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Twisted Sacrifices


The sun shines through the window and the birds chirping outside awaken the sleeping figure inside the room. As she opens her eyes she rubs them while yawning, she stretch her hands and sits up on the edge of her bed. She looks around the room at all its amenities, her luxury suite is fit for a queen, and she is the queen.

"Good morning miss Valeria" wishing herself she stood up from the bed when a knock on the door drag her attention...

"Young miss, everyone is waiting for you in the dinning hall for breakfast" a young voice came from the other side of the door and the girl knew that it's none other than the maid.

"I'm coming soon after taking a shower" she yells from inside while hurriedly setting her bed clean. The maid walk out after giving a nod which she didn't even saw.

Turning on the music player as she step inside the bathroom humming the song 'love story' playing in background.

♪romeo save me I am feeling so alone♪

♪I keep waiting all is left do is run♪

After fifteen minutes she got out from the bathroom after taking a warm shower wrapping a towel around her body as she chose her outfit from the walking closet.

"This looks perfect for my first day" she said as she picks up a cute black pink crop sweater with a black platted skirt.

After getting fully ready she gave a last glance at the mirror infront of her.

"You look stunning babes" she gives a playful winks to her reflection before going out of the room.


She steps out of her room and makes her way down the hallway towards the dining hall. She is greeted by her family who are all gathered around the table eating breakfast.

"Good morning dadda" she greeted her father by a gentle hug and in return he kissed her forehead saying "morning princess".

"Morning Luna" her mom wished her as Natasha hugged her too...

"Good morning mom"

She took her seat between her parents as her mother served breakfast for her. She takes a look at the dishes and found all her favourite food.

"Wow mom it's my best day" she exclaimed as she digs in as both her parents chuckles at her childish behaviour.

"Princess slow down no one is stealing your food" her dad said while sipping on his black coffee.

They exchange a few words before she continues eating her breakfast. The food is delicious and she can't stop herself from giving a pleasurable smile.

"Luna are you excited for your first day?" Claire, her mother asked as today is her first day of university.

Natasha got great marks in her previous exam as a result she got a chance into her dream university, the Joseph's University. This university is the best and most prestigious institute in the whole Paris and it's very difficult to get a chance but luckily Natasha did it with her perfect scores.

"I'm hella nervous mom, I don't know how will be my new life in the university. But still I'm excited cause I always wanted to go there" Natasha gives a big smile showing how much excited she is.

"Don't worry princess you will do great I know" her dad encouraged her patting her back gently.

After having a peaceful breakfast with her parents she hugs them saying goodbye as she took the car keys and head out for her university.


..."your eyes were the only thing caught my eyes in this crowd"...

This damn traffic I just hate to wait and here I'm waiting for a mere red light such a headache,

"Arhh" I take out a big sigh as I rest my head on the stearing. Dad always tells me to take driver but I prefer to drive myself cause I just love riding, that's one of the reason why I'm one of the best rider when it comes to car drifts. By that I remember that this week I am invited to one of the famous drift match in this city.

I was definitely ready to reject it cause I had planned to spend my weekend with dadda and mom but my stupid friends accepted it before even informing me.

"When will this damn traffic will clear, I'm getting late for my first day"

I was just waiting for the traffic to clear when my phone starts buzzing and I know who is it. Without any delay I pick up the phone...

"Hello" I said in my usual tone.

"Fuck your hello and tell me where are you bitch!" And here she goes with her cursing. I literally sometimes think to just stitch her mouth.

"I'm stuck in this fúcking traffic and now it's killing me" I tried to explain my situation to her and by the silence I can tell now she is rubbing her back of her neck, that's her habit.

"Girl are you planning to be late on the very first day" I hear another voice speaking from a far more like yelling.

"It's not my-"

My eyes widened when I saw a biker passing by my car in such a speed of light and he was about to collide with my car.

"WHAT THE FUCK MAN!" My heart was about to get heart attack by how close he was. Who the fuck is this crazy?

I hurriedly take my head out of the window to see the fúcking bastard who was about to hurt my baby. My cars are my babies I just love them and I'm obsessed with them.

I saw the biker already went away in the crowd that I didn't even get to curse him properly. when I sit back inside I noticed that I'm still in the call, I pick up the call near my ear and then...

"HEY! HEY! HELLO! SOMEONE THERE!" they will destroy my ear someday. "I'm alive guys" I said calmly yet in a mocking way.


"Can you stop yelling"

I saw the traffic now getting clear so I said, "I'm hanging up now meet you at the campus" I didn't even wait for the answer and hung up starting my engine.

"I swear if I meet that bàstard I will beat his ass out".

I will surely kill him, how dare he try to harm my car. No one dares to touch my dearest things and here he was about to destroy my favourite car.

I speed up my car as soon as I left the traffic area, I don't want to get late today.

I'm so proud of myself, I not only made it on time but I got early. But as soon as I parked my car in the parking lot I noticed something familiar.

"Isn't this the same bike that I swear to kill" I mean the biker not the innocent bike. As I look clearly I saw the fucker standing beside the bike with his gang, but what made me more furious is that they were laughing. After putting me in heart attack he is laughing.

"I will kill him surely", saying that I march towards him with my backpack.

Soon I was standing behind him and the gand notice me but he didn't so to grab his attention I tapped on his shoulder.

"Hey Mr. Blindman" this name suits him better, hearing me he turned around.

"And who are you Miss unknown"  he said in a deep cold voice.

My fuck, what's with his voice. Is he from some fictional world, such a deep voice. Wait! Luna you are here not to drool at his voice.

I shake my fúcking thoughts as I look at him more like glaring at him, "you were the one who was riding between the traffic like a blink pig and was about to hit my car".

I heard some giggling from the other guys but I ignored them and look at the guy infront of me who was looking at me down with a calm eyes.

"Your car?" He asks while raising his eyebrow.

"Yes my car" I reply while pointing my finger behind me towards my Ferrari.

He just glance at my car before putting his eyes on me and said in a cold yet calm tone, "if you are done with your childish nagging than I'm leaving".

How dare he talk about me like that, till now no one means no one disrespected me and here this bastard is behaving like some kind of king.

"Who do you think of yourself huh? Some kind of king? You just gave me a heart attack and here you are being a total brat instead of apologizing"

He again looks at me with his cold eyes but this time there was a slight annoyance.

"You want me to apologise? To you? A girl?" He scoffs that made me more angry.

"Yes you will"  I contrasted my words as he leaned forward to me which made me lean back slightly.

"You know who I am?"

"I don't know who you are and I don't even want to know" suddenly I'm not feeling comfortable by the way he is starring at me. Like he will kill me in a second with just his small touch.

I step back from him and stomp my foot on his harshly before leaving from there quickly. I heard a small groan which brought a small smirk on my face.


..."she was just a stranger who ruled my heart"...

"Hey Chris let's race to the campus" I heard Darvin behind me as both of us preparing for our ride.

"Not in the mood" I denied while taking my helmet and putting it on as I saw Lucas making sulking face just like when a kid gets denied from buying his favourite toy.

Today is the first day of our university and my friends are getting very much excited as they will be able to find their dreamy big ass with curvy hips, but here I don't even feel a bit of excitement within me cause for now I only want to focus on my career and build my emperor and prove my dad.

I heard another voice coming inside the parking lot "bro wants to save his energy for the night Lucas" and here comes my another bastard friend Asher with a wide smirk on his face.

I only rolled my eyes as in response as both of them always loves to get on my nerves. Darvin, Asher and I live together in my condo which dad has gifted me as an apology. The three of us met in our high school and since we are together as bestfriend and now we live together though sometimes they behave like kids and I have to handle them like their daddy.

"That's not the point Asher, he is just afraid that he will lose from me" I can see the clear grin as he is trying to provoke me now.

I tried to ignore them as I sit on my bike and put my backpack on when I hear Asher laughing on his comment more like mocking me. And that's it...

"Loser get to treat winner" I announced as I start my engine and letting my bike scream from pride.

Asher and Darvin are already on their bike as start their engine too letting the whole parking lot echo our screaming bikes. Now this gives me some excitement though.

We are at our way to campus riding in high speed as trying to overtake all the vehicles on our way. Luckily I'm taking the lead as the two of them still trying to overtake me.

Their is not much time left for our class and now I think the racing idea is not bad as it will take us on time but as we were cutting through the morning air enjoying our time the traffic welcome us.

I slow down my bike as I observed the heavy traffic infront of me, I look back to find Darvin slow down his bike followed by Asher next.

"Now what?" I say through the Bluetooth connecting us through the ride.

In return I saw Asher smiling devilishly as his voice comes over my ears with mischievous "a mare traffic can stop the vamps huh?".

The vamps. Darvin gave this name for our friendship at the start of our journey. I can see the excitement in Darvin after hearing Asher. They are really something, I can't deny that this makes me happy too.

"Let's see who can dodge the car more smoothly", I start my bike again after finding a way within the traffic driving on the small space just enough for a bike to pass by. The two of them follow me.

I was smoothly passing all the cars when I saw a black Ferrari on my way, I was on my speed as I overtake that car and that's when I heard a feminine voice yelling...


I was not in the situation of turning my head and see the owner of the voice but I felt the voice familiar. Ignoring that voice I speed up my bike when I reached at the end of the traffic.


I'm still in shock how that little girl came to me first and yelled at me but also hit my leg that till now I'm feeling pain in it.  That girl has some guts to talk to me like that, no one has ever dared to disrespect me till now and here this girl stomped her foot on me and left.

I heard Darvin and Asher laughing behind me as they were enjoying the whole scene. I give them a cold glare shutting them up as my whole mood ruined by the bitch.

"She have to pay for it"

"Hey that girl was quite cute huh" I heard Darvin as we were heading towards our class.

"Not just cute but furious too" Asher comments back but I really don't have the mood to say anything about that fúcking mood killer.

Both of them continue with their shitty talks while I was still thinking about the voice like I have heard the same voice somewhere.

Soon we reached out classroom, as we enter inside we found the whole class full with other students. Suddenly I found Darvin poking me on my shoulder.

"Can you stop poking me?" I give him an annoyed look cause I'm already very killed up.

"I can stop it but can you stop your mind from not bursting out of anger" his voice held some mischievous tone and next he drag his gaze towards someone.

"Hey isn't that the cute furious kitten" Asher smirks while looking at that someone and in a second I found my eyes where they were looking and here the real fuck is.

Damn it! Why the hell is she here?

'Cause she is in the same department' says my inner mind.

I don't know but suddenly I'm feeling myself getting angry but in the same time my heartbeat is running like a cheetah chasing it's prey.

I shake my head crazily before putting all this stupid thoughts back in my mind as I turn and take my seat.

Behind me follows the two dumbo's still staring at her.

"Chris let's sit there" Asher points at one place but there is a playful smirk playing on his face.

"Hell no" seriously he wants me to sit behind that crazy girl.

"Gosh come on see there are so many hot and sexy girls"

"I agree with Ash too", This two sex addicts.

Before I could deny anymore Darvin drag me with him to the place behind that crazy girl.

As soon as the three of us went there I saw the crazy girl and her friends looking back and soon the smile on her face turned into a frightening face like she saw some ghost.

"You!"  She stood up from her seat immediately with a face of a scared kitten and now I found the name given by Darvin suitable.


I couldn't help myself from giving a playful smirk as I see her face. Now I'm thinking campus is not a boring place when you find someone intresting. I'm really liking it now.

'it will be fun to play with this little kitten'

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