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Falling For Insanity

Chapter One

Chapter One:

Rosie Mae's POV

"You're going to like him. Don't be so nervous, baby." Blake says to me with a reassuring smile before returning his attention to the food in front of him.

I had been dating blake for almost a year now. Things seemed to be perfect. There isn't a logical complaint that I could make about the relationship. Blake only wanted to make me happy and he made that clear to me every day.

A few months into our relationship, I met his parents who were wonderful. His mom's a nurse and his dad's a lawyer. They lived in a nice and loving home. It was something I was jealous of, I can't lie. Being that my dad left when I was little, leaving just me, my sister and my mom...I never experienced a home like that.

My mom began to struggle with addiction soon after my dad left, leaving my older sister Ally to look after me. Ever since, it's been a never ending story of, "I'm going to get clean." "I have a meeting tomorrow." "This time I'm really doing it."

At some point, ally and I stopped listening and stopped believing. It was an unsaid thing, the relationship we had with our mom just slowly faded without a word.

Blake's house became somewhat of a safe space for me. A home away from home. Sometimes I even liked to pretend that my house was the place I was visiting, not Blake's and his parents were my parents instead of my absent mother.

"I'm worried about him liking me." I tell Blake. "I don't want your brother to hate me or something."

"Why would he hate you?" He asked me with a laugh, clearly amused by my worried expression. "He's kind of standoffish anyway. He will either like you or not care that I have a girlfriend."

Blake's brother Eric is coming home from college for winter break in just a few days. I really just wanted everyone in his family to like me. His brother was the last person in his immediate family that I had to meet. I had heard stories about his attitude problem, and his trouble making ways. I wouldn't be surprised if he immediately hated me for no reason at all. Though I wasn't going to make hating me easy for him either.

"Oh my gosh" Faith said as she sat down at the lunch table across from Blake and I. "Are you talking about Eric again?!" Her eyes lit up at the thought. "What I would do to get my hands on that man."

Blake gave a look of disgust. "He's only here for the break and no, can't come over and hit on him. Besides, he's twenty two...he's not interested in a senior in high school."

She rolled her eyes and mumbled, "you never know..."

"I do know." He corrected her, taking a bite of his sandwich.

Faith was notorious for jumping from guy to guy. She was definitely what you'd call boy crazy. As much as I tell her to either get into a relationship or stay single, she doesn't want to listen. But Blake was right, there was no way some college guy would go for a high schooler. Faith was jailbait. She knows it. She loves it.

Faith and I were also polar opposites. Her being sultry, charming, and absolutely gorgeous...whereas I'm shy, to myself, and blend into a crowd no matter how hard I try not to. For some reason we just clicked when sat next to each other in class our freshman year. We weren't like most high school friendships that are drama filled, never wavering our love and trust in one another.

In a lot of ways, she was also my safe space.

"He can totally get us into college parties though." Faith stated as she began digging into her food, flipping her blond hair over her shoulder, out of the way. "Rosie and I really want to go to one. I hear they're so much better than our lame high school ones." She scoffs with a shake of her head at the thought.

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you said he likes to party." I said to Blake

"He doesn't party like you'd think." Blake tells the two girls, pausing his eating. "When I say Eric is crazy, I mean he's actually crazy." He huffs and glances around as if to make sure no one is listening in. As if anyone really cares what we have to talk about. "He's been to jail multiple times. He was in a mental institution for a year in high sch-"

"What for?!" Faith asked, eyes wide and suddenly caring about what Blake his saying.

He seemed to be in thought for a moment, as if contemplating rather or not to answer the question. When he did, it was not what either of us were expecting. "When he was seventeen, he got into a really bad fight." He stopped telling the story for a moment to say, "don't tell anyone this. Especially Eric. He'd be pissed if he knew I told anyone."

Faith and I exchanged a glance, wondering how bad it could really be. I'm sure she figured it was for a mental disorder just like I did. That wasn't crazy to them. Lots of people battled with mental illnesses and it wasn't something they found anyone should be ashamed of.

"So he got into a really bad fight" Blake continued. "Eric knocked the guy out but no one could get him to stop hitting him even after he was unconscious. The guy had such bad injuries that first, the guys parents pressed charges against him and then the court ruled it to be an attempted murder. If Eric had threw just a few more punches, the kid could've been dead."

The story was scary within itself, but the thought of someone getting that angry was scarier.

"But Eric was seventeen and did show remorse so they admitted him to a mental institution instead of jail or anything else." Blake finished the story. "He's not the greatest person, okay? He thrives in being in bad situations. I'm cool with all of us hanging out but partying? That's a hard no."

The two of us were silent as Blake focused his attention back on eating. I had no idea how deep it was with Eric. I just figured he was just the so-called "trouble maker" that everyone knows one of. She wondered why Blake never told her this sooner. Though now it did make sense why he wasn't being optimistic about Eric liking her the way or as much as the rest of his family did.

"Well I don't know about you...but Eric just got even more interesting." Faith told them after a long few moments of thick, awkward silence.

The new information made me take a step back in my mind, now not being as eager to meet his brother. The facts are argumentative. Maybe eric's intent wasn't to kill the guy, he was just in a fit of rage. Or d he did mean to and is truly psycho. How would I ever know? I don't want to spend time with someone who almost killed a guy on purpose.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Blake told me after school, standing by my car with me before we both head home. "I wasn't sure I was even going to. It's not really my business to tell."

I gave him a soft smile and touched his arm reassuringly. "It's okay. I'm just glad you did. When it comes to things like that, I think it's safe to say you can tell someone it before they go spend time with that person." I said.

Blake was always quick to apologize even when he didn't really need to. It was a blessing and a curse at the same time. It typically let people walk over him but he also always was man enough to correct something when he's wrong. I always admired him for it, and thankful. He continuously made the arguments easy and the bad times not so bad.

The thought made me realize how insensitive I've been towards Blake about his brother since telling Faith and I the story.

"That must've been hard on you at the time, your brother going away and you being so young at the time." I said apologetically, tucking my black, wavy waist length hair behind my ear and peering up at him.

He nodded with a shrug as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, clearly getting slightly uncomfortable talking about his feelings during that time. "I was just thirteen. I didn't know what was going on or why he was really going away. My parents didn't tell me the real until just last year."

That didn't surprise me, his parents not telling him at the time. They are so sensitive and selfless that they probably didn't want him to see his brother in any negative way. I know Blake has told me that they've always been really close. Knowing that then could've swayed his view. What parent would want that for their children's relationship so early on in life?

"Does Eric know you know?" I ask, putting my things in the back seat before turning back to Blake, blocking the sun with my hand.

Blake chuckled. "Yeah and he wasn't thrilled. I think he planned on taking it to his grave." That wasn't too surprising either. I'm sure Eric isn't walking around advertising his attempted murder case.

"But anyway..." Blake said, changing the subject. "I'm gonna head to practice. I'll come by later and hangout."

"Okay, text me before you come." I tell him, opening my door, not pressing the conversation any further. "My mom wants me to run a few errands for her and I don't know how long it's going to take." I huff with a roll of my eyes.

That was just another way my mother was absent. She never did the shopping for the house. That was me and ally's job. From groceries to toiletries, to just basic needs, it was up to us to make it all happen. Between school, homework, her job and doing things for my mom, it left little time for just doing things I want to do.

Blake gave me a quick kiss before jogging to catch up with one of his teammates

Chapter 2

Chapter Two:

Eric's POV

"It's not that fucking hard, dude." I take the rolling paper filled with grinder up weed out of my friend Cory's hands, completing the job he thinks he's so good at. "We will be here all day if you roll it." Nathan and Willy chuckle and nod in agreement as I twist the tip and grab the lighter.

Cory slumps back in his chair at the table. "It doesn't even take me that long. You're just impatient." He tells me, taking the joint from me as I pass it to him, now lit and ready to be rotated between the four of them. Cory was the funny one of the group. Over confident and energetic for no reason at all. Nathan and Willy were like brothers, they are the quieter ones in public and themselves with the people they're comfortable with. Me? I don't really know what role I play. Maybe a little bit of everything?

"So when are you leaving?" Willy asks as a breath of smoke leaves his lungs after taking a hit once it was his turn. "Soon, right?"

I nod slowly, relaxing in my own chair. "Tomorrow morning."

Going back home for winter break wasn't something I was looking forward to but I also didn't want to destroy my mom by not being a part of it. She was so proud of me for going to college, hitting the books, getting a job. Little did she know that neither of those things actually happened.

See, I went to college for a semester. Before going I was quite optimistic about it, thinking this might actually be a new start for me. A town where no one knows me or my secrets, a good school and plenty of job opportunities. It only took a few months of low income and living in a dorm with a stranger for me to drop out. Something about busting my ass for little to no money rubbed me the wrong way and it wasn't so,etching I was going to willingly do.

Needless to say, I've spent almost four whole years getting my pretend degree, lying to my parents. It was easily done by just simply getting an apartment off campus and having my parents visit every once in a while. I told them I got a job on campus so it gives me an excuse to not have them pop up whenever they want. With only a semester left to fake, it was almost time for me to plan how I'm going to pull off the whole after college thing.

Seeing my brother Blake will be the only good part of going back home. He doesn't treat me like I'm some psycho who needing fixing. Seems like ever since I got out of the institution, my mom still wants to treat me like a wounded puppy and my father doesn't want much to do with me at all.

Blake's been talking non stop about this new girlfriend he has named Rosie Mae. It's about time, the boy is eighteen and he just had his first kiss, that being with Mel. I've been telling him for years to just grow a pair and ask a pretty girl out. I'm happy for him though, he's hell bent over this girl. What's funny to me is her desperation for wanting me to like her. Blake went on a ten minute rant about how I need to be extra nice to this girl and not to scare her off.

Like I actually give a fuck enough to have any type of feeling towards her.

"The people staying on campus aren't going to be happy you're gone." Nathan commented

"That's why you and Willy will be taking care of them." I told them, standing and heading towards my room. They watched as I left, not asking where I was going. I unlocked the safe in my closet, retrieving a large bag full of marijuana and a zip lock baggie full ecstasy.

Once back in the kitchen, I set the bags in the middle of the table. Both Nathan and Willy glance between the bags and myself. "You guys are gonna sell for me while I'm gone." I told them rather than asked them.

"Fuck that. We aren't getting caught up for your ass." Willy shook his head as he spoke. "You don't give a shit about going to jail. We do."

"Get over it. It's only for a week then I'll be back and take over again." I replied, returning to my position in my chair.

Willy grumbled, spewing out a few curs words under his breath but not arguing with me. He knew better. None of the guys sold drugs, they just bought them from me. Every once in a while when I'm away, they make the sales for me so I'm not losing out on any money. The plan is to sell as much as I can back home to the all the young people with cabin fever and seasonal depression during the holidays. Willy and Nathan will sell to all the kids in college barely making passing grades and scraping up change for ramen noodles.

I'll make the most money this way.

Cory was going home too so he wouldn't be helping the boys. Cory actually lived in the same town I did. This was a good thing since I don't have any other friends other than the three of them. If all my time was spent at home for the week, I'd go ballistic.

"What happens if we see Lucas?" Cory questions, side eyeing me as if nervous to even ask the question.

"If that guy shows his face it's going to be a shit show." Nathan commented in between sips of his beer. "There's no way you can be in the same room without killing each other."

They just didn't know I'd actually kill him.

Lucas and I have always hated each other. There was no real reason behind it for either of us. It started way back in middle school. Lucas seemed to follow me everywhere I ended up. From elementary, middle, high school and now the college campus I'm selling at.

About three months ago he needed to make some extra money and asked to sell for me until he made the amount he needed. Being the business man I am, I of course said yes. Money is far more important than the hate I have for him. Plus it gave me some power to have him working for me.

Needless to say, Lucas fucked up. With the large amount he asked for, Lucas decided to smoke a little bit for himself instead of make himself and myself profit. The dumbass got carried away partying and stole damn near a thousand dollars from my bag, wasting all those drugs he was supposed to be selling on himself and drunk kids.

Lucas hasn't shown his face since. But he lives in me and Cory's town. Chances are he will pop up somewhere considering how small it is. When he does, I will then guarantee never seeing that face of his again.

"I hope I do see him." I tell the boys in thought of that magic moment.

"Shit" Cory scoffs a little. "Well I hope I'm not there to witness it. Can I get an amen?"

"Amen" Nathan and willy said in unison, making me laugh and shake my head at them.

Chapter 3

Chapter Three:

   Rosie Mae's POV

Time stood still as his dark brown, almost black eyes locked onto my blue ones. It was truly as if nothing else in the world existed. Like the two other men in the room weren't even there. I could hear the music blaring through the small room from the party downstairs, filling the thick and heavily silent air between us. A look of danger, curiosity and amusement rested easily behind his eyes.

My body was stiff, unable and not wanting to make any move. I could feel the sweat building from underneath my clothes out of fear and anticipation. The man may have been the most handsome man I had ever seen in real life and on television. He also might've been the scariest person I had ever seen.

Upon entering the room, it was hard to miss the scene I entered myself in. One of the men was kneeled in front of the brown eyed man, the man evidently in charge. The knelt man had a sense of pride and fear written on his face, as if scared in knowing what is about to happen but not allowing that brown eyed man to get the satisfaction of seeing him shake. Another man stood in the corner, leaning back against the wall behind him, evidently unbothered as he lightly puffed on a cigarette. The man in the corner wore the same amused expression.

My gaze fell on the shiny black pistol that rested lazily by his side in the man's hand who stood over the knelt one. I didn't have to see the gun to know what I got myself into. The aura in the room made that abundantly clear to me. The gun was just the nail in the coffin, letting me know that my chances of getting out of this maybe even alive is slim to none.

"Wrong place...wrong time." The man in charge said in a velvet smooth, but taunting tone. His voice and demeanor made my skin crawl. I drew into myself as much as I possibly could, feeling substantially small and meek.

My mouth opened up to say something but no words escaped, not quite knowing what to even say. I guess starting by begging for my life would suffice but I was trembling and my brain felt jumbled.

"Maybe we should reassess the situation." The man in the corner suggested with the slightest of shrugs. It seemed more like he didn't care what the outcome would be but said it anyways. "I told you this shit would happen."

Eyes darting between the three men, my mind began to take the moment I had to brainstorm possible escapes or just an easy way out of the room. It felt impossible in the small bedroom they all stood in. The bed took up most of the space in the middle of the room, only accompanied by a large dresser and night stand. The space between the group of them was very minimal. I'd never make it to the door before being grabbed.

I could either just stand here as I currently am and try nothing to save myself...or I could take the only chance I had and at least attempt to make it out of the room and disappear into the crowd of people partying. I what to at least try.

"It's nothing I can't handle. Relax." The man responded.

Lord knows I'm not the fastest runner or most agile person, I'm actually quite clumsy. Though I gave it my best shot, spinning around on my heal and letting my feet launch me to the door.

My breaths came out heavily as I fumbled for the door handle. I didn't even think to look behind me, not wasting a single second to swing this door wide open and escape the mysterious men.

It was clear to me that the man was in no rush as I heard his heavy footsteps hit the floor in a slow stride from behind me. Just As the door clicked, ready for me to leave, I saw a large hand place itself over the door, simply and slowly closing it.

I could feel the large man standing directly behind me, close enough to feel the heat radiating off his body and onto my already sweaty one. His breaths were steady, letting me know his is not phased by my attempt to escape. My eyes bore into the door and my stance stood stiff as a board as I felt the man's free hand grip my arm tightly, beginning to turn me to face him.

I did my best to keep my gaze directed at anything else but him, even as I felt his eyes staring deep into me, making my adrenaline only rise more in fear. I knew I was no match to them, my best bet was to comply at this point. What scared me more than anything was the lack of emotion the man expressed even in the predicament they were in. That only meant he was more dangerous than I initially thought when I walked in.

"I'm not sure if I've ever seen anyone so scared." His velvet, haunting voice said down to me

My phone dinged from the back of my jeans pocket, making me look at him now, fearful of anything leading him to killing her too. He returned her stare, arching an eyebrow as if mentally telling me I should know what is about to happen.

It was more than likely a text from Faith, wondering where I am. I was only supposed to be finding a restroom. Maybe just maybe she will come searching for me when I don't respond to her message.

His hand that was on the door reached for my back pocket. I feel my phone slide out as his other hand stayed steady on my arm. My phone came into view between us, seeing him staring down at the screen, reading the text.

"I don't think you'll be needing this." The man stated, slipping my phone into his front pocket.

The action made me lose hope even more, not knowing I had any left to lose. It only meant I wouldn't be leaving this room. He was already gathering any evidence and taking away my possibilities of getting help or escaping him.

"Please just let me leave." I begged, finally finding my shaky voice amongst the chaos. "I swear I won't say anything. This isn't any of my business."

"Well thanks" the man on the floor said sarcastically.

"Shut the hell up." The man in the corner spat over at the guy. "You're about dead anyway."

My breath hitched a bit when his eyed locked in on mine. It was weird. The entire feeling behind our eyes threw me for a loop. As insane as it sounds, I couldn't help but to feel a little...attracted? I obviously wasn't thinking along those lines given the circumstances but that suddenly changed when this moment happened. I could see he was experiencing the same thing as a flash passed through his eyes.

"You do understand that you just saw me about to kill a guy?" He asked me, drawing his eyebrows together. He doesn't wait for me to answer before stating, "which means you understand that I am going to kill you too."

I blinked up at him.

As if my prayers were answered, someone knocked on the bedroom door. "Rosie?" It was Faith. "Are you in there?" She called out.

I visibly swallowed and so did the man in front of me. I watched as he put his shirt down over the gun that was now tucked in the waistband of his jeans. He exchanged a look with the guy in the corner who gave a nod, answering the silent question asked of him.

"Helloooo?" Faith asked, sounding like she's getting impatient. I'm sure she had been searching for me for a good few minutes now. "I can see the shadows under the door. I know someone is in there. Rosie?!"

I stared at the man as if waiting for him to tell me what to do. My mind was officially in survival mode, wanting to make the right moves so she can just get back to Faith.

"Stand up." He ordered the kneeling man who quickly complained, scurrying to his feet and straightening his shirt down. He gave one last glance to the man in the corner before speaking to me once again.

"Answer her." He told me in a stern tone, letting go of my arm and taking a step back to distance himself from me.

I hesitated for a moment, wondering if he was messing with me. When I could tell he wasn't joking in the slightest, I called out, "yeah I'm in here!"

"I'm coming in." She replies as she opens the door, stepping inside.

I instantly breathed out a sigh of relief upon seeing her next to me. I immediately felt safer.

Faith stopped in her tracks, giving a confused expression as she looked around the room. "What the hell is going on, Eric." She asked the man standing before the two of them.


I put two and two together rather quickly.

This was blake's brother Eric.

Eric glanced between the two girls as I watched the wheels turn in his head. A look of realization passed over his face. He chuckled a bit and grinned with a shake of his head. " in my brother's girlfriend, Rosie Mae?" He asked even though it was clear he already knew the answer.

"What a fucking coincidence." The guy in the corner laughed, putting out his cigarette on the window seal. "Always good to see you, Faith." He added with a wink

Faith wore a blush as she said, "the pleasures always mine, Cory."

Eric kept his eyes on me as my head became jumbled with thoughts. I was in shock and it was all very clearly written on my face.

"Are you okay, Rosie?" Faith asked me, giving me a once over. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

I give a small smile and nod. "I'm fine"

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