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Just A Psycho

in Japan

All of them were making plans to go to another country in the peaks۔

Zen : let's go to China.

James :. No,let's go to America.

Mathew :No way I am not going to America.

Alina :.Well, you three don't have to fight anymore. Let's go to Japan.

Mathew and zen together:yes Japan will be fine.😁

James:So then we're going to Japan.

Zen:Now go and pack your bags.

They all got ready to go to Japan. They left for Japan at night.

Next Day

They reached Japan. All of them is very excited.🤩 They were all having so much fun in Japan. Zen knows that very well that Mathew loves Alina so much since childhood and Zen loves Mathew so much as his own brother, so he decided that nothing is more important than his friend's happiness, so he thought it is perfect for him to stop loving her

(Zen just had a crush on her but Mathew really love her)

Zen ask Mathew to purpose her but Mathew say no because he is afraid that she will reject him .......but one day Zen forced him and then he collect some courage and went to Alina......

Mathew expresses his love to Alina , but when she heard that he loves her so she become uncomfortable because(she like him just like a brother) so she just stand up saying that

"Sorry Mathew but I don't like you as my love but like you like my best brother".







Mathew was broken from inside . after this , Mathew and Zen went out at night because Mathew was not feeling well. Zen starts comforting him because he started to cry. From that day Zen fell guilty for it

That what he has done with him


he ruined his friend's life he just wanted that he will make him happy like before


From that day, Alina starts making distance from Mathew. She doesn't even let him near her because she doesn't want him to love her

(because she only love James)

One day when Alina and James was alone at home.

(Zen take Mathew outside cause he was s so depressed after being rejected)

They were sitting in the room waiting for Zen and Mathew to come when suddenly James kissed her


And she became statue at this moment he said I love you to her. She blushed very much 🤗 as she loves him so much. The whole room become silent


Then James broke the silence and saying

" Alina do you love me and accept me as your boyfriend"

She just nodded in yes, and he become so happy and kissed her again

(Unknowingly, Mathew and Zen was watching the whole scene from outside, they had just come back because Mathew wanted to see her but when he came to the window he become very sad at the sight and started crying on Zen's shoulder)


At that a moment Zen also become sad

he didn't know what to do he become helpless and have nothing to say to Mathew so he just comfort him and went inside.

When they come home Alina and James wa sleeping.

2 days passed but Alina and James did not tell them about their relationship.


...Then one day...

Zen was sitting in the room feeling sad and was wondering what he could do about it and then at a moment Mathew come inside running and breathing heavily


He went to Zen and said something in his ears.

At first Zen become shock but then accepted.







...After some Days...

Zen walked in as Alina was sitting in the living room .

Zen: Alina James had an accident.

Alina : really?when?? Why?? where???

Zen: I don't know someone just called me and said that he got an accident he call me because my number was save in his phone, then I told Mathew and he went from there, I just come to tell you come on hurry up Alina.

(Alina was crying a mess then Zen held her hand and took her with him)

They reached the place where James got in accident.

There was a lot of crowds and they both came forward and saw that James's car was on fire and everyone was whispering about the accident.

The fire fighters was also there۔ Then Mathew calls them to the hospital. When they reached to hospital they saw Mathew sitting on the side and crying.

Mathew :They said that James is no more۔They said that James 's body has been completely burnt.

Alina:.Mathew You're lying, aren't you?

Mathew: Why would I lie?

After hearing that, Zen's eyes filled with tears and he started crying too and Alina who was already crying a mess start crying more.














What's inside the basement?

Even three days after James's death,

Alina kept crying remembering him.

Mathew and Zen try hard to stop her but she never stops and keeps crying.


After some time, Alina recovers but still miss James. Alina always hears some strange noises from the basement but she never goes into the basement because she wass afraid of the dark.








One day

When Zen and Mathew was not at home, Alina hears those strange sounds again,

At first, she was very scared, but then she gathers some courage and start going towards the door.

With the every step towards the door the noises become lauder and lauder.

Alina: Now what should I do, I am very afraid, but both of them are not at home, whom I take with me, so I will have to go alone.

Alina start going downstairs then at a moment she felt that someone is standing behind her breathing heavily. She became very scared, but she wants to see who's there, so she just turns around to see whose there.

But when she turns back. She saw "Zen"


He was standing there with so much worried on his face Alina took a deep breathe and asked Zen "what happened??"

Zen shouted at her "what are you doing here alone at this time it's about 2:53".

Alina: Zen I heard some shouts coming from the I just come to check.

Zen:Alina come with me and don't dare to come here alone ok!!!!

Alina just looked at him in shock when he grabbed her hand and took her out from the basement with him. Alina wanted to ask Zen but


Couldn't say anything


Zen took her with him to their room where Mathew was already sitting Zen made her sit on the couch and said that

"please Alina do you believe me if yes so don't dare to go there again."

Alina just nodded in reply as she believes in Zen!! But Alina was worried and thinking if they had killed someone in the basement or what if there is ghost, and it will kill me.

Alina was deeply in her thought when she realized that Mathew was looking at her confused.

When he saw her looking at him he just awkwardly smiled which make Alina flinch after that she determine that she will go there and check what are they hiding from her.






.............Two days later............

When she was making dinner.......she again hear the shouts coming from the basement........but she have make Zen and Mathew go from the house as she wanted to go and check out.

Alina: Zen I want some groceries for home do you buy this...... because I don't want to go out I am so tired..... plzzzzzzzzzzzz

Zen: hey you always make me go out...... go and buy it by yourself.

:Mathew pov:

I heard their conversation that my Alina bebe want groceries but this bastard Zen is not obeying her........


Mathew : Zen groceries are not only for her you also eat from this house ok go and buy it.

Mathew shouted as Zen just rolled his eyes 🙄🙄 suddenly Zen got a phone call and he start going outside as Mathew shouted .

Mathew :hey where are you going now you said that you are not going but why so sudden now what happened?

Zen: hehehe I have a lot of work to do......

Mathew : stop making me idiot you fool I Know where are you going..........


Mathew : he start dating James's cousin....(Wendy)

Alina: what???? what are you saying??

Zen: Mathew can you tell everything to Alina I have to go now.....hehe *Zen left*

.................FLASH BACK..................

THE day when James died Wendy also come and crying a mess, and she spoke to herself that James is the only reason for her living because he is the only reason I can become close to Zen.


Mathew was shocked after hearing that........

After some Days of James death Mathew call her in the restaurant and ask that what she was saying that day.


She told Mathew that she love Zen very much from the day when he come with James at his house as she was also there living in her aunt house (James house) Zen become shocked as he heard this all from behind because he also starts loving her when she come on James's funeral.

She saw him standing and become shock she was about to go but Zen hold her hand and confess his love then she also accepted him.......... From that day they start dating each other......

............. present..............

As Mathew told everything to Alina she became very happy but sad at the same moment because of James *she really miss him*

Mathew: Alina don't be sad everything will be alright ok let me go and buy those groceries ok don't think to much ok bye I will come back Soon.....*Mathew left*







Then she again heard a shout coming from basement and she hit the reality and then she went to the kitchen and took the knife for her safety and come the basement.

As she was coming close to the basement she hears the shouts got louder the voice seem familiar to Alina.

She thought it's James voice and he is asking for help....but James was not alive so why this voice same as James's.

Alina come in front the basement she was about to open the door but stop as she heard the familiar voice..........she immediately open the door and saw that....

Someone was tied with the chair and have so many scars all over his body as he was half naked(sorry for that he-he-he)







She went close to see that who was he.

She became shocked, and her world become upside down when she saw that who was he.






He was James, and he was alive *Alina become so happy* but got trauma as James looked at her his eyes become teary looking at her in happiness.......... that after all he was safe.






The Truth Untold.

Alina went toward James. Alina thought that she was in a dream. She bite on her own finger to wake up, but she didn't wake up because it was not really a dream.

Alina:James is that really you. James please answer me is that you.

James : Alina please help me they want to kill me.

Alina:who wants to kill you? you can tell me James .

James said in hasitation: m.m.m.m.m


James :M....m...Mathew he wants to kill me. Zen and Mathew kidnapped me and said that they will kill me.

Alina got shocked after hearing that.

Alina: Really!but why?

James :Because of our relationship do you remember that day when I purpose you they listen all of our conversation that's why they kidnapped me and wanted to kill me.

And suddenly they hear the sound of footsteps coming down from stairs very fastly.

James :Alina go and hide fast.......

Alina:but why?

James : someone is coming down please go and hide.

Alina hide under the table which was in the corner of basement that no one could see her.

Mathew come down very tensed he took a deep breathe when he realized that Alina was not here.

Mathew :Thank God that Alina is not here but why the basement door is open. James did you tried to escape from here.

James :no.

Mathew :oh it's good because you will never get out from here no one can help you to get out from here do you understand what I am saying to you huh. I am going now don't dare to run from here or else I'll kill you.

Mathew left.......

Alina: I'll come back to help you to get out from here okay but now I am going because I know that he is finding me.

James : hmmm go fast or else he will find out that you are with me........

Alina: bye James I will come to save you......

James :ok bye Bebe

Alina come out from basement an go to her where Mathew was already sitting and waiting for Alina to come.

Mathew :where did you go I have been finding you since 15 minutes.

Alina:I was on the roof because I got bored alone.

Mathew :oh ok here is all groceries you wanted.

Alina: Thank you Mathew .

Mathew : you're welcome.

Alina went to kitchen.

After some times

Zen come home and they sit on dinning table to eat the dinner 🍽️ When they were eating dinner

Alina: It will become more fun if James will with us.

Mathew : please eat your dinner quietly because it is not a good (he was talking while he got interrupted by Zen...)

Zen: do you know what happened today

Mathew : Zen I am talking.

Zen:oh sorry 😐

Alina: let's eat our dinner first.

They ate their dinner

Zen: now I am going to sleep.

Mathew and Alina together: but we want to talk with you.

Zen: we will talk tomorrow because I am very tired.

Mathew :ok.

They all got up and went to bed. Zen and Mathew fell asleep. But Alina was still awake. There was many of questions in her mind.

Alina POV: But why they kidnapped James. Are they jealous of him or if they will really kill him what do I do now I can't understand anything what is happening here and why it is happening. day............................

They all planned to go and enjoy their day in Japan.

Mathew : we will go to the beach.

Zen:no we will stay home I want to sleep.

Alina: Zen you always do this.........I really wanted to go out......And by the way, we didn't go anywhere after James's death. I'm tired of staying in this house.

(Alina wanted to take them both out so she could get James out )

Mathew : Zen please naa *he said while pouting*

After looking at Mathew cute face Zen accepted

Zen:.Ok but wendy will also go with us.

Alina:ok Zen as you wish now tell me

where are we going now.

Mathew : beach.


Zen: mountains.

Alina:no You might fall down.

Zen:ok ok don't scare me.

Mathew :ok let's call Wendy. Then we will decide together where to go .

Zen: good idea Let me take her from her house.

Alina: you naughty person go and come fast with her.

Zen:ok "bebe I am coming"

*Zen left*

After Zen left Alina and Mathew was alone there

Mathew :Alina Are you still angry with me? forgive me please I will never express my love from now on can we be friends again like before when we were kids?

Alina: Mathew .I have already forgiven you, don't talk about it now, we will remain friends as we were in childhood.

Mathew : thanks a lot Alina.....( Then immediately he hug Alina. She also back hug him)

At the same time Zen come home with Wendy. Wendy greet to everyone and sit at the couch .then they start talking where to go suddenly Wendy said

Wendy: let's go to mall and do some shopping.

Zen: nooooo You will spend all my money please we will not go there .

*Wendy chuckled*

Mathew : Zen why don't you tell......huh hehehe.

Alina:.I was thinking that we shall go to the amusement park .

Mathew : good idea Alina why didn't you speak earlier ok let's go to the amusement park.

Zen:ok ok .

Alina:ok you all go out I will come after some seconds ok........

Mathew : what happened Alina .

Alina: nothing Mathew it's just a girl thing you can't understand.

Mathew :.Why can't you tell me?

Wendy:ohh Mathew come with me, she will come after some time .

(she grabbed his hand and smile at Alina and then left with Zen and Mathew )

Alina: now I have a chance (Alina went downstairs to the basement).

She opens the basement door she went to James and started untying his ropes, she said to James that we are all leaving here, when we leave then you should run away from this place ok James.

James looks up and said:ok Alina thank you for coming back for me I love you my dear Alina.

Alina:I love you too baby 💓.

James:. I will come back with help and take you away with me.









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