NovelToon NovelToon

Unscented Trajectory [18+]

Chapter 0: I wish you were Omega


“Argh! Argh!”

A heated voice that sounded like a scream or moan.

The beating sound of flesh on flesh together.

And an embarrassingly familiar squelching sound.

Everything was terrible.

But I still couldn’t move, so I squeezed my hands so tight that the blood flow was cut off.

“Haa… Stop…argh, please stop it now.!”

The man who had been in a cat-like position for hours cried out. But even with that voice, the thrusting did not stop. On the contrary, it became even more intense, and the man responded to it with a sharp scream. Semen spewed out of the man’s genitals. After ejaculating several times, what comes out now is as clear as water.

“There’s still a long way to go. You should try it until you can’t use it. It looks good.”

The man, who was thrusting, growled in an unusually low voice, grabbed one of the man’s legs and lifted him up. As he pushed his hard erection deeper in that position, the man dropped his head and shook.

I made eye contact with the man whose face was covered with tears. The man stretched out his hand towards me and floundered.

“Hey there, help me… ugh, ugh-!”

Another eye, like a beast with its prey in front of them, looked towards me.

“That person can’t help you.”

He smiled slyly and kept moving inside. The other man looked sadly as if he were asking for help, and choked out like he was running out of breath.

All I could do was pretend to be calm and capture the relationship between the two. If I could, I wanted to separate the two of them right away, or to run away from this place. The fact that I couldn’t do that was so hard and painful.

The man who was begging for help panted hard, his face crumpled in frustration and pain.

“Oh! Please stop… ! Ah-! hurts…! It hurts! Argh argh, stop it…! argh!”

The man pleaded with tears in his eyes. Still, his thing was hard. The pleasure felt continuously over a long period of 4 hours now became a maddening pain and was tormenting the man.

“I said that if you hold out for the time you promised, I will be able to sponsor whatever you want. There is still a lot of time left.”

The harsh Alpha’s voice shook the man’s brain.

“Please, beg, I beg you! Ugh, ugh-! Sponsor Oh, you don’t have to…! argh!”

His hair was gripped roughly and pulled, and even rougher thrusting continued from below. The man shouted with all his might, thinking that he might really die at this rate.

“Help! Ah-! Hey! Please save, save me! Argh, uh-!”

The man stretched his arms out towards me and struggled.

I want to help too.

If I can, I want to hold his hand too.

My gaze shifted from the man’s face to the Alpha, who was constantly thrusting into him. He was also looking at me, and our eyes suddenly met.

He looked like a sharp-edged beast with nice muscles and a contorted face that was glistening with sweat. Scary eyes that seemed to eat people with just their stare constricted my whole body. He was obviously having s*x with someone else, but it felt like I was stuck there.

A different kind of heat flashed past the Alpha Man’s eyes.


The thick and long rod was pulled out at once, and the man’s body was torn apart helplessly. The man, lying on the bed with his hips raised high, twitched and breathed hard.

The Alpha looked down at his erection, it was swollen as if it was about to burst, then got out of bed and grabbed his hair.


The man, who was defenseless, held his hair and fell from the bed helplessly. The alpha man roughly grabbed him by his hair and dragged him to the door. The man struggled to pull off the wretched hand that grabbed his hair while being dragged away helplessly, but his grip was so strong that he did not budge.

Already knowing what the Alpha man was going to do, I opened the door wide for him. Two men in black suits, waiting outside,

bowed to the naked Alpha man. He grabbed the man’s head and threw him towards them, as if he was just an object.


The man who crumpled to the floor was immediately caught by the two men and lifted up. A slimy liquid ran down between his legs.

“I hope we never meet again.”

He calmly warned him as if he was casually reading a book. The man, who barely managed to stand, relying on others, opened his eyes and bit his lip.

Watching that pitiful appearance, he slammed the door shut.

“Is that person your type? You couldn’t take your eyes off of him.”

He asked with a smirk on his displeased face.

I couldn’t answer it. I couldn’t tell him how I felt towards him.

He grabbed my arm painfully, and stared at me without saying a word. My whole arm felt numb, but maybe because my face didn’t show it, he didn’t even know I was sick.

I was dragged by the man and thrown onto the bed. My clothes were ripped off one by one by the wretched hand of the other without even getting up. As usual, I gave myself up as I always did, and soon became naked.

Between the fishy smell of semen, the unique scent of an alpha tickled my nose. The Alpha’s lustful face approached my face as I was lying down.

My lips were quickly swallowed up. Because of the rough s*x, kisses with a little sweetness feels particularly sweet. I timidly licked the other man’s tongue, but as if he didn’t like it, the man’s thick, hot tongue filled my mouth and stirred in an instant.

My legs were spread apart by his hands, while a rough, dizzying kiss followed, as if he had pulled out his tongue and ravaged the inside of my mouth.

It seems that the lower part was not okay.

The alpha man’s huge, hard thing painfully shoved inside an unprepared hole. My eyebrows twitched, but I endured it without crying out a single moan. I relaxed my lower body and tried to accept him in order to reduce the pain as much as possible.

The hard genitals began to push in.

‘I think I’m going to die.’

I always think this hard and large object will tear this body apart sooner or later.

My lower body trembled uncontrollably, and the hole that was forcibly opened without consideration spread a creeping pain. If it hadn’t been during the kiss, a painful moan would have flowed out at will.


The Alpha’s mouth fell open, and he let out a low swear word. At the same time, his half-entered thing throbbed inside me and ejaculated. As the scorching heat spread, I took a deep breath and my chest swelled slightly.

“Are you really crazy?”

The Alpha sneered and forced his ejaculation into me. Fortunately, he ejaculated at once, so even if the love fluid leaked out, it wouldn’t be noticeable.

He suddenly shoved inside. Since he couldn’t ejaculate for a long time, he continued to spill out semen, but the size did not decrease at all.

His face was distorted for a moment.

He grinned and grabbed my hair and pulled me back. He licked the exposed neck with his hot tongue.


A moan escaped from my mouth. As I wondered what was so satisfying about it, I felt his hard member inside swell even more.

Just when I thought that his thing had climaxed, he pulled out, leaving only the tip, and thrust it deeply inside at once.


My back was stiff, and an unbearable groan of pain escaped my mouth. I could clearly feel the intense feeling as if my whole intestine was being pushed up and the inner wall twitching due to the size of the stuff filling it. The entrance felt like it was going to tear, and my stomach was aching and burning.

“Even if you tighten it like that, mine won’t be cut off, so take it easy. You are the only one having a hard time.”

He whispered coldly and bit my ears. It just felt like my body was getting hotter.

His member began to slip out. At that moment, when I felt the emptiness of something thick escaping my body, his, that was still half inside me stabbed a certain part of my body.


My body trembled. What was that sensitive area, with just one poke, my body felt hot and my hands and feet began to tingle.

The Alpha’s eyes shone sharply. He poked, pressed, and pushed up against the sensitive part inside. Pleasure and pain came at the same time, and it felt like my head was a mess. An unwanted moan escaped my mouth and my body shook up and down like crazy.

He ejaculated inside me several times and then repeated the pounding again.

From a certain moment, he grabbed my hair and treated me roughly like the pretty man before, grabbed my genitals and I ejaculated continuously, until clear water ran out.

I feel like I’m starting to go insane. This refreshing alpha scent that fills the room also keeps penetrating my head.

“F**k, what’s wrong with you?”

Saying that, he ejaculated one more time. He had already ejaculated several times, and every time his thing came out, the thick semen flowed out and dirtied the sheet.

“Is your face a problem? Yes? Is that so?”

When I didn’t answer, a rough kiss followed, as if swallowing my lips. Despite the difficulty, I tried to move my tongue, accepting him indulging in my mouth. The Alpha’s sharp eyes curved with satisfaction, and his kiss, which had only been rough, softened a little.

With our lips parted, he looked down at my teary eyes. He, who was already appreciating my torn down face, wiped my soft lower lip with his thumb. His fingers were smeared with saliva that was clearly ours mixed together.

“I wish you were an Omega.”

With the Alpha’s sincere voice, his pheromone grew even stronger. Each word that came out of his mouth was embedded into my heart.

“If you were, I would have marked you and locked you up.”

His words, which entered my heart, became a huge blade and pierced it down.

To be Continued...

Chapter 1: Lose


I was out of breath and my heart was about to explode. My body was heavy and my vision was shaky, but I clenched my teeth as I looked at the back of the boy who was running ahead while holding my arm.

The young boy, who looked much smaller than me, never let go of my hand that was held by that small hand. No matter how many times I stumbled and my leg shook, the boy never went ahead alone. It was a struggle to take a step further even though I was being raised and supported by him.

I told him to leave me in the midst of a drug-induced stupor, but the boy shook his head firmly. He moved his mouth and shouted something, but I couldn’t understand. I could hear the rustling of the thickets of the dark forest and even the buzzing of insects, but for some reason I couldn’t hear the boy’s words.

My vision is blurry and I cannot recognize the boy’s face. My ears try to only listen to his voice but they seem to have lost their function. The only thing that I can recognize is the fragrant smell that was passing through my lungs.

“Where are these punks!”

“Find them quickly!”

The harsh voices of men could be heard from afar. I can’t even hear the boy’s voice I want to hear, but why is their voice so clear that it makes my spine shiver?

The boy blinked and looked towards something in the distance in the path we had passed. The sound of footsteps and the rustling of the bushes could be heard as if it was already close by.

My body shakes again and the boy says something. I was exhausted and I felt like I was going to collapse at any moment, but I tried to read even the shape of the boy’s mouth, but to no avail.

The boy almost dragged himself halfway bringing himself closer to a tree. Laying down among the thick bushes nearby, the boy says something again. Through the blurry vision, I could see the boy’s lips moving slightly.

Soon the boy, who turned his back without any regrets, quickly ran out of the bushes.

“There he is!”

“Catch that bastard!”

The voices of men heard from afar quickly approached, then moved away again. I managed to get my weak body up and sat down on the floor. My head was spinning and I felt like I was going to lose my mind at any moment.

It was time to shake my head, come to my senses, and try to get up somehow.


It felt like a lightning bolt had hit my head. It was only then that I heard the boy’s voice, which I could not hear before, and it shook my mind.

Obviously, because of the influence of the anesthetic that spread through my body, I couldn’t control my body properly, but somehow I got up from my seat. As soon as I turned my head towards the screaming boy, I saw the men surrounding him. The distance and the blurry vision made it hard to tell them apart, but it was clear that several men were surrounding the boy.

I rubbed my eyes violently with the back of my hand to somehow secure my view. My eyes were sore, but I didn’t care. Thanks to this, the appearance of the boy and the men in the distance began to be visible for a little bit.

A man grabbed the boy by the back of his head and pulled him up, and he flashed a light at him. After checking his face, he shouted loudly.


The man, who was holding the boy’s hair with his left hand, uttered a swear word. The boy was holding his hair from behind and pulling his hand away, trying his best to pull it off, but he didn’t even flinch as if he wasn’t strong enough.

A very annoyed man raised his right hand. The object in his hand shone under the light of a flashlight.


I mouthed, but no sound came out. It felt like someone was holding my vocal cords.

The sharp blade held in the man’s right hand headed towards the boy’s neck and immediately cut off his neck from left to right at once.


I opened my eyes and pursed my lips. Suddenly, a faint sweet smell wafted out and blended into the surrounding air. The ecstatic sweet smell made my nose tingle for a while.

Blood gushed out like a fountain from the nape of the boy’s neck, his head still in the grasp of the man’s hand. His arm, which was rebelling, fell down immediately.

The feel of the drug that was controlling my body vanished, and it felt like I had a clairvoyant. I did not know the appearance of the others, but the boy’s appearance was clearly visible as if he was right in front of me. The blood dripping from the nape of his neck completely soaked his shirt.

The man withdrew his strength from his hand holding the boy’s hair. The boy’s slender body, which had left his hand, fell to the floor, and soon they ran in the other direction.

As the men disappeared, I staggered towards the boy. The only light was the moonlight sticking out of the clouds, but that was enough. As I got closer to the boy, the scent that flowed from him gradually deepened.

There was a blood-stained boy in the enchanting air that seemed to shake my brain. I collapsed on the floor and didn’t know how to get up, and I didn’t move at all.

I slumped down next to the boy, dropping my knees as if my leg had been broken. Apart from the effect of the anesthetic, my eyes became hot and tears welled up, making my vision blurry.

Unable to control my chest that was about to explode, I reached out to touch the boy. I placed a trembling hand on the back of his neck, not moving at all. A hot, moist liquid was smeared on it. I couldn’t tell the color because there was only moonlight, but I quickly knew that it was the blood flowing through the boy’s body. The sweet scent flowed from the liquid on my hands, tickling my nostrils.

But it was weird.

The sweet smell of the boy’s blood was gradually disappearing. The scent of pheromone, which had only been fragrant, was swallowed up by the fresh night air, and then completely disappeared.

My hand trembled and I covered my mouth. I knew my voice wouldn’t come out, but it felt like a scream would still come out.

The boy’s bloody fingers touched my face as I covered my mouth. Even though the moist blood touched my cheeks, I still didn’t feel any scent. It was so painful.

I closed my eyes and wept. Sobbing and sobbing, I repeated it in my mind several times.



* * *

I felt the warmth on my head and opened my eyes. The dark and terrifying night in the forest was gone and all I could see was a bright artificial light. I blink my eyes quietly, and at first glance, I see black hair.

“Are you okay?”

I rolled my eyes at the familiar calm voice and looked at the other person. As soon as I saw him, I frowned and slapped away the warm hand on my forehead at once.

“…What are you doing?”

I asked angrily. It may have hurt to get his hand slapped and hear my sharp words, but the other party was expressionless as usual.

“I have told you not to touch me without permission.”

I looked at the man, who was approaching me, with a cold gaze. Normally, other people would flinch and try to avoid my gaze, but he faces me calmly.

I don’t like that.

This man has never avoided my eyes until now, almost half a year after we first met. No matter how threatening and cold my eyes were, his face was always calm.

To be Continued...

Chapter 02

The man with his back straight, who was slightly bent to touch my forehead, said calmly as if nothing had happened.

“I’m sorry if you were offended. You did not wake up when it was time to go to the inspection, so I checked your condition.”

I opened the first drawer of the desk with a displeased face, glaring at the man . I took out a metal cigarette case and took out a cigarette, and the man approached me as if it was natural and lit it with a Zippo lighter.

“Today’s inspection will be from Seongil District 1 to District 5 as scheduled. Do you want to go right away?”

I inhaled the cigarette smoke deeply at the man’s words. I could feel the pungent cigarette smoke in my lungs clearing my mind .

“Come to think of it, I think you said there was a commotion yesterday in District 5.”

I remembered the contents of the report in writing. As in redevelopment of areas, almost all households living in the area agreed 100%. Some of the generations who did not agree to redevelopment, who had been setting up the site for a long time, came to the office and went on a rampage. Yesterday, I thought it would be the same thing.

Kwon Yihyeon, a man serving as a secretary and a dedicated bodyguard, immediately responded .

“Some residents said they staged a sit-in in front of the District 5 office, but now they have all been withdrawn by the servicemen.”

I hate it when it’s noisy. I thought it was fortunate that I had some pretty rough volunteers ready for such a time.

I rubbed the half-burned cigarette into the ashtray and put it out without any regrets. A fairly long body was broken in half.

I got up and walked towards the hanger. Yihyeon approached first, picked up a well-fitted suit jacket hanging there, and unfolded it my way. As if it were natural, he naturally put out his arms and helped me put it on, and then he picked up a heavy coat.

Dressed in a good quality black coat, I ordered him.

“Call Seong Jihwan home in the evening.”

I felt dirty because I had an old dream. I think this feeling of stuffiness will get a little better if I unpack it as soon as the work is finished.

“…I see.”

It seemed that there was a little delay before he answered, but I didn’t really care. Have I ever cared about anyone in the first place?

I passed by the side of Yihyeon, who was standing still. Right behind me, I could feel his presence following me like a shadow. In the past, I hated it when someone stood behind me, but after half a year of getting used to it, Kwon Yihyeon’s footsteps have now become so natural.

* * *

The vehicles that were inspected sequentially starting from Seongil District 1 soon arrived at the construction site in District 5. As soon as a black luxury sedan, which did not match the dusty place at all, appeared, the eyes of many workers were drawn to it.

The car stopped and Yihyeon, who was sitting in the passenger seat, got out first and opened the back seat door. Lee Joohyuk, executive director of Shinwoo Construction, stepped out of the car and frowned as he looked around. The same was true of each area, but District 5 was particularly mobilized with a lot of manpower and materials, so the amount of dust and wind was different due to active work.

A middle-aged man who recognized the vehicle from afar came running at once.

“Oh, executive director. Welcome!”

With a smile on his face, the foreman bowed to Joohyuk and guided him inside. Yihyeon told the driver to wait for a while and followed Joohyuk closely.

There was nothing much to say about the inspection. They exchanged stories about how much work was carried out, how much manpower was put in, and how the working environment was. It was not long after the redevelopment began, so it was just around the time when the existing buildings were destroyed and a new structure was created, but they had quite a lot of conversations while looking at the drawings scheduled for completion.

“I’ll be visiting again soon. I want to check the new materials that are coming in.”

“Yes, I will report it as soon as it comes in.”

At Joohyuk’s words, the foreman bent down. They were about to go back to the car.

“You bastards!”

They wondered why they heard harsh swear words, but something flew towards Joohyuk. Just before it hit his shoulder, Yihyeon, who was following quietly like a shadow, quickly turned around and was hit instead of him.


Something exploded. A raw egg which hit him instead of Joohyuk was dripping down from Yihyeon’s side hair, past his temple, and down to his chin. It was blocked because the head area was small, but some fragments of the broken raw egg splattered onto Joohyuk’s shoulder.

An old man who threw the raw egg flinched at Yihyeon’s dull eyes and took two more out of his sloppy jacket pocket. When he turned around and threw raw eggs at Joohyuk, Yihyeon blocked it with his body without any hesitation. A similar sound was heard twice more, and Yihyeon’s suit quickly changed into yellow, muddy liquid and shattered eggshells.

“That,that, old man!”

When the foreman became contemplative, he beckoned a few nearby workers to pull the old man out. An old man, being dragged by two strong men, shouted. Half of them were swearing that they had never heard of, but that alone showed how angry he was.

Yihyeon, who turned around while covered in eggs, found an eggshell splattered on Joohyuk’s shoulder, and pulled out a handkerchief from the inside pocket of his suit jacket. When he reached out towards Joohyuk, he snatched it roughly.

“Can’t you just stop one of them?”

Joohyuk, who criticized Yihyeon with his cold tone, roughly wiped the eggshell and sticky liquid off his shoulder with the handkerchief. Then he shoved it atYihyeon’s chest and pushed him. He stumbled for a moment from Joohyuk’s strong hand, but Yihyeon, who quickly corrected his posture, grabbed the handkerchief he returned.

The foreman quickly bowed deeply to Joohyuk.

“I’m sorry! It’s an old parent who opposed the redevelopment, but sometimes he comes to me like this and suffers… Oh, are you okay?”

Joohyuk glanced down at him and frowned. Thanks to Yihyeon’s whole body, he didn’t get any eggs splashed on him, but he didn’t feel good when he heard a lot of swear words directed at him.

“He’ll take care of it himself. Next time I see him, I can’t predict what will happen to that old man as well as you.”

Joohyuk, who warned with dark eyes, turned and walked towards his car. Leaving behind the foreman, who was contemplating and did not know what to do, Yihyeon also moved.

Every time he walked, the egg water dripped down. Being hit in the head made Yihyeon’s side face completely soaked. However, his face was as expressionless as usual, as if nothing had happened.

Yihyeon approached the car and opened the door of the back seat with a hand that was not soaked in egg water. Joohyuk, who was about to get into the car, looked at Yihyeon with disapproving eyes and said,

“Kwon Yihyeon, come separately. Don’t get the car dirty.”

After saying those words, he went into the car. It was disappointing and unfair for Yihyeon, who threw his body to block the raw eggs, but he was still calm.

Joohyuk’s car started, and Yihyeon just stared at the back. After the car completely disappeared from view, Yihyeon’s gaze moved. He looked down at the handkerchief in his hand. Yellow egg water dripped down his hair .

* * *

It had been an hour since Yihyeon arrived at Joohyuk’s home, the penthouse.

He wiped as much as he could, but the yellow water completely permeated the clothes. On top of that, what was on the head hardened as well, and some of the hair stuck together as if it had become rice cake.

As soon as he entered the penthouse, he was met with two bodyguards standing at the entrance and a young man walking out of the bathroom. He was a beauty with a height that looked about 170 and had a bright face.

Yihyeon looked at Seong Jihwan, who was called as Joohyuk instructed, and bowed his head slightly.

“Huh? I was wondering why I couldn’t see you, but you’re here now? What’s wrong with you?”

Seong Jihwan, who came closer, spat out in a light tone and looked at Yihyeon blatantly. Through the soft shower robe, he could see the white breastbone soaked in the heat of the warm water.

Yihyeon tried to pass by without answering him.

“Did you have a fight with someone?”

“It’s not like that.”

“Is this an egg? Right? Did you get hit instead of Joohyuk again?”

Jihwan stuck to him and kept talking to him. Yihyeon tried to go to his room without answering him any more, but his feet stopped as a soft hand that seemed like he had never worked before pulled the hem of his jacket .

Jihwan frowned and raised his eyes .

“Hey there,Yihyeon. I’ve felt it for a long time, but when someone asks you, you should answer…!”

“What are you doing?”

Jihwan quickly shut his mouth at the sudden voice. His eyes and Yihyeon’s gaze turned toward the direction the voice came from.

Joohyuk, leaning against an open door in a room, was roughly dressed in sweatpants and a nightgown. The front was open, revealing the strong muscles, and his loose bangs were gently lowered. However, the face that was uncomfortable, with a cigarette in his mouth and sharp eyes created a sharp atmosphere unlike his attire.

Joohyuk walked out with both hands in his pants pockets and approached Jihwan. Yihyeon bent over, and Jihwan put down the hem of his robe and gave Joohyuk a bright smile.

“I talked to him because he looked so pathetic, but he didn’t even answer me properly.”

Jihwan cunningly wiped his eyes, wrapped his arms around Joohyuk’s waist and hugged him. Joohyuk looked down at him with a cigarette in his mouth and raised his eyes to face Yihyeon. He frowned as he scanned the egg-dyed suit.

“How long are you going to run around with a fishy smell? Hurry up and go wash up.”

He coldly spoke to Yihyeon and then pulled Jihwan’s body away from him. Jihwan followed Joohyuk as he went back to his room, jokingly chasing after him.

“How much are you going to do today? I got a good rest yesterday, so my stamina is good.”

“It is up to you, Seong Jihwan.”

Joohyuk, who exhaled a long cigarette smoke from his mouth, answered without emotion, and Jihwan licked his lips as if he was already anticipating the reward of the upcoming hot time. It continued until the moment the door closed.

Yihyeon, who was silently looking at the closed door, turned his head.

He had to always be close by to assist Joohyuk, so there was a separate room for Yihyeon in the penthouse. A simple wardrobe and chest of drawers, a cheap looking table and chairs, and a small single bed . That was all the furniture in Yihyeon’s room.

Yihyeon went into his small and pathetic room and closed the door silently. In a quiet room, with his eyes down, he hears nothing but the faint sound of his own breathing.

He wished he couldn’t hear anything like this.

Immediately after changing clothes and washing, he had to stand in front of Joohyuk’s room. He often called Yihyeon during s*x with other people, and made him run private errands.

When he lost his concentration even while having s*x, he made Yihyeon, who was outside the door, come inside. Joohyuk seemed to enjoy the excitement of that moment and the shameful expression on his face. Sometimes he looked at Yihyeon’s face as if to appreciate it, but when he saw that there was no reaction, he quickly lost interest and took his eyes off of him.

It will be the same today. Like always.

* * *

“Ah-! Ah!”

The moaning from inside the room gradually increased.

“Hey, stop… ah! Joohyuk, please…! Huh-!”

It was time to slowly end it. Jihwan, who said he had good physical strength, fell in love with the intense s*x he and Joohyuk had promised for the three hours at first, but eventually begged him to stop because he was overused. Yihyeok thought it was understandable because he was stuck without a break for a long time .


Jihwan’s painful moans hit his ears. In line with that, Yihyeon’s fingertips, which were outside the door, flinched slightly. The movement was so small that the security guards standing near the front door in the distance did not notice it. Rather, they were looking at Yihyeon, who did not blink an eye even after hearing an unfamiliar sound up close.

A moan close to weeping was heard, and shortly after the door swung open. What came out was Joohyuk, wearing a robe. Although he was covered in a gown, it could be seen that a considerable size was erect just by looking at the swollen shape of the fabric.

Joohyuk, who was wiping his sweat-soaked bangs and frowning his forehead, gestured to Yihyeon, who was standing outside the door, as if it was bothersome.

“Take care of it.”

After saying those words, he went straight to the bathroom. Yihyeon looked at his back for a moment and went inside the room.

As expected, Jihwan, who looked like a corpse, was lying on the bed, completely exhausted. There were traces of semen and sweat all over the bed. There were empty condoms that Joohyuk must have used, and there were quite a few cigarettes in the ashtray on the side table next to the bed.

Yihyeon picked up the robe that had fallen on the floor and approached Jihwan, who was lying face down on the bed. His back went up and down several times.

“Seong Jihwan, are you okay?”

Jihwan lifted his head at the always unchanging, neat tone of voice. His face was covered in tears and sweat, but he looked rather hot and pretty because his beautiful face had a deep flush.

Jihwan, who rubbed the corners of his swollen eyes with the back of his hand, raised his upper body with difficulty.

“ Ugh!”

Jihwan frowned and moaned slightly because of his sore waist and lower back. Yihyeon put the gown on his back and gently sat him down by holding his arm.

“Ah… I really thought I was going to die.”

Jihwan sat on the bed, squeezing his arms into his robe and frowned. His muscles were sore and his hand shook when he held them tightly.

Jihwan, who took the wet tissue from Yihyeon, wiped the semen spread around my stomach as he grumbled.

“I’m having a hard time, so please ask him if I can sleep here.”

The time was already around 10 o’clock. He was off work until tomorrow, so he hoped to sleep well there. Then he thought that if Joohyuk was to find him again, it would be hard but he wouldn’t lose anything as he would put in one more advertisement. It was rather good.

However, Yihyeon, who was familiar with Joohyuk’s personality, replied that it was impossible.

“The executive director does not let other people sleep at his home. I’m sure you already know.”

From a young age, Joohyuk has suffered from threats of kidnapping and killing several times because of his family and because he was the eldest son of a chaebol family. Because of that trauma, he was living alone in a spacious penthouse, and the only people who he allowed to stay inside were the two bodyguards guarding the entrance. Other than that, the security guards were driven into another room on the same floor to conduct external security .

“Yihyeon also stays here.”

Jihwan pursed his lips and rolled his eyes.

Like he said, Yihyeon had a special case of living in the penthouse of Joohyuk’s home. Lee Joohyuk is the one who gave up a space in his house, and only one person was allowed close contact 24 hours a day. That was Kwon Yihyeon, secretary and bodyguard. Bodyguards guarding the front door continued to change people in two shifts, but Yihyeon, who was next to Joohyuk, was always the same.

Jihwan was hoping that he too would be special to Joohyuk .

Jihwan grabbed Yihyeon’s arm as he was putting away the condoms scattered around him.

“Ask him first. I mean, the mood was still good today. He will allow it.”

He said that the atmosphere was good, but at the end he begged him to stop like that. Even if that wasn’t the case, looking at Joohyuk’s frown, it was no different than usual s*x. The difference was that Jihwan lasted about 30 minutes longer than usual.

Joohyuk’s s*x wasn’t really long or anything. Only 3 hours today. But the person who gets it will say that the time is more difficult than doing it all day.

Joohyuk doesn’t caress anyone. It is up to the other person to take care of his own back, and get Joohyuk hard. Once an erection is achieved, from the moment of insertion, he begins to thrust violently, like a person reaching his climax. There is no consideration for the other person, and he only moves for his own pleasure.

They can rest if he ejaculates.

Until now, Joohyuk had never ejaculated while having s*x with another person. He seemed to have visited the hospital as well, but the conclusion was that although he had a very healthy body, it was a mental problem.

Joohyuk snorted when told to see a psychiatrist. If the news that the eldest son of Shinwoo Group, one of Korea’s leading conglomerates, is receiving psychiatric treatment, there will be an uproar. Even if it wasn’t, Joohyuk’s own self-esteem was so strong that he only thought of solving it on his own. It was based on the premise that his mind was very well.

However, the fact that he couldn’t ejaculate even when the pleasure of s*x reached its peak was a more serious problem than he thought. He always enjoys the pleasure until just before ejaculation. It was never a good feeling to feel like you were sliding over and over with the high ground in front of you.

To be Continued...

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