NovelToon NovelToon

Wife Of... Knight !!?

Chapter 1

Present Time
My fascination with books began when I learned to read. I grew up in the world of fantasy, supernatural creatures and where a Arrogant male lead falls in love with Cute nerd guy
Where knights swear his lives to you
A time I was so immersed in the book that I spent seven days in my room for reading it 🥲
2nd year of College
Alex ! We are going out for drinks. Want to come ?
Alexander Scott
Alexander Scott
No, thanks, I have a date tonight 😌
Date ? & you ? 😒
Alexander Scott
Alexander Scott
Alexander Scott
Alexander Scott
A date with the prince of Cilicia kingdom 😌
Whatever 🙄
He went from there
Well come on, nobody in our time can match up fictional characters 😉
Present Time
Guess it was natural that I grew up to be a writer
Chilling at a quiet café, cute outfit with glasses, a cup of coffee in my hands while writing the manuscript for my story an editor just wants me to release
It's a dream come true, really.
Well expect it's not mine to have 🙁
Because reality is far, far disappointing
Lara (Editor)
Lara (Editor)
You heard it right. The publisher is looking for a historical romance this time
Alexander Scott
Alexander Scott
Well that's not the part that is difficult for me
Lara (Editor)
Lara (Editor)
Lara (Editor)
Lara (Editor)
They want $müt
Lara (Editor)
Lara (Editor)
Lot and lots of $müt...
Alexander Scott
Alexander Scott
I did not sign up myself to be a ërõtïç writer 😐
Lara (Editor)
Lara (Editor)
Look I get it. you like to write fluffy cute romantic stories, But let's face it
Lara (Editor)
Lara (Editor)
The numbers haven't been good, Alex
Lara (Editor)
Lara (Editor)
$êx Sells and if your doesn't the we are afraid that we have to drop you

Chapter 2

Alexander Scott
Alexander Scott
Please don't 🥺
Alexander Scott
Alexander Scott
I'll see what I can do
Lara (Editor)
Lara (Editor)
I'm sure you will
Lara (Editor)
Lara (Editor)
You're a very talented writer, no doubt. But we have to give our audience what they want
Lara (Editor)
Lara (Editor)
I'm sure you understand that
Lara (Editor)
Lara (Editor)
I'm very eager to see what you will write with the idea of your 😉
I grew up to be a struggling writer in this realistic world
Wow it's an absolute dream come true 🙄
3 Weeks later
He slammed him on the wall and slipped his hand under his Shir----
Alexander Scott
Alexander Scott
So what if today is 29 feb leap day? I'm still running out of time
Alexander Scott
Alexander Scott
My first draft is due tomorrow and I barely have written one chapter 🥲
Alexander Scott
Alexander Scott
It's hard enough to write a historical romance now I have to write $müt too 😮‍💨
I have to come up with something or else they will really fire me
I can barely afford to pay the rent
It's my dream to become a writer, so why is it so difficult ? 😔
Alexander Scott
Alexander Scott
I need to step away for a while
I was roaming around the city
Today is the 29 feb leap day
Maybe I would hit with some miracle and ideas will flow in my mind 🤔
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Where am I ?

Chapter 3

Another World
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
💭Where am I ?
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
💭Ugh... why is my body aching all over ? 😣
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
Sir Alexander !
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
Sir Alexander! HE IS AWAKE! 😲
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
Call the doctor now...
Lily (Mc maid) (O)
Lily (Mc maid) (O)
So much for hoping he'd drown to the death *whisper*
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
ssshh Lily 🤫
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
You know what will happen if he hears you *Whisper*
Alex got up from the bed
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
W-where am I ? 😟
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Who are you ?
All maids were shocked
The doctor came and checked alex
Doctor (O)
Doctor (O)
Sir Alexander is perfectly fine.
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
💭 Did she just referred me as a Sir ? 🤨
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
💭Don't panic, don't panic. But how can I not, I'm in a totally unfamiliar room with unfamiliar people with weird clothing 😫
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
Are you sure ? H-he nearly drowned
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
By the time guards pulled him out, He was not breathing 😥
Lily (Mc maid) (O)
Lily (Mc maid) (O)
And I don't think he remembers us *whisper*
Doctor (O)
Doctor (O)
But there is nothing wrong with him
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
All of them got scared and kneeled in front of him
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
We are terribly sorry, Sir Alexander 😢
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
We tried to warn you not to go too close to the lotus lake. But you refused to listen to us... 😢
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
We couldn't stop the boat from flipping over... 😢
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
Please spare us...
Lily (Mc maid) (O)
Lily (Mc maid) (O)
My parents would be devastated if I die 😭
Doctor (O)
Doctor (O)
I- I have a son to take care of please spare us... 😢
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
💭What the heck is happening ?
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Please stop kneeling and stand up 😣
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
I'm not going to kill anyone
All of them got shocked again
Lily (Mc maid) (O)
Lily (Mc maid) (O)
Did we hear it correctly. He didn't want us to lick his feet and beg for mercy *whisper*
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
Sheena (Mc maid) (O)
There is something definitely wrong with him *whisper*
Doctor (O)
Doctor (O)
I'll check his pulse again
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Can you bring me a mirror?
Lily (Mc maid) (O)
Lily (Mc maid) (O)
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
💭 What the hell 😨
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
💭 This is me but my hair and eye color is different. What the hell is happening here ? 🤯
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
Alexander Radcliffe (MC) (RO)
💭 But I'm looking so beautiful and handsome 🤩
What is happening here ?

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