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Night Revolutions

Episode 1

Like tattered flag fluttering in the storming sea, his cloaks flapping by the breeze, steady rhythm on his step, beneath the black cloak, lies a person with empty eyes, seeking for revenge.

~ ~ ~

During the Heaven war, times when Angelic Light Bearer and Demonic Dark Abyss clashed, Hans Raphael lost his only family, Relan.

Light Bearer chose Hans as a Hero, promising him to be welcomed in Celestial Realm if he acquired victory in the war, a place said to be heaven.

Hans managed to gain Victory in the war, however when returning he was met by the Lord Darkness, Hans lost in the fight but survived.

Returning from bloody war, life and death battle, a group of angels waiting for his good news, however they are disappointed about his loss against Lord Darkness even tho he fulfills the promise, one of the Angels says goodbye and takes Relan with them, they suddenly disappear without any trace, leaving Hans devastated.

~ ~ ~

A few years after the war ended, Hans finished his relentless training, practicing swordmanship and magic to take back his sister from the Light Bearer, and his first step was trying to defeat Lord Darkness as a sign of his power growth.

Hans reached the Demon Tower, where the portal to the Abyss Realm was, the entrance was guarded by several vampires, with an ease he slashed thru the vampires, leaving only blood in his sword.

Hans entered the Demon tower...

A little girl with tail and wing bounced off the demon throne, reaching Hans in an alluring black dress and seductive smiles on her lips.

"I, Frenia Nerva, hereby welcome you, child of light, It's been awhile since we first met during the Heaven War"

Coy glances and hint of a smiles playing on her glossy lips, she approach Hans with playful demeanor while having sharp seduction flicker in her eyes.

"Worry not my child, we acknowledge your power... however"

She begins to fly slightly, reaching Hans ears, making closer distance between her little lips and his ear.

"A girl gotta know your intention here~ huhump" she ended her word with slight giggles.

However Hans keeps his sight at the portal mirror.

"Bring me to Darkness"

His words travel heavily in the air, a declaration of war that sent a wave of surprise through the hall.

"Lo-lo-Lord Darkness!?"

Frenia stepped back and was shocked.

"a-are you bored of life!?"

She looks deep into Hans eyes, realizing he isnt playing around with his word,


She opens the portal to the abyss world, letting Hans walk past it, she follows him from behind.


Abyss Realm, Darkness Castle...

The portal isn't supposed to teleport him straight to Darkness Castle, it seems Frenia did something to the portal.

Confused, Hans keeps his guard up, looking left and right, up and down to counter any sneaky attack.

"Well Well"

A sudden rise in atmosphere, even for a person with Light Blessing and powerful as Hans can feel the tension, Darkness appears out of nowhere behind him, Frenia was so scared she held hands so hard, making slight scratch and blood on his hand.

"Long time no see, Restvhia"

Restvhia Arcane, was selected as the Dark leader due to her Intelligence, Charisma, Power and special Ability to possess everything, even inanimate objects.

"Glad you remember my name, I'm tired of people calling me Darkness"

With a little smile, she gazes onto Frenia behind Hans, with a blink of an eye, Restvhia suddenly behind Frenia, trying to seperate her from Hans.

"Lo-lord Darkness i-i-im—"

"Shhhssss, i know you cant do anything in front of him—but keep your body away from him, little succubus" With a dead but straight face, she warned Frenia.

"My-my Apologies Lord Darkness"

"Thank you"

"Now back to you, Hans"

Hans was focused more on revenge, his eyes are empty with everything except vengeance.

"I want your Assistance"

Restvhia became quiet, she stared at the ceilling for awhile before

Suddenly dashed toward Hans, knocking him down, Frenia was shocked...

To Be Continued..

Episode 2

Restvhia lunged at Hans. The world around him dissolved into a dark haze. A strong gust of wind carrying black feather trail whipped past Frenia, tugging her hair. At the time she whirled around just to see Hans crumpled on the ground, enveloped in Dark Energy.

Somewhere, in a dark and lonely place..

Hans was standing without realizing.

Slowly opening his eyes, he was met by a pretty maiden, who appeared with black hair and wings, in such an eerie scene, a bright flower was standing, holding a black sword.

Staring into the void of darkness, like a girl reminiscing about the old days, a soft aura radiates in the middle of the dark.

His memory is coming together, piece by piece, he suddenly gets struck by a weird feeling, like a small lightning striking his head.


Hearing his voice, the pretty maiden gaze onto him, little smiles seem to appear on her lips, the maiden is no other than Restvhia herself...

Slowly taking steps closer toward Hans, while telling a metaphor.

"Birds seem to fly with freedom...

No one knows, the said bird was flying to save her life...."

Hans filled with the feel of relief, his body was locked in place, Now, the most feared entity among the Abyss, Lord Darkness, standing right in front of him.

"I'm not here for a lesson"

"*giggles* Anyway, i thought you came for revenge"

"I changed my mind"

"I need power"

"How so? Whatever, now, Why do you think i will lend you a hand?"

"You do remember because of you, a lot of my mighty warriors fell in the war"

"I can kill you now"

"But that's a waste of opportunity"

"You're surely getting stronger, but power isn't enough to beat me"

"So what is your offer, child of light"

"Destroy Celestial Realm"

Shocked, she stared straight onto Hans eyes, only to witness a long lasting sorrow, a place so empty, knowing his determination, she lend her sword to Hans.

"You know what this is?"

With Straight face he said that....


"Funny Child"


"My #####"

Confused, Hans takes the sword, a feeling of relief suddenly filling his heart, taking out the sword from its sheath, releasing a vacuum of light energy around its blade, slowly connecting to his hand, a constant pain arise from every aspect of his body, the place started to collapse into piece, a crack appear under him, a strong force from the ground grab him out, however Restvhia only standing on the platform, while Hans fallen into the void.


Slowly, he regained consciousness, a glowing green light is what he saw first, the light was shining from the hand of a succubus, Frenia.

"You sleep so long"

"Your boss talks a alot"

"Agh—She-she is not my boss!"

Little pout, ending her healing magic, she reaches his hand in order to help him stand. However, something catches her eyes, the sword on his hand, appears to radiate dark energy, inspecting the sword, she acknowledges the sense of her leader.


"Sword of Twilight"


Hans with a bit of confusion on his face

"She gave me"

Both of them staring at each other, one confused, other one speechless.

"Tsk Human, you dont know such a thing are you?" Frenia point her finger in front of Hans face, annoyed by how clueless Hans seem.

"This is Lord Darkness source of power!!"

"she gives you her power, not half, but entirely!!" shouting from her throat, while inspecting the sword.

"You seem so worried"

Clueless, turning his eyes onto Frenia.

"Dark abyss were controled by Lord Darkness, if she left her physical form, everything from Dark Abyss will sense her power missing"

"A chaos will happen soon, we need to leave!!" Her eyebrows started to make a v shape, sign of thing getting serious.

With full panic filled her head, she grabs his hand, starts to run toward the portal, back to the Human World.

Demon Tower - Silent Mir'h

After the blue light disappeared around them, a sign of success teleportation, strange scenery met right after, thick dark energy flowing around the Demon Tower, several vampires out of nowhere lunged at both of them, such thing isn't match for Hans, with an ease he slash thru his way out, however, they attack Frenia too, a quick dash toward her, Hans manage to save her, a flow of light energy gather around him, starting to cast a teleport magic, the light shine brighter, blinding the  surrounding area, then, the light slowly goes off, both of them appear quite far from the Demon Tower.

"This is bad"

"Yeah, but this is Lord Darkness choice, as a follower, i can't do anything" With a serious face, she walks back and forth.

"The throne of Dark Abyss is now empty, the abyss being will cause catastrophe to claim the throne"

~ ~ ~

On the other side, Dark Abyss...

A flock of wyverns attacking the Castle, followed by a fiery red flame of a dragon breath, several demon lords gather and fight each other, sound of swords hitting each other, a horrifying scenery even for a place called Dark Abyss...

In just one day, the Darkness Castle was destroyed, but the internal war wasn't over, from start to the edge of the abyss, battlecry can be heard, scream of death and suffering, the Dark Abyss starting to fall apart...

~ ~ ~

In the meantime...

Under the dark sky filled with stars, two beings were walking toward Verhana Town, such being named Hans and Frenia.

Frenia, flick her finger, a sudden glow of light, hint to her magic working, made her tail and wing disappear, now her appearance met the criteria of Human, however her elf like ears wont change making her look like an elf, especially Succubus has the trait of attractive, similar to elf which usually has attractive look.

Without words, Hans takes his cloak off, tosses it toward Frenia, covering her face, Frenia looks annoyed but quickly uses the cloak to cover her seductive dress which is not a formal outfit for a human nor elves.

Little by little, a ray of light appears on the horizon, hinting for a potential civilization.

River water flowed beside the road, resulting in relaxing noise followed by cricket, the scenery was beautiful, out of nowhere, a flick of vision about his sister flashing in his head, he gazed onto the skies, his red eyes felt empty, but a strong sense of determination radiated from his eyes...

Beside him, the little succubus walking while looking at him, focused on his face.

"Ever think of rest?"

"You seem tired"

Sudden stops on his step, he turns around, staring at Frenia.

On the side of the road, both of them choose to rest under a tree, accompanied by a small campfire, generating enough heat to warm them in the cold of the night.

Because of her trait being a demon race, she is nocturnal, but the real concern? she is a succubus, a being that gains energy from other beings, and physical connection is their way to go.

While Hans fall on his deep sleep, from his tiring journey, his guard is down, making him vulnerable, to her....

A glowing heart shape appears on her lower belly, signs of her craving for energy, quick deep breath can be heard, starting from soft touch on his face, her hand moves slowly on his body.

"Let's Eat—"

Episode 3

In the middle of the night, the sound of river water flowing thru the unknown, under a tree, a ray of heat radiates from a small campfire, warming the scenery...

However, heat not only comes from that campfire, there's young girl who seems to blast the most heat...

As she renders his body, slowly and gently, on this freezing night, her breath comes like steam, with face blushing red, about to "Eat" him.

Unfortunately for her, he suddenly moves and catches her wrist, his eyes wide open, only to realize it's his companion, struggling from his tight hold, losing her mind.

"After a while, i wonder why you follow me"

From struggling to escape, all her efforts stop suddenly, her face similar to a kid who saw something that they never she, confused.


"i wonder too"

Hans eyes look dead inside, looking at her, speechless.

His grip became weaker, releasing her hand.

"I need Energy"

Rubbing her wrist with slight red due to Hans strong grasp, her vision only stares down, just like a kid feeling bad for their actions.

"What kind"

Taking a step closer, he reached her hand, a slight glow appeared on his hand, slowly illuminating the dark.

"Is this enough?"

Her eyes wide open, focusing on the magic, but he can see her face look relieved.

Pouting, she raises both her hands for Hans.



"I said mor—AWH—"

Cute squeak of her, a Thick yet gently energy flowing to her body.

"Did you just convert your Natural Energy to Dark Energy!?"

Inspecting her hand, a sense of dark energy envelopes her wrist, and slowly absorbed into her body.

"During the Heaven war you use Light energy, but you are human, who should use Natural Energy..."

"Now you said you can use Dark Energy too!?"

Her eyes glow like a star, feeling her energy charged up to the max, which usually needs 3 body count, only filled by one person in less than a minute.


Night passed, Sun rained its light toward the Land of Reastra, slowly engulfing the dark skies, followed by chirping birds and several living beings stepped out from its shelter, continuing its activity yesterday.

So as everything, Hans continues his journey for revenge, while his goal remains unclear, his eyes seem to make a decision for his next destination.

Accompanied by Young Succubus, who took the appearance of hybrid Human and Elf, their steps follow the dirt path.

After a while...

Hans and Frenia got themselves in the ruin of a town, like a hay burned to the ground, nothing left on this town except a few walls that aren't flammable, a wooden sign pointing toward the skies still intact, "Verhana" written in its sign.

This town belongs to Human, where Hans and Relan was born, reminiscing, when times were peaceful, many farmers and gardeners woke up during the twilight dawn, each with their own task, providing food for its family...

Now, not even birds seem to live there, a quiet place filled with several stains of living being burned alive.

"Ironic for me to say"

"But it's cruel some"

"One of the Light Bearers throws a spear from Celestial"

"Their intention is to kill me, poor people lost their lives, yet i wasn't even on this town at times."

Her lips move slightly, with smiles, she walks past Hans, looking around the area, her eyes move inspecting the area, but nothing was left there...

"Let's go"

Standing up, his step continues to walk past the ruin.

"Child of Light"

"What is the point of destroying the Celestial?"

Her footsteps can be heard from behind, a small jump among the debris.

"Nothing i can think of"

"Only to get back what is supposed to be mine"

"And that is?"

"Relan, My sister..."

"Never heard of her"

"You sure she is alive after years being kidnapped?"

"I wish"

Chitchat on their way, a high walls met them, followed by several knights guarding the entrance, with thick steel armor, and greatsword on their hand, inspecting few people that happen to be wandering merchants.

One of the knights shouted

"Sir and Lady Elves, both of you didnt look like a merchants, what folk like you trying to do here?"

One step ahead, hand on his chest, slightly bowing to the knight, the Knight a bit impressed with his attitude, such a long lost tradition.

"I was an adventurer, this girl is my....who are you again?"

A quick head turn to her.

"Such a fool"

"My name is Frenia Nerva, the most magnificence suc—i mean Elf to ever exist" ended with little giggles, her disguise seems to be working. The knight takes their step back, opening a path for two of them, a formal welcome was said by one of the knights, introducing their arrival into the new scenery of bustling Alea town.

Into the town...

Their steps continue deeper into the town, their left filled with small stalls full of fruit and goods, Tools and Armor smith seem to take the right side, sound of town folks bartering with merchants, some complaining while others promoting, such a warm scenery to be in.

Hans stopped his step at a small lodge-like inn, named Alea Pub.

Entering the building, the atmosphere changes from blue-ish hue, to warm orange-ish scenes.

"Welcome to the Pub sir!"

Said one of the waitresses, running around serving drinks and food on her hands.

Hans and Frenia walk toward the front chairs.

"Order Two"

Hans takes his seat, while his sword is still on his hand.

Frenia follows him exactly.

"I'm sorry adventurer, but we can't serve to underage—"

"She is just short"

His face straight blasts that insulting word to Frenia, Luckily she was busy with her eyes playing left to right, looking at a bunch of strong adventurers.

"Child of Light"

"Did you fight Lord Darkness?"

"Just call Hans"

"My plan was to fight her"

"A strange feeling filled my head after i met her"

His eyes turn into the sword.

"Ahhh you must be feeling her astral form"

"I never witnessed it myself but stories were told several decades ago about her astral form"

The waitress served the drink, their conversation was cut for a while, preventing an information leak.

"Astral Form?"

His hand moves toward the glass handle, lifting his drink.

Frenia was chugging her drink


"Basically her true self"

"What you see in the castle is just her physical identity"

"Not many have the chance to see her true self, most will die affected by her magic, the rest simply rejected by her."

She lifts her glass, taking every last drop of that beer.

Standing up, he tosses a bag of silver coins to pay the service.

Frenia follows him from behind, many eyes looking at her without her knowing, like a predator ready to catch their prey.

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