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30 Days Till I Divorce My Husband

Chapter 1

“Estrella, your hubby’s cozying up in someone else’s bed, and you’re still snoozing? Aren’t you scared that someone might take your place one day?”

Kristin’s frustration was palpable as Estrella, bleary-eyed, asked, “Which girl is it tonight?”

Two years into marriage, and there was a queue of women ready to take Estrella’s place. Her mother-in-law urged her to catch her husband in the act every now and then, and Estrella was used to it by now.

Yet every attempt had been in vain, with no solid proof of Jason’s infidelity.

“I’ll send the hotel room number to your Messenger. Go and drag him back, Kristin paused before adding, “You know, if you keep ignoring Jason like this, I can’t help you anymore.”

Ignoring him? If only Jason gave her a chance to take care of him.

In two years, his visits home were countable on one hand, and every encounter ended in a row. He avoided her like the plague. There was nothing she could do to change that.

But things hadn’t always been this way between her and Jason. He used to be good to her, and indulgent-until that one incident changed everything.

Estrella lay silent for a moment, her eyes closed. Then, propping herself up, she lazily said, “Alright, send me the address.”

Half an hour later, Estrella, having obtained the keycard from the hotel manager, was joined by Jesse. They reached the suite door together.

As Estrella was about to swipe the card, her heart, which had been calm until now, began. to pound with unease. Though she was accustomed to betrayal, the thought of her husband being taken by another still unsettled her.

The door swung open, and a voice from inside called, “Four of a kind.”

Both Estrella and Jesse were taken aback. Wasn’t this supposed to be a catch-in-the-act moment? Why were they playing poker?

The girls sitting beside the men were still a sore sight. Jason had a cigarette dangling from his lips and his hand on the cards, while Serene clung to his arm, sitting beside him.

The men at the table were Ravenwood’s finest, the crème de la crème. Jason, as always, was the center of attention-handsome features, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses perched on his nose, and a carelessly slicked-back hairstyle.

He was the epitome of dapper with a touch of rogue, breathtaking no matter how often one saw him. Women would bankrupt themselves for a man like him.



Chapter 1

Nelson International had soared under his leadership in the last two years, making him the big cheese of Ravenwood. If only he were still the same… If not for that one time, Jason would be the perfect husband.

Jason had many virtues, but kindness towards her was no longer one of them.

Seated facing the door, Thomas, upon seeing Estrella, was first surprised, but then prompted tp greet her with a smile. He caught Jason’s cold glance and quickly corrected himself, “Ella, what brings you here?”

With an air of nonchalance, Estrella sauntered in, “Just missed you guys. Thought I’d drop by.”

“Come on…” Glancing covertly at Jason, Thomas said, “Ella, I dare not jest with you.”

No need for words-they all knew she was here for Jason.

Leaving such a gorgeous woman at home, ignored-what was Jason thinking?

Estrella was dressed to kill in a knee-length V-neck little black dress, her long black curls. cascading effortlessly, each strand exuding undeniable allure.

As she approached the table, the girls in the room were left agape in awe.

Unfazed by Serene’s presence, Estrella ignored her and glanced at Jason’s arm, prompting Serene to hastily explain, “Jason just won big. I was just, you know, celebrating with him.” Before Serene could finish, Estrella’s hand clamped down on her wrist, “Serene, touch him again, and I’ll chop off your hand.”

“Estrella, listen to me,” Serene pleaded, pain etched on her face, “You’re hurting me.”

At Serene’s cry, Jason’s frosty gaze turned to Estrella, “If you don’t let her go, I’ll deal with your hand first.”

Taking advantage of the moment, Serene wriggled free and stepped back. She rubbed her wrist, eyes welling with tears, “Jason.”

Jason glanced at her impassively, “Why are you so scared of her? Sit down.”

As the tension mounted, a girl next to Thomas curiously asked Jason, “Who’s that, Mr. Jason?”

Smoke curled around his gold-framed glasses as Jason tapped the ash, “Don’t know her.”

The room fell silent at his words.

Don’t know her? They’d known each other for 23 years.

Estrella was 23 years old this year.

Standing by the poker table, Estrella was both amused and annoyed. Despite it all, she 2/4


Chapter 1

leaned in and whispered to Jason, “It’s half past two. Time to call it a night.”

With a cigarette between his fingers, Jason kept his cool demeanor. It was as if Estrella was invisible.

Serene, trying to defuse the awkwardness, intervened, “Estrella, men will be men, with their games. Thomas and the others are here too, so you shouldn’t worry too much.”

Estrella couldn’t help but laugh, “Why don’t you tie the knot first, then lend me your hubby for a spin?”

Serene was left speechless by the retort.

After her comment, Estrella turned to Thomas and tapped the poker table, “Thomas, get up.”

Thomas looked up, “Ella, you want in?”

Jesse, who had accompanied Estrella on this infidelity hunt, chuckled, “What, men can play and women can’t?”

With stylish short hair and a flashy floral shirt, Jesse could easily be mistaken for a and Estrella’s secret lover.


With a knowing look, Jesse turned towards Estrella. “Hey Estrella, I hear the lads working at the hotel’s club are quite the catch. I’ll holler for a couple to come up,” she said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Estrella slid into the chair Thomas had pulled out for her, and sat down with an air of nonchalance. “Sounds great.”

As Estrella gave her approval, Jason’s gaze finally landed on her face.

Estrella, paying him no mind, continued the game they were playing. “Jack of diamonds,” she called out nonchalantly.

Before long, a few dashing young men stood in the suite’s living room. Jesse directed the tallest and most handsome one to go keep Estrella company.

The boy, with a mission in mind, sat down next to Estrella with a grin. “Lady luck’s smiling on me. With me by your side, you’re sure to rake in the dough.”

Estrella chuckled, “If I win big, I’ll slip you a fat tip.”

It was true that the rounds kept going in Estrella’s favor. She seemed to have a knack for nly winning when Jason played his hand, much to his chagrin.

At this moment, with another successful round under her belt, Jason slammed his cards down in frustration. His face was a picture of cold fury, almost chilling the air around him.

Unperturbed, Estrella pushed her cards back into the shuffler, ribbing him, “Mr. Jason can’t 3/4



take a loss? If you can’t stand the heat, go home and hit the hay.”

Her taunt only drew a ‘dry laugh from Jason. “You wanna sleep with me? Don’t even think. about it, Estrella.”

After his snide remark, Serene cast a wary glance at Estrella, wondering if a divorce was on the horizon for these two.

Ignoring his barb, Estrella handed over her winnings to the young man beside her. “Here’s your tip, kid.”

The boy’s face lit up as he accepted the cash, “Thanks a ton!”

The other girls in the room instantly perked up, green with envy.

Flush with the cash from Estrella, the boy suddenly blushed and said, “I can make your night even better. How about I stick around with you tonight?”

After the boy said this, the cigarette in Thomas mouth dropped to the ground with a snap, and the others looked up.

In that moment, the room fell into a profound silence, so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Chapter 2

Jesse lounged on the couch, one leg crossed over the other, breaking the silence. “Estrella, the guy’s laying it on thick for you. Don’t waste his gallant gesture. No point in spurning a gift horse.”

Once Jesse finished, Jason snapped back to reality with a cold, mocking laugh. “Starved for affection, huh? Might be time to find a man for a couple of shots of love.”

At that, Estrella rose to her feet, oozing allure, and said with a generous laugh, “Guys, looks like my better half has spoken. I’m off for my shots. You boys enjoy.”

Glancing at the young man beside her, she teased, “Shall we, handsome? Let’s go check into our room.”

“Sure!” he replied, leaning in to whisper something in her ear.

“Really? Well, I’ll have to check out your skills later,” Estrella flirted back.

The room went silent.

Seizing the moment, Jesse, with another young man in tow, also made her er way out.

Inside the room, Jason’s scholarly composure shattered, and with a kick, he sent a chair flying. Next thing you know, the table flipped, sending the cards scattering all over the floor.

Serene stood beside him, her face pale with fear, and she grabbed his arm, calling out,


Startled, Serene was told by Thomas that this wasn’t the place for her, so someone was sent to escort her home.

At the doorway, Estrella didn’t even look back as she inquired about the boys’ skills, their favorite positions, and if the job paid well.

Jesse glanced back with a smirk, feeling a sense of satisfaction.

Shortly after, Estrella approached another luxurious suite door with a room card in han just as Jason, icy as a winter storm, came.

The idea of her sleeping with another man was out of the question. No one else would touch what Jason discarded.

Upon seeing him, Estrella greeted him warmly as if bumping into an old friend. “What a coincidence, you’re checking into a room too? And Serene? Why don’t you call her over as well?”

Without waiting for Jason to speak, Estrella teased, “We’re married, after all. Even if I can’t 1/3


Chapter 2

have you, let me at least witness your virility in bed. Otherwise, post-divorce, when people ask about my ex-husband’s skills, I’d be lost for words.”

Jesse, who had watched the banter unfold, doted on Estrella with a laugh.

Jason spat out bitterly, “Estrella, you’re pathetic.”

Estrella smiled unaffectedly. “Pathetic? Could I have married you and slept in your bed otherwise?”

Their marriage – just a certificate with no ceremony – had been an issue for Estrella. Because of this, not many knew about their union.

As Jason cornered Estrella, the young man accompanying her quickly stepped forward, suggesting, “Hey, maybe you should…”

But before he could finish, Jason’s foot crashed into his chest. The young man stumbled back, his face ashen, and collapsed with a thud.

Estrella finally dropped her pleasant facade. “Ehough, Jason.”

Jason grabbed her face. “You can stomach this trash?”

Pulling at his arm, Estrella retorted, “What I can stomach is none of your business. You have your fun, and I have mine. Fair’s fair.”

His grip tightened, Jason’s expression darkening as he grabbed her throat.

Choking, Estrella’s face turned beet red.

Sensing Jason’s anger, Jesse quickly intervened. “Jason, this is going too far.”

Jesse’s words brought Thomas and Grayson rushing over to pull Jason away. They hurried the young man and his friend out before things escalated further.

Catching her breath, Estrella, without a word, delivered a fierce kick to Jason’s abdomen. His face paled instantly, and Thomas and the rest were stunned.

Estrella glared at Jason, her voice icy. “Try laying a hand on me again.”

Her hateful gaze made Jason’s heart lurch. Realizing his own impulsiveness, he looked down at Estrella, then turned away silently, hands in his pockets.

Grayson stepped in. “Enough drama for one night. Settle this at home.”

Grayson pushed the two apart, and Jason, reluctantly, guided Estrella out by the her neck.

nape of

In the parking lot below, Estrella sat in the passenger seat, turning to gaze out the window. The car fell into silence, punctuated only by Jason lighting a cigarette at the open window.

He exhaled a smoke ring before speaking. “You just sleep with anyone. Aren’t you scared 2/3


Chapter 2

of catching something?”

Estrella replied with nonchalance, “I use protection.”

Jason’s face darkened. “Protection? You think you’re the man in this? Do you have a penis to put that on?”

As they argued, Estrella’s phone rang. It was Kristin. Sighing wearily, Estrella answered, “Hey.”

Kristin’s frantic voice came through. “Estrella, did you find Jason?”

With one hand on her forehead and the other on the phone, Estrella replied tiredly, “Found him. We’re on the way back.” She mentioned nothing of the hotel quarrel.


Hearing Jason was with her, Kristin pressed, “Estrella, seize the night. It’s been.

two years

You and Jason need a child. Otherwise, if he wants a divorce next year, you’ll have no ace up your sleeve.”

Kristin’s nagging was giving Estrella a splitting headache. For two years, it had been the same old song – Kristin insisting she have a baby while Jason refused. Estrella felt like she’s about to lose her mind The real issue was that Estrella was dying to start a family, but Jason, well, he wasn’t on board.

Estrella didn’t respond right away, which put Kristin on high alert. “Estrella, don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts about having a baby?” she prodded.

Estrella replied with forced enthusiasm, “Of course, I want to. Really, I do.”

Jason glanced at her indifferently before slamming his foot on the gas, the car surging forward.

When they arrived back home, the place was eerily quiet. After a quick shower, Estrella emerged from the bathroom and couldn’t help but think about Kristin’s earlier admonitions, not to mention her own mother’s frequent probing.

Determined, she marched to the wardrobe and picked out a set of black, lacy lingerie that screamed sex appeal. She had just pulled on her pants and was about to wrap herself in a robe when the bedroom door suddenly swung open.

Turning around, she found Jason standing there.

Chapter 3

At that moment, he was clad in a pale gray pajama set, hand brushing through his hair that was neither dry nor wet, leaving the collar casually open to bare his chiseled chest.

Jason rubbed his hair nonchalantly as he said with a poker face, “Don’t bother, even in your birthday suit, it’s pointless.”

Jason’s dismissive tone slightly dimmed the sparkle in Estrella’s eyes. She slowly lifted the sheer fabric, her voice steady as she said, “Jason, just cooperate and let’s get this task done. After that, you can do whatever you want. I won’t intrude on your life.”

Then she added, with a twist in her tone, “If you’re really not into it, we could consider artificial insemination.”

After Estrella finished, Jason tossed the towel angrily onto the floor, held her chin with a smirk, and asked, “Estrella, what do you take me for, a sperm bank on legs?”

Sperm bank on legs?

Forced to meet Jason’s gaze, Estrella was at a loss for words.

Their eyes locked, and as she saw her reflection in his eyes, Jason suddenly leaned closer, so close their lips were almost touching.

At Jason’s advance, Estrella instinctively struggled. That was when Jason seemed to snap out of it and straightened up, his voice icy as he said, “Estrella, dreaming of climbing the social ladder through having my child?”

He paused before adding, “You’re hardly qualified.”

Estrella felt the sting of those words.

He didn’t like her, their marriage was arranged by their parents, and their two families wanted to join forces, so Jason didn’t like her in any way.

Then, he raised his right hand to the back of her neck, pulled her close again, and reminded her while looking into her eyes, “Estrella, you have one year. If you can’t make me father a child with you in that time, pack your bags and leave.”

With that, he turned and walked to the wardrobe, picked out a dark suit, put on his gold-rimmed glasses, and slammed the door behind him.

Bang! The door shut with a violent force, leaving Estrella to collapse weakly onto the bed, her right hand cradling her forehead.

She didn’t know about Jason’s affection for Serene. If she had known earlier, she would never have agreed to the marriage proposal from Jason’s father Landon, even if it meant never having children and never becoming a mother.

After sitting on the edge of the bed for a while, Estrella got up, went to the wardrobe, and 15:19

pulled out another set of pajamas.


Customed to the rejection, Estrella felt defeated as a woman each time Jason turned her away. She had done everything, yet Jason never touched her. There was nothing more she could do.

The next morning, she was awakened by a call from Kristin. “Hi Kristin.”

“Estrella, how did it go with Jason last night? Did you two make up?”

Kristin’s inquiry left Estrella feeling helpless. For two years, Kristin’s pressure for a grandchild had driven her to the brink of insanity. She thought if Kristin had wanted grandchildren so badly, she should have had more children, not pinned all her hopes on Jason.

After a

er a long silence, Estrella replied with resignation, “He left shortly after he came back.”

Hearing that they had not “succeeded” last night, and that she had missed another chance to become a grandmother, Kristin felt a chill in her heart. She advised, “Estrella, you still need to be more proactive with Jason.”

Estrella thought to herself that she was almost begging Jason to take pity on her and sleep with her. How much more proactive could she be?

Frowning in thought and unsure what to say, Kristin added from the other end, “You see, you just don’t take enough initiative with Jason. Go to the office and bring him lunch. You need to be more present, or others will think you’re a pushover.”

The “others” Kristin referred to were Serene, who was Jason’s secretary at the company.

Despite a hundred reservations, Estrella couldn’t refuse after Kristin had called and given her advice. So, she got ready, grabbed the lunch the maid prepared, and drove to Nelson International.

“Jason, do you think this revision works? If we adjust this…”

Outside Jason’s office, Estrella hadn’t even knocked when she heard Serene’s delicate voice inside.

The office door was ajar, and Estrella peeked in to see Jason with a file in hand, speak to a leaning Serene, “These figures don’t make sense, and it could lead to safety issues the project.”

“And this placement in sector D,” Jason continued, abruptly changing the subject, “Pull up a chair and sit.”

At Jason’s care, Serene smiled and pulled a chair next to him to sit down.

Outside the door, Estrella rolled her eyes discreetly. Right then, Estrella wasn’t sure if 2/3


Jason and Serene’s interaction was normal, or if it was typical for a secretary to sit so close to her supervisor, but Estrella knew one thing: since marrying Jason, he had never spoken to her with such gentleness. He never cared whether she stood or sat, knelt or lay down, lived or died.

Last year, she had a minor car accident, and when the doctor asked for a family member to sign the papers, Jason had hung up on her call. She spent several days in the hospital, and to this day, Jason remained unaware of the incident.

After waiting at the door for a while and seeing that their discussion was far from over, Estrella turned and left with the lunchbox.

When she wandered around the ground floor and passed a pharmacy, she remembered Kristin’s instructions and headed back to the company.

Indeed. Regardless of Jason’s acknowledgment, she was his lawful wife. Why should she hide? She had done nothing wrong.

Thus, returning to Jason’s office, Estrella didn’t think twice before pushing open the door. Inside the office, Jason and Serene, hearing the sound, looked up towards the door, The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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