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The Omega That Is Being Fought Over [ABO]

Translator's Note


Most of my translated works contain mature content. Read at your own risk!

Moreover, since I only use an MTL. Please do expect bad grammars, and wrong use of pronouns.


No copyright infringement intended. If you are the original author, please do DM me and I will delete this right away.

Pheromones that make you fall in love when you smell them

Because he mistakenly clicked on pornographic content on the web and accidentally entered pornographic content, Qi Zi said: It's terrible.

But that's not the worst...

Traveling to the ABO world, he finally figured out the situation. As a straight man, he hoped to genetically evolve and differentiate into the most powerful S-class Alpha.

As a result, he developed sexually at the age of thirteen and differentiated into the Omega he was most afraid of.

This world was so weird that he wanted to hit a wall. Alpha – Male/Female are tall, with a large cock, sexual very strong desire, and can make people emotional; Beta -Male/Female is of medium size and can be fucked and fucked; Omega - Male/Female has a flower hole and can only be fucked.

Qi Zi almost fainted when he learned the test results. No wonder after the age of ten, his penis almost stopped growing, and the hole he hated so much began to grow underneath it.

His pheromone is very unique. It has an extremely light rose scent. If you smell it carefully, it is a little sweet.

According to the test report, most people cannot smell his pheromones, and even if they do, they find them bland and tasteless. But his pheromones have a fatal attraction for the top one - S-class Alpha.

That's ridiculous! The group he dreamed of joining turned into a group that was easy for him to fuck, which gave him a big slap in the face.

Alpha itself is the strongest group, and among them, there are some people at the top of the pyramid, called S-class Alphas, and they are all famous bosses.

S-class Alpha gene test scores are all over 100 points. They are born strong in the world.

They are born with a strong and perfect body and have a high status on the federal planet.

Although they are powerful, rich and powerful, they are different from ordinary alphas due to the influence of genetic mutations. They are born with difficulty coming into heat and are labeled "frigid".

Some S-class Alphas have to use estrous agents to help them have sex for human reproduction, federal needs, or other reasons. However, most S-class alphas are not interested in sex and spend their entire lives contributing to the Federation without spouses or offspring.

Even if they are not enthusiastic about love affairs, it does not prevent them from being extremely popular and pursuing suitors. Almost everyone on the Federation Planet fantasizes about being them when they are young, or fantasizes about being pampered by them when they grow up.

Although there are many Omegas who are outstanding and have made great achievements in a certain field, the proportion is too low and they cannot compare with Alpha and Beta.

S-class Alphas are highly sought after simply because they are rare, powerful and noble, have high status, have near-perfect genes, and have extremely outstanding physical appearance. The most important thing is that they have super powerful pheromones and big meat sticks that make most people unbearably hot.

Although the last one is embarrassing to say, it is the one that makes everyone crazy the most. In this ABO world, people have estrus, and there are always a few days every month when they want to be fucked by an S-Alpha, or become an S-Alpha and fuck others.

When Qi Zi first came to this world, he often fantasized about having a big dick of more than 20 centimeters, super endurance and semen, and having a harem with countless beauties.

Until I read the report, my dream was shattered. When he read that "the probability of matching with 100 SA test specimens is 38%" and "fatally attracted to some SA", he did not know how dangerous his pheromones were.

38%...not all S-class Alphas, so he didn't pay much attention to them. Besides, how could Sclass Alphas be so easy to meet?

At that time, he was immersed in the sadness of being an Omega. The thought that he was the one being fucked by him was very shocking.

His two fathers also read the report, but their reactions were completely opposite to his. They hugged Qi Zi happily and shouted: "It scared us to death! I thought you had weak pheromones and couldn't have children and couldn't get married in the future. Now daddy Don't worry, our baby will live well under the care of S-class Alpha!"

In the living room, thirteen-year-old Qi Zi stepped forward, tore up the test report and stomped it under his feet. He was in junior high school at the time and forgot how to answer. Anyway, it was not a good word.

His soul is still that of a straight man + an otaku on Earth. No matter whether a female Alpha fucks him, a male Alpha fucks him, or a Beta fucks him, he can't accept it.

He is only willing to do the above!

Federal law did not stipulate that Omegas could not fuck people, so he did not believe in this evil. Just wait and see, he will definitely be able to find a gentle female Omega or Beta to get married and have children. As for the female Alpha with a penis, forget about it.

After tearing up the report, Qi Zi seemed to have forgotten about it as time went by. He continued to attend his usual classes, but would deliberately avoid elementary psychology classes.

As for S-class Alphas, there are only about fifty in the entire federation, not to mention that the 38% chance is not high. His pheromone taste is so weak, Qi Zi always believes that he can avoid being fucked by .

If you can't afford to offend, you can afford to hide. Just like in my previous life, I was single and happy, working part-time, and being a homebody. This kind of life is pretty good.

He was undoubtedly naive with such an idea, and had no idea how "deadly" his pheromones were to some S-class Alphas.

I found out later, but it was already too late.

Every time those three smelled it, they wanted to fuck him immediately. After seeing him, I wanted to fuck him to death. It was like an addiction and I couldn't quit it. In the end, I fell in love with him and fell in love with him at the same time. I tore off the label of "frigid" and gave full play to my S-class. The strength of the meatstick has turned into a "sex frenzy".

Qi Zi is a low-key person. His life on earth is very ordinary, and he has not encountered any troubles when he came to this world.

Ordinary family, ordinary two dads, ordinary strength.

What's special about him is that, apart from the fact that his pheromones are very weak, his mental performance is particularly good, and he loves mechas. His study and study on mechas is comparable to that of ordinary Alphas.

Fortunately, the university did not have high score requirements for physiology courses, so Qi Zicai was admitted to the First Federal University with excellent results in other subjects, which is known as the talent cultivation base of the Heart of Mecha.

Everything about this university is good, but there is one thing that makes Qi Zi dissatisfied. There is also the protagonist Qi Chami and his three attackers in the university.

After he traveled through time, the content of the pornographic book on the web was automatically saved in his mind. He didn't want to read it, but the book was in his mind, and the words were like a brand, repeatedly irritating his eyes and poisoning his soul.

This book tells the story of Xiao Shou Qi Cha Mi relying on the halo of the protagonist and Cha Bai Tian to obtain three attacks one by one, and by the way, he gained a large number of fans of girls and boys, and all kinds of sex.

There is no Qi Zi in the book. He existed after he traveled through time.

It's spring now, the beginning of freshman year.

The avenue at the school gate is lined with dianthus and cherry trees. The pink petals were blown by the wind and fell on the road, on the shoulders of the students and in the flower beds. Everything looked beautiful.

Qi Zi pulled the suitcase, wore thicker clothes, and wrapped a brown scarf around his neck three times to cover up the weak pheromone so that others could not smell it.

He buried his head and followed the senior who led the way, minimizing his presence.

His body is exactly the same as in his previous life, and he is 1.75 meters tall. He has been troubled by his good looks since he was a child. It is also because of this that he cannot make close friends in the ABO world.

Fortunately, he was used to being a loner. He stayed at home every day studying mecha and had no time to socialize.

The avenue is filled with all kinds of pheromones, which are so strong that the fragrance of flowers cannot be smelled at all. The air smells good or bad. After all, it contains hundreds of thousands of smells.

"Junior, are you in estrus, have you taken a suppressant? I can't smell you."

The senior walked in front, carrying a bag of daily necessities for him, and turned back to smell him while speaking.

"No, my pheromones are very weak."

Qi Zi lowered his head and replied. His long bangs covered half of his face, and the lower half was hidden in his scarf.

"You're so unlucky. If it hadn't been for the fact that the information bar said you were an omega, I would have thought you were a beta. If the omega pheromones are weak, you won't be able to have children..." the senior lamented.

Qi Zi has been secretly satisfied with this point countless times, and he feels very good about it. He's a grown man who gives birth to shitty children! He didn't want to be like most omegas, eating, drinking and having children at home every day.

His mouth and nose were covered in a scarf, and a faint rose-like smell entered his nose from time to time. Only he could smell it.

If others want to smell it, they need to be close, about half an arm's length away from him. Unlike other Omegas, you can smell it anywhere within ten meters.

Qi Zi pulled the scarf to make sure it was covered more tightly, and took a deep breath.

The smell in the nose is very good, not the orthodox rose smell. To describe it, it is probably like a rose soaked in honey water. It is fragrant and sweet, and has a light and seductive smell.

People were coming and going around him, Qi Zi couldn't help but think of the report in junior high school, and secretly comforted him: Don't worry, it's hard to meet an S-class Alpha.

The First Federal University occupies almost half of the land area of the third planet. It is so big that it cannot be covered in several years. Moreover, there are only three S-class Alphas in the school. If he is just a passerby, he may not even meet the protagonist group after graduation.

Qi Zi patted the petals off his clothes and worried about his appearance.

He had just celebrated his eighteenth birthday during the summer vacation when several suitors who had taken a liking to his face were circling around him in annoyance. He is a person who hates trouble. He would rather his appearance be as ordinary as pheromones, rather than look like this and attract bees and butterflies.

Moreover, the bees and butterflies attracted were male, Qi Zi wanted to curse.

The long bangs cover half of the peach blossom eyes, and the tail is slightly lifted up because of anger. His eyes should be very attractive, but his eyes were too fierce, and he didn't have the charm he deserved at all.

His fair skin couldn't be tanned no matter how hard he tanned it, and his lips were as pink as the cherry blossoms falling on his face. Unfortunately, they were tightly pursed and tinged with white, making him look like he was getting angry at any moment.

Extraordinarily delicate and beautiful facial features are what most Omegas dream of, but Qi Zi hates them.

So he always behaves fiercely to soften that tenderness.

To this day, he still can't accept that he has become an Omega. Was God playing a joke on him? Weak, well-behaved, docile...what aspects of his character are related to Omega?

Because the genders and major majors are different, Omega's dormitory building is in the west, Alpha's is in the middle, and Beta's is in the east. Their teaching buildings are also divided into left, middle and right, far apart from each other, and the area is large. On Earth They can all call themselves provinces or countries.

The First College is really impressive. The dormitory is built like a high-end hotel. There are two people per room, more than 100 square meters. The private bathroom inside is divided into two, and all the electrical appliances and furniture are available.

After getting out of the elevator and holding the dormitory door card, Qi Zi unexpectedly discovered that his roommate had arrived earlier than him.

The door was open, and a sweet and lovely Omega was packing things. His light brown hair was soft and curly. It didn't look like it was permed, it was probably natural. His back was petite and cute. At first glance, Qi Zi thought he was seeing a girl with short hair.

Until the other party turned his head, his light brown eyes smiled crookedly, and he waved hello in the living room: "Hello, new roommate~ My name is Qi Chami, majoring in pharmacy. You should be the same, right?"

Qi Zi was embarrassed by those bright eyes. He swore that this was the cutest male Omega he had ever seen. In comparison, those star Omegas were nothing more than that.

For a moment he felt so cute.

Wait...Qi Chami?

"Your name is Qi Chami? How do you write these three words?" Qi Zi was suddenly stunned on the spot.

Seeing his surprised look, Qi Chami thought he had met an online fan and turned on his contact device. His online account was holographically projected in mid-air, and he pointed at it: "Yes, I am the beauty blogger Qi Chami. I have a lot of items, which may take up a lot of room. I hope you don't mind."

Qi Zi's expression seemed to be even more surprised, and his face turned pale with surprise.

Isn't this the name of the protagonist Shou? !

Qi Chami thought he was flattered, so he took out some cosmetics from a pile of bags and stuffed them into his hands: "They are all cosmetics I developed myself. They are very good for the skin. I give them to you for free."

Qi Zi, who thought he was a big man, shook his hands.

The person in front of him was shorter than him. He was eighteen years old and looked as good as fifteen years old. He was delicate and frail, less than 1.7 meters tall. He looked like an angel with a halo around his body, shining brightly and shining everywhere. Release the attraction, the pleasant smell of chrysanthemum and flower pheromone is astringent and bitter, refreshing the whole body.

Qi Chami briefly greeted him and went back to pack up his pile of things. The densely packed packages in the living room were all his belongings.

Qi Zi took a step back and left his suitcase and a big bag at the door. His face was pale, as if he had seen a ghost, and he flew back to the registration office and asked the person in charge if he could change the dormitory.

And then was ruthlessly rejected...

He returned to the dormitory building with absent-minded eyes, walked up and down the corridor, thought for a long time, and did enough mental construction before he stepped back into his 666 dormitory.

I thought to myself, anyway, the book didn't mention that the protagonist was messing around in the dormitory. Basically, it was all about playing outside, so it shouldn't affect him.

"My name is Qi Zi." His luggage was pitifully simple. Standing in the living room, he couldn't find the way or the place to unload it.

Qi Chami smiled at him again, but his face was not so enthusiastic.

Qi Chami felt that Qi Zi must have come from a very poor background, and both his clothes and luggage looked so cheap. He immediately labeled the person: This roommate was not worth making friends with.

Qi Zi looked at the room facing the two bathrooms. Since he arrived late, he only had this choice. After simply putting the things away, he thought about it and decided to come out and help Qi Chami sort out the packages for a while.

If he has a good relationship with Qi Chami, he can know each other's schedule and avoid contact with S-class Alpha. This method is more convenient.

Qi Zi carried the heavy box and peeked at Qi Chami from time to time. It was hard to imagine that such a cute boy could be a scheming Green Tea LawfulSluttyBai Lian.

People should not be judged by their appearance, this saying is applicable everywhere.

The two started college life so simply. Because they have different majors, habits and personalities, even if they live in the same dormitory, it seems difficult to meet each other. At most, they chat in the living room at night.

Qi Chami's father was a big businessman. Qi Chami had no shortage of money since he was a child. The places he went to and the people he came into contact with were all from the upper class.

Qi Chami has been in love with Zhuma Chu Siling, the eldest prince Gu Han and the second prince Gu Xing since childhood. The four of them knew each other when they were young and had a good relationship. The three brothers, who were not relatives but not friends, even fought to win his favor.

But later, at the age of nine, the gender of ABO was still far away, so the four of them separated. The two princes were bound by the imperial capital, and Zhu Ma was about to move to another planet. Until today, Qi Chami had not seen them for a long time.

On this Saturday, the annual campus mecha competition started. It was rare that both of them went out without telling each other what they were going to do.

When Qi Zi went out, Qi Chami was still putting on makeup in the bedroom, and the room was soundproofed. He didn't know they would go to the same place.

For Qi Zi, the temptation of the mecha was greater than anything else, so much so that when he went out in a hurry, he even forgot to bring his communicator.

This year's competition is as lively as last year's because the champions, runners-up and third-place finishers of the previous year are present.

The last one was simply a miracle in history. It was nothing short of amazing. Three S-class Alphas, rare in the world, suddenly appeared. The eldest prince Gu Han ranked first in the school, the second prince Gu Xing ranked second, and the ghost Chu Siling ranked third.

There are many professional courses in the First Academy, but the range of options available at Omega is very small. Qi Zi majored in mental power and minored in mecha maintenance. He finally got a spot in the mecha maintenance class by begging his grandparents and asking teachers to prove his strength.

Mechas are divided into several majors. He is the only Omega who takes courses in this area.

Because he is naturally weak and has an E-level constitution, which is very common among Omegas. In fact, he can't even compare to betas, so the professor can only give him the maintenance major. You can learn how to repair it, but want to use a mecha? dream.

Although it is far away from the S-class Alpha, how can you miss today's mecha competition. Qi Zi felt very at ease when he thought that he was just sitting on the stairs watching, surrounded by so many fans, and that there was no chance that he would have the chance to contact SA.

The mecha competition scene is very lively. The arena is circular, with stairs descending in a circular shape. There are high-strength transparent glass barriers on the edges. Four tall mechas are placed on the 20,000-square-meter open space in the center. They are all unique. Look, Qi Zi drooled.

He arrived earlier, and the display on the large translucent screen in the center has not yet started.

Taking the ticket and sitting down in his seat, Qi Zi stared at the mechas without blinking.

As soon as the game started, the fierce battle made everyone feel high-spirited.

The crowd was excited. The two princes were the most vocal, followed by Chu Siling. The fourth one was a senior with a helpless expression. It seemed that he had no hope of competing for the top three.

Qi Zi sat in the noisy auditorium with a calm expression, as if nothing could move him, even such a fierce competition.

When Gu Han narrowly defeated Gu Xing and Chu Siling completely defeated the fourth senior, everyone around him stood on the chairs, jumping up and down, waving flags and shouting, and almost jumped down to surround the three of them, but luckily there was glass to stop them.

Qi Zi felt miserable after watching the finals. He wished he was one of the people below, instead of an Omega who could only sit in the audience and watch.

At the end of the game, Qi Zi accidentally saw Qi Chami at the venue.

The other party didn't seem to see him. He was wearing bright makeup and looked at the three people receiving the award in the audience with stars in his eyes.

Just as Qi Zi was about to leave, the crowd suddenly became crowded. Everyone wanted to get closer to the winner, and the passage was suddenly blocked.

He shouted "Excuse me" twice, and his voice was instantly drowned in the sea of shouts. In the dense crowd, he couldn't get away at all, and then he caught sight of Qi Chami being touched randomly.

After getting along with him for a month, Qi Zi actually felt that Qi Chami was pretty good and didn't treat him the same as the protagonist in the book. Helplessly pushing away the person in front of him, Qi Zi wanted to protect his roommate who was being raped but didn't know it.

In this situation, he should leave, but he actually has the heart to protect his roommate, and as an Omega, he protects another Omega.

Maybe he was born to be an Alpha, Qi Zi thought.

"Why are you here?" Qi Chami was indeed uncomfortable being touched. Seeing that the hand on his butt was taken away, he looked back and saw Qi Zi, a little surprised.

"I'm interested in mechas. Come over and watch the game. You..."

Qi Zi hasn't finished speaking yet. Suddenly a group of bodyguards came around, guarding them in the middle and separating them from other noisy students.

"Long time no see, Xiao Qi."

The eldest prince, Gu Han, was walking in the middle. He was tall, about 1.9 meters tall, with long, silky golden hair that was particularly dazzling, hanging down to his shoulders, shining in the sun. He has a pair of light golden eyes, more beautiful than the stars. The handsome facial features are like the plaster of a master's fine sculpture, with no regrets to be found.

On his right is the second prince Gu Xing. His hair is golden and slightly orange, and occasionally looks like red due to the darker light. He is as tall as his brother, his eyes are darker, more like gold, his appearance is as passionate as fire but a little bit ruffian, and he has a completely different temperament from the eldest prince.

As noble and elegant as the two of them, Chu Siling on the left looks very educated, with black hair and black eyes, long eyes, slightly raised eyes, thin lips, and a face as cold as the others.

"Long time no see, Brother Han, Brother Xing, and Brother Siling."

Qi Chami's face turned red, like a peach, making people want to take a bite.

The four people hadn't seen each other for about five years and started asking each other about their lives.

Qi Zi's mind went blank for a moment, and he hurried away from Qi Chami and quietly exited the area protected by the bodyguards. As soon as they took a step back, the three people all said, "Who is this...?"

Qi Chami turned his head, four people and eight pairs of eyes were on Qi Zi, making him unable to leave even if he wanted to.

Qi Zi lowered his head and buried most of his face in the scarf and bangs. He covered the scarf tightly and said nothing.

"He's my roommate, Qi Zi." Qi Chami introduced him simply.

"Xiao Qi used to say that he couldn't make friends, but now he has."

Gu Xing said happily for him and sniffed the super light smell in the air. He was not sure whether it was coming from this person named Qi Zi or from other people around him.

S-class Alphas even have an extremely sensitive sense of smell.

He was fascinated by this smell as soon as he smelled it. He wished he could take a few more breaths, and his lower abdomen was filled with heat. He, who had never been a womanizer and had no interest in sex, suddenly thought of the erotic scenes on the Star Internet. slices, big meatstick faintly hard.

At the same time, Gu Han and Chu Siling also smelled it and had the same feeling.

Moreover, Chu Siling was the closest to Qi Zi. He stared at the omega whose appearance he couldn't see clearly, and he was 70% sure that the smell came from him.

His nose is very good and he can easily identify the smell of people around him. Even if Qi Zi's pheromones are weak and he is close, he can naturally identify them.

As Gu Xing and Chu Siling smelled it, they couldn't help but approach Qi Zi and stretched out their hands at the same time: "Hello, my name is Gu Xing."

"Hello, my name is Chu Siling."

The pheromones were smelled by Gu Han and brought to the palace in the back gard

Qi Chami was stunned because when his two brothers saw him, they did not say hello to him first, but shook hands with the roommate behind him.

Qi Zi didn't know what to say, so he just stretched out his hand, touched their palms briefly, and then retracted, keeping his other hand covering his scarf to prevent them from smelling his pheromones.

The sunshine is particularly good today and the weather is not very cold.

The eldest prince Gu Han took two steps forward. Because of his tall stature, standing in front of Qi Zi cast a cool shadow over him.

Qi Zi raised his head and saw the eldest prince's blond hair shining in the sun through his bangs. His gentle face asked him with a smile: "Is it cold?"

The other party's golden eyes curved, shining with tenderness, almost dazzling Qi Zi's eyes.

Qi Zi was stunned for a while before he came to his senses and backed away slowly, constantly warning himself that even a 38% chance was very dangerous, so it was best to stay away from them.

Unfortunately, there was no escape route from behind, only a row of bodyguards wearing sunglasses surrounding them like a wall.

With so many people watching nearby, if Qi Zi continues to ignore the eldest prince's questions or fails to answer indifferently, such impolite behavior will easily arouse the dissatisfaction of those fans and affect his ordinary campus life.

Qi Zi stopped and buried his head. His long slanted bangs covered the upper half of his face, while the lower half of his face was blocked by a scarf.

"I'm afraid of the cold." The sun is so strong today that the sweat in my clothes is hot.

There are many flowers blooming in early spring, and the air is not only filled with our pheromones, but also mixed with real floral fragrance, which is so confusing that it can make your nose malfunction.

The eldest prince suddenly leaned down, and Qi Zi was startled by this sudden movement. Because the other person not only bent down, but even reached out to pull his scarf.

You know, his pheromones are tempting to some S-class Alphas.

The slender and graceful hand pulled slightly, and found that Qi Zi was holding on to the scarf tightly, preventing him from untying it. The eldest prince smiled softly, as if he had encountered some undocile little animal.

He lowered his head, and his long blond hair fell from his shoulders and neck, blocking the side of his face. In the eyes of the onlookers, the eldest prince was kissing Qi Zi, and everyone was stunned with envy. There was a hissing sound, and they all asked who this was.

Although the eldest prince is gentle, he rarely has real close contact with others. He always stands elegantly beside him, exuding a friendly atmosphere. In fact, no one dares to really get close to him.

Everyone else was envious, only Qi Zi was afraid.

The right hand holding his scarf instead pressed his shoulder, making it impossible for him to retreat any further. Gu Han tilted his head, his beautiful and elegant face was only two centimeters away from him. The other person's nose was not exhaling, but Inhaling.

This made Qi Zi feel like he was facing a formidable enemy. He ignored his politeness and pushed him away with his hands. Then he took two big steps back and fell into the arms of the bodyguard behind him.

His flustered and frightened look made everyone laugh and laugh at him. At the same time, they felt that he wasted their opportunity. How happy they would be if they were kissed by the eldest prince.

The eldest prince was pushed for the first time, and he was not angry at all. There was still a smile on his face, which made people feel like spring breeze.

He grabbed Qi Zi's hand that was raised when he fell backward, pulled him up, and whispered: "Be careful, it is easy to lose balance when you retreat."

Qi Zi was so embarrassed that he took out his hand and completely retracted his head into the scarf.

Qi Chami, who was ignored, frowned. His cute expression on his round face was a little angry. But he didn't make it obvious. Instead, he pouted and asked Gu Han: "Brother Han, what are you doing?"

When he was a child, he played with his three older brothers. It couldn't be described as close, it could only be described as a rough and tumble among children. Later, after they separated, Qi Chami kept following the lives of his three brothers on the Internet and tried to contact them, but his three brothers were always too busy and could only reply to him occasionally.

Qi Chami always thought that the three of them liked him, and when he followed them on the Internet, he also fell in love with them. Omegas are rare in number and it is common for them to have several partners.

He has always wanted to be lovers with his three brothers. The more he pays attention to their activities, the more he finds himself addicted to them and can never stop liking them.

Seeing each other again after so many years, I didn't expect that my three brothers no longer had the same enthusiasm for me as they did when they were children. Not only that, but now they shook hands and kissed their roommates without saying a few words to him first.

Only then did Gu Han notice Qi Chami next to him. Some interest and curiosity immediately disappeared in his golden pupils, and he just nodded politely to him.

Chu Siling hated the noisy environment so much that he ordered the bodyguards nearby to disperse the crowd. Gu Xing beside him sniffed around in the air with great interest, but unfortunately the faint smell of roses disappeared.

The eldest prince Gu Han made an invitation gesture to the two Omegas: "Would you like to take a look at our mecha?"

Qi Chami was very confident in himself, whether it was his appearance or his pheromones. He showed himself openly, releasing the pheromones on his body to the strongest level intentionally or unintentionally. In an instant, the surroundings were filled with the bitter fragrance of chrysanthemums.

He didn't feel threatened by Qi Zi behind him. The other person covered his face with long bangs all day long and wore a scarf. He looked timid. He must be very ugly and did not dare to show his face to others.

Moreover, he had almost never smelled the other party's pheromones. After living in the dormitory for so long, he secretly doubted whether Qi Zi was an Omega. This person felt more like a Beta.

Pheromones that are so light that even roommates can't smell them will definitely not give birth to children in the future, let alone attract a partner, and they will remain a poor person throughout their lives.

What he didn't know was that not being able to have a child and not being able to find a partner were like rain from heaven for Qi Zi.

Qi Zi originally wanted to reject Gu Han's invitation, but when he heard that he could get up close to the mecha, he couldn't help but be moved.

After gender differentiation in junior high school, the hospital's examination report told him that his pheromones were extremely lethal to some S-class Alphas, and they were likely to go into estrus as soon as they smelled it. But Gu Han was so close to him just now, and he must have smelled it, but he didn't show any reaction, which made him hopeful.

Does this mean that his information literacy will not attract these three S-class Alphas and he can live a good and quiet life on campus?

He hesitated for a moment, but decided to follow the protagonist's group, feeling a little secretly happy in his heart.

Where he didn't notice, the cocks of the three S-class Alphas in front were so hard that they had a huge swelling under their abdomens. Because he was wearing loose protective clothing and a gemstone belt around his waist, no one could tell.

Being in heat is very unbearable for anyone.

Due to genetic reasons, it is difficult for S-class Alphas to go into estrus, but once they do, their sexual desire will be several times stronger than that of ordinary Alphas.

Gu Xing and Chu Siling were a little better. They just shook hands with Qi Zi from a distance of one meter and did not smell the pheromones on his body at close range. After the crowd dispersed, the alluring scent of roses seemed to disappear, replaced by the fragrance of chrysanthemums on Qi Chami's body, and the scent of mountain springs specially released by Gu Han.

Gu Xing and Chu Siling also gradually calmed down, thinking in their hearts that that person must be on campus, and they would find out who it was then.

Lonely Han is different. Gu Han's desire was still extremely strong. After he had buried his head and inhaled two mouthfuls of Qi Zi's pheromones, his light golden pupils were now filled with sexual desire.

Being able to go into heat is a very good thing for an S-class Alpha. The more powerful Alpha is, the more easily their mental power becomes manic and chaotic, requiring Omega to sort it out. Unfortunately, it is rare for S-class Alphas to be in heat. Most of them are not interested in Omega and Beta. They often lose control or are unable to become stronger.

The federal government has thought of many ways to help them, such as researching estrous drugs or potential enhancement pills to help them become stronger, but nothing has been done. The genes of S-class Alphas are too complex, and they are always not enthusiastic about sex, making it difficult to get hard.

For so many years, the federal government has only been able to develop some powerful stabilizers to prevent S-class alphas from losing mental control.

Gu Han walked beside Qi Zi and had never experienced this feeling before. There was an indescribable beauty all over him, and he was thinking to himself, is this sex?

He desperately wanted to release at this moment, he wanted to press Qi Zi next to him, then tear his clothes to pieces and penetrate him into his body.

Hiding his inner eagerness, Lone Han still maintained his elegance, with a slight smile on his gorgeous face without any change.

In order to avoid being caught first by others, he released a large amount of his pheromones, then winked at the bodyguard next to him, took Gu Xing and Chu Siling farther away, and distanced himself from Qi Zi.

S-class alphas can control their pheromone release extremely delicately. The breath of clear spring on Gu Han's body can now only be smelled by Qi Zi next to him.

In Guhan's deliberate release, Qi Zi felt that his body was getting hotter. He didn't know if he had been exposed to too much sun and had been covered in a scarf. Now he was still moving around and began to sweat finely on his body.

At the same time, the smell of roses on Qi Zi became stronger uncontrollably.

This is a sign of estrus.

If he had studied omega's physiology lessons carefully, he would have known that it is difficult for omegas to resist the pheromones released specifically and targetedly by S-class alphas. It's a pity that he didn't study the omega physiology class well...

Inside the spacious venue, three majestic mechas were placed in the center, with specialized personnel below conducting maintenance.

Qi Zi couldn't tell whether these three mechas were good or bad, because they each had their own characteristics. As soon as he came in, his eyes were glued to the mechas, and he couldn't help but rush up and look at the three mechas.

I really envy the alpha! You can control the mecha coolly!

Gu Xing and Chu Siling, who originally wanted to get closer to him to confirm the pheromones, were suddenly pulled away by Qi Chami and the other was blocked by Gu Han.

"Brother, the student union needs to fill out a research report. Your report was not handed in yesterday."

"Does that have to be paid today? Can't it be paid tomorrow?" Gu Xing had some doubts on his face. Normally, the two brothers would not interfere in each other's affairs. Why did his brother get involved in him today?

"If you want to go to the World Preliminaries, you have to turn that in."

Guhan always speaks calmly, and contrary to his name, he is very warm. He seems to have a natural temper. Even though his younger brother's tone is not very good, he is still elegant and elegant.

Gu Xing had no choice but to tell Qi Chami and Chu Siling next to him that he wanted to leave for a while, and then wanted to ask Qi Chami's roommate what the pheromone smelled like, but the other party was watching the machine with great interest. A, far away from me.

"Time waits for no one." Gu Han said from the side.

No urging, but better than urging. Gu Xing glanced at him with a frown, thought about it, and left alone.

After he left, Lone Han looked at Chu Siling, who was entangled with Qi Chami over there, without making any interruption, turned around and gradually approached Qi Zi, standing behind him, his beautiful voice intoxicated his ears: "Does it look good? ?"

Qi Zi didn't look back because all his attention was on the mecha.

He nodded fiercely and said, "Well, it's so beautiful!"

Even though the desire in his body had reached a very strong level, Gu Han still approached him like a normal person. Standing behind Qi Zi, he leaned down and almost buried his head in Qi Zi's neck.

After only a few minutes, he began to miss the taste, a bit addicted, and desperately longed to be close to Qi Zi.

Gu Han had been suppressing and restraining his pheromones, but when he smelled the rose smell on Qi Zi's body, he couldn't control it for a second. The powerful breath made Qi Zi's body stiffen underneath him.

Panic spread in Qi Zi's heart, and he began to sweat coldly.

Because he felt the eldest prince's breath, he was very close to him now. The long hair fell to his side, and the other person's head was right next to him. If he turned his head to the right, he would definitely be able to see that handsome face.

Qi Zi couldn't help but swallow his saliva, because the other party was too close to him, and the strong S-level alpha aura made his body feel different.

However, the other party seemed to realize something and restrained his breath.

For a while, Gu Han didn't move his head away, nor did he try to straighten up.

"The eldest prince?" Qi Zi didn't even have the intention to look at the mecha in front of him.

His body was stiff and motionless, and the cold aura had completely enveloped him.

The pheromones on the eldest prince's body are like clear springs under the sun. When you first smell it, you will feel that this smell is very light, making people want to get close. When the prey gets closer, you will find out after a while that this smell is the most It easily invades the nerves, causing you to fall into his pheromone lake without realizing it, and gradually become addicted.

Gu Han restrained himself. He had always been very strong in restraint, but facing Qi Zi it was inevitable that he would lose control.

He took a deep breath, and the penis below was swollen and painfully hard.

Trying hard to keep his nose away from the other person's neck, Gu Han straightened up and said to Qi Zi with a smile on his face: "You seem to like mechas very much?"

Seeing that he kept a little distance from himself, Qi Zi felt a little safer.

The two chatted sparsely and normally, about their hobbies in life or what classes they usually studied.

"Why don't you take the Omega Physiology class?" Just after Qi Zi took the mecha maintenance class in surprise, Gu Han asked curiously again.

Physiology class is the most popular class among both omega students and alpha students, and everyone is never absent from it.

Qi Zi said nonchalantly: "I'm not interested, it's not interesting." It was as if he was an S-class alpha with a cold personality.

To tell the truth, how can a nerd on earth learn how to be fucked by an omega? Just kidding.

Gu Han didn't look at him strangely, which made Qi Zi sigh in relief.

The mecha in front of me is Guhan's, shiny and golden. I heard it cost billions to build.

The more he admires it, the more Qi Zi feels inferior. What was he thinking just now? The eldest prince of the Federation Empire is short of money? Lack of status? Lack of beautifulpeople?

He began to laugh at himself in his heart. With his thick bangs and thick scarf, how could the other party be interested in him? And the inspection report also said that not all S-class Alphas will be obsessed with themselves, but there is a 38% possibility.

Was he too narcissistic just now? Next to him was the eldest prince Gu Han, the most popular person on campus. If he wanted to find a partner, how could he not find one?

"I rarely see omegas who like mechas." Gu Han's protective suit matches the mecha. The main body is white with a lot of gold trim, which makes him look more noble.

"What's the point of liking it? The most I can do is touch it. Due to my physical condition, I can't use it." Qi Zi said regretfully.

The eldest prince raised his hand to his chin, his eyes seemed to be thinking, but in fact he was hiding the deep desire in his eyes. He wanted Qi Zi, even though it was his first time meeting and talking to her today.

The other party's pheromones have been lingering on the tip of his nose. In fact, he can no longer smell it from this distance, but he seems to be an addict. If he can't smell it, he will have the illusion of smelling it.

There is a faint, sweet smell of roses in the air.

After he absorbed a lot of pheromones from the opponent, if he didn't possess Qi Zi today, he might lose control later.

The federal government stipulates that if an S-level alpha meets someone he likes, the person who can make him or her go into heat can exercise his power to possess the other person. This is a preferential treatment for top-level alphas.

They have the right to choose their spouse first, without the consent of the omega. However, this one has never been used before. It is extremely difficult to make an S-class alpha go into heat.

And this rule was not made by alphas, but by omegas. Omegas are born with such a nature, they will cherish the strong in their bones, and will give priority to the most powerful alpha to become their partner. Maybe he was worried that he would not get the most powerful alpha, or he dreamed that one day he would be loved by an S-class alpha, so he submitted such a law and it was passed.

Qi Zi didn't know anything about this because he didn't go to class.

"I have a super-small mecha there. It has been recently developed and is very suitable for Omega. Do you want to go and take a look with me?"

That gentle voice immediately fascinated Qi Zi. As soon as he heard that there was a mecha suitable for Omega, he immediately became excited: "Can it be done?"

There was a big height difference between the two. Qi Zi raised his head, and his slanted bangs slid to the side, revealing a beautiful and charming eye. The nose and mouth that were originally hidden in the scarf were now exposed.

Gu Han was stunned for a moment, surprised by his beauty and a little lost. Then his eyes were as wide as the moon: "Follow me."

Lone Han's smile is very charming. Qi Zi was so close to him, her heart stopped for a second, and he secretly thought, how could there be such a beautiful prince in this world?

The other person's good looks were very different from his own. He longed for the elegance of this kind of man, not his own vixen-like face. At the same time, Qi Zi also envied the other person's height, figure, appearance and life experience. Gu Han seemed to have everything perfect, like a work of art from God.

Qi Zi followed him expectantly, walking from the venue to a corridor, then from the corridor to the open space behind the arena, and then got on a suspended car to a back garden.

The large garden to the north of the school is a place for nobles and ordinary students are not allowed to enter.

Qi Zi had never been here before and felt uncomfortable walking. It's so quiet here, very different from the noisy campus.

A European-style fence surrounded the colorful flowers. Daisies were blooming beside them, with crimson and emerald green colors rising and falling in the fence.

There are all kinds of flowers planted here, but in the season of early spring, the cherry blossoms and bluebells bloom most enthusiastically. The cherry blossoms drop their petals in rows, while the bluebells weave a large area of purple like a carpet. ocean.

Qi Zi followed the eldest prince all the way inside, observing every plant and tree here.

There are various European-style buildings in front of them, and the bricks under their feet are also extremely exquisite and are laid tightly together. Unlike his dormitory building, which has been in disrepair for a long time, there are many gaps that rainwater likes.

The garden was so huge that even if the hover car took them to the eldest prince's residence, it would take them a long time to walk inside.

I wonder where the eldest prince is taking him? Is it appropriate for someone like me to come in? Qi Zi felt a little uneasy.

But Lone Han didn't speak, he just walked in front, with a little eagerness in his steps, and each step spanned a long distance.

One is 1.75 meters, and the other is a little over 1.9 meters. Because there is a height difference between Qi Zi and him, and there is also a difference in leg length, so when the other person takes a step, he has to take one and a half steps, and he has to chase after him for a while, and he feels resentful and divided again. gender.

Arriving in front of a beautiful palace-like building, the bodyguards began to stop and wait at the door without entering.

In front of him was a path covered with flowers. Qi Zi stayed outside like the bodyguards and was too embarrassed to go in. Because he felt that he would not be allowed to enter such a luxurious and luxurious palace.

The eldest prince noticed that there was no movement behind him. He turned around and said, "What's wrong?" He stretched out his left hand to Qi Zi, his long and graceful fingers with distinct joints.

There is a ring on the white index finger. The ring is not a ring worn by a spouse, but a ring for the mecha. When Alpha controls the mecha, he uses this ring to control it.

Perhaps because he was too eager for mechas, Qi Zi had been reading books about mechas since he came to this world, dreaming of becoming a top alpha.

Even if he differentiated into an omega, it could not stop his yearning.

Today, the eldest prince told him that it was possible for him to put on a mecha, so when Qi Zi looked at this hand, he couldn't help but put his own on it.

How could the eldest prince's hand be held by an ordinary person like him? But the inexplicable affinity on the other side and the S-level Alpha pheromone aura emanating towards him almost went to Qi Zi's mind.

He was a little confused at this moment. After putting his hand up, the other party held it tightly, then pulled it inside and took him into this luxurious palace.

The palace door opened automatically with a creak and slammed shut after they entered.

In just a moment, Qi Zi felt powerful pheromones.

At this moment, it had become impossible for him to get out of the quagmire.

The hand he stretched out just now was like stepping into a quagmire. The further he went in, the deeper he sank, until he was so deep that he could no longer get out.

Qi Zi realized that he had fallen into the other party's gentle trap, and it was already too late.

Powerful pheromones surrounded him, and the terrifying mountain spring fragrance overwhelmed him. The pheromones flavored by mountain springs were warm and tender. Qi Zi wanted to struggle but couldn't help but indulge, but he didn't feel suffocated at all.

Qi Zi started to feel hot, and he had no idea that he was in heat.

His body became soft and lost strength, and the two small holes under his body began to secrete clear mucus.

This incident frightened him, and now he realized that he was probably in heat, having smelled the S-class alpha's pheromones.

Qi Zi, who had never learned about Omegasexlove, was both scared and regretful at this moment. If he had learned it, he would definitely not follow Gu Han today.

But because of his ignorance, he still thinks it's his fault, maybe he forgot to take inhibitors, or maybe he is hopelessly in love with the eldest prince in front of him and is in love with him. Qi Zi was dizzy and felt a little ashamed. He regretted that he had not carefully recorded the date of estrus and the time of taking the inhibitor.

By this time, he had experienced firsthand the horror of S-class Alpha pheromones. If the other person wants to completely release powerful pheromones to others, then no matter which Omega it is, it is impossible to resist, and will only become hopelessly obsessed. "I'm here to see the mecha." Qi Zi said to himself, trying to wake up.

When the mountain spring pheromones pulled Qi Zi into the ocean of sexual desire, the eldest prince still maintained his usual elegance, but if you look closely, you will find that his light golden pupils have turned into dark golden ones. .

Gu Han hugged Qi Zi, who was weak, to prevent him from falling at the door. He hugged his shoulders with his left hand and his waist with his right hand, pulling him into his arms.

"Do you really want to see the mecha?" Gu Han's gentle breath sounded in his ears.

Qi Zi could hardly breathe. The heat in his body was so high that his skin turned red.

The person you want is in your arms, and the smell of roses continues to seduce Lone Han. He tried his best to restrain himself, picked up Qi Zi, and walked to the second floor of the palace.

His pace was slow and a little eager, which you wouldn't be able to tell if you didn't look carefully. Even though his sexual appetite is overwhelming, he still maintains his elegance.

Being carried all the way to a sunny, spacious and clean room, Qi Zi discovered that there really was a mecha inside.

This mecha is one-third the size commonly used by Alpha, and is only 1.9 meters tall, which is just right for an Omega like him who lacks muscle strength. But even with this small mecha, he might not be able to operate it, because the mecha requires very high physical fitness. His muscles have little strength, and it may be difficult to lift his arms.

"Can you... collect your pheromones?" Qi Zi politely asked in the eldest prince's arms.

He was completely humiliated. He didn't expect the eldest prince's pheromones to be so strong, and he couldn't remember when he took the inhibitor. He got hot when he smelled the mountain spring breath. He was so embarrassed and humiliated.

"I can come down and walk by myself. It's okay. I just felt a little uncomfortable just now."

Qi Zi is still stubborn now, because he found that Gu Han didn't seem to have any influence, just because his legs and feet were inconvenient, so he carried himself upstairs. You wouldn't be able to pick out one such friendly and kind person out of 100,000 people.

His legs were closed tightly, for fear that the other party would notice any signs. His underwear should have been wet, and he felt water flowing down.

This damn pussy! Damn omega! He is a straight man, what does he want with this thing?

Gu Han knew everything well, but he really let Qi Zi go as if he didn't know anything.

The moment he put it down, Qi Zi found that he couldn't stand at all. His legs were so weak that he would fall to the ground without support.

"You don't seem to have much strength." Gu Han put one hand through the crook of his leg and picked him up again.

With a tall figure and strong arms, Qi Zi is particularly cute when nestled inside. He didn't know what to say anymore. He watched Gu Han carry him to the mecha, but he was in no mood to look at the mecha.

Qi Zi's face was as red as a monkey's butt.

He really wants to escape from here now. Why is he so unsatisfied that he starts to go into heat when he smells the eldest prince's breath? People were so gentle to him, but he had dirty thoughts.

Qi Zi was very disdainful of his body, so he hurriedly said to Gu Han: "Can you send me back? I feel a little uncomfortable and want to go back to the dormitory to rest for a while."

Gu Han put his hand on his forehead: "It's a little hot, what's wrong with you?"

If Qi Zi put his hand down and touched the eldest prince's flesh, he would be surprised that the other person's lower body was even hotter.

Guhan's penisstem is now as hard as a rock, swollen to the point of almost exploding. At this level, he was still able to endure it, and took care of Qi Zi slowly to avoid causing any resentment from the omega.

Qi Zi seems to be different from other omegas.

If it had been someone else, he would have pounced on him and started flirting with the Sclass alpha.

"I'm fine, I just want to go back to the dormitory to rest." Qi Zi avoided his gaze.

He just wanted to stay away from the eldest prince now, the aura on his body was so charming.

"If you feel uncomfortable, I'll take you to the bedroom next to you to rest." Before Qi Zi could refuse, Gu Han had already carried him to the bedroom next to him and placed him on the bed.

While he was being moved, more intense pheromones were released. He didn't know whether the eldest prince did it on purpose, because the other party's pheromones were already strong enough to confuse him.

He wanted the other party to restrain the pheromones, but Gu Han looked at him with a noble face and said gently: "I have restrained it."

This made Qi Zi feel that he was a little too much, and began to wonder if it was because he was in heat. Even if he smelled a little bit of pheromones, he would feel very strong, so he misunderstood.

Gu Han held back a chuckle. In his eyes, Qi Zi was like an innocent rose who knew nothing. He had the most alluring face and aura, but his behavior was as clean as white paper.

Gu Han put the man on the soft bed, as if he just realized it, stretched out his hand to untie his scarf, and asked in slight surprise: "Are you in heat?"

This sentence made Qi Zi feel ashamed: "I'm sorry, I'm not..."

But when he was explaining, the other party's slender hand had already reached towards his lower body. The fingers with clear joints slowly touched between his legs.

Qi Zi became nervous and clamped his legs tightly.

However, the opponent's fingers were very powerful, and he slowly spread his legs apart, and then touched down from the pink penis to the wet hole. Mouth.

"Hmm." The other party's fingers pressed on his acupoints and mouth, making Qi Zi feel so comfortable. He had never experienced this kind of different comfort.

The moan that came out made him unbelievable. He opened his eyes wide. What was he doing? But not long after, he gradually indulged in the massage of the other person's fingers, and his legs gradually relaxed, not as tight as before.

Guhan gradually got on the bed from the edge of the bed, and the soft bed sank. His right hand was placed beside Qi Zi's shoulder, and his left hand was still inserted between Qi Zi's legs, slowly rubbing his wet little hole.

Gu Han lowered his head and whispered softly in Qi Zi's ear: "You seem to need help."

Although S-class Alphas are not interested in sexual matters, top talents like them always pursue perfection and will learn and understand whether it is subjects they are good at or subjects they are not good at.

How to have sex with an omega? This is a required course for every alpha.

Guhan had no theoretical knowledge before and put this knowledge aside. He had never used it and did not want to use it. However, today he finally realized why those alphas were so keen on sexlove. Why is this course so popular?

Unlike him, Qi Zi has never learned anything in this area, and it can be said that he doesn't understand it at all.

While being massaged by Gu Han's slender hand, Qi Zi's small hole spurted out sweet love juice, soaking that hand. At this moment, Qi Zi was so weak that his legs could not be closed together. He was gradually losing strength, so he panicked: "I need a suppressor. Do you have any suppressants?"

Gu Han shook his head and unbuttoned Qi Zi's collar with one hand: "You are in heat, we must solve this problem."

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