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Use Your Self As Poison

He's Dying

Chapter One He’s Dying

“Lolo, with your current physical condition, you may not be able to survive this winter.”

Yang Qian withdrew his hand on Bai Luo’s pulse, with an indescribable self-blame on his face, “Sorry, I can’t save you.”

“It’s okay, I already knew that.”

Bai Luo smiled at Yang Qian. Originally, he wanted to see Doctor Yang to see if his situation was possible. Is there any possibility of treatment?

It seems that it is really gone…

But being able to stay by Chi Yan’s side for five years is enough for him.

If you can’t survive it, you can’t survive it.

Anyway, his own death is just to make Chi Yan feel relaxed.

After all, forcing Chi Yan to have sex with a man, Chi Yan is also very troubled…

Bai Luo was the bodyguard bestowed upon King Rui Chiyan by His Majesty the current emperor. He said he was a bodyguard, but in fact his main task was not to protect Chiyan, but to detoxify Chiyan as a medicinal Gu.

To be more precise, he should be counted as a male favourite.

Chi Yan has been poisoned by Gu poison since he was a child, and his body has been extremely weak.

And Bai Luo is the medicine Gu specially cultivated for him.

Every time after intercourse with Chi Yan, the poison in Chi Yan’s body would be transmitted to Bai Luo’s body bit by bit.

This directly led to the healthier Chi Yan’s body became, and the worse Bai Luo’s health…

A smile appeared on Bai Luo’s face.

Now that he is about to die, Chi Yan should be able to recover soon…

He can finally realize his grand ambition.

You can also marry a wife and have children, and enjoy the family happiness.

how nice…

Isn’t this what I have always dreamed of?

However, there is still some sadness in my heart.

If possible, I really want to be by his side for the rest of my life…

Even if it’s just watching from a distance.


After bidding farewell to Miracle Doctor Yang, Bai Luo walked slowly towards his own residence.

The weakness of his body made Bai Luo feel particularly chilly. He tightened the jacket that was draped over himself a little more.

His eyes turned to a big tree not far away, and the powerful wind and snow knocked down the leaves one by one…

Just like him, it will wither at any time.

In the dark room, Bai Luo sat there blankly, without even turning on a lamp.

Today is the day for His Majesty the Emperor to marry Chi Yan.

Chi Yan has been in love with the daughter of the prime minister’s mansion for a long time… He should be overjoyed to be able to get such a marriage proposal.

A bitter smile appeared on Bai Luo’s face.

Now he should be gone too.

I don’t know if this counts as retirement?

Bai Luo’s heart was full of self-mockery.

His Majesty the Emperor was kind, and he didn’t tell Chi Yan that he would die after he solved the Gu for him…

The purpose is to prevent Chi Yan from blaming himself.

And at times like this, he should leave quietly alone. Don’t let anyone know.

Bai Luo was slowly putting away the burden, and the bitter taste on his face became more intense.

The pain in the heart is getting stronger and stronger.

I really want to see that person again before I die…

However, at this moment, the door that was originally closed was suddenly opened.

All I saw was a young man in a red gown walking in.

“Why didn’t I see you in my room today?”

Bai Luo was a little stunned, he thought that Chi Yan went to visit the Prime Minister today, and he no longer needed himself.

But I didn’t expect that he would still come to me to find me.

Bai Luo felt indescribably happy.

Being able to see his beloved again before he died, Bai Luo felt that even if he were to die right now, it wouldn’t matter anymore.

“The subordinates thought that the prince would not return to the mansion today. Moreover, the prince’s health is already recovering. We will get married soon…”

Bai Luo didn’t finish his sentence, but his meaning couldn’t be more obvious. The prince no longer needs him.

Hearing such words, Chi Yan frowned suddenly.

It is true that he will get married soon, but this kind of thing should not be the concern of the little guard in front of him.

There was a hint of sarcasm in Chi Yan’s words.

“Whether I get married or not has anything to do with you? Bai Luo, or do you want to get some status from me? After all, you have served me for so many years, haven’t you?”

When Bai Luo heard such words, his complexion instantly turned pale, and he knew that he had touched the bottom line of the prince. He quickly got up and knelt down in front of the prince.

“The subordinates dare not.”

Chi Yan snorted coldly.

“It’s good to know. You still have to have some self-knowledge in life. You shouldn’t think about things that don’t belong to you.”

Medicine Gu

Chapter 2 Medicine Gu

Listening to Chi Yan’s disgusting words, Bai Luo silently closed his eyes, feeling a dull pain in his heart.

He said tremblingly:

“My lord, my subordinates have never had such an extravagant hope.”

Seeing the paler and paler face of the person in front of him, Chi Yan was a little irritable. He walked to the edge of the bed and sat down.

“Come and serve me. I need to get my body in the best condition before my wedding.”

“The subordinate obeys.”

Bai Luo knelt on the ground, and moved towards Chi Yan’s direction bit by bit.

Over the years, they have always been doing the most intimate things in bed.

Like two loving couples.

However, the reality is cruel and heinous.

Bai Luo carefully untied Chi Yan’s belt, his hands trembling due to his weakness.

Chi Yan stretched out his hand and raised his head, looking at the slightly pale face. Slowly said:

“Why? Don’t want to?”

“how come……”

Bai Luo smiled at Chi Yan, slowly untied his belt, and undressed him.

The corner of Chi Yan’s mouth showed a private smile.

He violently tore off Bai Luo’s clothes, and then casually threw them aside.

“Why are you so slow in your hands and feet now? Is this another trick you came up with to seduce me? If you want to refuse, welcome?”

Completely ignoring the embarrassment on Bai Luo’s face, Chi Yan rolled over and pressed on him.

“I advise you not to think about those things all day long. Do you think that if it weren’t for the poison in this body, I would touch you? Do you know how disgusting I am when I touch a man like you?”

Bai Luo closed his eyes in some pain.

“Subordinates dare not…”

Possessing Bai Luo seems to have become Chi Yan’s habit, and it didn’t take much effort at all.


Bai Luo only felt that his body was about to fall apart, and he couldn’t help moaning softly because of lust.

Looking at him like this, Chi Yan couldn’t help flashing a trace of disdain in his eyes.

“Who would have thought that a man screaming on the bed is more meng than a woman? It’s really coquettish.”

Bai Luo’s face suddenly turned pale.

He quickly covered his mouth with his hands, so that he would not make any sound.

“Why don’t you bark? Do you know it’s embarrassing to bark?”

“Yes, I’m sorry…”

Bai Luo’s face was filled with indescribable embarrassment, and his heart throbbed fiercely because of Chi Yan’s words.

“You still know I’m sorry?”

Chi Yan grabbed Bai Luo’s neck, his words were full of warnings.

“Bai Luo, let me tell you, you are not allowed to publicize our relationship outside. Otherwise, I will kill you!”

“Subordinates dare not…”

“Why don’t you dare? In order to stay by my side, you even dare to do that medicine poison. Don’t you just want to enjoy the glory? It’s a pity that you made the wrong wishful thinking. The more you are like this, I just want to I will hate you more!”

Chi Yan’s eyes were full of sarcasm, and he said mercilessly: “I heard that to become a medicinal Gu, one needs to be bitten by golden silk cicadas, and the pain will go deep into the bone marrow. Bai Luo, it’s really hard work.” ah!”

Listening to the sarcastic words in Chi Yan’s mouth. Bai Luo felt a little absent-minded.

In fact, what Chi Yan said was wrong…

Or maybe not quite right.

To become a medicine Gu, one really needs to be bitten by a golden silk cicada. But in fact, it’s not just golden silk cicadas, there are even spiders, centipedes, and various poisonous snakes…

Those poisonous creatures slowly climbed up his arms, gnawing on them continuously, releasing extremely violent toxins.

Toxins entered the body, and the viscera felt as if they had been smashed to pieces.

Then detoxify with herbs…

This process keeps repeating itself.

Until he completely turned into a drug Gu…

Those heart-piercing tastes, even thinking about them now, still feel extremely terrifying.

In such a situation, the average person might not be able to persist for a day.

However, Bai Luo persisted in such an environment for three years.

And the effect of doing this is only to transfer the toxins in Chi Yan’s body to his own body.

He couldn’t even save his own life.

Where is this for glory and wealth? If it weren’t for the deep love for this person…

How could it be possible to persist?

Use your self as poison chapter 3

Chapter Three

Since when did you fall in love with Chi Yan?

Bai Luo was a little dazed.

In fact, he has fallen in love with Chi Yan since he was very young.

At that time, a heroic little brother came to the Valley of the Medicine King. Although he was poisoned by Gu, his body was extremely weak. But he smiled every day and was always cheerful.

Maybe that’s when I fell in love with it…

Bai Luo always felt that it was really great to meet Chi Yan.

Chi Yan is like a rainbow in the sky, its beauty is shocking.

But it is also because of his beauty that his life is as short as a rainbow.

So Bai Luo wanted to protect that beauty…

Like a fool, he put his life into it.

Bai Luo always felt that an ordinary person like him was probably born to protect the beautiful.

He still remembered that when he was young, he and Chi Yan had made a promise.

For that promise, he endured so much hardship and pain, and finally came to that person’s side…

He kept that promise firmly in his heart, but that person never remembered.

What’s more, he even forgot who he is…

Bai Luo had been lying on the bed and sleeping in a drowsy state. His body was too weak, and the toxin had already penetrated into his internal organs. So much so that I can’t even do normal work and rest.

So when the prime minister’s daughter Shen Yunnian entered the mansion, Bai Luo still didn’t wake up.

Originally, a small guard like him, even if he didn’t show up once or twice, he wouldn’t let the prime minister’s daughter notice.

However, the spy placed by the prime minister in the palace had already found out that the relationship between Bai Luo and Chi Yan was unusual.

So the first thing Shen Yunnian did when he came to the palace was to meet Bai Luo.

Shen Yunnian didn’t know that Bai Luo would have sex with Chi Yan in order to treat Chi Yan’s illness.

All she knew was that a damned servant dared to climb into the master’s bed!

She can’t let such a person go!


When he heard that Bai Luo was still in his room and did not come over, Shen Yunnian was a little annoyed.

“Does he really regard himself as his master? He’s just a lowly guard! He dares to show off in front of me.”

Shen Yunnian pointed at a guard casually as he spoke, “Go and bring him here. I’m going to let him know what is called dignity today, miss?”

Shen Yunnian looked at Bai Luo who was kneeling in front of him with aloofness, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

“You are Bai Luo?”

Bai Luo lowered his head and said with a pale face:

“This subordinate is right.”

Shen Yunnian walked over and lifted Bai Luo’s head vigorously.

The person in front of him really looked like a disaster for the country.

It’s just a man, even more beautiful than a woman. No wonder Chi Yan would be entangled with him on the couch every day.

Shen Yunnian’s heart was instantly filled with jealousy.

How could she tolerate such people messing up the palace?

It’s obviously just a small thing, but she just wants to make a big deal out of it.

“Bai Luo, you little guard, how dare you not take my master seriously!

If that’s the case, get the hell out of here and never appear in the palace again! ”

Shen Yunnian wanted to take this opportunity to drive Bai Luo out.

In this way, this unsightly person can leave.

Shen Yunnian is Chi Yan’s distinguished guest, so Chi Yan naturally wants to come to her.

When Chi Yan came over, he happened to see Shen Yunnian reprimanding someone.

He walked over naturally, put his arms around Shen Yunnian’s waist, and said to her kindly: “Who made us Yun Nian angry? It made you so angry?”

Shen Yunnian pointed at Bai Luo coquettishly.

“Isn’t it him? He’s just a lowly servant, yet he dares not to take me seriously!

Chi Yan, let’s drive him away, shall we? As long as I see this person, I get upset! ”

Chi Yan frowned instantly, he didn’t expect that it would be Bai Luo who angered Shen Yunnian.

Moreover, Shen Yunnian wanted to drive Bai Luo away.

Chi Yan’s face suddenly became a little ugly, “Bai Luo, what do you say?”

Chi Yan originally wanted to make a major incident into a minor one, and let Bai Luo and Shen Yunnian accompany him, so that’s fine.

Although he hated Bai Luo, Bai Luo had been by his side for so many years. Besides, he still needed Bai Luo’s medical treatment, Chi Yan couldn’t let him leave.

Furthermore, Chi Yan also knew what Bai Luo thought about him…

He was also sure that Bai Luo would not be willing to leave him.

Even Chi Yan could see Bai Luo kneeling on the ground begging himself not to chase him away.

However, Bai Luo just lowered his head and said weakly: “This subordinate knows.”

Bai Luo originally planned to leave here.


Now that the future mistress of the palace wants him to leave, he will naturally choose to leave.

He loves Chi Yan so much, how could he be willing to see him with others?

However, just such a sentence made Chi Yan completely angry.

Chi Yan kicked Bai Luo’s body.

It was as if there was a fire in my heart, and there was nowhere to vent it. I was so angry that I couldn’t express it.

He thought that Bai Luo would never leave.

But he actually said he knew it!

He really wanted to leave!

“I see that you don’t know what’s wrong! You kneel here. Without my order, none of you are allowed to talk to him! Just let him kneel down!”

Hearing Chi Yan’s words, Bai Luo couldn’t help shaking.

His body was very weak, and he was particularly afraid of the cold.

It’s unbearable for others to stay in this icy and snowy place for a whole day, let alone him?

If you really want to kneel here for a whole day, it might kill him…

In fact, when Chi Yan appeared just now, Bai Luo once imagined, would he not let Shen Yunnian punish him for the sake of his past affection?

But he didn’t expect that his punishment would be even harsher and heavier than Shen Yunnian’s!

How could there be such an extravagant hope?

Bai Luo could even imagine that just now there was still a hint of hope in his eyes…

Just like a jumping clown.

It must be ugly.

Bai Luo lowered his head bitterly, and said slowly:

“The subordinate obeys.”

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