow towered over her. By the time she realized something was not right and tried to resist, she had been forced to the railings on the lower part of the bridge.

The man held her tightly. As both their sizes and strengths differed greatly, Su Wan couldn’t even fight back.

Could it be that this man was not trying to commit suicide but was using drunkenness as his excuse to molest her instead?

No wonder he threw his outer coat away...

She had only been away for three years and she had not expected the public order in S City to be this terrible. Years ago, there were no ruffians around even in the middle of the night.

Su Wan’s body froze. An alarm within her was triggered. She raised her head and that moment, her eyes met a pair of glimmering eyes.

They were a pair of beautiful, flawless eyes, with a clear distinction between their black and the white. The edges of the eyes slanted up slightly and the dark pupils were calm like a deep ocean.

Su Wan was slightly surprised. This man’s handsome appearance was on a level she had rarely seen.

He looked at her from above. His good-looking brows knitted together and he focused on Su Wan, as if he could only see her and nobody else in the world. His lips, however, had a sense of coldness and heartlessness.

Su Wan had seen many good-looking people from a young age. Her own appearance was one praised by many since she was young. When she was in A High School, her fiancé, Gu Zihang, was known as the most handsome male in the school due to his good looks and both of them were a perfect match.

She had seen different handsome blond guys overseas. When she was studying, she even had suitors from different countries but Su Wan only liked Chinese guys with black hair and dark eyes. Coupled with her love for her fiancé, she was not easily swayed.

However, no man could compare to this man who was grabbing her hand, not even her fiancé whom she had been in love with for over twenty years. All of them lost to him in terms of appearance and aura.

Judging from his overall demeanor and expensive clothing, how could he be a local ruffian who hurt girls in the middle of the night?

Su Wan hesitated and gave up struggling.

“Miss, please help me.”

The stranger spoke in a low yet cold voice. His voice was soft, but it was so pleasant that it could take one’s breath away. It was like the first flower blooming in the cold night, with a silent enchantment.

Su Wan was a person who liked a man for his voice. She recalled the reason she was attracted to Gu Zihang. Besides being her childhood sweetheart, it was because he had the voice of a broadcaster.

She was used to hearing English for three years when she was overseas. Now, Su Wan was dumbfounded listening to his fluent Mandarin.

What help did he want from her?

Without giving Su Wan time to prepare, the man with extraordinary handsome looks and a pleasant voice kissed her. The man took her into his embrace snugly, giving her no space to move.

The man’s lips were cold and his piercingly cold breath slowly invaded Su Wan’s lips.

As her grandfather was not in good health, their house was always filled with the smell of Chinese medicine. Hence, Su Wan was very sensitive to smells.

There was neither the smell of alcohol nor cigarettes on this man’s body. Rather, his breath was clean and cold. ALL new 𝒄hapters 𝒐n nov(𝒆)lbin(.)com

Su Wan froze. All she could do was widen her almond eyes. The initial thoughts in her brain had all turned to ashes.

This man, whom she had just met, had taken away her first kiss that she had been saving for over twenty years.

No matter how good-looking he was, this was detestable!

Su Wan’s face darkened. She quietly raised her leg and was about to kick the man’s private parts.

However, the man had expected her gesture and so, he pressed his body against hers on the railing. His kiss intensified, as if trying to snatch her breath away.

What a shameless man!

Su Wan’s face grew red. The two of them were tightly appressed to one another. She felt all her breath being drawn away and she was almost out of breath!

Just when Su Wan was almost out of breath, seven to eight burly chaps in black appeared suddenly on the streets. The leader’s face had a long terrifying scar.

The few fierce-looking burly men were looking around, as if searching for something or someone.

The sharp eyes of the leader with the scar swept across Su Wan. When he saw Su Wan, who was almost out of breath, he turned his head and instructed his followers decisively.

“He’s injured. He shouldn’t be far. Maybe he’s just in front. Let’s go after him.”


Chapter 2: Kind Rescue

Su Wan shivered when the eyes of the burly man with the scar swept across her. From his eyes, she sensed a thirst for blood. These men came in full fury and didn’t look like good people. Who were they looking for...

Never had she expected that S City’s public order would get worse than ever before in just three years. First, there was the kissing rogue, then there was the burly man with the scar.

Just as Su Wan shuddered in fear, the seven to eight fierce-looking men had run forward. After a short while, they were out of sight.

Su Wan, who was on tenterhooks, finally relaxed and let out a sigh of relief. She then realized she was still in the embrace of the shameless man and couldn’t break loose.

She glared fiercely at the man holding her. However, her misty eyes had no lethality but instead, they were luring and tempting.

When he realized that Su Wan did not know how to breathe when kissing, the handsome man slowly let go of her.

Once Su Wan regained her freedom, she took two steps backward immediately. While she stared alertly at the man not far from her, she gasped for air.

This was the first time Su Wan felt blessed to be able to breathe!

The man relaxed when he saw Su Wan recovering from her shortness of breath. He began to explain, “I’m sorry, I...” Expploore 𝒖ptod𝒂te stories at no/𝒗el/bin(.)c𝒐m

Although the man’s voice was the type Su Wan liked, her face turned dark when she thought of what he did to her.

If an apology could settle everything, what would be the use of the police?

Su Wan glared furiously at the man. She was thinking if she should step on him with her high heels or give him two tight slaps before sending him to the police station, so as to let him know she was not a person to mess with!

Just as Su Wan was contemplating how to settle the score with this shameless guy, the man fell to the ground without warning!

Su Wan was shocked but at the same time, she was suspicious. She had suffered loss just a while ago and had regained her alertness. Su Wan took out the water tumbler from her bag and carefully walked closer toward the man.

If the man was pretending, she would give him a deadly blow!

Beyond Su Wan’s expectations, the man had really fainted. Su Wan frowned as she looked at the man on the ground. Under the moonlight, his handsome face appeared to be more likeable.

Due to the abrupt incident which happened earlier, Su Wan had only noticed the man’s good looks then but now that she had regained her rationality, she realized how extraordinarily pale the man looked. Even his lips were pale.

A strange thought came flashing through Su Wan’s mind. Could he be the one the burly men were looking for? Did he throw away his outer coat and force a kiss on her to cover his face to keep himself alive?

Looking at the unconscious man, Su Wan’s expression deepened. She half squatted to support the man but suddenly, her hand felt wet and warm. She looked at her hand...

Oh god, there was blood on her hand!

Was it the man’s blood?!

Su Wan looked gloomy and realized she had gotten herself into trouble. She was just an innocent passer-by and although he was compelled against his wish to kiss her, she had indeed lost her first kiss because of him...

Once the group of men in black realized that something wasn’t right, they might return any time. Should she ignore him? If she were to interfere in this matter, she might lose her life...

In a trance, Su Wan recalled the scene three years ago when she was sitting outside the operation theater with tears in her eyes, waiting anxiously for her parents’ fate.

In the end, all she got was the doctor’s apology. “I’m sorry, we have tried our best. If the patients were sent here earlier, perhaps we could have rescued them, but the best timing had passed.”

That year, her parents had met with an accident, and the driver had fled. The closed-circuit television at the place of accident was out of service, so they were not able to find the driver till now. The passers-by were afraid of getting themselves into trouble and no one was willing to call for an ambulance...

At the thought of her sad past, Su Wan closed her eyes. Then, she made up her mind to save the man. She took off her outer coat to drape over the man’s body. Very quickly, she walked to the street to hail a taxi.

After getting a taxi, Su Wan dragged the man into the car with all her might.

The taxi driver was friendly. Through the rear-view mirror, he looked at Su Wan and the man draped with an outer coat who was leaning against her, deep in sleep.

“Miss, is your boyfriend drunk?” The driver struck a conversation.

Su Wan was tidying the man’s clothes to avoid his blood from staining the taxi. Upon hearing what that driver said, Su Wan’s forehead creased.

Her boyfriend?

This man was not her boyfriend!

However, in this situation, Su Wan could not deny it and had to force a smile to reply, “Yes, he drank too much today and fell just now. His knees are bleeding now.”

As if sensing Su Wan’s dissatisfaction, the man leaned closer against her and found himself a comfortable position, with his hands around her waist and his head on her soft thighs.

The man had fainted but could still hug her! It was beyond her expectations!

He indeed had the character of a hooligan!

Owing to their current identity as a courting couple coupled with his injury, Su Wan did not push the man aside.

However, Su Wan disliked close encounters with strangers. As she could not push him aside, her heart was filled with suppressed grievance. All she could do was to try to part the man’s arms but he shamelessly hugged her tighter!

Just then, they came to a halt at the traffic light. The driver saw Su Wan’s little gesture and advised her, “You youngsters should have more self-control and not go to disco bars. If you do not like your boyfriend to drink so much alcohol, try to convince him.”

Su Wan nodded and answered him gloomily, then she called the hotel front desk, “Hello, I’m Miss Su of Room 03. Could you please get someone to buy some medicine for wounds? I’ll pay double the price...”

The reason she brought him back to the hotel and not the hospital was because it was too late and she didn’t know the man’s identity. If she were to bring him to the hospital, how would she explain their relationship?

The receptionist at the hotel front desk instantly agreed when she heard Su Wan’s willingness to pay double the price.

“We have arrived. Please pay.”

Upon the driver’s reminder, Su Wan raised her head and saw Lifetime Affinity Hotel in front of her.

Su Wan took some money out of her purse and dragged the unconscious man out of the car with all her might. She supported him with her body and limped toward the hotel.

Lifetime Affinity Hotel’s bell boy was waiting for Su Wan to pay him double the price of the medicine. When he saw her, he helped her support the man.

Although the man was unconscious, he grabbed Su Wan’s hand tightly and did not want to let go, just like a child reluctant to leave his toys.

‘This shameless guy is detestable!’

At that moment, Su Wan became gloomier.

Chapter 3: Too Embarrassed to Apply Medicine

After all the trouble, the bell boy managed to drag the man away from Su Wan’s body. As he did that, he teased, “Miss Su, your boyfriend is reluctant to part with you.”

Here was another person who regard this shameless guy as her boyfriend.

Su Wan was almost breathless and could only smile vaguely. She even had to talk to the bell boy in a gentle manner to get him to help bring the man to her room.

After laying the man down, the bell boy skimmed through the man’s appearance and his eyes showed a deep uncertainty.

Watching the bell boy focusing his vision on the man, Su Wan’s heart skipped a beat. Could this man be an escaped criminal?

Had she put forth so much effort into rescuing a big bad wolf?

He could be a wolf in sheep’s clothing!

Just as Su Wan was feeling suspicious, the bell boy smiled. “Miss Su, your boyfriend’s appearance matches yours but I think he looks familiar, like someone I’ve seen in some magazine...”

A surge of emotion welled up within Su Wan upon realizing someone could identify him. She blurted, “He didn’t appear in some ‘Online Arrest’ kind of police magazine, did he?”

“Haha, Miss Su, you are funny. How would I read that kind of magazine?”

The bell boy halted, then he tilted his head a little to think. “It should be a fashion magazine, as my little sister likes to buy fashion magazines. Maybe your boyfriend looks like a celebrity. He’s very good looking.”

Su Wan nodded disappointedly and closed the door after the bell boy left.

After taking a few steps out of the room, something flashed through the bell boy’s mind. He suddenly recalled where he had seen this handsome man!

Wasn’t he the extraordinary handsome man who had appeared on the cover of the Aristocrat magazine that his little sister had bought just a few days ago?

He could still remember how his sister was obsessed with him. According to his sister, he was the new CEO of Di Chen Group, the most eligible bachelor in S City, and could even be known as the king of the business world.

However, there was a rumor that this CEO kept a distance from women. His sexual orientation seemed different, causing his little sister to be sad...

At the thought of this, the bell boy wanted to inform Su Wan, but her room door had been shut.

Then, the bell boy thought carefully again. Lifetime Affinity Hotel was a lower-class hotel and the talented genius of Di Chen Group would never step in here. At this thought, he turned around and left.

On the other hand, Su Wan had missed the opportunity to know the man’s true identity. Looking at the unconscious man, Su Wan sighed and went to get a basin of warm water.

After that, Su Wan carefully removed the man’s shirt and was shocked when she saw the bleeding wound on his back.

This man had such strong willpower to be able to endure till now!

Her initial indignation for being molested had been suppressed. She started to clean the man’s wound, first with hydrogen peroxide solution, then with saline to reduce inflammation.

After cleaning, the man’s back did not look too terrifying anymore. Su Wan let out a sigh of relief.

Su Wan then wiped his wound with an iodophor cotton swab and covered his wound with sterilized gauze. Lastly, she bandaged the wound carefully.

When the bandage went around the man’s abdomen, Su Wan saw his good figure and couldn’t help but gasp in admiration.

Su Wan liked neither men with huge muscles nor men who were overly skinny. This man looked tall but his skin was firm. He was obviously someone who worked out.

Wasn’t this the legendary ‘slender when clothed and buff when unclothed’?

While Su Wan was bandaging his wound, the man could feel the pain but made no noise. Instead, he bit his lip gently to endure the pain.

The strong willpower of this man had unconsciously become the subject of admiration for Su Wan, so her earlier dislike towards this man was slowly fading.

However, Su Wan was in a dilemma after nursing his upper body. She didn’t know if the man’s lower body was injured.

The man was wearing a pair of black and expensive trousers. She couldn’t make out if he was injured. Perhaps he was hurt, but it wasn’t as serious as his back.

Just as Su Wan was about to give up on the idea of checking his lower body and seek the bell boy’s help, she clenched her teeth and decided she would do it herself.

She thought she could do this as she had gone overseas for three years of liberal education, although she dared not go for life drawing sessions when her friend had invited her.

Doctors care for their patients like how parents care for their children. Now that she was taking the role of a doctor, she should not have gender discrimination toward this patient.

Su Wan laid the man on the bed and carefully climbed up the bed. She knelt beside him to avoid pressing on his wounds.

Su Wan calmed herself down and made up her mind to stretch her hand toward the man’s trouser zipper.

The man’s trouser zipper was narrow, unlike the zipper on jeans. Su Wan couldn’t help but sigh. She was sweating as she was nervous and wiped away her sweat on her forehead.

Before touching the zipper, she pulled back her hand.

It was just a simple gesture of unzipping, what was there to be afraid of? He was just an unconscious patient. How could he do anything towards her?

Su Wan scolded herself for being useless. Then, she stretched out her hand again but her hand was trembling, making her feel defeated.

It was merely a small distance but Su Wan put forth lots of effort to convince herself. Finally, when her hand was about to touch the zipper, Su Wan felt like she was about to reach the coast of success.

“What are you doing?”

The man who had just awoken from fainting and had not regained all his senses opened his eyes and saw a sight that startled him.

The woman whom he forced a kiss on earlier was kneeling beside him. Her head was down, showing off her beautiful side profile, and her slender hand was about to touch his trouser zipper.

From his angle, he could see the woman’s indistinct light blue camisole straps and her delicate collarbone. When he looked downward a little, he could see a bit of her breast.

The man’s eyes darkened and deepened endlessly.

The sudden question caught Su Wan, who was preparing herself mentally, unaware.

She raised her head and saw the man. He was now conscious and his eyes were on her. His extravagantly beautiful eyes were a pair that no one dared to look straight into.

Looking at that pair of eyes, Su Wan was filled with a guilty conscience. “Ah!” she shouted and moved her hand away.

However, because she was nervous, in a flurry, Su Wan lost her balance and fell directly on top of the man’s body. Her lips touched his lower jaw.

Su Wan’s cheeks turned red instantly and all of a sudden, the blood rushed to her face...

That was it, she had reached the peak of her embarrassment!

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