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S1: Episode 1

I knocked on the door, no one answered. Do they not open doors for people? ... Does he know I'm coming? I looked down at my phone, it was late. I almost knocked one more time. "?" The man looked confused. "Who are you?" He closed the door a little. "I'm the new tutor for... Zen?" I scratched my head trying to remember his name. "Oh. Come in." He moved out of the way. "Thank you..." A small child ran up and grabbed the man's leg. "Uncle! Look at the drawing!" I put a piece of paper in his hand. "Very cute... I'll be in the next room." He ruffled Zen's hair and walked away. "Knock on the door if you need anything." The small child looked at me and smiled.

"You're gorgeous! Tu Tu!" He ran over to the couch and tried to climb the arm of it. "Here. Let's draw something, yeah?" I handed him a crayon and paper.


"Tu! Look! I made a drawing of a teddy bear!" He shoved a piece of paper in my face. "That looks fantastic!" I pointed to the coloring. He smiled and took it.

I heard the door clack open. "I'm done with my work. You can leave now." He took Zen and placed him on his shoulders. "O-Of course, sir." I picked my bag up. "Uncle, is Tu Tu coming tomorrow?" He tugged on the man's turtleneck. "Yes, he is." I heard him sigh. What a mean man...I didn't get his name either...

I walked out the apartment building and back home. The rain is really coming down....Likewise, I even forgot my umbrella... Damn it. Now I have to wash my clothes... The walk home wasn't that fun. I even got splashed by a puddle because a car ran over it.

I opened my apartment door. I'm soaked... I looked down at the floor. My floor is soaked too. I grabbed a towel I had in the kitchen and scrubbed the floor with it. "It's just spreading..." I left the towel there on the floor to soak up the water.

I'm hungry... I forgot to buy groceries today... Damn it. "I have something in the fridge right?" I opened up the fridge door, to be met with nothingness. "Whatever...It's late anyway. I'll just go to bed." I laid down on the couch. At least it's comfy...I guess. I shut my eyes, they didn't feel heavy... But soon enough I fell asleep.

THE NEXT DAY 5:00 a.m.

I can't believe he was so mean about it...


"Hello?" I said to the 'uncle'. "It took you forever to pick up." I heard him sigh. Is he judging me right now? "Sorry, sir. Did you need something?" I tried to be polite. "Mm. I need you here. Now." He hung up...great.


I knocked on the door, it opened immediately. "Get in here." He looked at my clothes. "They're all wet." Can he not hear the rain outside? "Sorry, I forgot my umbrella." I replied to him. "Now my floors wet and dirty. Take your shoes off." He pointed at my shoes. I took them off as he directed. "Okay. I'll be in the next room." He walked away. I sat on the couch. Why am I here so early? I don't see Zen. Is he still sleeping? I got up and knocked on the door, of the next room. "What?" I opened the door. "Where's Zen?" I closed the door a little. "He's sleeping." He looked at me and sighed. Why does he sigh every time he sees my face!? "Then why am I here?" I crossed my arms. "Excuse me? You're here to tutor Zen. You can go wake him up if you want." He slammed his pen down on the table.

What a mean uncle...

S1: Episode 2

"Hey... Zen, wake up." Zen moved his hand to his face and rubbed his eyes. "Tu Tu...?" He sat up. "I'm sorry I had to wake you up so early...uncle wanted to-" Did I just call my own employer uncle!? Why did I call him uncle... "Is he your uncle too, Tu tu!?" His eyes lit up. "U-Uh... Of course, he is!" There's no other excuse I could come up with... "Damn. I didn't know I was also your uncle." The 'uncle' was standing in the doorway, smoking a cigarette. "Should you really be smoking a cigarette right now?" I picked Zen up and walked out of the bedroom. From the corner of my eye I saw him smirk.

"I have to go to the hospital." The uncle pet Zen's head. What does he need to go to the hospital for? "Huh? For what?" I asked him. "What? I work there, and a patient needs me." He looked at me, his eyes squinted. "If anyone calls the phone in my office..." He looked at Zen. "Make sure to tell Tu Tu to answer it." He pet Zen's head. Did he... Just call me Tu Tu? Whaaat??? "Hey, your face is all red...DO you have a fever?" He looked at me and smirked deviously. "I'm fine. You can go." I covered my face halfway. He walked out the door. "Tu Tu! What do we do now!?" Zen looked worried he was all alone.

"Are you hungry? I can make curry...if you guys have the ingredients." It's like his eyes lit up. "What's curry?" My jaw basically dropped. "Have you never had curry before!?" I grabbed him and held him up. "No. Uncle doesn't know how to cook, but he tries. He's never made curry before!" He started swinging his legs. "Oh God... I'm cooking it for you right now."


"Do you like it?" He looked up at me and nod his head. "Yeah! I like it! I'm done!" I didn't know how much to give him. So I gave him a whole bowl full. "Hey, Tu Tu... I'm sleepy." He rubbed his eyes. "Do you want to go to sleep?" He walked over to me and clung onto my leg. "Yeah..." I picked him up and placed him in his bed. "Okay... Go to sleep." I ruffled his hair. "Are you gonna take a nap too, Tu Tu?" He pointed to the couch in the living room. "AM I supposed to?" I pointed to myself. "Uncle always goes to sleep on the couch at this time!" He looked at me earnestly. "I guess I'll take one." I closed his bedroom door and plopped down on the couch. It's softer than I thought... It really makes me...go to sleep... My eyes closed out of tiredness.


"Hngh..." There was something hard on my arm. What is that...? I opened my eyes sleepily. "Nngh?!" Zen was in front of my face holding a can of juice on my arm. "Oh... Zen. Did you need something?" I sat up and ruffled his hair. "Tu Tu! I can't open it!" I looked at the clock on the wall. How is it 7:00 p.m.!? "Hey... Is uncle home....?" I called him uncle again... Damn it. What's wrong with me?

"No... He called the phone. But you didn't answer." He pointed to his office. "SHI- I mean, what's his number?" I doubt a kid has his uncle's phone number memorized. "It's...." He told me the phone number. "I-I see... I'll call back right now." I walked to his office and dialed the phone number.

"Hello? Who is this?" I could basically smell his cigarette breath from the other side of the phone. "It's me... Ten." He sounded confused until he finally got it. "Oh. You! Why didn't you pick up the first time?" He sounded strict. "U-Um...I fell asleep??" He's definitely going to think differently of me now... "....I have to stay late tonight. You need to stay here with Zen." I heard him blow cigarette smoke out of his mouth. "Ok-" He hung up on me. "How mean." That's weird... A doctor who smokes...

"I have to stay the night. Zen." I smiled and he smiled back. "Are you going to sleep on the couch?" He pointed. It was comfy last time... "Yeah, I might." He smiled and jumped up and down. He sure is excited.

"That's where I have all my good dreams!" Zen yelled.

S1: Episode 3 / Ten's dream

"Nghh...." I felt a rough cold hand caress my stomach. "Mm mmph…" I could only see a silhouette of a man.... Even his silhouette looked beautiful. "Does it hurt?" A man with a deep voice whispered in my ear. "I...don't know..." He gently put a finger in. "Ngh... Mmph..." His hand was rough and big, yet gentle. "Ngh! Put it in..." The man smirked. "Only if you beg for it." He took his finger out gently. "Ngh... Please... Put it in...." I touched his neck. He has a scar on his neck.... I can feel it. "...!" I was too caught up in the scar on his neck, that I didn't feel him put it in. "Nghh! Ahh! Lhnhh..." He thrust faster every time. My legs were wrapped around his waist, I felt my face twitching every time he thrust deeper than the last. "Nghhh.... It feels good..." I could see his face clearer this time. Wait is that...? I could see his thin eyes, his thick neck...His muscular body...His detailed face. "Chi Doka!?"


I felt cigarette smoke get blown into my face. "Huh?" I opened my eyes, I still felt sleepy. I saw the 'uncle' in front of me, smoking a cigarette. "So you're awake?" He blew one final puff of cigarette smoke in my face. "What....? Doka?!" I jumped up. "What happened to calling me uncle?" He smirked and walked over to the balcony to continue smoking his cigarette. "You.... You!" He looked at me confused. "Are you okay?" He sighed and kneeled by the couch. I can't tell him I had that kind of dream about him! I'd lose my dignity! "U-Um... It's nothing..." I sat up and walked over to Zen's room. "I-I'm waking him up!" I opened the door, panicking. Doka turned around and lit another cigarette. "Zen Zen...Wake up." Did I just call him Zen Zen? .... He's passed his habit to me... "Tu Tu?" He rubbed his eyes several times. "Yeah... It's me Tu Tu." I ruffled his hair. "Are you going to make curry again!?" He shot up from his bed and ran out of the room to Doka out on the balcony.

"Zen! Wait a minute-" He was already telling Doka something. "Uncle! Tu Tu is making curry!" He was tugging on his sweatpants. Doka looked at me and smirked. "Is he now?" He walked over to me. "What a nice Tu Tu." He ruffled my hair and walked away. My dignity is gone... I'm dead inside... Help. "Tu Tu? What's wrong? Your face is all red!" He ran over to Doka's office and knocked on the door. What is he doing? "Uncle! Tu Tu has a fever!" Is he serious? "What!? No I don't!" I ran over to Zen and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"If you don't stop... I'm not making you curry." I felt my eye twitch. Zen turned around and almost burst into tears. "You won't make me breakfast?" He looked so sad. "No!! I'm making it right now!" I rushed over to the kitchen and started making rice. Zen's eyes lit up, and he ran over to me.


"Uncle! It's done!" Doka walked out of his office still in his sweatpants and black T-Shirt. Woah... He's pretty muscular... I never noticed. "Really?" He picked Zen up and placed him in a chair next to him. "Do you like it, Uncle?" Zen shoved the spoon in his mouth.

"I guess." Doka ate it slowly. Excuse me!? Is It not good!? "Zen.... Isn't my cooking better?" Doka smiled. "I like both." He shoved the bowl away. "I'm done!" He smiled, there was curry on the side of his lips.

"I'm done too. Can you take mine?" He smirked and rest his hand on the table. "Sure." I placed the dishes in the sink. "Hey, Uncle! Don't you think it would be nice if Tu Tu moved in with us!?" What? Excuse me? Move in? "Yes, it would be nice. But I don't think he wants to. Look at his face." Zen looked at me and almost cried again. "You don't want to live with us, Tu Tu?" He started to cry. This kid... He has some kind of spell…. "What!? N-No.. Of course, I do!" I patted his back. "You do!?" He looked at me, the curry still on the side of his mouth.

"Of course I do..." I'm screwed...I hate my life T-T

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