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Being In Love With You



It was a pleasant morning. The whole city was busy with its work.

In a villa there, a 20-year-old girl got ready and came down the stairs and headed towards the temple. After some time, a sweet voice of Aarti resonated in the house.

After Aarti, the girl turned back and saw that her grandmother was looking at her.

You have correctly identified her, this is our heroine Meera Agarwal.

That 20-year-old beautiful girl. Fair complexion, deep blue eyes, diamond-sculpted body, height 5.2 meters. She lives with her uncle and aunt after her parents' death. Meera's grandmother loves her a lot. She just wants to see her granddaughter's house settled in front of her eyes. Meera's aunt does not love her.

Meera gives Aarti and Prasad to her grandmother, after which her aunt Deepali Agarwal shouted angrily from above and said, if your puja is done, then do the household work too. Grandmother was very angry but Meera asked her to keep calm and made her sit on the sofa. And she started working.

After some time everyone came ready, Daksh Meera's younger brother came ready for school and Diksha came ready for college, uncle Mohan Agarwal came ready for office. Meera brought tea for everyone.

In the dining area,

Meera brings breakfast for everyone. Everyone comes and sits. Meera serves breakfast to everyone, after having breakfast everyone leaves for their work.

After that Meera goes and washes the utensils kept in the kitchen. Aunty said to Meera that how many times have I told her to stop this aarti of yours. Diksha's sleep gets disturbed. Every morning your bhajan starts. Dadi had been watching and listening to all this for a long time, she said that Deepali takes the name of God in the morning, did you understand. Aunty said "maa, don't say anything, you have given too much importance to her."

You think this is right, my children prick me like thorns. Meera was listening to all this. She was feeling very bad. So she tried to pacify her grandmother and aunt, but aunt slapped her instead. In which Meera's face bent on one side. Grandmother shouted "Deepali, what have you done?" Aunty went upstairs to her room. Grandmother holds Meera's hand and asks "Meeru child, don't feel bad about what she says, she is like that." Then Meera takes Dadi to her room. Dadi asks Meera to stay with her for some time. "Meera lay down with her head on Dadi's lap, and kept lying like that for some time, after that she got up and started her work."

In R.S Mansion,

There a 27 year old handsome man was working out. He is so handsome that everyone will say on seeing him that why does he need exercise.

You have guessed it right, this is our hero Ruhaan Shekhawat.

He is a 27 year old handsome and arrogant man. Fair complexion, brown eyes, perfect jawline, height 6'21, wherever he goes he makes everyone crazy with his dangerous aura. Girls are crazy about him. As calm as he is from outside, he is equally angry from inside. He gets angry a little quickly. At such a young age he has taken his entire business empire to great heights. He has expanded his father-grandfather's family business further. Ruhaan can ignore everyone but not his Dadi. He loves his grandmother very much.

What will Mira do now? Will Mira be able to escape the oppression of her aunt and sister? Will there be a dawn of happiness in her life too?

To be continued…

Meera's helplessness and pain

R.S Mansion

After finishing the workout, he goes to his room to freshen up. As soon as he enters the room, his eyes go to a picture on the wall and suddenly a smile comes on his face. (You know, the great business man Mr. Ruhaan Shekhawat is very stingy in smiling. )

After freshening up, he comes down to the hall . There, Dadi (Rama Shekhawat) was sitting on the sofa .

Susheela Aunty brought coffee and gave it to Ruhaan . Sushila Aunty being the head chef of the house, after some time, kept the breakfast on the dining table . Dadi and Ruhaan come for breakfast .

Susheela Aunty says "Good Morning Baba" in a sweet voice .

Ruhaan also replies " Good morning ".

Susheela Aunty smiles at his reply, this has become a daily routine .

( Ruhaan's house was as beautiful from inside as it was from outside, decorated with garden and fountain. )

Ruhaan comes out after finishing his breakfast . Bodyguards and driver were already standing there with the car . They greeted Ruhaan and opened the door of the car for their boss. Ruhaan nodded and ordered to start the car. The car started moving towards Shekhawat Industry. Bodyguard's car was moving in front and behind Ruhaan's luxurious car.

Shekhawat Industry

After reaching office, he directly goes to his cabin on the top floor in his private lift and opens his laptop and starts working . Just then someone knocks on the door of his cabin .

Ruhaan said in a strict voice "come in" .

This is Ruhaan's personal assistant Abir . But assistant is later, first he is Ruhaan's childhood friend . Both of them used to study together . Then Ruhaan goes to America for his further studies . Abeer's father used to be Ruhaan's father's assistant . And now Abir is a good assistant on his own . Anyway, working in Shekhawat industry is not that easy, it is not everyone's cup of tea .

Abeer came and greeted him and said "Good morning Sir ". Ruhaan just nodded . Seeing this, Abir's face became sad .

Abeer seeing such a low reaction from Ruhaan said, "Yaar, you should reply sometimes , I am your friend ."

Ruhaan raised his head on this and said, "How many times have I told you that I am not your friend here . I am your boss here , so I don't have to tell you this again in future . Got it now! Get back to your work."

Hearing this, Abeer makes a face and tells Ruhaan about the details of all his meetings today .

Meera's house

Evening time

Meera's uncle called and said that due to a business deal he had to go out of the city for a few days. Chachi's brother (Manohar Mama) had come in the afternoon. Meera was very scared of him.

Night time

Everyone had finished their dinner. Meera was cleaning the kitchen. Everyone was sitting in the hall and talking. Maternal Uncle said to aunty, how long will I have to restrain myself. Aunty said, just a few more months and after that Meera is yours. Just let me get her property transferred to my name once.

Unaware of all this, Meera was doing her work. Then taking milk and medicine for Dadi, Meera went to Vaadi's room. After giving her medicine, Meera massages her feet. And when Vaadi falls asleep, Meera also comes to her room and sleeps.

At midnight, the door of Meera's room opened and a shadow came inside, this shadow was none other than Maternal Uncle. His intentions were not right towards Meera. Today he thought of doing something wrong. Just then Meera's scream was heard and after that the sound of a slap was heard. This slap was given by Meera to her uncle in self-defense. Hearing the scream, everyone came to Meera's room. Aunt uncle and Diksha all had come. When Meera saw everyone, she quickly went to her aunt and said, Aunt please save me, uncle is trying to force himself on me.

Will Meera's aunt believe what Meera says? What will happen in Meera's life now?

To be continued…

Meera's life becaming hell

Aunt slapped Meera and said that you have the guts to falsely accuse my brother. By now, grandmother had also arrived. Aunt pulls Meera by her hair and takes her to the store room. Uncle and Aunt both close the store room door from inside and start torturing Meera. While outside the door, grandmother was banging the door and crying and shouting.

Grandmother, "Leave my child, leave her, don't beat her, she is not at fault, don't beat her, will you kill me, leave my children. Oh God! What kind of fate have you given my child, you did not write even a moment of peace in my child's life, why did you give birth to my child in the house of such heartless people. Oh God! Instead of showing all this, it is better that you call me to you, take away my breath, I cannot bear all this anymore." Just then the store room door opens and uncle and aunty come out of it. Uncle comes out with a belt in his hand, Chachi says to Dadi, "Mummy, make your granddaughter understand that if she makes such a mistake next time, I will really kill her." Dadi doesn't say anything to him and goes inside with the help of her stick, going inside Dadi sees. Meera was lying on the ground, there were injury marks on her whole body, there were slap marks on her cheeks. Blood was flowing from the corners of her lips, blood was also flowing from her head. Looking at Meera, it was clear how brutally she was beaten and Meera was lying unconscious on the ground. Dadi comes near Meera and caresses her head and says in a painful voice, "What have you done to my child, oh God! Don't let anyone see such a day. My child is suffering in front of my eyes, she is being beaten by these cruel people and I am unable to do anything. Oh God! Send someone who can save my daughter from these cruel people. You have paired everyone up, God. Have you not found a companion for my daughter? If you have, then please send one. My last hope now is the one who can take my daughter out of this swamp and take her away from here.

Next morning

(Meera's house)

It was 7 in the morning but Meera had not regained consciousness, how could she, yesterday those idiots had inflicted so much torture, then aunt comes in the store room. She pours a jug full of water on her which brings Meera back to consciousness.

Aunty "It seems that the queen's morning has not yet come, that is why she is sleeping so comfortably, get up, you have rested a lot, you lazy person, now do some work. Or is your mother coming to work? You know Daksh has to go to school, Dik has to go to college.

Who will do all their work, your mother or your dead father, get up quickly and all their work, all the household work and you have to cook food for everyone, get up quickly". Saying this, aunt leaves. Due to the beating last night, Meera was not even able to stand.

But still she stands up with courage and somehow starts doing all the household work, grandmother is sitting in the temple and doing puja and praying to God for Meera. Meera was doing all the household chores when she makes tea for everyone.

She starts serving tea to Diksha but due to pain in her hand, the tea cup falls from her hand and all the tea falls on Diksha's thigh. Diksha stands up and angrily slaps Meera on her cheek.

Meera falls on the ground. Diksha angrily says, "It seems the beating last night was not enough, that's why she is asking for a dose in the morning" and kicks Meera in the stomach, Meera screams in pain.

Aaaaaaa.… Hearing Meera's scream, Dadi comes there quickly from the temple, goes near Meera and hugs her and looking at Diksha says, Dadi, "Why are you torturing my child so early in the morning? Didn't you people have any qualms on hearing her painful voice? Fear God a little.

Diksha, " old woman, go, stop giving your lectures in the morning. Your granddaughter has already ruined my mind in the morning and now you have come to lecture me.

Diksha: "Mom, I am going to college. Aunty, I got some relief from my heart, you ruined my children's mood in the morning."

What new turn is Meera's life going to take now?

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