NovelToon NovelToon

No Escape: The Mysterious Island



"Wake up, wake up!"

Emily groaned and opened her eyes. She looked around, but couldn't find anyone. She stood up and wiped off the drool from her mouth. Yawning, she walked out of the room she was in. Her eyes widened.

It was in the evening, the sun was coming down, the island looked so pretty with the sunset, lots of people were dancing around the fire while laughing, and someone was playing music with his or her phone which was connected to a music box.

Emily rubbed her eyes, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She walked towards a girl that was alone and in front of her room, she tapped her on the shoulder. The girl turned and her eyes widened, she was a young girl, around 16 or 17 years old, her red hair was short and wavy, and she was a beauty.

"Emily. you have woken." the young girl hugged her. Emily was confused, 'Emily? who is that?' she gently pushed the girl away from her, "Who are you? What is this place? Who am I?"

The young girl was surprised. She wasn't expecting Emily to ask her this kind of question, thinking it was another trick of hers. She beamed, "Fine, I will play, your name is Emily Hunter, and you are 17 years old, the one and only heiress of the Hunter crop industry. We are on the island that the school suggested we go to, but unfortunately, our plane crashed, but not to worry, no one died."

Emily blinked twice, she was called Emily Hunter? Then why can't she remember? She wanted to ask Sandy more about herself, but her stomach had other plans. When her stomach made a sound, she looked down embarrassed, Sandy giggled and pulled her, "Come, you haven't eaten since yesterday when we landed."

Sandy pulled her towards the group of teenagers who were laughing and talking. She wanted to protest. The sound made her feel dizzy, but eating was a must. She sat down on the log and looked around. Suddenly someone shouted, "Guys, look who decided to join us."

The music came to a stop, everyone was looking at her. Suddenly, they started laughing. She raised her eyebrows in question towards Sandy, who gave her a plate of whatever that was. Sandy giggled, "Don't you remember what you did yesterday?"

She frowned and tried to remember, but nothing happened, not even a blur of her life could be seen. She frowned deeply and shook her head, "Tell me."

Sandy opened her mouth to say something, but suddenly a girl came towards her and pushed Sandy away, "Emily, how are you? You scared me yesterday."

Ella looked at her and frowned, she also had red hair, she was beautiful in a slutty way. She prefers Sandy. Sandy always talks in a calm way that makes her feel refreshed, but the girl in front of her doesn't, her voice is high, like a singer singing in an opera, "Who are you?"

The red hair stopped smiling. She looked around and noticed everyone looking at her, her face flushed in embarrassment, she bit her lips, and when she looked at Emily she started smiling, "Emily, what is wrong with you? I am your best friend Jane."

"Jane?" she muttered.

"Yes, Jane, what is wrong with you?"

"I don't know, I can't remember anything, I'm sorry." Emily bowed while whispering, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

It took Jane five seconds to understand that she wasn't joking. 'Did the plane crash affect her brain?' she thought to herself.

She smiled and stood up, "I will leave for a while, I will come back again." she smiled and walked away. When she knew that nobody was looking at her, she changed her expression and frowned, biting her lips, she walked away.

Emily turned to Sandy and whispered, "What did I do yesterday?"

Sandy smiled before giggling, "You stood up on a log and stopped the music, then you shouted, tonight I will be having sex with senior Matthew."

Emily frowned, 'Who is that? She can't even recall anyone answering that name, hell! She can't even recall her name. She stood up and pulled Sandy towards the tent that she had come out of. She stopped in front of it and looked around. The tent was the biggest tent on the whole island. It can accommodate 20 people or more. She stepped inside it and gasped.

Not only was it big, but the inside looked like a real room, there was a big bed inside, a mini-pad, and a closet. In fact, the tent looked like a room inside a five-star hotel. She sat down on the bed and gestured for Sandy to do the same.

Sandy sat beside her and frowned, "What is going on, Emily? You hated me before, you didn't even allow me to come close to you or your stuff, and you talk a lot, but now, you seem like another person."

"I said I don't remember a thing, I really don't remember anything, I swear!" Emily yelled at Sandy.

Sandy's eyes widened. She had known the girl standing beside her since second grade and had always liked her, but because of how rich she was, she hated the poor her.

Sometimes, she would wish that the girl in front of her would notice her one day, but then again, it's just a wish that won't be fulfilled.

Sandy cleared her throat, before starting, "Like I said, your name is Emily Hunter, your father is the richest man in England and the second richest man in the world. He deals with everything in the whole world, the movie industry, the fashion industry, electricity, etc..... "

She was interrupted by Emily's hand.

"I don't wanna know how rich my father is, tell me about myself till today." Sandy raised her eyebrows and nodded. Weird, it was all weird.

"You are the only child of your parents. Your mother died while giving birth to you, so your father started treating you like a princess. He named you after your mother. You grew into an arrogant girl, you do not care about anything, but how to spend your money."

Sandy stopped and looked at her. She wanted to know if the word 'Arrogant' had offended her, but seeing the expression on the girl's face made her confused, 'Did she really lose her memories?'

"You became unable to handle, both in school and at home, when you met Jane. You became so arrogant and rude, that the teachers wanted to expel you, but they feared the power of your family. The principal was the one who planned this trip. It was supposed to be a week's trip, but you paid for it to be a month's trip. Everyone was happy."

Emily looked at her, "And who is Matthew?"

Sandy frowned, "Senior Matthew is the person you have a crush on, he is the most intelligent person in our school, but from a poor family, you have tried countless times to make him accept you, but he refused you countless times, still you insist on chasing him shamelessly. It was because of him that you extended this school trip, and paid for the senior class."

Emily smiled, it looked like Sandy hated this senior, "Do you hate him?"

Sandy nodded, "Of course, he has always rejected and embarrassed you, even though you sincerely love him. I have told you to stop chasing him, but you always refused."

"I will stop." Emily muttered, "Is this my tent?" she asked Sandy, whose eyes were widened.

"You... you will... will stop?" Sandy stammered.

"Yes, since he doesn't like me, I will stop." she smiled at her and lay on the bed, "Sleep beside me tonight." she yawned and drifted back to sleep.

Sandy smiled, she lay beside her and closed her eyes to sleep, but she couldn't.

"Emily, don't you think it is strange?"

"What?" Emily answered lazily.

"When we were traveling, the pilot said he was losing control of the panel, then suddenly he gained control and landed us here, while almost crashing. He also said the island was not on any of the maps that he owned, and he had never seen this place before. He and two teachers left yesterday to look around, but have never returned, don't you think it is strange?"

Emily hummed in response, "Were you the one telling me to wake up while I was still sleeping?"

Sandy shook her head, "I was outside, did you hear some voice?"

Emily sighed, "It must be my imagination."

Sandy smiled, together they slept off.

~ ~ ~ ~


"Ahhhhh, ahhhh, harder, faster...... Oh my God."

Emily opened her eyes and groaned, what the hell are they doing in the middle of the night? horny teenagers.

She stood up and walked towards her closet, she frowned, she still hadn't discovered how on Earth this tent could be so big.

She pulled out a clothe that could save her from the cold, she gently opened the tent and walked out, the night breeze touched her skin and she shivered, she closed the tent and walked towards the sea.

It was still dark, but she could see very well, she smiled and sat on the sand, she smiled, the sand reminded her of Sandy.


She suddenly looked up, what was that, was that her imagination or did she just hear a voice?

"Come, come to me."

She frowned, she knew something was wrong with this island, "Mother?" she called out, "Is that you? I know your voice."

Who was she kidding? Knows her voice? haha, she doesn't even have the memory of who she is, how on Earth would she know the voice of a woman who died while giving birth to her?

"Yes, it is me, my child, I have come to take you home. Come to me."

Emily rolled her eyes, "But where are you? I can't see you."

"Come to the water my child, you will see me."

"Oh! Is there a ship there? can I finally go home?"

"Yes, now come before it is too late."

"But, what about my friends? I can't leave them."

"I will send some ship for them later, I am using a boat, and not a ship."



It was obvious that the voice was irritated and was getting impatient. Emily walked towards the sea, "Yes, just let your foot touch the sea, just a little touch."

Emily smiled and raised her leg, she paused and stepped back, "Fuck you, what sort of spirit water are you? give me food first before inviting me to your kingdom, I am starving, don't tell me, you like starving humans?"



Emily stuck out her tongue, she walked back, far away from the sea, suddenly someone touched her, she flinched and suddenly threw the person on the ground. The person groaned. When she looked down, she saw a girl looking at her in anger.

"What the fuck are you doing? the girl yelled loudly. Emily pulled her up and frowned. She couldn't recognize the girl.

"Sorry, what are you doing here?"

The girl frowned, "I am here for a morning swim."

She walked towards the sea, but Emily pulled her back, "Don't go towards the sea. it is dangerous."

The girl angrily removed her hand from Emily's, "Why? Does your father also own this island and sea? Because you have money, you think that you can do anything that you want? Go burn in hell." she pushed Emily and walked closer to the sea.

Suddenly, Emily heard the same voice, "Yes, come to me, come to Mama."

Emily frowned and chased after her, she pulled the girl closer to her before her leg could touch the sea, she used all her power and dragged the girl away from the sea, and the girl started yelling.

Everybody woke up and came out, they all saw two people fighting. Well, not fighting, more like, they saw a young girl pulling another young girl, while the other was struggling.

One of the teachers came out, "Emily! what the hell are you doing in the middle of the night?"

Emily stopped and frowned, she looked at the man, she also couldn't remember him, "Stopping her, the sea is dangerous."

Everyone started laughing, they knew how much Emily wanted to take control of everybody back in England, but they were far away from there, and she still wanted to take control.

The young girl being pulled was already crying, her hands were hurting, she looked at the teacher, "I just came for a swim and she refused to let me swim."

The teacher walked towards them, he wanted to pull the girl away from Emily, but it was like pulling a stick out of a rock, he tried again and failed, again and failed, he looked at Emily who was busy looking at him like a fool, "release her right now."

Emily frowned, "Okay." she released the girl, and she fell, she looked at the teacher, "Her death is on you then."

The teacher frowned, he badly wanted to beat the girl in front of him, he pulled the girl from the ground, "You can go and swim now."

The girl nodded and glared at Emily, she turned and walked towards the sea, she was going closer and closer and closer.

"Yes, come closer, just a touch, walk faster before it is too late."

Emily frowned, she looked around, seemed like she was the only one hearing the voice, she sighed and muttered, "I tried."

Everyone was looking at the girl that was walking closer and closer to the sea, they all wanted to laugh at Emily, when she go and came out safe, the teacher was feeling uneasy, but didn't know the reason.

When the water touched the girl's leg, the voice started laughing. The girl suddenly started yelling, "Aaahhhhh, help! Please help me!"

The teacher rushed immediately towards her, he was walking closer and closer, but suddenly stopped, something landed on his feet. He looked down and found the head of the girl. He gulped and stepped away from the water.

Emily heard the voice again, "Mmm delicious."

"I warned you all, I don't remember anything, but I do know this island is dangerous, the student died because of all of you." she turned and walked towards her tent.

She really hates the fact she can't remember anything, she wants to know who she is.

The students walked inside their tents and closed them, sleep was far from them, and what happened tonight was scary for them, everyone was awake till the morning sun hit their tents and that is when they decided to sleep.


Emily's dream.

A young woman stood in front of a balcony. She sighed as the night breeze made her body cold. She loved it.

She was already done fighting off the people she was paid to fight off, and her next job was to kill a businessman.

"What do you desire?"

A voice behind her startled her, she turned and frowned, "Who are you?"

Ever since she was ten, she started training hard after being kidnapped, she became is known hacker and an assassin, and her hearing became perfect, but right now she didn't hear the footsteps of the person beside her.

"I am someone who can make your wish come true."

"Show yourself."

The owner of the voice came out from the shadow, it was a young woman with long black hair, she was beautiful.

Again she asked, "What do you desire?"

Seeing theirs no malice from the unexpected visitor, she turned around and answered without thinking, "A life of riches and adventure."

She turned around to look at the woman, her mouth was moving, but she wasn't hearing what she was saying.




"I can't hear you."


She wanted to touch the woman's hand, but unexpectedly she was pushed off from the balcony, fell, and died.

When she opened her eyes again, she became Emily Hunter.

- - - -

The next day, Sandy woke up and yawned. She looked around and found out that Emily was still asleep. She smiled and stood up from the bed, She went outside expecting to see her classmates running around like usual, but no one was outside, she shivered and went back inside the tent and lay beside Emily again.

Three hours later.

Emily opened her eyes and yawned, she looked around, trying to find Sandy, but she couldn't find her anywhere.

"That dream."

She remembered everything now, she was pushed off by the woman she saw on her balcony, she didn't remember what they talked about, but she sure remembered her stupid desire which made her become the host of this body.

Then, that means that the real Emily Hunter died after confessing to sleeping with Matthew, but what or who killed her?

As Emily was still thinking, her stomach roared in anger.

She stood up and walked out of the tent, when she came outside, she saw the students sitting far away from her tent while laughing and eating, she walked towards them and spotted Sandy sitting on a log, immediately the students saw her, last night's incident resurfaced and they all kept quiet.

Emily walked towards Sandy and smiled, ''Hey, you woke up early, I am starving.'' Sandy smiled, ''I kept some food for you.'' She stood up and walked in another direction, Emily raised her eyebrows and looked at the students who were looking at her.

''What?'' She asked, she didn't care that they were looking at her, but she cared about being kidnapped by them, without eating first.

The teacher from last night stood up and walked towards her, ''Emily, about last night, can you tell us what happened?'' Emily frowned, they were there last night, what else do they want her to say, she took a deep breath, ''Well, the sea is hungry at night.'' immediately she said that everybody gasped, She beamed when she saw Sandy bringing over her food.

The teacher sat beside her as she ate, she turned to Sandy and raised her eyebrows, sandy smiled and whispered, ''He is the GYM teacher, mister Jordan.''

"Age?" she asked.

"27, I think."

Emily nodded, she was 27 too in her past life, she smiled and turned to Mister Jordan, ''It is dangerous here, we have to leave.''


One of the students shouted, they love it here, true, last night's incident was scary, but how can you ask a student to leave a place where there is no parent, homework, or any house chores?

''Jordan, the island is dangerous, the sea is more dangerous at night, we need to leave or else, more lives will be taken.''

Everybody gasped, including Sandy, not because she said that the island was dangerous or that their lives were at stake, but because she called the GYM teacher by his name, they all turned and looked at the teacher, expecting him to lash out, but he was lost in his thought.

Emily pulled Sandy towards her tent, leaving Jordan in his thoughts, she opened up her tent and frowned, someone was there eating. 

''What are you doing?'' the person turned and smiled, ''Emily, I came in looking for you, but I couldn't find you, the food cooked today was not tasty, so I came here instead.''

Emily's frown grew deeper, ''Get out.'' that was the only word she could muster up now, she was too hungry to argue with the girl in front of her, and the food she ate outside was not enough for her stomach.

Jane was stunned, she opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out, she looked at Emily and gulped, her face was scary, gradually she stood up and walked toward the tent's entrance, she stepped outside and wanted to walk away, but she heard Emily's voice, ''Don't ever come here without my permission.'' She clenched her fist and walked away.

Sandy beamed, ''You could've gotten rid of her ages ago, why doing it now?'' Emily sighed and sat down on her bed, ''I don't know, listen, Sandy, this place is very dangerous and we need to leave, and by leaving, we need to go deep into the forest and find the other side of the sea.''

"How do you know the island is dangerous?"

Emily frowned, she didn't also know how she knew that the island was dangerous, she just had this feeling.

Ever since she woke up this morning after having that dream, and remembering who she was before that unknown person pushed her off, she had become arrogant like her past self and also this feeling she was having about the island was getting stronger.

Emily sighed, she hated talking so much, she opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by someone yelling outside, immediately she stood up and rushed outside with Sandy.

There were two bodies on the floor and a girl was on the ground crying, she was holding one of the bodies Emily frowned and walked closer to the bodies, suddenly she gasped and took a step back while pulling Sandy with her, ''Don't go towards them!'' she yelled at the teacher that was about to approach the girl holding one of the bodies.

Emily's frown grew deeper, ''It is poison.'' Everyone gasped and took a step back, Emily walked towards the girl, she bent and picked up a long stick and poked at the girl's arm.

poke poke.

The crying girl stopped crying and glared at Emily, ''What are you doing?'' Emily stopped poking her, ''I am poking you.'' The girl frowned, ''I can see that, but why?'' Emily smiled and started poking her again, ''Because it is fun.'' The girl suddenly stood up, grabbed the stick, and broke it.

The smile on Emily's face didn't disappear, it deepened more, ''Do you know them?'' Emily asked while gesturing to Sandy to bring something for her to eat, Sandy ran inside the tent and brought out an orange, she gave it to her and stepped back, Emily smiled and started eating.

The girl immediately realized she had stopped crying, and she started sobbing, ''She is my elder sister and he is her boyfriend.'' Emily rolled her eyes, the girl in front of her was a bad actor, ''Then, how did you find them?''

''I followed them to the forest when everyone went back to their tents, i wanted to warn them not to be out alone since the teacher said we should stick together.'' Emily nodded, ''How did they get poisoned?'' Emily beamed at the girl.

The girl frowned, ''I don't know, I didn't follow them into the forest, so how should I know how they got poisoned.'' Everyone gasped, they heard her saying that she followed them, but now she is saying that she didn't follow them.

Realizing what she said, the girl panicked, ''I.. I didn't poison them.'' She started crying, she wanted to poison them, but she didn't do it, her elder sister has always been the only one that has been admired and loved by her parents, the boyfriend she wants goes to her sister, she harbored a deep hatred towards her.

When she heard about the school trip, she planned on killing her, so she planned a lot of things, like drowning her, but ever since last night's incident, her elder sister refused to swim again, so she thought of poisoning her meals, but she couldn't get the chance when she saw her sister going to the forest with her boyfriend, she thought of pushing her and leaving her to die so she followed them, but she didn't expect her sister to walk back together with her boyfriend, and their faces were full of scars, they vomited a black substance and fell.

When she checked, they weren't breathing, she was happy, but she needed to play the role of a caring younger sister, that was the reason, she yelled and started crying.

Emily beamed, ''Of course not honey if you were the one that poisoned them, then you would not have been alive till now, but it is very unfortunate, you have touched the body and you have been poisoned also, and honey you only have five, four, three, two, and one second to live.'' 

Immediately Emily finished talking, the girl held her neck, she fell on her knees and vomited black substances, before dying. Everyone gasped and took a step back, Emily rolled her eyes, she is not a good person, she is only good to those who do not wish her and her loved ones dead, she turned to the GYM teacher and ate the last oranges, before wiping her lips, ''This place is dangerous, we all need to leave, or we all die.'' she smiled and winked before pulling Sandy towards her tent.

The GYM teacher sighed as he rubbed his temples, he turned towards the students who were waiting for his instructions, and he sighed again, ''Go back to your tents, pack everything, tomorrow we will be leaving. No one should swim at night and nobody should go to the forest. While walking back to your tents, beware that your body does not touch the corpses on the ground.''

No one talked, they were scared, they all turned and started walking toward their tents. Three girls stood in front of the corpses while chewing gum, one of them stepped forward and smiled, ''Sunny, what do you think?'' Sunny rolled her eyes, ''She is just trying hard to be noticed.'' she turned to the girl beside her, ''Sky, we should pack our cameras too, maybe we will find an interesting spirit that we love to have a picture of the three most beautiful girls.'' The three of them laughed and together, they cat walked toward their tents to pack.


Ella sighed and lay on the bed, she smiled at Sandy who was also lying beside her. Suddenly, she stood up and walked towards the mirror. She gasped when she saw her face. This was the first time she had seen her face.

The girl staring back at her from the mirror was a real beauty, she had very long wavy silver platinum hair with a pink highlight, and her eyes were blue, she smiled and frowned, then smiled again before frowning.

Sandy was amused, ever since Emily woke up she had become cold and the only expressions she had been showing were just two. Sighing, she stood up and walked towards her. She didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Did I dye my hair?" Emily turned and faced Sandy while frowning. Sandy frowned, "Nope, you, my girl, are a born beauty, your hair is natural, but unfortunately everybody thought you dyed it. That's the reason you have so many haters; they are simply jealous."

"Hm." Emily hummed in response, she was a real beauty in her past life too, but her hair was naturally purple.

She turned and walked towards the bed and lay down, "I am hungry." She pointed at her stomach and smiled.

Sandy chuckled, "What do you want to eat?" she walked towards the fridge and opened it.

"Meat." Emily licked her lips. Ever since she woke up in this place she had not had any taste of meat, and her body was craving it.

Sandy nodded and started bringing out the frozen meat. She bought out two packs before pushing others in, "Make it five." She heard Emily's voice behind her, she giggled before bringing out another three. She stood up and walked towards the kitchen-like place and started cooking.

"You know, I have been wondering who on Earth built a tent like this, and how on Earth did he do it? Oh! And why does the fridge function without any electricity?"

Sandy was about to bring out the meats, but her hand froze. She turned to Emily, "You don't remember?" Sandy was surprised. She doubted Emily when she said that she had lost her memories, but now she was asking about her invention. That means she was not lying.

"Emily?" Sandy started to say before she was interrupted by Emily.

Emily raised her eyebrows, "Cook and talk." although she wanted to hear the story, food was more important, so the only thing she could come up with was to let Sandy cook and also tell her more about herself since she only needed her hands to cook.

Sandy beamed before continuing cooking, "Everyone knows your dad as the most powerful and successful inventor, and his daughter the useless prodigal daughter that does nothing, but spends every money her father has. But nobody would expect that everything Mr Noah Hunter invents was invented by his daughter Emily Hunter."

Emily frowned, she remembered when she woke up the girl in front of her told her that she had only spent a lot of money and nothing else, so she started preparing to eat and sleep when she would leave this stupid island. But now she was also saying that she is also an inventor? What sort of logic is that, what about all the food and sleep she deserves? She looked at her hands and frowned. It looked clean without any injury, so how can she be considered an investor?

Sandy had already stopped cooking, she was looking at the complicated expressions that Emily was showcasing. She giggled before continuing her voice got Emily out of her thoughts, "When you heard the school announced the journey. You paid to extend it to a month, then you started planning how to spend it well while feeling comfortable. You started inventing this tent. You stayed at the invention lab for a week. Nobody was allowed to enter, including your father. When you finished, you fainted and stayed bedridden for three days."

Emily yawned and looked at Sandy again. She hated it whenever she felt hungry.

Sandy chuckled, "You invented everything that was inside the tent. I don't know how you did it, but you did. You also invented a small remote. You said that it controls everything inside this tent, how it functions, and what shape the tent was supposed to be. The most wonderful thing is how the remote functions. It can make the tent smaller to fit inside a jean pocket. When we first arrived here, you bought it out of your pocket and kept it on the floor, then you pressed the remote and it became bigger. Everyone was jealous, they thought this was your father's latest invention, but because you are his daughter, you are the only one who used it first."

Emily looked at Sandy, a remote. Her inventing something like that? her? her? someone as lazy as her? A killer like her? That's absurd. Even if it is true, then it is absurd, to invent a hotel-like tent and a remote that controls everything. More absurd, she bit her lips just so she wouldn't laugh. She opened her mouth to say something, but she ended up drooling.

The smell coming out of the kitchen was mouth-watery, she didn't know what Sandy was cooking, but she knew it would be delicious.

"Done!" Sandy excitedly carried five plates at once and walked towards Emily, how did she carry the plates? That is what Emily didn't know, she placed everything on the bed and smiled, "This is called steak, it is delicious. I don't know how you like your steak so I cooked it in different ways."

Emily waved her hand, she didn't care what the name was or how she cooked it, she only wanted to eat the food and rejoice.

Emily picked up the fork, she swallowed and raised the fork, she took a bite and frowned, and then she smiled, she didn't wait for Sandy before eating everything, but in slow motion just so she could enjoy the food for a long time.

Suddenly she stood up, she walked towards the door and opened it, the smell from inside the tent started lingering around, everyone that smelt it gulped, they were hungry but scared.

Emily smiled and walked back to her food. She started eating again. Sandy was curious, "Why did you do that?"

Emily frowned, why is she interrupting her dinner?" What?" Sandy was amused, it seemed like she had started understanding the expression of Emily. "Why did you open the door?"

Emily smiled, "Just so they could smell and want, but they won't have them." Understanding what she meant, Sandy giggled, she finished eating and waited for Emily to finish hers, and then she picked up the plates and washed them, together they slept off after closing the door.

A figure was standing outside while frowning. The figure was holding a plate, and there was food inside it. He frowned and threw the food away, he turned and walked back towards his tent. He wanted her to want him again, but she had started becoming distant.

~ ~ ~ ~

Three hours later.

"Come, come to me, come to me." Emily stood up, she walked towards the door, and opened it. She turned and walked towards the sea like a possessed person.

"Yessssss, come hissss just a little bit closer hissss." The voice immediately changed like the voice of a woman and a snake.

Emily was still walking like she wasn't in control of her body, she was walking closer and closer towards the sea. Suddenly she stopped and grinned.

"Disturbing my sleep, not having any food to give me, and lastly, being one of the creatures that I distaste, a snake? What will be your punishment?"

No hissss, you were enchanted hisssss, my power is not that weak hisssss." the voice sounded angry and confused, Emily beamed, "I was taking it, I wanted to ignore you, but thinking maybe you would have food, I decided to play along, but sadly you are just a stupid sea creature that does not have food, how do you want to be punished?"

"hissss what does a mortal think she will do hissss just because you can't be possessed by me hissss." the creature was angry now.

"Just show yourself." Emily rolled her eyes, "Show yourself if you are not scared of me."

The sea became quiet, suddenly a woman could be seen coming out from it. She walked towards Emily while smiling. When she came closer, Emily took a good look at her, she was a beautiful young woman, she was dressed like a sea princess, her golden hair was long, so long that Emily was wondering how long it was since she couldn't see it. Her hair was so long that it was still in the sea.

Emily smiled, "Hi, have any food?"

The sea creature chuckled, "I am Rain hissss, the crown princess of the sea hissss." she proudly said. When she opened her mouth, Emily could see her tongue was snake-like.

"Okay? So got any food?" Emily was annoyed. Rain was surprised. She wasn't expecting a mortal to be calm in front of her. She opened her mouth and a black smoke came out, covering Emily's entire face. She smiled and closed it. This time the mortal will be her puppet.

Ack, ack, ack, ack

"Are you insane?" Emily was coughing, she was waving her hands to remove the black smoke, "You can just say no, that you have no food. Why do you have to open your mouth and give me a smelly black smoke?"

Rain became surprised, her black smoke never fails, it has enchanted a lot of mortals, but why not this girl? "Who are you hissss?" she was curious to know who the girl was.

"Emily Hunter, nice to meet you." Emily smiled and bought out her hand for a shake, Rain hissss, she didn't know what that meant.

Emily smiled and sat down, "Why are you killing people?" Rain frowned, although she has enchanted a lot of mortals, she has never killed them. "I have never killed anyone hissss." She sat beside Ella.

"Yesterday night, you killed a student." Emily frowned.

Rain hissss, "That wasn't me hissss, I was not here yesterday hissss, my father caught me leaving and stopped me hissss."

"Then how did you know me?"

"My friend said a mortal insulted them hissss, she wanted me to teach you a lesson hissss that's the reason I came here hissss." Rain explained.

Emily smiled, "looks like you have a bad friend. Cut them off. I will be leaving tomorrow. It is so sad to leave a new friend."

Rain hissss. She was feeling embarrassed, "You want me as a friend, even though I tried possessing you hissss? And yes, I know my friend was bad, but she is the only friend I have hissss."

Emily smiled, "You now have me. I am your friend now, although I will be leaving tomorrow, but I will always be your friend, a real one."

Rain hissss, "Okay." she hid her flushed face and smiled.

Emily yawned and stood up, "I need to go and sleep some more, bye." she stood up and started walking towards her tent.

"The forest is dangerous hissss, be careful hissss." Rain yelled.

Emily turned and smiled, "I know." she yelled back before going inside her tent.

Rain turned and frowned, it seemed like it was the end of her friendship with that arrogant girl that feeds on mortals every day. She had always wanted to end things but was scared of being alone. She smiled and walked back towards the sea, she turned into a giant snake and dived into the sea, then she turned into half human and half snake.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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