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Enchanted By Rain

Episode 0

Picture this: Seoul, a bustling cityscape painted in shades of grey, where the rhythm of life marches on beneath the steady drumming of rain. It's the kind of day where even the most mundane moments can hold the promise of something extraordinary.

Enter Eunji, a dreamer with her head in the clouds and a heart full of hopes. She's a regular at the local cafe, where the scent of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, her sanctuary amidst the chaos of city life. With her slender fingers tracing the worn spines of classic novels and her mind lost in the verses of forgotten poets, Eunji finds solace in the world of words, a world where imagination knows no bounds.

And then there's Ji-Woo, a brooding artist haunted by his past, seeking solace in the strokes of his brush and the depths of his own imagination. He's the kind of person who carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, his soul heavy with the burdens of yesterday. With his tousled hair and piercing eyes, Ji-Woo is a mystery waiting to be unraveled, his art a window into the depths of his tortured soul.

Their paths cross one rainy evening at a crowded bus stop, where strangers huddle beneath the shelter of flimsy umbrellas, seeking refuge from the relentless downpour. It's a scene straight out of a romantic movie, the kind where destiny waits just around the corner, ready to rewrite the script of their lives.

Eunji, with her nose buried in a well-worn book of poetry, catches Ji-Woo's eye as he fumbles with a stubborn umbrella that refuses to open. With a sheepish smile, she offers him her own umbrella, a small act of kindness that sets the stage for something beautiful. As their fingers brush against each other in the passing of the umbrella, a spark ignites between them, a spark that neither of them can ignore.

As they wait for the bus together, their conversation flows like the rain outside, gentle and unassuming. Eunji's laughter is like music to Ji-Woo's ears, a melody that chases away the shadows that linger in his heart. In her, he finds a kindred spirit, someone who sees beyond the facade he wears and into the depths of his soul.

Before they know it, the bus arrives, a harsh reminder that their time together is fleeting. With a reluctant goodbye, they part ways, their hearts heavy with the weight of what could have been. But as they board their separate buses and disappear into the night, they carry with them the memory of that rainy serendipity, a glimmer of hope amidst the storm.

Will fate bring them together again, or are they destined to remain nothing more than strangers passing in the rain? Only time will tell in this tale of love, loss, and the magic of a rainy night in Seoul.

Young Adult, Drama, Romance, Romance Fiction, Korean

Readers who mention other stories or fictional characters from Mangatoon that are not created by the author shall be muted.

This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, some places, and incidents are products of the author's imaginations and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the author's consent.

Character's Info!!


The weather was gloomy and rainy, a relentless downpour drenching every passerby with no sign of letting up. Eunji stood at the bus stop, seeking refuge under the small shelter, the cold rain droplets stubbornly clinging to the back of her neck. Despite the discomfort, she remained engrossed in her phone, chatting with her friends, completely oblivious to the world around her, the storm's chaos reduced to a mere backdrop.

Then, suddenly, a familiar shadow was cast upon her, prompting Eunji to look up from her screen. To her surprise, she saw Ji-Woo walking towards the bus stop. The rain was pouring down heavily, soaking through his denim jacket, his black hair plastered against his forehead. His presence was unexpected, yet somehow fitting against the somber, rain-soaked landscape. Seeing her, he slowed his pace and stopped just outside the bus stop, his gaze fixed on her with an intensity that made her heart skip a beat.

The bus stop remained eerily quiet as the two stood there, staring at each other. For a moment, their eyes locked, and their expressions were unreadable, a complex mix of emotions swirling beneath the surface. Then, with a slight but noticeable glance, Ji-Woo looked away, breaking the connection and leaving Eunji oddly empty.

Eunji felt the temperature shift as he did so, and the lingering warmth of his gaze suddenly cut off. He followed a brief, fleeting moment of awkward silence, the only sound of the gentle patter of the rain against the shelter. It was a sound that seemed to amplify the distance between them, each raindrop a reminder of the words left unsaid.

The momentary silence was broken by the sound of the bus pulling up to the stop. The bus doors opened with a soft beep, and the warm glow from the interior spilled out, illuminating the bus stop with a comforting light. Ji-Woo glanced at the approaching bus for a moment before turning away again. He looked back at Eunji for another beat, his eyes searching hers, then suddenly he nodded his head in a small, polite gesture before stepping onto the bus.

Eunji watched him leave, her eyes following the silhouette of his back as the bus pulled away. His form became a blur, then disappeared entirely into the fog and rain, leaving her standing alone with her thoughts. She took a deep breath, shaking the raindrops from her hair as she put her phone away in her pocket. A strange sensation washed over her, like a pang of regret or longing, but she couldn't quite pin down the exact sentiment. She took one more look at the spot where he had stood moments earlier, now vacant and filled with the ghost of what might have been.

As Eunji glanced up, she noticed the rain finally letting up, the heavy clouds slowly thinning out to reveal the pale glow of the moon. With a silent sigh, she stepped out of the bus stop, heading towards her destination as the last drops of rain pattered against her skin, each step taking her further away from the fleeting encounter.


That’s all in the present…

Want to know our story?

Then let’s start from the past…

To be continued~

Hey yoravoon! Author-nim here!

Thank you so much for reading my story.

Your support means the world to me.

Stay tuned for more chapters and twists ahead.

Your feedback and thoughts are always welcome, so feel free to share them.

Happy reading! ♡ ⊂((・▽・))⊃

Episode 1

We return to their first year in college, on their very first day. The atmosphere is filled with the youthful energy of new beginnings, with both students and professors excited for the new academic year. The bus pulls up in front of the university, just outside the entrance to the main campus, as the students start disembarking...

As the bus stops at the entrance of the campus, the two get up simultaneously, making to exit the vehicle, though neither pays any heed to the other. Ji-Woo is in Fine Arts, while Eunji is in Literature, their classes on opposite sides of campus as they make their ways towards their respective departments...

Ji-Woo is making his way quickly to the Fine Arts Building, while Eunji is heading towards the Literature Building. The campus is full of students walking to and from their respective departments, though the two pass each other without a care, each busy with their thoughts.

The week has passed, and the two still haven't met. They pass each other on campus multiple times, but neither of them notices or cares. They are both busy with their work, each lost in their own thoughts, and the only time they come close is when they pass each other in the library...

Eunji is in the library after a long day of lectures and seminars, working on her final project for her Lit 101 class. She's been holed up in the library for nearly two hours now, engrossed in the book she's reading and typing up her notes. She glances up briefly at the sound of someone sitting down at a nearby table, and returns her gaze to her notes...

Ji-Woo is also in the library, going through books in search of material for his final project for his Art History class. He's been at it for a couple of hours now, and with every new book that he opens, he gets more frustrated. He glances up briefly at the sound of someone sitting down at a nearby table, and then goes back to his reading...

The two pass by each other in the library once again, this time with a bit more scrutiny. Eunji notices Ji-Woo walk past her and she glances up briefly at him, but he doesn't see her. They pass each other again and again throughout the day, each time with a bit more awareness...

The weeks turn to months, the two continue passing each other multiple times in the library. Eunji continues to notice him more and more frequently, giving a quick glance whenever he walks by. The looks and glances become more deliberate, though Ji-Woo still hasn't noticed...

The library becomes a familiar place for them both, going there throughout their study sessions. They often see each other there, sometimes exchanging a brief glance or a small smile, but otherwise keeping to themselves for the most part. Eunji finds herself noticing him more and more, and the two of them develop a familiar rhythm, with each visit becoming more customary...

As the months continue to pass, the two's familiarity with each other gradually grows. They now often exchange quick glances or brief smiles at each other, the library now becoming the unofficial backdrop to their lives as they see each other every week, and each week they develop another small sign of familiarity.

Eunji and Ji-Woo's lives have gotten into a comfortable pattern and their familiarity is now undeniable. Their looks and glances are more evident, their smiles more genuine, and their familiarity with one another more comfortable.

The semester ends, and winter break begins. Eunji and Ji-Woo both say goodbye to their friends before they return home for break. They both look forward to the time off from school, hoping to relax and de-stress.

Eunji is at home at break, hanging out with Soyeon. The two of them are watching old movies, snacking, and laughing, spending time together and having a blast. Eunji is enjoying Soyeon's company, the comfort of being at home for the first time in a while, and being away from the strictness and constraints of the university...

Eunji is lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling as she confides in Soyeon about her feelings for Ji-Woo. She explains how she's been noticing him more and more often in the library, how she likes the smiles they exchange and the glances they share, how her heart starts to beat whenever he passes her by etc.

Soyeon: "So you really think all those glances and smiles mean something?"

Eunji: "I don't know... I mean, maybe we're both just imagining it. But there's something there you know? And I swear sometimes I catch him looking at me when I'm not looking at him, like he's staring or something... I don't know, maybe I'm just deluding myself."

Soyeon: "How long have you felt this way?"

Eunji: "Like... a couple of months maybe? It's just been this slow build-up you know? It started off with a few small glances here and there, but now it's a lot more frequent... almost as if he's starting to notice me too..."

Soyeon: "And you're sure it's a crush, right? Like, you're just not confusing this with some deep friendship or something?"

Eunji: "Yeah, I'm pretty sure... I mean, I get what you mean. It starts out feeling like friendship but then you start getting more and more butterflies in your stomach... like your chest tightening when they're around but also your heartbeat increasing at the thought of them... does that make sense?"

Soyeon: "Totally makes sense, yeah. I've been through the exact same thing with some guy in college... I knew it was a crush when I felt so happy and jittery all the time, but at the same time I kept doubting it, like was this really the right time or person to have a crush...? But that's just how crushes are, I guess. They make you feel all kinds of conflicted.

But yeah, does it ever make you feel nervous?"

Soyeon: "And have you ever talked to him? About your feelings I mean?"

Eunji: "No! I mean, I barely even talked to him before. We'd give each other a few glances in the library or something, but I never really had a chance to talk to him... So I don't know, telling him I like him might be too much... right?"

Eunji: "So... What's going on with you and Tae-hyun? Ooh do you like him or something? Omg I'm rooting for the both of you!"

Soyeon: "Shut up, he's just nice and friendly!"

Eunji: "Haha, sure... sure he is.

Soyeon: "Stop poking fun at me! He doesn't even know I like him, and I bet he wouldn't want to anyway... he probably doesn't even think of me that way."

Eunji: "Ooohh... so you have a big crush on him? Aww, that's cute."

Soyeon: "Shut up! I swear..."

While Eunji and Soyeon are in her room, Ji-Woo and Tae-hyun are in a different part of the campus, hanging out in one of the student lounges. The two of them are sitting close by each other, having a casual conversation about something random, probably about their professors or friends...

Ji-Woo: "Yeah, so like, my professor for that one class is super boring, I swear! Like, all he does is lecture for like, hours every class; he never changes up the pace at all!"

Tae-Hyun: "Yeah, that sounds pretty rough. Are his tests at least interesting or easy?"

Ji-Woo: "Nah, they're just like, full of random stuff. It's like he wants you to memorize every tiny little detail, and it's just so much. But at least he grades pretty leniently I guess."

Tae-Hyun: "You know, I've noticed your friend Eunji sometimes... like in the library, or in the lobby. I've seen her a few times, she's always wearing this big smile whenever she glances at you..."

Ji-Woo: "Huh? Really? You think she's been looking at me?"

Tae-Hyun: "Sure, like, I catch her giving you these quick glances quite often, and she always seems happy when she sees you... I would think that means something."

Ji-Woo: "You think so? I don't know... maybe she was just looking at someone else? Do you think she has a crush on me?"

Tae-Hyun: "I think she might... but don't take me word for it, I could always be wrong. I mean, has she ever... done any other things to make you think she does?"

Ji-Woo: "Well, she does smile a lot when we exchange glances... sometimes, she also seems to like, hold her gaze when we do as well. And sometimes, she also seems nervous around me sometimes, like she'll blush when we're alone together...

But I don't know... she could just be friendly right?"

Ji-Woo: "Hey, dude... listen, did you have it in when you were in college? Like, with girls?"

Tae-Hyun: "Nah, I was actually pretty focused on my studies back then, I never really made time to pursue relationships..."

Ji-Woo: "Okay... okay, that's fair. But like, did you ever think of pursuing one? Like, there must have been some cute girls in your classes, right?"

Tae-Hyun: "Yeah, there were definitely some nice girls in my classes. But honestly, I never really gave it much though... studying always kept me pretty busy, and I felt like relationships would probably just be too overwhelming and distracting..."

Ji-Woo: "But let me ask you something... what about that Soyeon girl? Don't you think she's pretty cute?"

Tae-Hyun: "Whoa, where did that come from? Uh, yeah, a little, I guess..."

Ji-Woo: "Don't you think she's been acting sorta weird lately too? Like, she always gets flustered around you, and always seems to laugh at all your jokes... that doesn't seem suspicious to you?

Tae-Hyun: "I mean, I did notice it a little bit, but she's always been like that, right? I mean, it's also pretty normal for friends to laugh at each other and stuff, right?Besides, no way Soyeon has a crush on me! I bet she'd laugh at anyone else's jokes too."

Ji-Woo: "Yeah, you're probably right. She's just a nice person, probably friendly to everyone and that's why she laughs at everyone's jokes. It's probably just the way she is.

But I still feel like she has a little crush on you though..."

Tae-Hyun: ...anyways, like I said, there's no way she has a crush on me... even if she smiles at me and laughs at my jokes, that's just her being nice.

Ji-Woo: But you never know... some girls are very subtle like that, and she might just be hiding her feelings for you.

To Be Continued~

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