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A Dagger Of Betrayal

Chapter ~1(Birthday party)

**INTRODUCTION: **Samanthra kyle was the only child of David and Emma kyle. Heir to the kyle industry. Samanthra has everything anyone could ever wish for, even if it means toys, fancy dresses, anything she could wish for. Samanthra has a aunt (selina)who lives in L.A she used to visit every month and they would have a great family time. Samanthra lives in New york and she had a best friend chloe. Chloe was her childhood friend and they were close.


(**Birthday party): **Samanthra was very excited for her 17th birthday and was waiting for her parents to return from japan after a business meeting, they told her that they will reach home before the party start’s.

Samanthra was just almost ready and her maid/ care taker leah was giving her final touchups. And done, you look so beautiful miss kyle. Said leah.

Thank you leah! Said samanthra while looking in the mirror. Her brown long wavy hair swaying with her dress.

Samanthras dress for birthday party.

Samanthra’s brown eyes sparkle with excitement as she dance in her room with happiness.

*knowk knowk* :

Come in:

Miss kyle the guest are here and your aunt wish to see you before the party. Leah informed.

Okay I’ll be there in 5 minutes. Samanthra said.

Just as miss leah was about to go, are they here? Samanthra asked her about her parents.

No, miss kyle but I’m sure they’ll be on their way, so don’t worry.

Okay, you may go now. After that miss leah left and samanthra went to talk to her aunt selina.

Ohh my samanthra dear! Look at you all grown up and so beautiful.

Thanks aunt selina. It’s nice to see you too. So, how do i look? Samanthra asked.

Just like a princesse. My dear you look fabulous.


TIME SKIP: The party was going all well and samanthra was enjoying it but still she was waiting for parents, they still hasn’t came home yet and she was starting to feel anxious.

OMG! look at you princess all grown up.

Uncle jackson you made it. Samanthra excitedly said.

Ofcourse, i have to come for my samanthra. He said. Uncle jackson where’s Zak? I haven’t seen him in a while.

Hey beautiful! Looking for me.

Samanthra’s Pov: I got starled after hearing a male voice from behind. I turned around and my eyes met with the grey ones.



Zak is that you? Samanthra exclaimed happily.

Of course it’s me your male best friend. Your crime patner and your saviour. At your service he bowed in front of her like a prince.

Samanthra laughed at his behaviour as he was still the same zak she knows. She also bowed like a princess and said “ well it’s an honour to meet you again mr. zak.

Well then can i have the permission to ask the birthday girl for a dance. Zak asked.

Before samanthra could say anything, miss leah came in the hall with a worried expression and whispered something in miss selinas ear. A few minutes before she was smiling and now there was also a worried expression on her face.

Leah bring my key’s and take care of the guest. I’ll be back soon.

Aunty selina where are you going? Samanthra called her from behind, but she didn’t stop.

Miss leah is everything okay? Why aunty selina was in such a rush. Is my parents okay?

Everything will be alright miss kyle. You should enjoy your birthday.

But deep down samanthra knew something was wrong.


To be continued

Chapter 2( Tragedy)

Samanthras Pov:

It’s been 2 hours since aunt selina left, samanthra was worried about her. Miss leah! Where did aunt selina go and why was she in such a rush?

Miss kyle, there was an emergency so she has to go. You shouldn’t worry that much. Come it’s time to cut the cake.

Time skip: Everyone was enjoying the party, then suddenly jay your parents assistant came rushing through the door to uncle jackson.

Woah! Jay slow down whats the rush jackson asked. Mister jackson , Mr kyles car got in an accident they are taken to the hospital, miss selina is already there you gotta hurry.

Samanthra’s pov: After hearing everything, the glass in samanthra’s fell and shattered like her heart.

The room went silent, the music stopped and silence filled the room. What are you saying jay? Where are my parents? What happened?

Samanthra asked him.

Miss kyle it all happened so fast, i….. uh how can I explain. You can explain everything later, but first let’s go to the hospital. Jackson said.

I’m coming with you. I want to see my parents.

Samanthra said. Me too. Zak said.

No, you kids stay here. We’ll be back soon. Jackson stopped samanthra and zak from coming to the hospital.

But I wanna go with you…. No but samanthra, miss leah take her to her bedroom. I’m going with jay, I’m sure your parents will be alright.

Before samanthra could protest jackson left with jay.

Samanthra stode there like a stone with tears threatening to fall. Everything gonna be alright , Zak said putting a hand on her shoulder but samanthra couldn’t say anything, she never faced anything like this before.


Time skip: It’s been two hours since samanthra has been locked herself in her room.

Samanthra please open the door, you haven’t eaten anything after the party. Plz come out let me see you. Zak said in a concerning tone.

Zak please go away, I don’t wanna eat or see anyone right now.

Samanthra please, fine if you won’t come outside, i will also won’t bugde from here.

Samanthra let out a sign and then opened the door and found herself looking into the stormy grey eyes, those eyes are so calm and yet so deep.

Samanthra are you okay, zak asked her.

Yes, I’m okay. She said stepping away from the door, so zak could enter the room.

ZAK’s Pov: I entered samanthra’s room which was filled with darkness and sadness.

I closed the door behind me and went where samanthra was sitting on her bed. There was a low light in the room, so I couldn’t see if she was crying or what.

End of POV


They both sat in complete silence. Samanthra put her head on zaks shoulder. Zak I’m afraid what if something happened to them? I can’t live without them. I will die without them. I’m so afraid…… saying this she bursted into tears.

Hey samanthra shh.. shh stop crying nothing gonna happened to them. They’ll be fine.

He said as he wiped her tears with his thumbs.

Samanthra looked into his eyes and found them.

After that samanthra calmed down a little.

Now samanthra I think you should rest. Zak said.

But what about them? She asked. No but, they’re going to be alright. I promise. We will go meet them tomorrow, but now you should rest.

Samanthra nodded her head. I’ll be here next door if you need anything. Zak said as he walked out of the room. Okay I will. She said and closed the door of the room. She went and lay in her bed but she kept tossing in her bed. Finally, her eyelids became heavy and she fell asleep.

Next morning: Samanthra woke up after hearing the thunder of clouds. It was raining heavily, but much more than that she felt heaviness in her heart.

She went outside and saw nobody was here. It was so silent in the mansion. She went down stairs and saw her aunt selina, uncle jackson, miss leah and zak there.

She was mid way down when she heard them talking. how are we going to tell everything? Aunt selina said while crying. Miss selina you have to keep yourself together. Miss leah said.

Jackson let out a sad sign and said : I wish i was in there place. I couldn’t safe them, he was at the urge of crying, but he didn’t.

No, didn’t seem to notice samanthra who stode there in shock after hearing everything, she was in denial of everything.

But how are we going to tell her that her parents is …….

My parents are what? Zak looked at her shocked. Your up I didn’t knew you were standing behind me. He said.

Don’t change the topic zak, tell me my parents are what? She asked.

Everybody looked down and didn’t answer.

Then miss selina came forward and put a hand shoulder and said: Your parents are in better place now, they are in peace.

After hearing this samanthra couldn’t understand anything, anymore, she just stode there lifelessly, remembering her moments with her parents. She was in her thoughts, but then everything started to blur and then everything went black.


To be continued.

*Hope you will like this chapter, plz give this story a lot of love and support. Bye. Love by author. **🌺*

Chapter 3( memories)

After hearing the news samanthra fainted. Before she could hit the floor zak caught her in his arms. Samanthra wake up zak shook her but she wasn’t responding. Everyone became worried.

Miss leah hurry! Call the doctor. Aunt selina said in a panic voice.

Zak picked samanthra bridal style and hurriedly carried her to her room. He gently laid her on bed. Meanwhile the doctor arrived.

Time skip: after the checkup.

The doctor came out samanthra’s room after checking her.

Miss selina can i talk to you for a moment, doctor said.

Miss selina I know this a tough time for all of you, but you have to keep yourself together for samanthra. She fainted due to panic attack. It is very dangerous for her. Make sure to keep her away from any kind of stress. I have given her an injection, she might wake up soon. This is the medicine, make sure she eats them on time. I may take my leave now.

Thank you doctor for your time. Miss leah please escort the doctor to the door. Miss selina said.

As she entered the living room zak came forward and asked : miss selina what did the doctor said? Is she alright? What’s wrong?

She’s fine now, she fainted due to panic attack. She’s fine now and might wake up soon. Selina said.

Oh thank god. Zak let out a sign of relief. Can i go see her? He asked.

Yes , you can but she hasn’t woke up yet. You go see her and I’ll go talk to miss leah about her medicine and food. She said.

Time skip: Zak went inside samanthra’s room and softly closed the door. He went towards her bed and sit beside her on the bed.

He gently grab her and gently caressed it. Please samanthra wake up! , look I’m sorry I couldn’t keep my promise. But Now I promise that i I will never let anything happened to you again. Please wake up and I’ll do anything.

He gently placed her hand back and was about to get up , when he felt someone grabbing his hand. He looked back and was met with the empty sad eyes of samanthra. He felt sad seeing them so dull. They used to shine so bright

Don’t blame yourself zak. It was not your fault. I should be one blaming myself. Because it was my birthday, they were supposed to come back after a week but I insisted that they should be here on my birthday and on the same day they die…..d saying this samanthra bursted into tears.

Hey hey shhhh stop crying samanthra. I’m here for you, it was not your fault. Zaksaid while taking samanthra into a hug. Shhh.. stop crying its alright. Samanthra cried on his shoulder wetting his shirt from there. After a few minutes of zak comforting her while caressing her hair she finally calmed down.

They parted from the hug. I’m sorry about that and your shirt I’ll give you a new one. Samanthra said getting a little embarrassed.

It’s no big deal. But just stay calm. Zak said while cleaning the remaining tears with his thumb.

Thanks zak , what would I do without you. She said. You always have me. He said standing up. I’m your best friend, your crime patner, and your knight. But now i I should take my leave so that princess samanthra can get fresh for lunch.

He bowed before like a prince before going out of the room closing the door. Samanthra chuckled at his behaviour but then suddenly that smile faded away remembering that now she was left alone. Her parents are not no longer with her.

She got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. After that she changed into simple black hoodie and jeans and went downstairs.

She went towards the dining hall and saw everyone was waiting for her for lunch. She quietly sat down and maids start serving dishes. But samanthra refused the maid to serve her more food. Everyone ate their food in complete silence until samanthra broke the silence. I wanna see them. I wanna go to their graves.

But samanthra ………. Before aunty selina could say anything. Samanthra cutted her. Please aunt selina don’t stop me.


To be continued.

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