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Tae Seduced Kook?!( Taekook)


It's raining and someone is groaning in pain
"Help me ahh I am dying help~please"
He dragged his body near a parked car and rest against his back
"What the hell "
Hi guys/bhayio or behno I innocent author presenting a slurppy 🫦👅story of Taekook again
Cause I love you
. . . . . .
In jeon mansion
Taehyung (  prettiest omega)
Taehyung ( prettiest omega)
Kim Taehyung 20yo world's most beautiful omega persona:SHY, cute, arrogant to ones who he doesn't like, know how to fire a bullet right through someone's brain, love every dish made of strawberry, caring , love you wear beautiful clothes Her mother sold him, and he works as prostitute he is finding a way to free himself from this work Dislike: Lie
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook 29yo dominating alpha persona:serious very serious, love his family and Hate omegas , always wear dark boring clothes ,hot, have broad shoulder only son of a colongremate family likes banana milk know martial arts Dislike: People who sell themselves for money


In a dim room
"slurp slurp"
"it hurts ~"
a soul was sucking another soul mercilessly
Mr Lee hi(alpha)
Mr Lee hi(alpha)
You are so yum~
Taehyung (  prettiest omega)
Taehyung ( prettiest omega)
Ahh ngh ngh stop it man you are going too far I think your time is over now
Lee looked at the sand clock the sand was settled at the bottom
Mr Lee hi(alpha)
Mr Lee hi(alpha)
Aish my fun just began
Mr Lee hi(alpha)
Mr Lee hi(alpha)
How can I leave you alone in the midnight huh
The man pace up his speed and began to thrûst fast the slapping sound was heard by walls of room which can't do anything to save Taehyung from the man
Mr Lee hi(alpha)
Mr Lee hi(alpha)
aah now I get to know why you are the most expensive thing here you are so deep
Taehyung (  prettiest omega)
Taehyung ( prettiest omega)
Aah leave me you old hag for fućh sake get up you are so heavy
But instead of leaving Taehyung that old man hugged him tightly and fúćƙ him even more
Then Taehyung ring the bell which was a switch that looked like ordinary switch
Some guards came and banged on the door the man knows about it
Mr Lee hi(alpha)
Mr Lee hi(alpha)
Huh you called the them huh I've paid this much just to satisfy myself
He grabbed Taehyung's hair
Taehyung (  prettiest omega)
Taehyung ( prettiest omega)
Ahh leave my hair old fart if I go bald I'll sue you OPEN THE DOOR IDIOTS
Then the man bite his slender and slim neck and it turned out red
Taehyung (  prettiest omega)
Taehyung ( prettiest omega)
Aaaah you are monster fúçk off
Taehyung kicked in between that man's thigh
and then the guards came in too
Taehyung hid his body with shawl and get out of the room and Lee was tied by guards
Mr Lee hi(alpha)
Mr Lee hi(alpha)
Yaaa leave me you don't know who I *punch on face*
suga( omega)
suga( omega)
If you don't know about yourself then how can we know
suga( omega)
suga( omega)
Dump it in trashcan
The guards nodded and dragged Lee away
Suga is an omega and did the same work as Taehyung they grew up together and like brothers
suga( omega)
suga( omega)
suga( omega)
suga( omega)
Suga 19yo Omega Love his brother Taehyung and want him to free from this hell know kicks and punches for defence and sweet only towards his brother rude towards everyone hate his so called father and saw everyone as an enemy His pheromones are of sweet golden honey 🍯 Dances in clubs for money and always protective he hates those hungry alpha who only saw him as a sèx toy
Taehyung emptied the whole bottle of body on his body and shower 🚿 and then submerged himself in the water and hugged his body in pain he then come to surface and step out of water
after washing himself he took a pill and that was contraceptive pill
He saw his image in the mirror 🪞 and saw his freshly made bruises and a tear escaped from his eyes he wiped his tear and dressed himself up
He wears this kind of clothes
And I loved these clothes 🥰
Taehyung (  prettiest omega)
Taehyung ( prettiest omega)
Hey give me the car keys
suga( omega)
suga( omega)
*throwing keys*again
Taehyung (  prettiest omega)
Taehyung ( prettiest omega)
Yes I need some time alone
He then drove his car away to the bridge and stopped near the big house
He lit a smoke and puff the smoke
Taehyung (  prettiest omega)
Taehyung ( prettiest omega)
Aish my lips hurts *spit*it taste bad
Taehyung (  prettiest omega)
Taehyung ( prettiest omega)
He looked at the mansion
Taehyung (  prettiest omega)
Taehyung ( prettiest omega)
Taehyung (  prettiest omega)
Taehyung ( prettiest omega)
Huh if only I had ...
Then he crushed the cigarette with his foot and drove his car away again


In a bar
There is someone really angry
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
The person who was being scold was super scared terrified by Jungkook and began to cru
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Don't show me your fake tears and fûçķ off
Calm down Jungkook it's not the right time let's go from here or these filthy omega will again try to seduce you
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Fúck man!
Jungkook left the bar with Jin
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
This is the last time I accompanied you I really hate places full of fûcking omegas
Jk kicked an empty can and it hit a stray dog the dog cried and began to bark until Jungkook gave him a horror stare and the dog ran away
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
did you look at that dog it really remind me of omegas
Woah you really are some thing man
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Yes I am
Jungkook POV:
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
You know what is the dirtiest thing in the world which can soil your soul it is of course Love I really don't understand it.isnt it just for pleasure for two bodies huh I think it is and I really don't believe in these kind of things like fate ,luck destiny it's all fúçking excuse for someone weakness
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
what ever my father is going to give me his company in 2 months and his only condition to give me that company is thay I have to marry someone
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha) foot never ever yes I know I will be the richest and most powerful after becoming the CEO but I don't like anyone and I fúçking hate all omegas
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
my father is such a headache aish
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
Jungkook (Dominating Alpha)
But I can do anything for the company anything😏

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