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Haunted By A Ubiquitous Shadow Man

1: Shadow Man

In a gloomy room of a duplex apartment. Two female voices were whispering to themselves in the dark, as if being scared of someone hearing them.

They are two close friends -- Ann Claire and Leah Smith.

"...Maybe because you're insecure. Then, what if you quickly get married? I don't think he would stalk you under someone else's watch. Trust me, he will let you be once he finds out you're married."

"That's a brilliant idea, Leah. Why didn't I think of that? Thank you so much for the advice," Ann was truly grateful.

As Leah began to wonder.

"But something is quite off. If he's someone who keeps claiming you, that means you might know him from somewhere, perhaps," said Leah, the visitor, who likely seemed most interested in their conversation.

"I have absolutely no idea of how he got to know me. Even till today, I didn't know who he was," Ann, who was quite scared, replied.

"But from his profile, can you recognise him, if you run into him someday?"

"Yes I can," Her voice was getting swivet, "His muscular, his voice is deeper and he had a very creepy tattoo on his chest,"

"His chest?" Leah asked, giving her an inquiring look.

Something in her look made her start, "I saw it the day he raped me. That was the first identification of his identity, I identify."

Leah was numb with shock as her eyes widened, that Ann can see her white eyeballs more visible in large size, even without the lights on.

"He raped you? My Gosh...this is even more serious and preposterous than I thought."

Leah lull for a moment, worried as she went on, "But why didn't you report to the police?"

"He threatened to kill me if I said a word to anyone and you're the first. But believe me he's watching me everywhere I go. I just pray he doesn't find out that you came to see me."

Leah began to stir up in anger. She was already thinking too fast.

"This man is a sociopath and needs to be thrown behind bars. Imagine what he had been doing to you? Not only he monitored your whereabouts and drugged you on your birthday party, but also raped you? Ann for Chris sake, this is beyond bounds. We need to involve the police!"

Her voice was getting loud as Ann quickly hushed her.

"No I can't. Leah, you don't know this young man. He's more dangerous than you think. Do you think I would have remained calm if I didn't notice these things? From the experience I had with him, he is not someone to mess with."

They abruptly fell into a gloomy silence as Leah was having a second thought of Ann's words.

Then, Ann impulsively broke the silence, "Leah you need to leave now. I don't want to put you in danger. Once you leave, never come back, okay. Pretend you heard nothing."

"Girl! Seriously. You're pushing me

away? Because of one stupid Shadow man or what do you call him?"

"Look, just report him to the police and be free. You don't even need to consider marriage. Period. I thought you told me that marriage is the last thing in your diary. Girl, you're still young to face all this,"

Leah gesticulated her anger.

Ann had nothing to say concerning that as she almost wanted to sob, being reminded of her own ordeal, but she refrained herself from doing that in the presence of her best friend.

"You should get going already before he finds out," She still insisted.

Leah hissed, "What nonsense? Now he has control over you or what, he tells you who to bring in your own house!" She spoke loudly and angrily, ranting out of furiousness, regardless of Ann trying to make her hush again.

"Leah please," Ann started shedding tears, pleading with Leah to be quiet.

"Fine, I'll leave," Leah became quiesce, haven seen how serious Ann was.

She gave up the debate and decided to leave, in provocation.

"But, no matter what, don't forget to invite me to your wedding, okay."

Leah's sour temper suddenly transformed into a broadened smile as she steeled herself up to leave.

"Why would I forget that, when you are my bridesmaids. You're the only true friend I ever had." Ann smiled at her acknowledgement.

"Uh," Leah was touched.

"But also don't forget to remind me of Grandma okay. And I hope she's already recovering,"

"Of course. Why not? When she has a very strong daughter like me to look after her."

They both laugh momentarily.

"Bye then, I'll be on my way now," Leah held up her arm bag on her right shoulder, setting to leave, "And yes, less I forgot."

She pressed her bag open and brought out a tear sheet paper, "Here. In case you still want to contact the matchmaker, put a call across."

Leah gave the paper to Ann as she left for the door.

"Leah, hold on. Let me see you out," Ann caught up with her at the door as they left together.


After about a few minutes, Ann retired back inside, after seeing Leah off the gate.

It was another suspenseful night to deal with, whereby Leah's absence made her feel lonely and increasingly frightened by the long silent night, again.

Once inside her room, she locked the door and hid the keys inside the drawer.

Nothing was more scary than the usual night she had to stay alone, inside her dark room and wait for the night to be over, as if she was being haunted by a ghost.

Of course Ann was haunted, but the difference was, the phantom was a human, everywhere like a ghost, watching with those masked eyes, wherever she went.

Like usual at night, Ann went and sat up, alongside her bed, squeezed herself in her scant embrace, feeling restless and scared.


Her smartphone on the bed rang out loudly, startling Ann to her feet.

Nothing must make such a loud noise in this place!

Quickly, she grabbed her smartphone with one hand and silenced it, but it was still buzzing and then, Ann glanced at the caller ID.

It was a shadow man.

Instantly, she dropped the smartphone on the ground, unwittingly.

Her heart was beating fast.

But, Ann also immediately picked it up and answered the call, because she dared not ignore his call after ringing for the second time. As often, she expected to hear his hoarse voice, but this time it was Leah's severe screeching.

Ann stood still, her heart thumping wildly.

"No, no, no. Don't do this, please," Ann burst into sobbing, pleading and pleading.

But, no one spoke from the other side of the phone, other than Leah's continuous screaming, at the top of her lungs.

"Please, don't do this to her, she'd done nothing?!"


The sound of the gunshots over the phone was clear enough that the sound made a slight effect on Ann's hearing.

And then, Leah's voice faded and was replaced by his.

"I warned you,"

He said just a few words as usual and hung up.

Ann tries to stay collected and believe it was not true, likewise it never happened. But, deep down she can't fool herself. Leah is dead.

She loses stamina and falls on her feet, overwhelmed by bereavement.

By then, Ann's eyes were blinded by tears dripping down her jaw lines, uncontrollable, followed by shrieking, without caring that in order to stay alive, silence matters.

It was the damn words of Leah's killer -- Shadow Lover.

It was totally my fault! It's your fault, Ann! You killed me!

It kept reverberating and troubling her mind as though Leah was saying those words, while Ann started to picture the image of Leah's disembodied spirit at the door; a face white with rage, lips...white with the hue of death and covered in blood stained from the hole in her heart.

The images flooded her mind, they were about to burst her brain as she held her heavy ears with her hands, screaming and pleading to no one in the room to let go of her.

It turns into a short period of insanity as she continues to scream for a long while.

Almost dawn, Ann was still awake, with those bloodshot eyes of a viper, glistening in the darkness.

She sat there again, somewhat sang-froid than before, but was still panting and frightened of likely being haunted by another ghost.

Moreover, deep down in her heart there was still a gleam of thoughtfulness alive in her.

Ann was totally drained by her recent state of life. She never imagined to face traumatising stricken horror in her life. This was never the kind of life she had dreamt to live.

If only her father was still alive. If only it had not turned out to be, she was an orphan, abandoned by relatives. Would her life turn out like this?

Till now, she doesn't know her offence for being treated this way by her worst nightmare -- Shadow man.

It was what he claimed he was to her and had made her remember these words, even if she doesn't remember anything else on Earth. This name would always dwell with her as long as he existed.

She felt like she's dead, living among the living, going to work like everyone else, like her next apartment neighbour, but in the eyes of everyone, she's a spook and a sociopath.

Formerly, her neighbour was a close friend and they were cool, until he made her stay away from everyone.

Not only did he make her stay away, but turned her into a psycho freak.

However, when she started staying away from everyone, including her neighbour. But, her neighbour didn't stay away, because she was a good woman and had always cared a lot about Ann, even though she was doing everything possible to disassociate from her.

Helpfully, she turned into a freak and began to scream all night, scattering objects and running away from everyone like they were apparitions. Finally, the plump woman stayed away. By then, everyone already did.

They all stayed away and it only made it that she was left to face the terror alone.

2: Ann Want Her Freedom

Ann's situation wouldn't have turned out so sore like this, if not just one unlucky night that brought jinx to her.

It recurred a year ago, while she was in the state when the news was broken to her by a family relative in her Motherland, concerning the sudden death of her father.

That very day, was the day she wouldn't like to remember in a lifetime.

Ann was advocated to return back to her motherland for his funeral in months time. But, the worst of all things was; she didn't come back for his funeral and definitely, Ann regretted it till present.

The reason she stayed back was…

Around that time, Ann was taking exams and couldn't leave college in the middle of her schooling.

Education was something, something

Ann didn't joke back then. In the university she attended, she was a first class citizen, who was pursuing a brighter future, that even the departure of her father didn't deter her from pursuing that ambition.

Afterwards, at an appropriate time, after 6 months when the examinations and semester had ended, she returned back to her Motherland, only to realise the table had been turned around.

That fateful day, Ann was unexpectedly kicked out of the family house, by the polygamous family and she slept on the street that cold night.

Ann never imagined. None of her lavish friends and fans in the state would have believed that the daughter of a successful businessman in Europe, would become homeless overnight.

That was the level of Ann's late father's riches. He was extremely rich to the extent he made everyone around Ann treat her like a Queen. In the state where she went to school, no one had surpassed her level of idolism so far.

Her father's reputation and positions, automatically made her an influential celebrity even when she didn't crave to be one.

But, one thing her father didn't do was to make his properties legitimate. He died without leaving a will.

Ann had known her father too well on that part, that he never believed to have melted an unexpected end with the whole wealth he possessed. He's a man that never believed to die one day, because he felt he had everything to live forever.

Her relatives and half brothers, sisters and step mother's, took that opportunity and robbed her of her birth right.

Ann was the only legitimate child of the chairman and she got nothing from her father, while the chairman's illegitimate sons and daughters sat up there in one of his companies, being addressed as directors and managers.

Tentatively, the only one Ann blamed was her late mother, who had left her the moment she brought her into this unfair world of enormity.

If she was still alive then, they wouldn't have treated her like an outcast and taken what belonged to her.

But, afterwards, Ann recovered from her predicament by picking up to her feet, having realised that it was not the end of the world.

Through a good Samaritan's connection, she got a good job in a big company, located in the city with her halfway college certificate.

It was worth it, though, because all the reports were first class, plus the fact it was a very notable university, acknowledged by the whole world.

Ann fitted in as a mere employee, since she didn't finish college. But, luck shined on her. The pay was more than enough to enable her to rent an apartment and do almost all her expenditures.

Not long after she had gotten the job, she found comfort in her new life and was doing well, despite her being forsaken by her family.

Through work, home, and parties she made a lot of friends, due to her joviality and popularity in social media. And at that time was when she melted her bestie, Leah.

Leah was the only daughter of a book stall owner. Her mother was a highschool teacher. And their family background was very poor from Ann's judgement and liking.

Because Ann wanted only rich friends, Leah's heart drew her close.

Insofar, she had made rich friends, but never saw a true friend like Leah. The rest of her friends only showed up in her life, when it's time for popularity, party and fun stuff.

But, Leah was there for her when she's sick. Most of the times she's down, she also gave her good encouragement that had transformed her into the reasonable person she was presently.

All what her other friends were good at was showing off and pressuring her to get up to their standard, every single time they mingle.

These things continued until that horrendous day of Ann's encounter with her worst nightmare.

It took place at her birthday party with her rich rascal friends in a luxurious hotel, by the countryside.

Ann could vividly remember how she spent her hard earned monthly salary, alongside with her life savings at once just for her birthday party, in order to prove to her lavish friends, she was who she had claimed to be.

The party was held all night and it was for young blood only.

That day, Ann had refused to invite Leah because she didn't want her rich friends to find out that she was friends with a destitute person.

And so, she had asked herself this question several times, that if Leah was there with her at her birthday party, months ago. Would it have made any difference?

Throughout the party, all she had done was drinking and dancing, being entertained and birthday stuff.

Although Ann drank a lot, she wasn't pixelated, due to the fact that she had a high tolerance of alcohol.

Years back, when she was in the States, it was her usual routine to always drink to get a hangover, after exams and vacation period. Wherefore, doing same at her birthday party was absolutely nothing she could have made a big deal out of, or had gotten the notion of friends poisoning her drink.

Ann was reckless on that night of her birthday party, that she was just drunk, like the world was about to come to an end.

It had happened that Ann had excused herself to the restroom and was abducted by someone, after being injected with some kind of drugs that had put her into a painless sleep.

When Ann woke up, she found herself lying nude on a bed hapless, in one of the hotel suites, where she hosted the party. But, the suite looked more advanced.

Firstly, she had sighted a bare chested guy at the other end of the sombre room, inclined on the walls, smoking.

And as soon as he saw that she was awoken, he paced slowly over to her.

Though Ann's vision was blurry, the brief things she held in her memory of his profile was the authentic half, fitted black mask he wore on his face, his height, brawniness and the tattoo on his broad chest.

At first sight of the tattoo. It scared her, even though she was strongly under the influence of drugs and alcohol. The tattoo on his chest was a vivid drawing of a hideous scorpion.

Then, It appeared to be that the drugs he had injected into her body wasn't just an ordinary drug that put one to sleep, but was a drug that brought her sexual consciousness alive.

Because the moment Ann sees him closer, she wasn't her true self anymore. She felt a terrible heat inside her.

His attractiveness, his enthralling smiles made her crave for something she had known that if in her right senses, would definitely considered it as a big offence.

But, as his broad body came down on her, she was carried away by lust and unintentionally had let him into her sacred temple.

The night went fast and gone, whereas a new day set in, but was a new day of the beginning of her misery.

That morning, she was herself again and realised what he had done to her. Alarmed, she laid curses on him threatening to call the police, but the young man's action jolted her to death.

He called the cops right inside the suite and reported himself in the presence of her. Only for the cops to apologise to him instead of arresting the rapist, they insulted Ann, telling her she was lucky enough for him to have chosen her out of many better women, willing to sacrifice their body.

Ann never believed it, that's why no matter how it seems, when it comes to looking for a way out of her hell, she can't call the cops, cause it would only get her into trouble.

The young man was more than powerful when it came to whatever it takes for someone to have the cops on their side, it was either wealth or connections. Though she had no idea of his finances.

From that day onward, he begins to terrorise her, both physically and emotionally.

Someone might have thought that the young man coerced her to have done anything he asked for.

But, No. They were wrong. He had made her do them somewhat willingly, with threats, not just an empty threat, but solid ones, he could go to that extent to murder.

He didn't reveal his identity to her nor his face, cause he always wore a mask when he was with her. The only thing he had revealed so far, was a menacing young man, claiming that she belonged to him and nobody else.

A stranger in that case, she barely knew.

The first thing he had made her accept was disassociating with humans, secondly he made her wear two engagement rings, one for him and the other for her.

He told her that when he was ready to get a wife he would come for her, only then he would reveal his true identity to her.

Meanwhile, Ann didn't want to end up in a forced marriage with a terrorising beast, that would make life even so horrible and unbearable for her if they ended up together.

Ever since then, he started making people monitor her. Ann also had suspected that most spies might likely be her colleague at work.

Even now, as it stands in such situations, he made her see situations like, anyone could be a suspect, not excluding her neighbours, cause most of the time in her apartment, he is not there but knows what she was doing, outside the corridor.

Several times, Ann had checked to see if a camera was planted somewhere in her house, but she found none.

And that's the exact reason, she's been dwelling in the dark at night, so he can't see her.

Either way, Ann became a shadow of herself, because of a strange man in her life for the past 5 months.

But, now she was whacked by this whole horror lifestyle and was desperate to see through to the end and fight for her freedom.

Ann wanted her freedom so badly, as fast as possible and sitting down, folding her hands, crying, freaking out, had never solved anything.

So now, Ann was already desperate to make an attempt from now henceforth, even if she puts her life at stake.

And In other to escape from his captivity and be free again, she needs to get married to someone else.

3: A Sociopath in the company


Ann awoke to the sound of her ringing smartphone. She had fitfully dozed off earlier that morning, while in thoughts, without realising it.

She managed to get up on her feet to where she kept her smartphone, feeling tough after a restless night.

Ann received the call like usual, knowing fully well he's the one calling.

"Aren't you going to work already?"

This time, Ann didn't panic and in provocation chose to say nothing.

"You want me to come get you up there, right?"

She quickly moved to the window and peeked down the apartment, but saw no one.

"I'll be on my way soon,"

Her voice returned back calmly, as unusual as before, she definitely knew he would have noticed some oddity in her tone.


Shortly after, Ann boarded a cab to work.

"Trish Ltd, please," She said to the driver from the passenger seat.

The car drove off to her destination.

Half an hour later, Ann arrived at her work place and entered into the massive building.

Then suddenly, employees began to glare at her, whispering to themselves.

What does she expect? Living as a human while looking like a walking corpse. Her weirdness made her infamous in the company too.

That morning, the look on her face was something too unpleasant, like she sobbed or had a sleepless night.

Ann couldn't do much about it. Looking into the mirror back in her apartment, she had applied light makeup to cover up her creepy appearance, but the expression on her face made it impossible to conceal the dark circles around her swallowed eyes. So, she let it be.

As she walked into her department office, her colleagues' attention was drawn to Ann's scary face, that they began to whisper like the other colleagues she had come across, down floor. Most even burst into laughter.

Obviously, in her department, no one likes her anymore, except from her taciturn desk mate. He always says good morning anytime Ann arrives in the office, coming to her desk, even though she never responded.

But this time, to his surprise…

"Morning John," Ann responded to John's greeting and sat down facing her system.

John gape for too long at Ann, making her uncomfortable as she senses his gaze.

Ann suddenly shifted her eyes at him.

"Any problem?" She curiously asked, her voice unusual, deeper.

John shook his head, "No. Nothing."

He quickly faces his computer being frightened by Ann's facial mean expression, with the combination of her creepy look.

Meanwhile, Ann replies to John's greetings, because she was trying to be a normal person again, not a sociopath everyone disesteem.

But, it seems she was used to it already, because her bitterness always controlled her expression, even when she tried to look Jocund. It had drastically transformed her jovial nature, into a scowling human.

For her work today, nothing much, than her usual duty, till the next day of a broad meeting. Although, mere employees aren't allowed at the broad meeting, it was their actual time of too much work.

Within a short period of time she arrived, unexpectedly, the President's secretary came to call her.

Everyone in her department was staring wide-eyed, when she followed the President secretary, including the departmental leader.

It was the very first time they've seen the President's secretary coming to a departmental office to call an employee, herself.

Perhaps, they thought she had done something wrong and was about to be fired right away that's why they were tittering and whispering.

But, it was not what they thought…

After just a few minutes, they arrived at the doorway of the President's office, his secretary knocked softly and a husky voice spoke.

"Come in,"

The President secretary opened the door gently and walked inside, bringing Ann along.

The President was backing the spacious office, with his hands in his trousers pocket, when they came in.

She bows her head slightly, "Sir. She's here,"

"You can leave," He said to his secretary without turning back.

He was looking at the view of the city, through the glazed walls in his office.

She quickly left the office. Leaving Ann and the President to discuss.

Then, he turns, taking a proper look at the young lady standing in front of him, without excessively obedient manners, nor was she afraid of his sight, like everyone else in the company.

"What's wrong with your face?"

He walked over to her at the sofa angle.

Actually, the friendly relationship between her and her superior boss was an acquaintance.

Was he someone she would somewhat call, a gentleman? But he was never gentle on anyone else, either than her. In the company, he tagged the finicky, cold blooded boss.

She had melted him 6 days ago, when she intentionally jumped into the bypass to end her life and luckily the car coming towards her directly held brake and it was his car.

His personal assistant came out to check whether she was hit and saw her unharmed, seated on the ground sobbing, her dark hair scattered around her face.

He had ordered his secretary to let her into the car and he took her home that day and made sure she was okay, that he even collected her phone number.

Then, 3 days ago, he found out that she was working in his company, so he wanted to buy her lunch that afternoon they melted for the second time, but she declined, afraid the shadow man might see her with him and she didn't want trouble.

Even now, he had asked to see her again. Ann was getting pissed off.

What if negative rumours began to spread, since he was trying to treat her differently?

In her mind, standing right before him, looking directly into his face, she was like,"???"

I don't know what he wants from me? Why is he trying to be nice to me?

If possible, it's what I'm thinking, I'm going to smash his…

"Don't get a wrong idea. I was only trying to compensate you for the incident, but you didn't accept my delighted offer." He said as though he had read Ann's thoughts and had to chin in.

Ann suddenly felt somewhat embarrassed, realising none of what she's thinking was going to happen. Her thoughts were just absurd.

How would she have jumped into conclusion, without hearing him first?

The atmosphere of the place seems to be filled with an abrupt awkwardness, that made it quite difficult for Ann to feel comfortable again.

She began to avoid his eyes as he went on.

"Will you at least accept a dinner offer?"

Ann's eyes widened.

What? A dinner? My God, I can't do that, by that hour of the night when I'm supposed to be home by then. What do l do? I can't accept this one too. But he's only trying to be nice to me. I can't turn him down.

Ann's thoughts were filled with contemplations as she pinched her fingers nervously.

"You don't want to?" His voice was getting so polite in tone that it was quite impossible for Ann to decline.

What if she disguised herself? A brilliant thought struck her, just as the moment she wanted to decline.

Just this once she was going to do it. And moreover, it's a brilliant idea, since she was planning on getting married.

Somehow this is how love stories always begin and it might likely be the same with her and her boss.

Though, in the eyes of others, it was something incredible to hear and she understood that too, because she is considered destitute in the sight of her boss.

But, Ann only wanted to make an attempt and see how it goes, but if possible, by chance she sees any means to make her boss fall quickly in love with her and get married to her, she would gladly do it.

"No. What I mean is-sure. I would be grateful to have dinner with you."

"By 8pm I'll come pick you up from work. Is it okay with you,"

"No." She sharply objected as though contemplating, "Perhaps, you should pick me up down the fashion house at the back of the company," Ann said sheepishly, so embarrassed.

Initially, she was working with the time of her scheduled plan of disguising herself, before going on dinner with him.

He chuckled as his look was fixed on her eyes.

Ann noticed it and was surprised. This was the first time she had seen the fussy boss smile. Not in a lifetime, he had dropped that serious face of his. It's something unbelievable not only just to her, but to anyone who sees it now. Even the entire public hasn't seen him smile.

"Do you tend to shop?"

"..." Words ceased to come out of her mouth, when she had given a second thought of her statement the other way round.

She melted his questioning look and began.

"Actually, I need to get a dress… for my- girlfriend's birthday party." Ann lied out of defence.

In situations like this, she can't let her pride down.

How was she going to tell him that the moment he had asked her to have dinner with him, was the moment when she wanted to get a dress? Doesn't that imply that she had no good clothes at home?

Her eyes lighten up as she looks up at him without embarrassment.

"Ok. You can leave now,"

He moved back to his large desk and swung into his seat, gathering some documents together.

Ann bows her head slightly and walks out of his office to the doorway.

As she paced slowly through the empty passageway, along the secretary's counter, she saw the secretary glaring maligning at her. Those rolling eyes of hers expose too much hatred.

Ann immediately averted her eyes and walked away from that place to the elevator.

When she got back into her department office, some arrogant, cheeky employees blocked her path to her desk. There were about three of them - the sassy pretty girls in the department, while the rest of the members of the department were just watching as well as paying attention. Except the departmental leader who was away.

And as usual, Ann tries to ignore them, but this time they push her backward by the shoulder, displaying an atom of incivility.

"Hey! I'm talking to you. What happened right there?" The senior of them, taller in height than Ann, spoke in a sneering jeering manner.

"Why did the President call for you? Are you finally fired? Just spit it out already."

"I told you this sociopath is of no use, let's let her be."

"Not today. I want to know why the President would invite trash like her into his office. So tell me…!"

The three haughty young ladies were all on her neck.

"Laura, how do you expect a freakish dummy to speak? For a long time now she's been dumb," Another lady at her desk sarcastically said as all the employees burst into laughter.

"I do expect her to speak. If she can't speak before, I will make her speak now."

Laura, the most cheeky and arrogant young lady, who seems to be the same age as Ann, felt it's her right to know everything concerning the company. So she was the most pissed off, among the three young ladies.

Precisely, the three young ladies were crazy big fans of the President, who never knew of their existence nor will even recognise them if they mistakenly run into him one day. But, they've always acted like he was so close to them, that most often they defend and hype him so much, one would think they had a big connection with the President.

On the other hand, those awful words that they used to address Ann made her head hot as she fumed up in anger.

Naturally, Ann was a huffy person that had been a very close friend with anger. Slight words do offend her, but in most cases she doesn't react or else the bad mouthing goes on and on, then…

"You're deaf right, those ears are still working right? Tell me, this instant!"

Laura pushed Ann on her shoulder again and by then Ann's anger had gotten to the stage where she couldn't tolerate anymore of their nonsense.

And her hand abruptly, unknowingly landed on Laura's face, giving her a heavy slap that was heard even from the distance of the door the Department leader stood dazed by the sudden drama.

She had entered later on, just when Ann smacked Laura.

Everyone gape in shock.

Likewise, Laura was outraged and wanted to retaliate, but the departmental leader's voice halted her. Afterwards, she fleetingly came over to them, as Laura began to sob, holding one part of her face with her hands, acting like the victim.

"I'm not a sociopath nor a trash. You all are sociopaths. You guys stink!" Ann said sarcastic, instead of apologising to Laura as she saw the departmental leader.

The atmosphere of the department office, lies in suspense as everyone in the department was expecting for their leader's reactions, either to start yelling at Ann like usual, but to their greatest surprise she went beyond.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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