NovelToon NovelToon

Parallel Pursuits


" My brother is lying on the ground all cold and bloodless asking me for help and at the side was standing his murderer, his partner, his Best friend Kim Min Ho"

Soo Jin wakes up

" Again I saw that monster's face early in my dream"

Soojin's partner and also old friend from college calls her

" Did you again saw that?"

" Yes, you know right this might be the thousand time you ask me the same question everytime I wake up, right Mr Joon woo. Don't you have anything else aside to trouble me asking this ridiculous question everyday."

" I am only worried about you that you might get sick and won't even tell me ".

" And I am also worried that you might over exhaust yourself from your job and your revenge plan ".

Soojin looking over the book on shelf

Soojin pulls it, a door appears from the corner of the wall, she enters inside a huge hall with a bed, coffee machine, a sofa, a desk and a board with pictures of her biggest enemy Mr Kim Min Ho

" You are not inside the room. are you?"

" Today you are being too nosy don't you think so. You know I don't like to talk much."

"Okay I won't talk any further just want to remind you that today is last trial on Mr Jeong's case, so don't be late."

" Soojin is never early or late she always comes at the right time the person deserves her presence"

"Let's see how much Mr Jeong deserves my time."

Soojin ends the call

"How can you tolerate a temper like her" said Mr Choi ( a colleague)

" This temper of her makes me fall in love with her more ( even when I know that the goal of her life is not me but her revenge which is the sole reason why she has become successful)."

" Man, I can't fall for a tricking bomb which might never know blows up".

"That's why my friend you were a coward lawyer, and she was the one who handled every case you messed up without even wasting a single drop of her sweat."

"That has nothing to do with me being a coward, she solved every case smoothly just because of her dad being chairperson and a politician."

"So you might have not heard that she had left her dad and house 3 years ago and has been bold and capable since."

"Whatever, you will say that because you were the only person who have her number, and she considers you as friend."

"You can think that way(I was the one who was desperate to be friend with her).

" Well I am getting late for the trial see you later ".

" Yaa okay and I'll just wait for Soojin as I know she hadn't eaten her breakfast. "

" Okay bro, but listen when you get fed up with her just call me I can introduce you to some beautiful lawyer you might ever seen, and are a hundred times better from Soojin. "

" You know what I ll pass because your offer is not only unrealistic for me but is a ridiculous to talk to you, you know what now I understand why you take such a long time to clear case because you only sprout nonsense. "

" You think so, but one day you will regret what you Said, and you'll see your Soojin will leave you for someone else"

Soojin calls

"Hey, Where are you?. I think I have lost my way because of this new bridge which was constructing".

" Court 404 Achasan-ro Gwangjin-gu Seoul 0505"

"okay see you there"


Soojin ends the call

Mr Park and his intern reaches Seoul courtroom in Gwangjin

"Ms Soojin is always like that, whenever she can't remember the way she calls you, right?"

" Han Soojin is really a good person she was such a bright student back in the college that there were bunch of boys both juniors and seniors wanted to date her and that time I thought my chance to make her friends was impossible, not only because I was not that good-looking from now, but I was also bullied for that. "

" Mr Park you were bullied who is our firm's one of the best criminal lawyer. "

" Back in college I didn't have the courage to talk or fight back until I met Soojin or when soojin saved me (was the day I first fell for soojin.)

" I still remember that day clearly like it was just yesterday even it has been 6 years since."

Joon woo remembers and tells the story from past

"I was just like an ordinary person walking towards the library when I first saw her she was just like a rose with because of her fair skin her cheeks used to look like she has blush on her face but it was so natural that you can't tell that she used a blush, her black hair used to cover her face as she had bangs on her face and always used to put her long hair in a ponytail, her eyes had such a different brown color that when she used to stand in sun it looked like a part of desert is inside her eye, but the beautiful a rose is the more there are thorns in it, she used to be bold, independent, and was so magnetic that used to attract a lot of people, but she didn't like to talk that much, but she used to talk, the only person she was close to, or I saw was close was her brother Han Soo Hyun the only person with whom soojin used to smile when talking. "

" Ms soojin had a brother? "

" He is the reason why Today soojin is same from the past same beautiful but now even more cold ".

Chapter 2 : Happy birthday

"Oppa, Happy birthday"

"Oh Thank you so much. I thought you forgot because you are so busy for your upcoming SAT exam"

"There is nothing more important than my brother in this world not even my dreams."

"No, this is not right, always remember many people have dreams and also does everything to achieve but only the strongest and most stubborn people from them are able to live that dream. Even when everyone thinks you are wrong your dreams are unrealistic just remember these are the people who were also in your spot and other also said these things to them but they got convinced by them and gave up, but that's the difference between us and them we fight till the end."

" Oppa why are you so sentimental today, ohh yeah i knoe i have read somewhere when people turns 21 they somehow gets enlightenment of life and starts to talk more about philosophical type of things, I get it now. Oppa you are now old I understand but why are showing it to everyone. "

" Whaaat do you mean I am old hey listen i just want you not to give up on anything in life whether it is a choice or decision, once you make it hold on to it and finish it, but you just have insulted me so now I want a gift. "

" what gift? Oppa you are now 21 year old and your still like a child excited for his gift. "

" Let me tell you this, gifts are the most essential part of birthdays you can't do that "

" Well let's see what you got me. "

" Okay close your eyes and open it on 3....... 1....2.......3.... Surprise!. "

" A Letter and a box. "

" Open it, it is the thing you want but didn't have the courage to get it sooo....... I helped you. "

" What is that...... Huh....... Is it the letter from the company I went to audition for an idol. Is it that.... Plz tell me..... Did I got rejected or not... Oh plz tell me Soo Jin

"Open it you will know."

" ohh ok you re.. Read it."

"ok here i go

Dear Han soo hyn

I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted as a trainee in our company. As you have an amazing talent of singing and born with such handsome face might be company loss to lose such a competent trainee.

You can reply us through email about your answer regarding this. We would be pleased to assist you to this journey of fame.

Thank you

Your sincerely

Ms Nam do young (Head of PR team)

"Tell me it is a dream...... Is it.... Pinch me.......... Owwwwww... Why did you pinch so hard."

"Well you told me".

"Are you ready for your second surprise."

"What there is second surprise, what is it?"

"Surprise.... Come inside"

" Huh..... Surprise can walk?"

"Hello....... Long time no see Han soo hyn"

"Kim Min hoo...... Ahhhhhh! When did you return, didn't you went Germany after your grandma died, how come you are here."

" So many questions, let me answer it one by one first of all Happy birthday old man, second my university had only 2 years course in film and drama so here i am back to pester you. "

Han soo hyn hugs Min ho

" You know I missed your nagging. "

" oh also I am not an old man, see I got reply from the company I auditioned that means I am still very handsome. "

" Okay handsome boy, you should thank soo jin for this, if she hadn't picked me from airport I wouldn't be here. Right soo jin. "

" Ohhh.... Yes.... You owe me a favor Oppa. "

" Why me you picked him not me, why do I owe you. "

" Oppa you are so petty, he is a guest how can you say something this cheap. "

" I am not a guest, remember we used to play together all three of us, I helped you hide inside the cupboard by letting you climb my shoulder, you were so little at that time."

" I forgot to tell you this soo hyn and soo jin that you are still same soohyn petty, handsome but less than me, but Soojin looks so beautiful now ".

" (That's why I Like you so much min ho Oppa that when I heard you were about to come I didn't tell my brother or else he wouldnt let me come pick you even when driver was there to drive.)

Han soo jin wakes up

"What I was thinking back then, me liking that person who murdered by happiness my only family in this world who always backed me, my brother."

Han soo jin gets ready


"Who is it? Today is weekend, so it can't be any client, Mr Jeon 's case finished this Monday so his secretary can't be, who is it."

Peeks from door hole

There is no person out, Soojin grabs gun from her drawer

' Clink cleek ' door opens

Soo jin peeks at the passage way it...

" Is... It....... Oh it's Jun woo talking on phone. "

" Yaaaa! Park Jun woo. What are you doing here on weekend?"

"ohh.... Sorry Soojin if I scared you...... I didn't mean to but........ Wait... Is it a gun...... Did you planned to kill me if I stood here."

" Never repeat this, okay when ring the bell tell the name."

" okay but... Why do you carry a gun and..... Also..... Why are you dressed up.. It is weekend... Right "

" Ohhh I have a license and it is for my safety and other it is todya is oppa 's 30 birthday. So I am going to meet him. "

" would like to come with me. "

" I would love to but I have got some leads towards Kim Min ho, his group which has been on tour for 3 months has came back last week so I am trying to find his location so I have to do arrangements. "

"Jun woo, don't you think it is strange that his group was out for 6 months but had to come back all of sudden and no one is talking about. Something is fishy, after tracing him, following him for 3 years I have seen he hasn't done anything out of his schedule..... So what can be it. Try to find out where he is now and also I want you to look for the file of my brother and see who was the prosecutor incharge and try to find that person too. "

" Hmm, ok then i will see you later and also do you want a ride to cemetery? "

" no you are already busy and I have to pick some gifts for him and also......... Thank you for being with me when I thought no one was left. Thank you Jun woo. "

" your welcome, and also Say happy birthday to your brother from me. "

" Hmm, I will "

"See you tonight let's go for drinks."

"hmm ok."

Chapter 3: The Abrupt Encounter

Soo Jin gets in her car.

Drives towards the memory hall

"Today's whether is unexpectedly good, which might be a good sign for others especially love sick people but for me, it scares me, as the most beautiful days brings the worst nights."

"I still remember that day, I went to our graduation party and I saw many people confessing to their crush, many taking pictures but for me the thing that I was most anticipated was to see my brother's reaction fulfing my dream for which we both struggled, as being kids of a chaebol, our father wants my brother to follow his footsteps and wants him to go abroad for further business study so he can continue his legacy, he also expects me to also handle the company until my brother returns, but we both have different dreams and desires. So we decided not to let him control our life and we shifted from that house to our mom's house which was left for both of us. Her house was also big as our father's as my mom was a chaebol's family and she was the one who taught us to be stubborn for our dreams."

Soojin stops her car near flower shop.

" Aunty please give me lavender and hydrangea flowers plz and please wrap it in a purple paper. "

" Dear judging from your outfit and the people who mostly pass by comes here to give their deceased family member flower, and you also look like you have come here for that too. So if you want to give flowers take lily it's more traditional. "

" Aunty, the deceased is my oppa and he was murdered and I have heard that lavender helps you sleep, so this will relax his soul until I catch his murderer and make him beg for his death and I will not accept any apologises, because the crime he has committed is a sin. "

" So don't come in between, and just do your job. "

" OK..... Okay"

Aunty hand-overs the bouquet

"Good day Aunty"

Soojin again starts her car.

" Oppa because of your birthday today I am all sentimental and I today can't act like I am okay. For some reasons all our old good days memories are flashing in my eyes when we were together, I didn't used to have any friends in my junior or senior high school so oppa and brother Min ho who used to live in our house since childhood as his parents died in car accident but his father was also the biggest partner of Han groups, so he used to live with us but his grandmother was alive and used to live in village where we used to go every month. My two brothers would always come to pick me, once in my senior high school there used to be a creepy stalker who used to stalk me when I went to school, gets of the car, me changing in gym room and this stalker had the audacity to threaten me to be his girlfriend or else he would leak the photos, so brother min ho had great computer skills so, he hacked into his computer and found the evidence against him as he did this thing quite a few times, and with the evidence we reported him and with the influence of our family so he got the harshest punishment fine with 2 years in detention. "

Soojin parks her car

Gets out of the car, and walks towards the entrance gate

" Annyeong oppa, Happy Birthday to you, Wow you look so handsome in this picture. You told me that this pictures was one of the best picture you took. How are you there. Is the place where you are is more peaceful than this. You know what, I miss you so much today that normally in my dreams you look so helpless but today you look like an angel was in so much peace that I had never seen you this peaceful and it was so real that I thought that one step and i could hug you right away, You remember when you told me to be stubborn and hold a tight grip to my dreams I did and you know I solved my 100 th case last Monday. Only by working and winning the trial gives me peace and it makes me feel like even now I have a connection with you. Ohhhhh...... I almost forgot look..... I got you present and your favourite flowers bu.... But.... Even these gifts are useless. I thought that I would be able to bring your killer and make him beg you bu... But.... I failed again and again and again, it has been now 6 years and everyday feels like a defeat where you and I lost and the one who did this is free and has been even becoming stronger. But I won't fail I have made my decision and as our motto says whenever make a choice or decision make sure to stick through it even through thick or thin. I will not let you down. I will catch the traitor. Kim Min Ho. "

Thuk-Thuk... Thuk - thuk

Soojin lifts her head and see the person who stands Infront.

" I couldn't believe what I was seeing i thought what i was seeing is because of tears in my eyes but I saw familiar physique tall man with long black hair, long enough to cover his forehead, same skin colour with oversized coat and black formal attire. I couldn't belive the person I was seeing was someone that I met few years ago it... It..... Is.... The same person from back then, the same monster, the traitor and bloody murderer Mr Kim Min Ho staring right Infront of me. "

" He was standing just 2 meter apart from me staring with a surprising yet guilty eyes and the most disgusting thing was he had flowers with him the same that u brought which indicates that he was there for oppa. "

" How dare he, breathing in the same air as me, standing Infront of me so proudly as if he saw something dreamt with a his lips little curved which means he was smiling seeing how misreable we were and then he said. "

" He.... Hell... Hello Soojin. Long time no see. How are you. "

" I had never seen such a shameless person in my entire life. He had such an audacity to ask me how was I when he betrayed us, murdered his best friend and even took his life long dream of becoming an idol. At that time I wanted to murder that jerk, scoundrel person but I kept my urge aside and I remembered to make the person suffer for which I had to go through. So I answered. "

" What are you doing here. "

" I am here for my best friend and I am here to apologize to your brother and especially you. "

" Apologize is asked when you have done a mistake but what you have done is a sin and let me tell we apologize when we want to forgive someone but we have no such intention so take your apologize and get out of my face. "

" and never ever enter this place again this place is the resting place for the person who trusted you the most whom by which he was betrayed and let me tell you after you get it of this place don't think that's it I, Han Soojin, made a promise swear to my dead brother that I will give the punishment the person deserve to the culprit. So don't think I have forgotten darling, thus is the death trap I have set up, I will make sure that in this journey you will face every pain that I have gone through because of you. I will avenge for my brother and for me and for my every sleepless night and nightmare i have gone through. EVERY SINGLE PAIN.

" I will take away everything, Your Fame, Your Idol Image, Your Money. Everything."

" Han Soojin, I know that you've gone through a lot that I couldn't imagine, and I will accept all your punishment, but all I want you is to take care of yourself, you just told you have many sleepless nights and nightmare which can cause health problem I will suggest you to take care of yourself. "

" Mr Kim Min Ho your act is over, you are not an idol for me just a bloody murderer who is now showing me care, just shut your mouth, I don't want to listen any of your nonsense. "

Soojin walks towards her car

Min ho behind her calling her name

" Han Soo....soojin......Han Soojin. Wait.... A.... Second ""

Soojin leaves

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