NovelToon NovelToon

Affair With My Husband's Bodyguard

E 1

Los Angeles
In the heart of Los Angeles stood a grand Mansion, Known to everyone as the home of TV superstar - Codrus Soren
Rising to fame with his charm and talent, codrus captivated audiences worldwide
His luxurious Mansion, with marble floors and crystal chandeliers, was as legendary as he was
On a Sunday Night
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(crying continuously)
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Why is he crying
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(stood up from the couch with shaky legs)
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(slowly walks towards the stairs)
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(holds the railings and slowly starts walking towards the room)
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(opens the door)
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(looks towards the door)
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(comes running and hugs Lia)
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
I'm sho scared
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
What happened?
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Where is your dad ?
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Where did he go ?
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(looks around)
At the Rooftop
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
Moan my name baby
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
~Ahh Codrus
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
(holding the railing)
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
(holding her waist and th****g)
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
why the fuck is your baby so loud
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
it's irritating
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
(th****ts harder)
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
Concentrate on me
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
(pulls him into a kiss)
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
(kissing back roughly)
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
(th*****g vigorously)
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
~ahh more
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
Both were breathing heavily
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
let's go downstairs
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
He stopped crying suddenly
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
I don't know what happened
Both walked downstairs
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(carrying the baby)
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(about to go downstairs)
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(sleeping in her embrace)
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
(comes there with Sabrina)
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
Oh he's asleep
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(glares at both of them)
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(walks downstairs with the baby)
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
I'll drop you home
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
I thought that I'd stay tonight
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
No I have an early shoot tomorrow
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
So I won't be able to drop you early in the morning
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
I'll drop you now
Sabrina Sage
Sabrina Sage
Codrus dropped Sabrina at her house and drove back to his mansion
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
(walks inside)
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(sitting on the couch with the baby)
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(fast asleep)
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
I have told you a million times
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
It's better to find a babysitter for him
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
Do it as soon as possible
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(eyes get teary)
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(looks at Aurik)
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
I'm sorry that I can't take care of you
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
your Grandma is already old
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
But I promise I'll find the best babysitter for you
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(caresses his cheeks)
Who's thinking about me ?

E 2

In the golden Afternoon light, a boy entered a small downtown LA house, a weathered guitar in hand
Exhaustion etched into his face, he stepped inside
He placed his guitar gently on a faded armchair and sighed deeply
why is going to University so tiring
I have to look for a part-time job soon
(goes and lays down on the bed)
(scrolling through his phone)
A job notification popped up
(clicks it open)
(saw the salary)
(sits on the bed)
You get paid in lakhs to just babysit ?
I think I might give it a try
(searches the location)
(gets ready)
(books a cab and reaches the location)
(stunned to see the luxurious Mansion)
(walks inside nervously)
(notices the security)
I'm here regarding the babysitter job
Please wait here
You can sit down
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(comes there)
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Are you here for the babysitter job?
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Come inside
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Take a seat
(sits down on the couch nervously)
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Baby come here
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(comes running with his tiny legs)
* OMG *
* So cute *
*my heart will burst*
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
He is Aurik
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
You will be babysitting him
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Have a conversation with him
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
And if he likes you, I'll approve you
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Aurik, baby
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(looks at him)
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Talk to him baby
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Tell me if you like him
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(nods with doe eyes)
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(peeps from behind her)
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(slowly walks towards that guy with his tiny legs)
(stood up)
(kneels on the ground)
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(waves shyly)
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Hey there, little buddy
It's so nice to meet you
What is your name ?
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
I'm Aurik
Aurik! That's a great name
Do you like playing with cars, Aurik ?
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(nods enthusiastically)
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Vroom Vroom
I love cars too
Maybe we can play with your cars together
Do you have a favorite one ?
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(runs to get a toy car)
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
This one
That's a cool car
Can I see it go Vroom, Vroom ?
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(pushes the car towards him)
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Vroom, Vroom
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(pretends the car is zooming)
it's so fast
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(smiles warmly)
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
*looks like he is having fun*
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
You play good
Thanks Aurik
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(watching them closely)
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
You seem to be very good with him
I really enjoy spending time with kids
And Aurik is a sweetheart
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(looks at him shyly)
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
You my friend ?
Ofcourse Aurik
I'd love to be your friend
We can have lots of fun together
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(nods approvingly)
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Well, Aurik, it looks like you have found a new friend
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Welcome to our family, (looks at him)
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
(nods with a smile)
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
Thankyou so much
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
I'm excited to spend time with you, Aurik
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
We are going to have so much fun together
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(hugs Elio)
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven

E 3

Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
So Elio
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
What do you do ?
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
I'm in university
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
But I can shift from regular classes to correspondence
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
I need the money to pay for tuition
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Is your home far from here ?
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
Yeah, a bit
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
I need to get a cab
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
don't worry
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
I'll cover the transportation charges too
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
You have already done a lot
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
I never expected that I would get this job
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
No no
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
I should be the one thanking you
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
So many people came here for the job, but Aurik didn't like anyone
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
I'm surprised that he likes you
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
He seems happy
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
I think it's worth it
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
You look young, it's my duty to take good care of you too
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
Grandma, is it true that you are the mom of the one and only superstar Mr Codrus ?
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
I still can't believe that I'm baby sitting a celebritys baby
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
(looks at Aurik)
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
You must be so proud that your dad is a superstar, right?
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(smile fades)
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
(understood that something is wrong)
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
From tomorrow I'll bring you so many games
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
We will play together, okay ?
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(smiles widely)
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(jumps up and down in happiness)
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
Can I join tomorrow?
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Don't worry
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
you are already appointed
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
I have asked the maids to prepare dinner for you
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
You can leave after the dinner
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
But ..
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
it's an order
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Stay (low voice)
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(holding Elio's shirt)
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
(smiles awkwardly)
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
at the dinning table
Elio and Aurik were having their dinner together
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(eating messily)
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
(wipes his mouth with a tissue)
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
I'll take my leave then
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
My cab will be here soon
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
No no cancel the cab
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
I'll ask the driver to drop you
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
No it's fine
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Cancel it, Elio
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
(nods and stands up to wash his hands)
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
(comes inside)
Their eyes met
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
Codrus, you are home
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
Who's he ?
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
(standing in shock)
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
*he's... he's the superstar*
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
*I can't believe I'm actually in front of him*
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
He's the new baby sitter
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
He himself looks like a baby
Mrs Lia Soren
Mrs Lia Soren
But Aurik likes him
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
(runs towards Elio and holds his finger)
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
(notices that)
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
Okay Fine
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
(looks at Elio)
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
Are you heading home ?
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
Yeah (nervously)
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
My man will drop you
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
Codrus Soren
Codrus Soren
(walks upstairs)
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
I'll leave then Grandma
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
don't worry
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
I don't have classes tomorrow since it's Sunday
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
I'll come early tomorrow
Aurik Soren
Aurik Soren
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
(bids his goodbyes and goes out)
There was a black car waiting for him
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
(gets inside)
Soon they reached Elio's house
We are here
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
(gets down)
Elio Ziven
Elio Ziven
(drives off)

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