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Unbroken Bonds

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Title: "Unbroken Bonds"

We are thrilled to announce the release of "Unbroken Bonds," a captivating new novel by @yuro_akuma. This deeply moving story follows the journey of two best friends, whose lives were marked by tragedy before fate brought them together.

In "Unbroken Bonds,"weaves a tale of resilience, friendship, and the healing power of human connection. As the protagonists navigate their past sorrows, they discover that true friendship can mend even the deepest wounds.

Don't miss this unforgettable story that will touch your heart and stay with you long after the final page.


Introduction to "Unbroken Bonds"

Life often deals us unexpected and painful blows, leaving scars that shape who we become. In "Unbroken Bonds," two girls, each bearing the weight of their own tragic pasts, find an unexpected friendship that changes everything. Their journey is one of healing, resilience, and the remarkable power of human connection.

Meet Zathaxia Elise Valleria, a girl whose life was upended by a series of heartbreaking events that left her questioning her strength. On the other side of town is Avrelie marine Copper , a girl haunted by memories she wishes she could forget. Both are navigating their own battles, struggling to find peace in a world that seems determined to break them.

When Elise and Avrilie meet by chance, their worlds collide in a way neither could have predicted. Through shared experiences and mutual understanding, they begin to forge a bond that offers hope and the possibility of healing. Together, they learn that even the deepest wounds can be mended with the support of a true friend.

"Unbroken Bonds" is a testament to the enduring human spirit and the unyielding strength found in friendship. As you turn each page, you will be drawn into a story of heartbreak, recovery, and the unbreakable ties that connect us all.

Chapter One: The Beginning


The soft glow of dawn filtered through the lace curtains, casting gentle patterns on the wooden floor of Elise's room. The peaceful quiet of the countryside was broken by the melodic sound of birds singing outside her window. Elise stirred as she felt the familiar touch of her mother's hand on her shoulder.

"Good morning, my sweet girl," her mother whispered, her voice as gentle and soothing as a lullaby.

Elise opened her eyes and smiled up at her mother. "Good morning, Mama," she replied, her voice still thick with sleep.

"Come on, sleepyhead," her mother said, brushing a strand of hair from Elise's face. "It's a beautiful day outside. Your father is already working in the fields, and your brother is up to his usual mischief."

"Get up now and call your brother and father to go back for breakfast," her mother told her while walking to wards the door, " yes mama" she replied with a sweet smile. Elise sprang out of bed, her heart light and full of excitement. She loved mornings like these, where the promise of a new day was filled with the warmth and love of her family. She quickly dressed and ran downstairs, her bare feet pattering on the wooden steps.

As soon as she stepped outside, the fresh scent of the earth and blooming flowers greeted her. She took a deep breath, savoring the crisp morning air, and then bolted towards the fields. "Papa!" she called out joyfully, her voice echoing across the expanse of their farm.

Her father looked up from his work, his face breaking into a wide smile when he saw her. "There’s my little sunshine," he called back, waving his hat at her.

Just as she was about to reach her father, a pair of arms grabbed her from behind, pulling her into the tall grass beside the path. She let out a surprised giggle as she turned to see her brother, Mark, grinning mischievously.

"Shh," he whispered. "Let's hide from Papa. He’ll never find us!"

Elise's eyes sparkled with excitement as she nodded, and together they crouched low, stifling their giggles. They watched as their father pretended to look around, calling out for them with exaggerated confusion.

"Where did my helpers go?" he said, scratching his head theatrically. "I could’ve sworn I saw them just a moment ago."

Elise and Mark exchanged amused glances, holding their breaths to keep from laughing out loud. Finally, their father knelt down near the grass where they were hiding.

"Hmm, I guess I'll just have to do all the work by myself," he said with a sigh. "Sure wish I had some little helpers to keep me company."

"time for breakfast, where are you" her mother loud voice was heard from there house 1 km away from the field "oh no!, I forgot mama ask me to call you and papa for breakfast", Elise said with her worried face " mama, looks angry " she added.

unable to contain themselves any longer, Elise and Mark burst out of their hiding place, laughing and running into their father's open arms. He scooped them up, spinning them around as they squealed with delight.

"Gotcha!" he exclaimed, kissing the tops of their heads. "Let's go back now, your mother had been calling us, she seems angry already. " And they giggle walking back to their house.

"Sigh, I ask you to call your father, but if I didn't call, you might stay there and play games" her mother said angry but in a calm tone, " sorry, mama" Elise said to her and hug her mother

" Come on, let's eat, the food has been waiting and already cold" her mother said and they all go inside in their small wooden house and sit in their wooden chair, the food was already prepared in their small round wooden table. "rice corn, fried egg and fried pork meat. looks delicious!!" Elise said, ready to eat her portion.

The next morning, with the sun barely peeking over the horizon, their mother instructed Elise and her brother Mark to go bathe near the road, where the water was. Eager to start their day, the siblings set off, taking the shortcut through the grassy field where the horses grazed peacefully. The morning air was cool and crisp, and the dew on the grass sparkled like tiny diamonds as they walked.

"Come on, Elise," Mark whispered, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "Let's sneak past the horses. We don't want them to see us and get curious."

Elise nodded, a mischievous smile spreading across her face. They carefully made their way through the tall grass, crouching low to avoid being spotted by the grazing horses. The thrill of the morning adventure sent a shiver down her spine.

"Do you think they’d really bite us?" Elise asked in a hushed voice, glancing at the nearest horse.

Mark shrugged, grinning. "Better safe than sorry," he replied, leading the way.

Once they were clear of the horses, they sprinted towards their favorite spot: a small clearing by a gentle stream. Here, the water was cool and inviting, perfect for a quick splash on a warm day. As they approached, they saw their friends already there, gathered around a hose hooked up to a spigot, spraying cold water into the air.

"Hey, Elise! Hey, Mark!" their friends called out, waving them over.

Elise and Mark joined the group, laughter and excitement filling the air. The cold water from the hose was a refreshing contrast to the warm morning sun. Elise let out a delighted squeal as the icy spray hit her skin, and soon the clearing was alive with the sounds of children playing and splashing.

"This is the best way to start the day," Elise said, her face lit up with pure joy.

Mark nodded in agreement, his hair dripping with water. "Absolutely," he said, chasing after one of their friends with the hose.

Chapter Two: Life in the country side


A few days later, their mother decided it was time for them to go back in the small village, just 7 kilometers away from their farm. With the weekend over, it was time for Elise, who was 3 years old, and her 4-year-old brother Mark, to return to school. These trips were always a highlight for the siblings, filled with new adventures and endless fun.

By the time they arrived at the small village, the sun hung low in the sky, casting long golden shadows across the ground. Although it was only four o'clock, the warm hues of the late afternoon made it feel like evening was already settling in. Despite their long journey, Elise and Mark were eager to see their friends. They wasted no time heading to the hills, where they spent the rest of the daylight hours sliding down the grassy hills using the slopes, they ride down the hill with their old burlap sacks. The makeshift sleds sent them racing down the slopes, laughter echoing through the air as they felt the rush of speed.

"Let's do it again!" Elise shouted, her cheeks flushed with excitement as she grabbed her sack and climbed back up the hill.

After countless slides, they ventured onto the rocky road that cut through the village. The uneven terrain, dotted with large rocks, was perfect for a thrilling race. They dashed over the stones, leaping from one to the next, their feet barely touching the ground.

"Watch your step, Elise!" Mark called, his voice full of playful warning.

"I'm right behind you!" she replied, nimbly hopping over a particularly big rock, until the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with vibrant streaks of pink and orange

As the first stars began to twinkle in the dusky sky, their mother’s voice called out from the distance, carrying a familiar warmth through the crisp evening air. "Elise, Mark, come home! It's time to prepare for dinner!" she shouted. Knowing how cold the nights could get in the countryside, nestled as it was against the mountains, the children reluctantly gathered their things and said goodbye to their friends.

When they returned home, the sky was a deep indigo, and a chill had begun to settle in. Their wooden house stood sturdy and inviting, its walls glowing softly in the lamplight. Inside, the comforting aroma of a hearty stew filled the small, cozy kitchen. After dinner, they washed up and got ready for bed, the warmth of the fire a welcome contrast to the biting cold outside. Wrapped in thick blankets, they drifted off to sleep.

With the morning's adventures behind them, they made their way to their pre-school, conveniently located just in front of their house in the village. The small building was a place of learning and laughter, where they joined their friends in songs, games, and stories.

"Good morning, class," their teacher greeted them warmly as they entered. "I hope you all had a wonderful weekend."

Elise and Mark shared a secret smile, knowing their weekend had been filled with joy and excitement. As they settled into their seats, they felt grateful for these simple, happy moments in their village life.

A year had passed, and Elise was now 4 years old, while Mark had turned 5. It was time for them to take the next step in their education journey, and their parents decided it was time to leave the countryside behind and return to the bustling city of Soler.

Soler, with its towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, was a stark contrast to the tranquil countryside they had grown accustomed to. The sun beat down relentlessly, and the hot wind carried the cacophony of city life into every corner. The constant honking of cars filled the air, a sharp contrast to the peaceful sounds of nature they were used to.

Their new home in Soler was a small, shady house nestled beside the rice mill. It was a far cry from the spacious farm they had left behind. The house was old and weathered, with cracks in the walls and holes in the roof. The noise from the mill was constant, drowning out any chance of quiet.

Elise and Mark found it hard to adjust to their new surroundings. The air was thick and heavy, lacking the freshness they had enjoyed in the countryside. The streets were crowded with people and vehicles, and the constant hustle and bustle left them feeling overwhelmed.

Gone were the days of running through open fields and exploring hidden corners of the countryside. In Soler, their world had shrunk to the confines of their small house and the busy streets outside. It was a jarring change for the siblings, who had grown accustomed to the peace and tranquility of rural life.

As they settled into their new home, Elise and Mark couldn't help but long for the simplicity of their old life. They missed the fresh air, the open spaces, and the sense of freedom that had defined their days in the countryside. But as they soon realized, change was inevitable, and they would have to adapt to their new reality in Soler no matter how different it may be.

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