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Silent Detective

Dark alley

"Oh,Jax wanna grab something to drink?"

"HAHAHAHA,I guess I'll pass for today I need to go home early my wife is waiting for my arrival."

"HAHAHAH look at you now huh, a very gentle man."

"Alright Henry stop messing around with Jax,be safe Jax."

"I will. I'll treat you two next time."

"Got it. Let's go Henry."

We parted ways and I started to walk.

"Ah~such a tiring day."

It's time to go home. It's already 10 o'clock I guess my wife is widely asleep now.

"As always this tunnel always remained darker."

I said while walking inside the tunnel. I usually walk here since it's easier for me to go in the train station.


"Oh, who's there?"

"Good evening mister,can I ask you s-something."

"O-oh,s-slow down miss let's go there it's dark in here."

She's in my arms I guess this girl is drunk. I bring her ahead of the streetlight so that I could speak to her comfortably.

"Um,miss are you okay?"

She looked at me with those pitiful eye's.

"Hey,mister do I look pretty?"

Well by looking at her she is indeed a beautiful young lady,she has a golden brown hair a cute cheeks with a pure brown eyeballs and a very long lashes and also she has a slender body that could melt everyman's eye's.


She slowly put her hands around my neck.


"You know what mister,I hate those people who call me beautiful when they already have a wife."



"Oh,come on mister Jax you should play me more. I thought you are a tough man but yet, your so weak just a two stab of my gorgeous knife you already surrender."

"Y-you please s-spare m-me."

"HAHHAHHAHAHHAAH,I like that,I like,like,like,like thattttttt,I truly fuckin' like thattt HAHHAHAHA."


"HEHEHEHE, oh~man already dead, tsk such a weak man. Typically, Boring."

*1 hour passed*

«Second-person POV»

"Henry, want to go with me next Sunday?"

Eric asked me while walking in this dark alley.

"Where to?"

He just remained silent for a moment as if he fell asleep.

"Hey man, where to?"

I asked him again but not a single response came out, I looked at him with such a confusing face.

"Sorry I was too busy chatting my girlfriend."

He replied with a smile on his face, we're still walking in this alley.

"I thought you're dead already man."

He just smiled, when suddenly he stopped walking while glaring at the streetlights.

"Henry, hold this for a second."

He handed me his bag and cellphone and walk towards which was a light can be seen.

"God dammit! This can't be happening!!"

I looked at him with confusing face as I walked towards him.

"no it can't be."

Puzzled case


"Who is it again?tsk?"


"Hello,it's me Detective Cruz."

"Oh~what's wrong Detective?"

"Lieutenant Hendrick said that you need to come here at Finn station. There's a new case around in the tunnel."

"What?Tsk. I just got home and there is already a new case. When is this killer stop causing a scene?"

I said while putting my jacket on again.

"Alright. I'll be right there."

"Copy that, Detective."


"Tsk,I couldn't even sleep yesterday because of the murder case of the Gliz Family and now there's already a new murder case."


"And who is this messaging me right now? Can't they just wait for me a little while?Tsk."




"Can't you just wait? I'm driving."

"Oh~I guess you're busy."

"Kane?S-sorry I didn't mean to say that."

"It's fine I also heard that there's a new case. I guess your team is in charge of that."

"Yup,and I guess I might just die before we catch the culprit."

"HAHAHAHAHA, Alright I'll hang up now, you're still driving anyway."




"Oh, you're already here Detective Ashtrid."

I walk inside the crime scene.

"Here is the information that Zayden collected."

"I see ,so this man is working at the coffee shop around this corner?"

"Yes,and as you can see at this report, the man's name is Jax Walker. He just turned 32 this month. Zayden also knew that he already had a wife."

"Did you call his relatives already?"

"Yes, Lieutenant Hendrick already did."

"Good. Then what's the cause of his death anyway?"

"He got two stabs at his nape and three stabs at his left arm and eleven stabs in his abdomen. For now, that's all we had found."

"Oh~ a very interesting at the same time boring. Well, what about the weapon that was used?Did you find it?"

"No, not yet. The team B is still searching for it."

"Be sure to find it. I'll go check the other."

Such a brutal scene, who could it be this time?

I kept looking around to see some evidences.

"Detective ash!"

"Hi, jam still good as ever huh!"

"Yuh you too, well I think the situation you are in are way to rough isn't it?"

"Well if you say that so, but you are typically right."

We both laugh while looking at the other teams investigating the place.

"I'm so confused right now like literally confused."

"Why would you detective?"

He asked while looking at me.

" I don't know it just this case are way too puzzled."

"What do you mean by that detective? I don't quite understand."

"No nothing at all, let's go over there I still have many things to do after this."

I just ignored his question, because the truth is... This is like a maze to me that I couldn't find any solution in every corner of this maze.


"Lieutenant Hendrick, how's the situation?"

He just sighed and sat down on the chair where he is facing me.

"We couldn't find the tools that the culprit used."

I looked at the crime scene where the cops kept investigating.

"Hey Hendrick,who could it be this time?Do you have any clue?Do you think the one who killed this called Jax is the same who murdered the Gliz Family that I've been in charge of?As you can see, we haven't found the culprit of that case."

"I don't know either, Ash. This time, I also suspect that the culprit is a female. But that's also what happened to the case you had. At first we doubt it's a girl but nobody believed that a girl could do that to a mafia family. That's why I asked you and Kane to re-investigate the case."

"Well, you're right."

He is indeed right. That's why I'm still stuck in the Gliz Family case until now. I have re-investigated the case and just like what he said he suspected that the culprit of this new scene is also a woman.

"You must be tired you need to rest, Ashtrid. I'll call you in the morning if we will find new evidence."

"Lieutenant Hendrick, everybody's tired and everybody doesn't have sleep. You don't have to worry about me. We're all in this."

He just looked away.

"I know. Thank you for your hard work, anyway. I know you're loaded right now since I transferred Kane to Division 3."

"It's not you who transferred him, Lieutenant. It was him who voluntarily transferred to that Division."

"Is that so."

"Since you said that, I'll leave for now. I'll meet you at your office tomorrow then."

I walked away without looking back.

"Be careful on your way home, Detective Ashtrid."

"Yep, I will."

I'm inside my car when a sudden call appears on my phone.


"Unknown? I've already put nicknames in every contact I have. Ah~ never mind maybe this person got the wrong number."

I just ignored it and started the engine.


"Finally! I could sleep now."


"You, you son of a bit*h. You must die! Die! Die!

"Helene stop it!!"

"No, Ash! Because of him, m-my sister died. He deserves to die!"




"Sh*t~such a bad dream."

I noticed my head is sweating pretty hard. I wiped it all away and tried to calm myself down as I was gasping air. And, a call surrounded my entire room.




"Good morning, Detective Ashtrid. Sorry to disturb you."

"No, it's fine. What is it?"

"Lieutenant Hendrick wanted to meet you in his office. Literally, right now."

"I'll be right there."



"What time is it?"

9:36 am.

"What the.."

I quickly wash up and eat the leftover bread that I made yesterday.

"What am I going to do today, anyway?Should I revisit the crime scene?Nah~ let's not think of that now. I need to go now."

I murmured to myself. I quickly got in my car and directly started the engine.


"Good morning, Detective Ash."




I hugged him since it's been a week since I last met him.

"Did you get a bad sleep?"

"Hahaha! Oh man how did you know that?"

" Nah~ you always have a bad sleep. Guess what? I got good news that could ease your troubled sleep."

"Really?Are you going back to Division 1 now?"

"Haha, is that what you really think that could ease your troubled sleep?"

"Yes, it does. Then if that's not it, what could it be then?"

We continued walking towards Lieutenant Hendrick's office while talking.

"Come on tell me. I guess you are going to come back right?Since you're here in Division 1."

"Hahaha you'll know soon. Let's get inside."

"Good morning Lieutenant Hendrick."

"Oh~good morning Kane. You're here, Ashtrid."


"Sit down. Let's have a chat."

What could Kane's easing-things for me? And who is this man sitting beside Hendrick?

I looked around the Lieutenant's office and randomly felt this kind of ambience.

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