NovelToon NovelToon

We'Ll Meet Again. (BL)

Bet this chapter 1

[ I don't know why the bold font not function here or does it actually look like that?meh who cares, Besides I won't publish this anywhere. This is in concept story, from my imagination.No wild scene don't worry because I don't know how to write them much, I just write 'and they're sleeping together in one bed' and that's all bcs I'm not that wild author here,,, and I'm a type of person who don't like to write that kind of stuff even though I read those stuff sometimes..okay lets just say this is not supposed to be chapter 1,I already say 'bet' its too obvious is not supposed to be chapter 1.I even hear a musical classical music violin/piano here to bring my mood back to write since it's been a long time last I'm writing such a long novel here in mangatoon so yeah.. I don't want to download this app really, but she suggested me to download this app again to friend with her in this app so yeah...]

edit:12.4.2024(I actually made this novel last year?)

(Edit:I might be wild here..I don't know.I'm not very smart in English HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!) 21.4.2024

Anyway just read this story of mine. (lets wild together baby!)

(this is for fun anyway:v)

26.4.2024 alot of progress happenings!

28.5.2024 I'M GOING TO RELEASE THEM TODAY! THIS IS AN ANNOUNCEMENT! Friday I upload chapter 1.


It's already 9 o'clock, it's a good time for her son to sleep now.

"Alright, my knight, it's time for you to sleep." The mother said while gently stroking her son's hair.

Her son pouted as he moved his hands to tidy up his toys back into the toy box in his room. Her husband could laugh seeing his son still wanting to play with his new toy. After the child finished cleaning up, her husband took their child and carried him in his arms.

"Don't make that want to be as tall as your father, right? Sleep is one of the causes.. well, sleep tight." Her husband said as he walked towards their child's bed.

Slowly, he put his child's body on that soft bed.

"But I can't sleep. Tell me a bedtime story. The story about the princess and the warrior." said her son while pulling his father's finger.

The mother just chuckled before coming and taking the book on the drawer next to her child. The husband and wife were sitting on their child's bed. His wife knows how much their child loves this book.

His wife opened the fairy tale book and cleared her throat first, "Once upon a time.. There was a beautiful princess like snow. Her skin is white and rosy like snow while her hair is very soft and white. All the princes want her. But her heart chooses someone...

... And the man is a respected royal knight in his country. Every day they meet at the flower garden. Slowly, the man also fell in love with the beautiful princess. Finally, the knight proposed to the princess. Although the princess agreed to his proposal, her father did not. Instead, the proposal also aroused anger in his father.

... The princess cries in her room, thinking of the knight every night. The knight was sent by his father on a military mission. Whether he liked it or not, the knight had to leave his country to fight for his homeland. The princess always prays to God every night, "oh God, save my beloved. Protect him every day."..

... But the man's fate had already spoken differently. He fell and died as he fought for his country." Suddenly, her child interrupted her mother's words.

"I still don't like that the knight dead."

Her mother chuckled softly before continuing the story, "the princess received that news from her servant."

"... The princess is crying again in her room, asking God, "oh God, why did you take him? I don't want to be left alone again." Because of disappointment and her love for the knight was too deep, she drank poison and died..." And now her husband is bothering.

"Why is the story so..deep? Is this suitable to be read to young children?" Her husband held the book cover, looking at its front.

"Listen to the story first, dear." said his wife. Her husband nodded and listened back to the fairy tale.

"And the news of the princess's death spread. Her father also fell into darkness, crying over the death of his daughter and realizing that his actions had brought about her death.

... The princess wakes up and sees the person she loves in front of her now. The knight is sad but he is not angry with the princess. He asked, "why are you here?" The princess giggled softly before hugging him, "because I love you." The answer really brings sadness to the knight's heart.

... And they are given the chance to live again. "Do you want to live together in another world or stay here?" Ask the angel. They both decided to be together in another world.

... The angel fulfills their hopes. They are brought to life in a different world. They meet again in another world and they are together forever."

"Happy ever after."

Her husband kept asking where his wife bought this fairy tale story book. How can this book be inside his child room. Their little boy clapped his hands joyfully.

"This story is actually not suitable for children." Her husband's said. And actually, his wife also nodded.

"After reading it several times, I also thought that this story is quite deep."

"And why my dear here still read it again to our child?"

"Because our son likes it."

The fairy tale sounds boring as well, actually.

" Mother, do you think I can also become a knight for someone?" The boy's question brought a smile to the couple.

"If your father can do it, of course you can do the same thing too." It made her husband feel ashamed and his face turned red.

His wife laughed as she looked at her husband before turning back to their child, "Alright, time to sleep." She pulled the blanket and covered her son.

She gently patted her child's body while singing something. In the end, the child fell asleep. The husband and wife slowly got up from their child's bed and left the child's room. Before they closed the door, they both said, "good night, sweet dreams, our knight."

Chapter 1

[the inappropriate use of Google Translate HAHAHAHAHHA SORRY BRUH I'M NOT ENGLISH WHITE PPL SO YEAH]

*curse word?

enjoy reading bruh..

Like a normal day, a bright and beautiful morning at school.

But today is different.. I want to ask him something that I have kept in my heart for a long time. Yes...

He's a really cute guy for me, unfortunately he hasn't noticed my feelings for him yet. Yes, that's normal because... We are the same gender, male and male.Fuck, I know it's messed up shit love story but I can't help but fall in love with him.

Today I want him to notice my feelings for him. I don't care what he says or the look on his face, I want him to know that I sincerely love him. This way is quite funny but even so I want him to notice my feelings for him. So I mustered up the courage to ask him today. I hope he understands in an instant. He's not a stupid kid, he's a smart kid. Surely he could notice this little thing easily?


How do I know? This is the story..


Miyuki walked fast towards him, with a blooming and pounding heart he finally found someone he loved. Yes, that person was his senior.He really liked that person when he first came here.

But there's just one obstacle between their relationship. Yes, the same gender, but for Miyuki, that's not an obstacle for him to continue loving the person he likes.

With a blooming heart, he finally greeted the person he loved. "Good morning, senior Yukito." Quickly the man turned to him with a sweet smile. Senior Yukito is the person who has been his friend 1 year ago, first time met. "Good morning look happy today? Why?" He asked Miyuki whose heart felt like it was going to fall out of place.

He played with his fingers, making suitable sentences. But because there were too many people (students) around him, he didn't know how to express his feelings sincerely to Yukito. And he thought of asking about Yukito's health yesterday. He started to open his mouth after making Yukito in front of him like a wooden sole that was still standing.

"I heard that senior is not well, is that true? How is senior now? Is it better?"

And he received an unanswered response from Yukito before Yukito just smiled a little, "I'm fine, it's better now, don't worry anymore Miyuki. You're always like this to me, always look out for me like this every day... thank you." And Yukito's response made Miyuki's heart really want to be removed from its place. Oh, don't be like this dear, my heart is weak!!

"Thank God, you're healthy now. Sorry... I wanted to visit but didn't know the home address..."

"It's okay, I didn't wake up from morning to night because I was too tired. I definitely won't open the door because my condition last night was too bad to be treated by the people around me."

Oh, really I can be relied on if it's you, darling.

Yukito looked at Miyuki who had not said anything and finally decided to open the conversation again."You want to say something? You look a little uncomfortable, I mean like a nervous, scared.. why?" Miyuki was shocked, did they really show on the face that he was scared? Miyuki was getting more and more scared there.

In the end, the questions started to crack and run away from the goal, but the story was still the same.

His rambling questions were too ridiculous for Yukito.

"My heart always beats every time I'm with someone..umm..why my heart beating so fast here??" Miyuki knows the answer is because of love but he wants to look like a child who doesn't know what love is. Yukito really thinks that Miyuki doesn't know the world of romance.

He chuckled a little, "umm.. to be easy to understand.. maybe because the feeling of love has started to grow inside you?Almost everyone feel like that.". Yukito looked at him curiously, "So what? Did you meet someone you like?".

Miyuki smiled slightly at Yukito, "Maybe yes... has Yukito senior ever felt that way?" Yukito's face started to turn red and Miyuki was sure there was something he was hiding, "Come on, yes or no?"

"Yes." With a small nod while covering his face a little using the book in his hand. But that answer actually made Miyuki confused and disappointed and a little hopeful but it can't be him right? It's not's definitely not him..


Yukito began to think of a way to answer it.."it is someone you know. Want to know who?" It made Miyuki feel like he wanted to fall apart on the spot.

"it's Hayami."

Yep, not him.

it's Haya-...



"She's the type of girl I want. I've really liked her for a long time and actually today I want to express my heart to Hayami so can you keep this a secret?" Miyuki has started to fall apart and his heart feels like it's been crushed.

"Can you?for me, please?" Yukito took Miyuki's trembling hand and began to let out the smile that once won Miyuki's heart.

With a feeling of doubt, he nodded in understanding and started to smile blankly towards Yukito who started to smile widely towards Miyuki. Unknowingly, Miyuki's heart still said 'I want to protect that smile every day, can I?'.

"I don't know much about his preferences but I try when we're together. But a little bit, you can help me, right, Miyuki?" Miyuki looked at the person he loved with disappointment but he didn't say anything.

"Dude, hurry we're late Yukito!" shouted one of Yukito's classmates. Yukito decided to go first, "I go first okay!" Miyuki nodded in understanding and waved weakly at him.

Disappointed, he left after Yukito running toward his classmates.

Slowly he walked up to the rooftop building. His heart hurts so much, he has never felt this to be honest. His heart has never been won by anyone and someone has been present in his heart and won all of Miyuki's feelings but it was the wrong person.

He began to sit in one of the chairs that had been prepared and tried to hold back the tears from falling because there could be people who despised him and it would definitely be a hot gossip tomorrow if there were.

While he was feeling sad, he didn't realize someone approached him and give him drink from the vending machine.

"I bet you want this now right?" The voice made Miyuki lift his head up to see the voice he had always heard since he was little. He didn't take the drink and looked back down as he played with his slightly sweaty thumb.

"Wow, it's very rare to see you refuse your favorite drink. This must be a complicated problem, why is this? Tell me Miyuki.." Hayami's voice was a little spoiled for Miyuki but he chose to ignore her instead, making her start to worry about the condition of her friend in front of her.

Hayami sat next to him and touched his shoulder." know, you promised too..there can't be any secrets between us. So tell me,you look depressed about something?"

No response.

"Hey, why is this? What's wrong?"

Because there was no answer, Hayami finally guessed "Is this because of senior Yukito?" Miyuki stopped playing with his fingers and saw Hayami who had a sad look on her face.'s not her fault.Hayami also didn't know this would happen, if I told her..would she accept and believe it? Besides, she knows who I like, right?

Miyuki chose to shake his head and smile "it's okay, I just don't know why I'm depressed all of a sudden but it's not because of Yukito's because I'm tired, that's why, I'm sorry.." with a soft voice, Miyuki answered Hayami's question.

"you sure?hey, I'm here for you, okay?if it's too much then tell me,let them out." While gently patting Miyuki's back with a sincere smile.

Hayami knows who Miyuki is since childhood,she knows all Miyuki's secrets because they trust each other. And Miyuki knows Hayami's secret. Miyuki likes Yukito, Hayami had known that for a long time after the fifth meeting between her, Miyuki and Yukito when they were in their first year at the school.

[bitch, 1506 word bruh🙄☝🏻special chapter 1 so yeah:v]

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