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Prince And Princess

A beautiful Start

Zumair Arman Malik
Zumair Arman Malik
Arya wake up
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
Zumair Arman Malik
Zumair Arman Malik
what hmm wake up
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
Let me sleep zumi
Zumair Arman Malik
Zumair Arman Malik
No wake up we have a match today
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
I'm not interested in any of your matches. Get lost
She said in annoyance
Zumair Arman Malik
Zumair Arman Malik
Arya this is your last chance or else I will throw you out of the window
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
hahahha I am so scared zumi baby
she said in a sleepy mocking voice
Zumair Arman Malik
Zumair Arman Malik
You !! How dare you call me zumi baby
Zumair Arman Malik
Zumair Arman Malik
You wait I'll come back
He went in the bathroom grabbed a bucket of water and splashed it on Arya
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
What the hell !!!
She jumped from the bed in anger
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
Come back here!!!! You
she said running behind zumair who dashed downstairs
Zumair Arman Malik
Zumair Arman Malik
Catch me if you can BABY
Saying that he sat beside Samy aka Shaveer who was sitting in the lounge
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
You son of a .
Arya had to pause because she saw Samy downstairs and they were not allowed to cuss in the house
Samy looked at her as saying complete your sentence
Zumair Arman Malik
Zumair Arman Malik
Son of a what
zumair said with a smile 😁
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
Son of a ... son of a beautiful woman of course that's what I was saying
Arya said with an embarrassed laugh and went inside to change her clothes
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
Samy zumi poured the whole bucket of water on me
Shahver Arman Malik
Shahver Arman Malik
Zumair ? She is older than you, you should respect her how many times have I told you this
Zumair Arman Malik
Zumair Arman Malik
By one minute brother
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
So what
before zumair could say Aryas phone rang
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
Hey buddy what's up
Hamza colonel
Hamza colonel
My god dude for once act like a girl
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
I am a girl anyways what's up
Hamza colonel
Hamza colonel
The match. Why are you still not here its about to get started
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
You are playing too
Hamza colonel
Hamza colonel
What do you mean by you are playing as well ? Aren't you playing
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
When was I in the team ??
Hamza colonel
Hamza colonel
Dude what are you talking about !! You are the captain of basketball team
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
The basketball match is today ! I thought zumi was talking about his football match
She said glaring at Zumair who was talking with Samy
Hamza colonel
Hamza colonel
Yes. So hurry up
Then she hung up and grabbed her bag and and went towards Zumiar
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
Get up we are getting late, also why didn't you specify what match were you taking about
Zumair Arman Malik
Zumair Arman Malik
Because I knew hamza would call you eventually and it's no big deal having some fun right
he winked at Arya
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
Shahver Arman Malik
Shahver Arman Malik
Okay okay now have breakfast
Before both of them starts fighting shaveer drew their attention towards breakfast
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
No Samy we are getting late. We'll have something in the canteen
Shahver Arman Malik
Shahver Arman Malik
No!! Before eating you guys can't leave
and called liffy and Carla (two maids) to get them breakfast
They hurriedly ate breakfast, hugged Samy goodbye and left
Their university
The place where there classes are held
In university hamza along with some other girls was was waiting for them
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
Hey buddy did you wait long
Said Arya putting her hand around his neck
Hamza colonel
Hamza colonel
Not long just 45 minutes 😐
He said glaring at her
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
Hey don't make that face buddie
She said slightly punching hamzas shoulder
Zumair Arman Malik
Zumair Arman Malik
Yeah don't whine like a baby
Zumiar said jokingly

E- 2

Tiara singhaniya
Tiara singhaniya
Why are you here??
she said looking at Arya
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
Why ? You thought you own the place
Tiara singhaniya
Tiara singhaniya
Well I don't but I can. Its a matter of call
She said proudly
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
That's what spoiled brats are called
she said looking at hamza and zumair
How dare you talk to miss singhaniya this way !
Zumair Arman Malik
Zumair Arman Malik
Hah !! dare you say .
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
New girl you don't know me yet so better not meddle in between
Said Arya with a smile
Nobody cares who you are
she said rolling her eyes
Hamza colonel
Hamza colonel
Well you will once you know her name
Tiara singhaniya
Tiara singhaniya
Hey stevia don't talk in between. They are right
You don't have to worry miss they don't stand a chance against you
Hamza colonel
Hamza colonel
Well let's compete then
But I have no issues with you master colonel
Hamza colonel
Hamza colonel
Well now I have
He said angrily
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
Dude chill !!
she said looking at hamza
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
And oh by the way you should come watch out basketball match
She said with a dangerous smile
Zumair and hamza saw that smile and they knew what she was thinking so they smiled at her thought
Tiara singhaniya
Tiara singhaniya
You bitch !!! When I said don't meddle don't you understand
She snapped at her the moment the left
But I I
Tiara singhaniya
Tiara singhaniya
Shut up !! Do you have any idea who she is
Tiara singhaniya
Tiara singhaniya
She is the only daughter of Malik's. THE MALIK'S
What !! You mean her brother
she was cut in between
Tiara singhaniya
Tiara singhaniya
Yes exactly and the reason she smiled was because she was going to take revenge not only on you but me as well
she said angrily
But I was helping you
she said in her defense
Tiara singhaniya
Tiara singhaniya
Helping me!! You have no idea what's about to happen

E- 3

They went to the basketball court and the match started
Off course Aryas team won
Everybody cheered for them as they were the proud of their sports team
Tiara singhaniya
Tiara singhaniya
Great now she won and we are done for
She said angrily looking at stevia
Before stevia could say anything they saw them coming
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
So did you enjoy the match ?
I'm really sorry miss Malik. I didn't know who you were
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
What I haven't even done anything, and you are scared already
She passed a laugh
Zumair Arman Malik
Zumair Arman Malik
Wait ! You really thought if she was not Malik you had the right to misbehave with her
he said raising an eyebrow
No I I I am sorry
I promise I won't talk bad about her anymore
She said in a teary voice
Hamza colonel
Hamza colonel
And I won't judge people on the bases of their class. I will be friendly with everybody
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
Listen to me, I know your family is poor, and this stupid thing paid for your tutions
She said pointing at tiara
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
And you know what this means that you'll have to be her dog for who knows how long.
she said gently placing her hands on her shoulder
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
Look being poor isn't bad thing, so you must accept it and live with the fact. If you want to study in this university you can work hard and get scholarship, but living on Charity trust me that's the worst thing you'd want to do with your life
She said looking at her who was feeling embarrassed but now relaxed a bit
Arya Arman Malik
Arya Arman Malik
Yes , so go back to your hometown enjoy your life with your mom and dad and have a normal life. Studying in a big university in a different country doesn't guarantee anybody a stable life. Got it.
She said with a big smile 😊
Thank you so much I will never forget the favor you did to me by guiding me to the right path. I'll always remember you
With that she hugged Arya

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