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Reborn To The Future(Rewritten)

The Past⁰¹

it's me again🙂
Anyways in my last announcement I said I would rewrite my shitty story but I would first start it with the past and blablabla
So introduction,
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
Kim V 22 years old Omega Is currently working for King *****
Mr. "King"
Mr. "King"
King ***** ***** 38 years old I'm currently working as a arrogant rude pervert and single-
no one cares-
He have no pic why? I also don't know why😗
(Anyways explanations now)
In this is one works around except for omega' can either live as a slave for the king of be a child labor machine or work as a slave in your house...that's matter what even if your from the royal family if your omega then don't expect special treatment...
Kim V he is an orphan and chose to be the king's slave as he knows...being a child laborer machine is...a no...a big no!
but you see as young as he is he understood the world already...
He hates working as the king would always have his eyes around omegas...and sometimes "accidentally" touch them inappropriately
The King is very rude and arrogant he even has anger issues he will shout and shout endlessly...
now let's see...what V's day will be like...
V woke up early and rushed to get ready as he has a lot of work to do
After finishing himself up he goes downstairs and immediately went into the kitchen to start cooking while other maids were like him they were busy in their own works
After cooking he made sure the table the food and everything was set soon a guard announced the king's arrival taehyung's anger started boiling but he held it in everyone bowed and greeted him and as usual the king glared at them and sat down
while he sat down he shamelessly started at a maid who was standing with her head low just in the corner the maid felt the stares and prayed the king wouldn't touch her the dog- I mean king started eating but half way there he threw the plate with food at the wall which immediately broke and everyone flinched but they kept their heads low
Mr. "King"
Mr. "King"
He shouted spitting out the food on the floor...
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
suddenly a sharp slap hit his left cheek V was shocked...
He had his eyes wide open while the king was infront of him while others either kept their head low or escaped already..
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
I...I'm...sorry your highness...
Mr. "King"
Mr. "King"
Tsk! Useless lowlife🙄
the king glared at him in annoyance he left immediately whereas taehyung got back to his senses and cleaned everything up
and then he left cause he has other work to do
They are tired of the same king
Oh how much they want to just strangle him how much they want to shout back how much they want to stab this man to his death
But what can they do? They are just "omegas"
But one day V finally fullfill everyone's wish🙂
V woke up and did his usual routine he got ready cooked and blablabla while the king came and started eating angrily meaning something pissed him off
the King was munching angrily when he suddenly threw everything on the table everywhere everyone was shocked and some already ran away
But V wasn't ofc this things are already normal for him...
He kept looking down not caring if the king was shouting at him soon the king left while stomping his feet
V sighed...
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
What a normal day...🙂
He started cleaning everything again when suddenly he heard the horn being blown his eyes widened...
They never use that horn only when someone is about to get executed by the king...
He thought it must be some poor omega...he finished up and left to go see who was being executed today...
Soon he squished in the crowd when people stared crying but they didn't dare speak cause of they speak during execution your just going against the king's decision...
V didn't know why but he just looked up when...
His eyes widened and many tears were already streaming down just after a few seconds...
There his lovely best freind or known as one of the angels here in the kingdom... everyone knew him...but only omegas came to watch the alphas betas just didn't care
V wanted to scream but he knew he couldn't soon he made eye contact with his best freind...
💜~Jeon Jimin~💜
💜~Jeon Jimin~💜
💭i am here to be beheaded according to the law and the dog's order...💭
💜~Jeon Jimin~💜
💜~Jeon Jimin~💜
💭I'm sorry V...💭
Jimin closed his eyes and V couldn't watch anymore he looked down and at that moment...the executor's sword sliced his head off...blood flowing out...people were horrified while crying...
They all looked down crying and holding in their sobs while the king was there smirking...
reason my baby mochi was executed? He went against one of the king's orders and even shouted at the dog- I mean king yeah "king"
People were devastated and their hate grew more for the king...
V couldn't take it anymore his body felt numb and tears were continuously flowing down he felt as if time stopped...
He couldn't take it in anymore he used up all his energy and ran away far an old place him and his best freind used to go together too...
He didn't care if he bumped into anyone he just kept running till he reached that place...
After awhile....he was panting and fell on his knees...tears still flowing like a river...
Here it is...a small lake hidden in the forest the first and last place where he met his dear best freind....
He gritted his teeth in anger but stopped and bit his lip
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
I'm so pathetic...!
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
Chim i....
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
He said in between sobs he cried so hard but while this is happening wind blew by and V felt a warm touch as if someone was hugging him but he knew no one was there he could only think about Jimin he screamed at the top of his lungs...
He was devastated....
He was hurt....sad...angry....
All these emotions and feelings mixed into a different kind of mixture....taehyung looked at the sky...he stopped crying...he felt like crying but seems like no tears are flowing down...
He thought about everything and gritted his teeth
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
Jiminah may you shall rest in peace my best freind...leave the rest to me....your V shall be busy...
He put up a forced smile and stood up he felt numb all over but he didn't care slowly he started walking...
After some time he was now behind the castle he entered without even looking at the guards...
brother?, perhaps do you know what has happened to young V?
The other guard sighed and looked up at the sky...
perhaps do you know Mr. Park Jimin?
yes I know Jimin is also considered as the village's angel
he has been beheaded according to the law and to the order of our king
guard#1 was shocked his eyes went wide and his jaw was hanging guard#2 just kept looking at the sky and sighed again
May he rest in peace...
horrifying...our king is-
silence! if someone shall hear you, you shall get beheaded as well, I cannot lose another brother...
alright brother....shall we get back to duty?
we should as we have to or else the king must punish us
The two straightened their postures and changed their expressions to serious and continued patrolling around...
so like this is enough I think-
Thank you for reading
💜~I Purple You~💜

The Past⁰²

let's continue shall we~?
V was walking down the hallway his head down and full of thoughts he didn't know what to do...he felt like just dying right there right now...but he knew he will take REVENGE~😍🔪
He finally stopped at his room he turned to face the door and with shaking hands opened his door he entered and closed the door while locking it he approached his bed and fell on it immediately after a few minutes his eyesight was getting blurry but suddenly he saw a figure and he already knew it looked like Jimin but he knew Jimin wasn't there he finally closed his eyes and slept peacefully while snoring as a warm presence hugged him...
Count your last days mR.kInG my ass-🙄
Early morning no- wait- exactly 4 am but ofc how would they know it's 4 am this is the past-
V woke up and groaned he rubbed his eyes and looked around his dim room...
He slowly got up and started to do his morning routine...
After he changed ya know ya know
After he fixed his clothing and opened his windows just to have his jaw go down
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💭oh my...perhaps I have woken up far too is still the rising of the sun...💭
V just sighed and left his room to the kitchen to start his work
But while doing his work he was looking through the cabinets when he saw a weird bottle that had labels with warning signs
He got curious and grabbed it he read it and his eyes widened
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
V immediately got some thoughts he looked at the soup he was cooking...he hesitated...but he thought about some things...
I need revenge...
I will poison the king....
He deserves it right...?
While thinking unconsciously he smiled he grabbed a spoon and poured the poison he put in at least 2 tablespoons
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
The effect will take only a hour and this is slow poison...he will suffer...😊
he laughed while mixing his soup...
After he prepared the table and served the food
soon after a knight came in and announced the king's arrival
V's blood boiled but he forced a smile and bowed his head
As usual the king ignored them and sat down and immediately started eating
suddenly he paused
Mr. "King"
Mr. "King"
Magnificent! Who has cooked this? This is one of the best foods I have tasted
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
It is I your majesty...
The king went silent and stared at him his expression being ugly
the food may be good but the king never liked taehyung
The king suddenly stood up and left quietly the others stayed silent and left too leaving taehyung alone
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
He may have not finished it but he ate half of it he shall still have the effect😊
V immediately stopped his thoughts and cleaned everything up
Soon after doing his work he went back to the lake where there was a grave that had
R.I.P. To Park Jimin
This tomb wasn't made by the king it was made by the villagers themselves
Surrounding the grave was a lot of flowers and V could see some butterflies just flying around them he smiled...
He slowly approached the grave and sat beside it V looked up at the sky
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜 is different without you now....
V laid down and started singing some songs he and Jimin made together with 2 other people
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
Hyung...and...Koo...they have left us years it is you who have left me Chim...
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
I miss you...
V went silent and just kept staring at the sky when suddenly...a small chick ran to him and was jumping on his stomach
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
yah!...a chick?
Thinking about it he remembered he used to call Jimin a "chick"
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
Little one...
The chick was making noises as it sat down on his stomach
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
I'll name you Chimmy...
V smiled while looking at the chick who seemed to have understand and started nodding V giggled
But suddenly he heard more sounds he looked to his side and saw what seems to be the family of the little chick he looked down just to see the chick already looking at him with a tilted head as if asking for permission
V giggled and nodded he took the chick in his hands and softly put him on the ground for one last time the chick looked at him and started making noises while nodding his head and V just smiled and nodded
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
go little one...for you shall be free...
The little chick turned away and ran to his family
Soon after the family left while V looked up at the sky...
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜 is getting late I must have to return for now...
He looked at the tomb beside him
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
farewell Chim....I shall be busy and might not visit you but I promise you....I shall take revenge...
With that he hugged the tomb and stood up and left...
Soon he arrived at the castle and as usual entered the kitchen and did the same thing earlier that morning
Cook food and add poison but V was impatient he nearly added half of the bottle and continued cooking...
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
Oh boy were both going crazy-
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
Shut up
He prepared everything and as usual the king arrived and he was silent he ate everything but was silent but everyone in the room could see how satisfied he is some other maids were even jealous but stayed silent
The king left and other maids glared at V before leaving
V cleaned everything with a smile plastered on his face
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💭goodbye mR.KiNg 😊💭
He returned to his room skipping the whole way while giggling the other maids were literally thinking he was going crazy
What has happened to him sister?
Forgive me for I don't know dear sister...
maybe he has gone insane as you remember brother Jimin has been-
Suddenly while the sisters were whispering a vase was thrown on the first maid's face
The two maids were shocked while maid#1 touched her face she screamed while the other turned around and saw V
V was smiling as he left immediately
Suddenly a guard with the king came
Mr. "King"
Mr. "King"
Mr. "King"
Mr. "King"
Y-your.... highness...!
The two maids fell on their knees shivering as they tried to speak but no words would come out of their throats
Mr. "King"
Mr. "King"
The two maids faces went pale they couldn't do anything
it was too late the guards dragged them away as the king was still pissed
Mr. "King"
Mr. "King"
A maid immediately came and bowed her head
I-im here your h-highness....
Mr. "King"
Mr. "King"
A-as you wish your majesty..
The maid immediately took her cleaning tools and started cleaning as the king left stomping away while in the dark corner
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
y'all that's enough
Thank you for reading, bye
💜~I Purple You~💜

The Past⁰³

let's continue shall we~?
Taehyung was in his room exactly everyone was asleep by now except for him
He looked at the sky
He smiled
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
He stood up
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💭there are guards outside patrolling the whole castle so it's better from the balcony💭
He walked to the balcony and slowly jumped from balcony to balcony till he reached a certain balcony he stopped and went near the door he put his ear close and heard the king's snores
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💭too loud-🙂💭
He slowly twisted the door knob open and to his surprise it's open
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💭such carelessness! unacceptable!😒💭
He slowly opened the door he peeked his head through and saw the king sleeping on the bed snoring loudly without a care in the world
slowly V approached the bed
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💭disgusting! What a very foul smell!🤢💭
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💭I think I might faint soon😵‍💫💭
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💭focus! I must focus!🙂💭
V took out a cloth and his favourite knife
He stabbed him on the part near his chest and the king immediately woke up and was about to scream but V was quick enough he covered his mouth in cloth and stabbed his throat
The king couldn't even scream anymore V took the cloth off and the king was breathing heavily but his eyesight was going blurry
the dog knew it he was about to die
as he was about to close his eyes V went near his ear and whispered
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
this is what you deserve~
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
may you rest in the pits of hell....😙
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
even if V knew he is dead he kept stabbing him like a mad person while giggling silently as to not alert the guards after~
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
Now it is time to clean garbage😇
Ehem ehem so like V being V he dragged the body away how exactly? I also don't know
The body shall never be found ever again😙
He cleaned up all the blood and cleared all evidence and put a letter saying some things he made sure it looked like the king's writing and even copied his signature how? Ofc he practiced it in just a short time he managed to copy it to the point it was as if the king himself was the one who wrote it and signed it
since I'm lazy skip to the next day
Early morning the horn was blown and a cute omega was sleeping but suddenly fell to the floor due to the loud horn
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
I am fine.
He got up and did his usual routine when he got out of his room and walking down the hallway many omegas and guards were running around seemingly happy and V knew why he smiled and continued
Time skip a few hours later
Everyone was gathered while up front was a stage with someone who looked bored he was holding a letter V recognized it and smiled secretly
hello everyone may I get your attention
This morning a knight had seen that the king had gone missing with only a letter left
No one has opened it, now I shall read his last message!
He cleared his throat and started reading
Dear people of the kingdom of Kim's, as you may have known by now I have gone missing but that is not the truth I have realized my mistakes and my incapability to rule our kingdom so today I have left and don't look for me as I have gone far...
I now announce a new queen someone who has the capability to rule this kingdom and change omega's rights...
Whispers erupted while alpha's jaw's went down but as this is the order of the king they must follow or just die.
Loud gasps could be heard because...
V is an orphan he shares the same surname as the king and the kingdom as Kim's rule the kingdom but V's parents were just branches of the whole Kim family and plus V is an omega it's normal for the king to not take him in and make him a prince
The alphas immediately stood up and complained
V just smiled and stood up he walked to the stage and stood there he looked at their direction with a not so good smile and started talking
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
Who said so?
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
Is it in the book of rules that a "mere omega" a "mere lowlife" could never rule over all of you?🙂
Actually in the book there was no ruke saying no to his statement
A omega can lead but for years there were always alphas around so they just made them king while letting the other omegas work
I know it's confusing but oh well-
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
Everyone was shocked while so omegas stood up tearing up while clapping
Every omega started begging for him while V smiled
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
do not worry for I shall handle everything
everyone clapped while the two alphas cried as the guards drag them away
The alphas shut their mouths and stayed silent
Time skip
Tonight, V is gonna be crowned and reminder no one knows what happened in the Kim Kingdom as per V's orders no one must know
Of course not until he says so~
V was in a beautiful suit
at that time omegas are supposed to use women's clothes and must have long hair and a feminine body if you didn't have these then it's better to not go out it else everyone would be disgusted(except omegas)
He changed that besides he is a male even if he is a omega and has the ability to be pregnant he is a male.
Even if people address him as queen he wouldn't mind
Anyways he changed his whole appearance...
He cut his hair too and for the first time more like the first omega to wear men's clothes especially royal ones
y'all have a wild imagination so y'all can imagine this-
it was time everyone came in their best clothes and beautiful appearances that even alpha's fell for some omegas at first sight
It was rare to have omegas in royal parties
But taehyung being taehyung invited everyone even kids at the orphanage
Now alphas were asking for dances from omegas while the kids were all happy giggling as they eat delicious food
a knight announced his arrival and everyone with smiles got on their knees and bowed their heads
V smiled and spoke as he sat down
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
You all may rise
Everyone rose and waited for someone to announce things and blablabla
two people came one went to his right side while the other went to the left holding the crown
Good evening to everyone,
May everyone have a pleasant evening tonight,
Today I now announce the new Queen and Ruler of our beloved kingdom
He took the crown from the other person and the other person bowed before leaving
He softly placed it on V's head and shouted
KIM V!!!
Everyone immediately bowed
V smiled
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
💜~Jeon Taehyung~💜
You all shall rise
Everyone rised
Everyone started giving a round of applause
V giggled while the others smiled hearing V's giggles
💭I trust in you V...💭
💭rule and lead our kingdom!💭
And so that person went downstairs to where everyone was to enjoy
my wife let's dance?
the man reached out his hand
let us dance my alpha😊
She smiled and gave her hand as the man grabbed it and pulled her as they dance
Everyone had their partner and danced well except for the kids who either watched in amaze or just eating
y'all this seems enough~
💜~I Purple You~💜

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