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Messed Up Life

CHAPTER 1, PART 1: Sad Past

 I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling fan, as I heard a vase smashed on the floor.

     Mom and dad were arguing, over something that even I can't understand. Mom was a nurse who worked at a little downtown hospital, while dad was a man who lived off from mom. To conclude, he was a very lazy and reluctant man.

      Throughout my childhood, he would always hit both I and my mom whenever he was drunk or when he feels frustrated. Anytime he sees his peers, he goes around spreading fake achievement. Sometimes he claims that he is the sole proprietor of a school on New York.

     There were times I actually felt sad for him, a man who was always broke and frequently hits his wife. I always wondered if I entered the wrong tube while birth.

     Mom ran upstairs to my room and told me to pack my things. Immediately, without hesitating I did what she wanted. She grabbed my hand as we hurriedly got down the stairs.

      I saw dad staring at us with anger in his eyes as he walked towards us. I was getting scared, and thought he might wanna stop us. But, the only thing he said was "you can take her along with you, buh genes don't lie"

         We got into the car and headed to my grandparents house."Mom" I called. "are you okay?" she stared at me and nodded with a faint smile. "I'm fine. Everything will be alright soon." she said as she held my hand and smiled.

we got there safe and sound, as they welcomed us with tears and hugs. Mom and her parents settled down in the couch to discuss things while I went to the farm to chat with my cousins.

I ran to the field, where Emma and Willie sat. They were counting the pigs in the pigsty.

"Hey, Sam." Emma came up to me with a smile on her face."I heard that you were coming over, never thought it woulda been today." She speaks in a texan accent which annoys me sometimes buh It grew on me.

"Well, something happened or should I say things have been happening." I sat down on the grass as willie ran to meet us.

"What happened?" Emma asked as she told Willie to get a Bowl of pretzels from the kitchen. "Nothing really, just domestic abuse, that's all." I said.

"What! Who? When? Your dad abused you?" she shrieked. "Not really me buh yh and also my mom"

"I always knew he was kinda shady. I'm so sorry." she hugged me and patted my back.

"It's okay actually." I said. Emma ended up consoling me for a while and i ended up crying.

At night, I laid down on the grass and stared at the star-filled sky. It was so pretty, that I almost thought I saw a shooting star. I'm sad, but also glad I am far away from that man, that used to be my dad.


For those who were patiently waiting for chapter 2, I sincerely apologize and appreciate your contributions to this book. I have been so busy, and my phone was not available.

Be on the lookout for chapter 2 coming on the 31st of may 2024.

Spoiler alert: She is moving to New York city

...Kookiezee 🦋...

Chapter 2: Fresh start

 We stayed there for some days, which helped me to think positively and reflect on myself. Soon we moved to New York, and stayed it a hotel for two days. Because mom hadn't rented an apartment yet.

 After staying in the hotel, we moved into a three-bedroom flat where the sitting room was stuffed with dust and cobwebs. It's probably been a long time since someone moved in here.

      We moved all our bags in and layed on the floor. "All we need now is the furnishings.". Mom said as she winked at me.

 "We have to start looking for a school for you to attend now." she continued. "Yeah, and it sucks. I can't believe I have to attend a new school with different teaching methods." I stood up. "Trust me honey, the same applies to me." she said. " I have to start looking for a new job. But everything is going to be alright, so you don't have to worry. All you have to do is give me those straight A's." she said.




 I walked down the halls staring at anything that I can pay my attention to. The halls were filled with nonchalant teenagers who dressed like they were going for the Met Gala, or they were celebrities.

They stared at me probably laughing and snickering about my dresses or how I look, but I didn't even care.

 I walked into the principal's office where I met a lady on her seat facing the huge portrait in front of her.

When she turned around I realized that she was staring at herself that was literally in a painting. I can already know how her attitude is going to be like.

  "Name?" sh took a pen and a book. "Ma'am? I don't understand." I sat down and looked at her.

 "Don't you understand simple English? I meant your name. I am asking for your name." She said as I soon realized what she meant. “Samantha” I replied." Samantha Green."

"Welcome to Beverly High, not Beverly Hills. People often seems to mix it up." she smiled and shook my hand.

I was informed that this morning I am supposed to have Chemistry.

I walked into the class as all eyes were on me. I walked to an empty seat at the last row and sat down. Soon a teacher came in, I think he was Mr Rogers our homeroom teacher.

"Good day everyone." He said as he brought out a gigantic journal from his bag. “Good morning sir, how's your wife?” I heard from a guy who sat beside me chewing gum. “She is good and you don't need to ask all the time.” he replied.

"Come on man, you know I'm the right guy for her."

“First, you do not refer to me as (man), second, shut up."

Soon he started calling the register. "We have a new member in our midst today. She recently moved here. I hope you guys can display positive feeling towards her.” with that he walked out of the class as I sat there looking at the ground.


***Pic of Sam***




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