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Reincarnated As Side Villain

chapter 00: reincarnation

Yeo-jin Ma had just finished his favorite story game, "Academy Exarion of Divinity," achieving the true ending out of all 11 possible endings. As he watched the credits roll and saw the fates of the characters—marriages, riches, legends, and kings—he couldn't help but focus on Kaiser Blackthorn, who ended up homeless. Yeo-jin looked at Kaiser on the screen and thought before saying

Yeo-jin: "Can I help this pathetic character? I hope I can help him. Who knows, he might become better than a thug heh heh." he chuckled.

At the same time suddenly he felt discomfort in his body before being followed by his breathing getting heavier, his vision was getting blurry, a terrible headache and felt a pressing pain in his chest. Slowly his breathing slowed down and at that moment he exhaled his last breath.

The moment later, He woke up in bed and started checking his body which was fine but there were some bruises but the strange thing was that he didn't get these bruises as he remembered he was in severe pain he felt strange at his body and looked around where he was in a treatment room not his bedroom, carvings on every wall like in a fantasy world he thought.

Yeo-jin: "wait a minute... HUH!?"

Yeo-jin quickly try to find any mirror on the treatment room and found one on the corner of the room surprised, he realizes that his current body is the weakest character and a side villain, Kaiser BlackThorn in the game Academy Exarion of divinity.


Kaiser think to himself how can he be in here in this game also in this character body, then he realized the memory when he was in severe pain was because he was dying from high blood pressure and before that happens he was saying he hope can enter his favorite game and hope to help Kaiser BlackThorn. Kaiser who is also Yeo-jin falls to the floor and kneels.

Kaiser: "Fuck!!! I didn't mean that!!! I do want to get I this game but not this character!! UWAAHHHHH!! Why the hell I got reincarnated as this insect!!??"

After screaming in frustration, Kaiser sit on the bed and think to himself about plan what to do next. He remembers what gonna happen to himself became homeless.

Kaiser: "damnit I became the side villain who is also the weakest character ever."

Kaiser look around and the window he remembers when the introduction of the main character name Alexander WhiteHawk. Kaiser BlackThorn challenge Alexander WhiteHawk in dual only to end up kaiser getting beaten up so badly that he needs getting treatment and that's where Alexander WhiteHawk introduced as the main character in the game story Academy Exarion of divinity.

And for kaiser? Not only was he defeated and humiliated by Alexander, also he was thrown out by his family for dishonoring his family name by using a letter and worse he was kicked out of his dormitory. Technically he still students of Academy of Exarion but he doesn't have to sleep so he quit and became mercenary.

Kaiser: "but I Yeo-jin know all the secret and the story line that will actually change my destiny as well as this character!!"

after that, Kaiser grab his id card that show his picture, name, age and majoring in magic when he press his card a bit harder it a blue hologram show up with kaiser stat.

Name: Kaiser BlackThorn

race: Human

age: 18 years old

Year: 2

Faculty: magic

Strength: 8

Speed: 6

Endurance: 7

Stamina: 4

intelligence: 5

chapter 1: fate system

Two sizable wooden suitcases been thrown on the ground by Maya, the head maid of Aetheria's hall, the prestigious dormitory of Exarion Academy.

Maya: "well it's nice to serve you, Kaiser Blackthorn. I wish you well in the future."

Without even look back at Kaiser, she quickly shut the door by slamming it and a sigh of relief was heard loud enough to be heard from outside where Kai standing.

Kaiser: "Bruh, The way she talks is not sincere."

With a heavy sigh, Kai accepted his 2 wooden suitcases and walk around the Academy for over 20 minutes before seated on the worn bench, he looked up, his breaths ragged from twenty minutes of constant walking. Fatigue etched lines of weariness across his face, mirroring the expanse of the sky above.

Kaiser: *f#ck... What did I do to deserve all of this?"

Kaiser grab the 3 letter he got from the mailbox in his dorm room which is the first one from his family disowned him from the family, letter from manager of the Exarion Academy Dormitory which tell him. He was evicted from his room and lastly from principle which a third warning letter if Kaiser makes trouble again.

Flashback forty five minutes ago

After checking his ID card, he put it back in his pants pocket before picking up his school uniform coat and walking out of the treatment room. As he was walking past some students from the academy Exarion, they all put on disgusted faces when near and past him. Kaiser seeing that can only sigh and ignore it.

Suddenly out of nowhere, a plastic bottle was thrown right at Kaiser's head from behind and he looked back to see that there were 3 people.

Brown hair

Name: Victor

height: 164cm

Weight: 47kg

Age: 17

Year: 2

major: combat

Red hair

Name: Shade

height: 167cm

Weight: 56kg

Age: 17

Year: 2

major: combat

Black hair

Name: Aven

height: 170

Weight: 66 kg

Age: 17

Year: 2

major: magic

Raven: "well-well what we have here? Look like some getting beaten up huh!?"

Shade: "you are embarrassing yourself Kaiser Blackthorn in that dual, y' know?

Victor: "hey came here let beat you up to insect!?"

"Ah... this piece of sh#t motherf#cker trio i f#cking hate." complained Kaiser in his mind.

Raven, Shade and Victor, one of the annoying trio and useless character ever after Kaiser Blackthorn. Because of them, almost forty percent events of the main story happen because of them.

Suddenly, a wooden sword swung towards the Kaiser's head and his instinct kick in, he parried the attack with his arm before unleashing a punch at the attacker momentarily causing him to fall to the floor rolling and as he raised his head it was revealed that it was Shade swinging a wooden sword aiming at Kaiser head.

And then followed by , Victor came running at Kaiser with a wooden sword and Kaiser threw his coat, blocking Victor's view before Kaiser unleashed two punches right in the victor face causing him to fell to the floor clutching his bloody nose.

Kaiser: "pathetic bastard trio."

Alexander: "Leave them alone Kaiser Blackthorn!!"

Just then, the crowd parted like the Red Sea, and Alexander stepped forward. His blue sky eyes shining shows determination with his golden hair catching the light, and of course his handsome look, facing Kai eyes-to-eyes.

Kaiser: "Ah well look what he have, the hero of everyone always praises huh?"

Alexander: "It's not enough that you were humiliated, and now you want to vent your anger on someone who is innocent!!??"

Kaiser: "So?"

Kaiser asked in a sarcastic tone, smirking menacingly at Alexander, his eyes shining red with confidence as he looked up at him. Their eyes locked, and the air around them crackled with intensity, pushing the crowd to the edges of the corridor. With a firm and fierce tone.

Alexander: "go or your regrets your decision"

Kaiser: "tch!! fine."

Kaiser grab his coat back before leaving the hallway while pushing some crowd to make his pathway before walking towards the dorm building.

End of the flashback

After remembering back all the flashback, He sighed, the weight of his predicament pressing heavily on his shoulders. Looking around, he saw students laughing, chatting, and going about their day, oblivious to his internal struggle. The lush greenery of the park, usually a source of comfort

With a deep breath, he made up his mind. The forest. It was the only place that called to him in this moment of uncertainty. The forest, with its dense canopy and tranquil solitude, seemed like a refuge, a place where he could regroup and figure out his next move.

He glanced down at his two sizeable wooden suitcases, the only remnants of his time at the academy. They were heavy, both physically and emotionally, but he had no choice. Gripping the handles firmly, he began his slow, determined walk towards the gate of the academy.

The sound of leaves rustling and birds chirping was soothing as he thought about what to do next. The forest seemed inviting, offering peace and a safe place away from his troubled life. Kaiser chose to walk into the woods, hoping to find answers and start fresh among the trees.

And then after another hour passing he finally stopped and kneel down in an open field with a waterfalls, rivers and a small cave next to the Kaiser, and he decided to make the small cave as he temporary residence before begin collecting some branch and stone to make a campfire.

After arranging all the things to make a campfire, he started to activate one of his skills, ignition

Skill Name: Ignition

Type: Element: Fire

Description: Ignites the target with intense flames, dealing damage over time and increasing the likelihood of causing additional fire-based effects

After making the campfire, his stomach growling strongly indicating the hunger he experienced. He opens his 2 wooden suitcases and only to find a broken glass, a sellotape, his clothes and a pack of cigarettes.

Kaiser: "Damn their hatred for me is that really bad that they put a sharp broken glass in my suitcases?

After a few minutes, a spear is being created and ready which can be said to be not as good but can still be used approximately two or three times to find food by hunting animals from a sharp broken glass, a sellotape, and a random stick Kaiser found.

There was a rustling sound with the sound of a rabbit, with a quick instinct Kaiser threw his broken glass spear at the Robber's Bush and heard the sound of a rabbit squealing in pain.

In an instant, the Rabbit who was just looking for food was already food by Kaiser, he turned and roasted the rabbit meat on the coals while whistling with delight.

Kaiser: "Wow, it's was twisted of fate to meet you Mr. Rabbit from the food chain system~ I will never forget your sacrifice."

Suddenly, something purple appears on his face causing Kaiser to fell from the log and look up, to his suprise it was flying mid-air a purple rectangle with "Fate system" written on it and in the middle is written "Hello Player yeon-jin Ma".

To be Continue...

Chapter 2: Fate system 2

As cigarette smoke hung heavy in the air, swirling around the dimly lit room like a ghostly presence.

Kaiser took a slow drag from his cigarette, the end glowing orange in the evening light. The cool air of the forest whispered around him as he stood in an open field. He exhaled, watching the smoke drift away into the twilight and them a campfire which sways like it is dancing due to the wind.

He looked to his left and a small, hovering hologram floating nearby. It glowed with a strange purple light, illuminating the surrounding trees. At the top, the words "Fate System" flickered in the air.

He had seen many things in his life, but this—this was something entirely new.

Curious, Kaiser stepped closer. He reached out, his fingers almost touching the hologram. It stayed just out of reach, silently waiting for him to decide what to do next.

Kaiser: "two questions for you—what the hell are you? And are you the one who brought me here?"

F.S: "My name is Fate system and yes indeed player Yeo-jin, I am the one who brought you here."

Kaiser try to throw one of the rock near him exactly to Fate system but failed it because the rock penetrated out of the system's Fate hologram.

F.S: "Are you frustrated player Yeo-jin?"

Kaiser: "well... F#cking of course... Tell me why the hell you brought me here to this world?"

F.S: "when death approaches, there is a small possibility that humans are given the opportunity to grant 3 requests of anything except immortality and resurrection from the dead. And yes those 3 wish you make when you were really wanted too."

Kaiser: "wait the god damn fu#king minutes... Since when you are on my wish? And how do you know this all?

F.S: "in 2020, April 5, Sunday, 1 am, 38 minutes, 56 seconds and 0.3 milliseconds you read your first manhwa in your rent apartment about the protagonist that know the main storyline and has similar system to me and for the first you wish to that happen to you. Second wish is-"

Kaiser: "okay cut that off now. Let me get some fresh air to relax first."

After 10 minutes silence, Kaiser ask again.

Kaiser: "so I was here and your existence all of because my wish?"

F.S: "Your statement is true, player."

Hearing all of this, he dropped his body to the ground and lay down while looking at the stars that illuminated the pitch black night with his mind filled with various questions that he wanted to ask the Fate system.

Kaiser: "ah damnit... So what chapter am I in now?

F.S: "your in chapter 1, act 1: the introduction player-"

Kaiser: "Alright you piece of square purple flying mid-air hologram, from now on call me Kaiser because this is my new body mean new identity and i will call you F.S mean Fate system because it was too long. Do you understand?"

F.S: "understand, Kaiser."

Kaiser: "alright again, show me what'cu got there other than this system ID card."


Fate system

Character information

Name: Kaiser Blackthorn

Height: 172 cm

Weight: 64 kg

Age: 18 years old

Major: Magic

Class: N/A

Character Stat

STR: 11

SPD: 8

CON: 9

INT: 6

Magic power: 7

MANA: 30/35

Character skill

— ignition 1 star

— *wind ar**row 3 stars*


Kaiser: "hmmm no difference just a bit upgrade version. So what next?"


Fate system shop

^^^Current F.P (Fate point): 3000^^^

...Item renewed: 23:47:09...

Type: All

Available: 3 things

Type: stat point

STR point 10\= 750 F.P

Rarity: ultra rare

type: one time use skill

Eyes of time\= 1000 F.P

rarity: Epic

type: random roll

Random passive skill\= 100 F.P

Rarity: Common to Mythic


as Kaiser was analyzing everything he stumbled upon one of the skills there in the Fate system shop which is Eyes of time.

Kaiser: "eyes of time? Type... One time use skill? What is this skill about?"

F.S: "one time use skill is a skill that can be only use once before gone."


Eyes of time

Type: one time use skill

Description: Eyes of Time is a unique and powerful skill that grants the user the extraordinary ability to glimpse into the future. This skill enables the user to foresee events, allowing them to make informed decisions and react to impending dangers or opportunities.

Mana required: N/A

Price: 1000 F.P



Kaiser: Alright I have decided... Just buy got damn everything in that shop with my 3000 F.P

As soon Kaiser said that the first thing happened is in Instant, he felt a surge of energy course through his veins. His muscles tightened and expanded, the ache of fatigue replaced by a newfound power. He clenched his fists, feeling the raw strength in his grip.

Kaiser: "woah, damn... Okay what now?"

Suddenly a scroll appears In front of him flying right In front of his face before it started to spin really fast before stop and the scroll open shows a written congratulations with sound whistling happy birthday theme.


...congratulations 🎉👏!!!...

...a new skill acquired!!...



Overloaded Wrath's

type: passive skill

Description: "Overloaded Wrath's" channels the user's inner fury, significantly boosting their capabilities. When this skill is active, all of the user's stats are increased by 50%, turning them into a formidable force on the battlefield. Automatically activates when the user's health drops below 20%.


A smirk etched on the Kaiser's lips showed a very happy feeling because finally he get something useful to survive. But deep in his heart know all this is not Enough yet. Then he looks again to the fate system and ask him.

Kaiser: Listen F.S... all of this really useful for me but still not enough to face all the enemies each chapter so please help me then...a training!!!

F.S: "how about a daily quest training?"

Kaiser: "hmmm sounds good!!"


Daily quest


1. Push-Ups: Complete 100 push-ups.

2.Squats: Complete 100 squats.

3. Sit-Ups: Complete 100 sit-ups.

4. Punches: Perform 100 punches.

5. Run: Run 10 kilometers.


for a few moments, for the first time Kaiser felt like he was about to cooked with the quest give by F.S

To be continued...

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