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The Disaster Arise From The Heavens


Chapter 1

A boy Xiao Chang was a person born in a noble family of Dharma Kingdom lot of their family members are martial guru's his father is the leader of the family and the strongest persons they are the strongest family in their county but as last Xiao Chang who had its cultivation field ruined. When he was a child he was not able to cultivate because of that and often hated and ignored by his mother and father who already had seven promising sons s and two daughters at the peak of their sects and have great name that's why his father and mother did not care even if he dies or live every person even Stewart maid and butler of the family does not respect him and give him a hard time and all of this was ignored by his parents as he couldn't cultivate but Xiao Chang was doing everything to do whatever he can to cultivate and get strong and one day as he was practicing in the jungle he suddenly saw a big disaster fall out from the heavens it was an pill refining pot in that there a pill which was glowing in a gold and with that their also two pills of black and white color. He understand that it's a pill making pot which was fall from the heavens

.chapter 2

In the pills making pot their was a also note and manual book of martial arts which was of high level it was a manual for body cultivation and sprit cultivation it was also written on the note the owner of a pill making pot is master of biggest sect inthe heaven and he send this pot in this world to found himself a promising disciple as she was was not able to. Find a perfect disciple for herself and wants only found this methods suitable to choose her. Disciple she could train whoever gets this pot and pills will become his disciple tif they want after cultivating a period of time when are powerful enough to reach heavens they can come to become her disciple there was also instruction on the note that golden pill is for for creating a cultivating a field in a human body which thousand times. Bigger that normal even if you dont have a cultivation field and black and which pill. Ying and yang pill black one is body cultivation and is white one is for sprit cultivation as xiao Chang get out form the jungle and reached his room he sat and ate the gold pill first as to create cultivation field first and eat the black and white pills ater eating gold pill xiao Chang felt a big gold light and a great burst of power coming from his body with that he felt uncounis in his bed and when he wake up he suddenly found that his cultivation field is really thousand times bigger than the normal and all of the family members ater that he immediately took the both black and white pills as curiosity emerges in him

the beginning of heros cultivation

Chapter 3.

After taking both the pills Xiao Chang began to read the manual and began to cultivate after cultivating for seven days and nights Xiao Chang directly reached Qi level one he also can't believe that he directly skipped body realm and was not n the Qi level one suddenly a cocky Stewart appeared in the front door of Xiao Chang home and started mocking Xiao hang that even toilet cleaner in his family lives in better condition that he lives in and said that it's because his parents and family members doesn't love him,, and he is worthless Xiao Chang asks his reason of coming here and gives him a death stare a little frightened Stewart tell mockingly that his asked to come and meet in the main hall after Xiao Chang says ok, but the Stewart didn't leave after that instead he continued to mock Xiao Chang telling him how pathetic he is but this time Xiao Chang got angry and gave him a big punch which directly send him to a 20 meters away from the Xiao Chang Stewart got angry and wanted to harm Xiao Chang Xia Chang was ready for him, but suddenly a person appeared shouts at Stewart and says that how dare he try to attack Xia Chang it's none other than a only good person to him is his fanmily Moroni Chang she was his younger. Sister and only person. Who care about him in the whole family she shouted at Stewart and almost crippled him as Stewart beg for mercy Xiao Chang also tells her to do it as he hesitates for a second but understand the after saying that situation and let him live after a long time they finally saw each other and met as Moroni Chang says that. Xiao Chang says way she's here Moroni Chang says why can't she come meet her elder brother butt Xiao Chang says that he doesn't. Her to get worried about him and don't want her to scolded by their parents,, so she should leave him alone try not to talk to him after saying that. Xiao Chang get back to his room, and close the door Moroni staying outside things that if only Moroni had told the secret to their parent which Xiao and Moroni have kept in with them, and then she leaves after that Xiao Chang goes to meet his parents who are sitting int he main hall. And waiting for him Xiao Chang knees and greet them, but they continue to ignore and talk with each other without looking that he I still on his knees and everyone is looking at him

Moroni Chang says that brother is still on his knees and he is creating them. her father says cant he even do that as looking at how useless he is Xiao says nothing even after getting humiliate like that his father told him to stand up and speak

But what is the secret between them is tit. Related to Xiao Chang not been able to cultivate for all this year's read it the next episode. Till that time goodbye

hero meets his parents

chapter 4

Xiao Chang stands up and make a contact with his after so many years seeing him face to face his father see that how much anger he had for his family members who sitting over here and humanities him if he had the would kill each and every one of them with a blink of an eye. As soon as xiao was going to speak his cousin brother suddenly appeared who hate xiao from his guts and also their was a girl clinging on him the cousin was feng Chang and girl was called riku Shang after seeing them together xiao give smirk smile silently and remembers that how Roku and Xiao used to be playmates and always good to each other's before the calamity happened to Xiao she doesn't let any girl come near to Xiao and would always be with him but as the disaster happened to Xiao he was all alone and slowly ,slowly all of them left him alone and the one who left him first was non-other than Roku who started clinging with his cousin who hated fim for no reason and now it's been six years they have grown up and now they are teenagers suddenly Roku says that Xiao a trash what he is doing here, and started Xiao thinks an outsider has came into being family hall and trashing him but no one is ready to support him than suddenly Moroni Chang comes in and slap ruki Shang by calling out her name loudly RKI dash ten meters away fend Chang gets angry and asks for an explanation Moroni says what kind of explanation do you need she was. Trashing about his brother in front of every one and not only. and through him she's tarnishing the whole family but no one is thinking about it after saying that fang shuts his mouth in anger than suddenly their uncle means fang father called come And said it's not like they Moroni asks than what is it are you a member of Chang or Shang ohh I forgot you are actually a Shang member who got married into our family fang father stop talking and beat a slap to fang saying that why did you bring her here look how the thing turns out than fang says what's she says is true but you cannot forget that because of only one family member it's happening and it's none other than. Xiao than Xiao confronts him, by saying that if he really sees him like that why don't they have a battle after ten days. And see who is real trash fang laugh, and saying that you can't even cultivate. And you want to fight me go look your self in the mirror than xioa tells him that he doesn't have to worry and shows his cultivation to all of them and says is it enough everyone is in shock that. Xiao can cultivate again and able to do things than fang accept his challenge. And says it's not going to be a normal challenge, but a life and death challenge everyone is in shocked. But Xiao accepts it's and left without saying a word to his father

What will happened how will Xiao father will response to him as he can cultivate again and xiao be able to defeat fang let's continue it in next chapter

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