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In The Silence Between Us

Episode 1: A New Home

A car has stopped in front of a villa in the city. A man gets out of the car, holding luggage. Alongside him is a girl in a white dress and white sneakers. She doesn’t smile or seem happy about the new house. She follows the man and walks inside, where they meet a woman waiting. The woman smiles warmly at the girl and the man.

"Sabrina, say hello to Auntie Rosy."

"Hello." (Sabrina lowers her head slightly, but she still doesn't smile. Auntie Rosy seems to understand her.)

"You are Sabrina! Your father talks about you a lot. You're such a beautiful girl. Nice to meet you. Come on, don’t just stand there. Let’s put the luggage aside. I have prepared many dishes for you all."

Rosy is Sabrina's father's new wife. Rosy takes Sabrina to the dinner table and serves her food. She talks a lot to the girl, even though she knows Sabrina won't reply. Rosy continues to smile and chat about the food, while Sabrina remains silent as always. Although Sabrina accepts the food from Rosy, she still feels empty in this house, and her father also can't say anything to her. He just lets her be.

Rosy puts some shrimp on Sabrina's plate.

"Here! Try this one. It tastes so good because it’s fresh."

Sabrina takes a bite of the shrimp and maintains the same expression. Then she takes another bite. Rosy smiles silently when she sees Sabrina eating so well. After they finish dinner, Sabrina helps Rosy bring the dishes to wash, even though Rosy doesn’t ask for help. Her father feels relieved when he sees his daughter trying to adapt to the situation, even though it's still hard for her.

"This is your room. I didn’t know what colors you like, but your father told me that you don’t like light colors."

Sabrina stands in the white room, which is well-decorated by Rosy. She looks around but stands still at the door. Rosy takes her hand and walks her inside.

"Hey! Don’t just stand there. Come in and see your room."

Sabrina is now in her own room but still feels uncomfortable in her father's new family.

"Sabrina, if you need anything else, you can tell me. I didn’t know what you like, so I randomly chose things that girls generally like."

"Thank you, but it’s okay."

"Oh, I won’t interrupt you more. Take a break then."

The alarm clock goes off at 5:59 a.m., and the light shines from the window onto a girl lying in bed, covered only by a blanket that reveals her legs. Despite hearing the alarm, she struggles to get up, eventually reaching over to the clock and shutting it off. The alarm continues to sound, but this time, she can't ignore it any longer. With a sudden burst of strength, she throws the blanket to the ground.

"Ugh! I'm up, just stop already," she groans.

"How long do I have to wake up like this? School life is so freaking messed up..."

Sabrina, now a teenager, has grown tall with bright eyes and straight, long hair. She heads to the bathroom to prepare for school.

In the kitchen, a woman wearing an apron moves quickly with a pan, finishing cooking in just a moment. Rosy smiles happily as she cooks.

"Honey, check on Sabrina. The food is finished," she calls out.

"You worry about her more than your husband. I'm kind of jealous," he teases.

"Hey, she's your daughter. What kind of father is jealous of his own daughter?"

"Come on, the breakfast's going to cool."

"Okay, copy that, Madam," he responds with a smile, then heads to Sabrina's room as Rosy requested. But just as he reaches the first staircase, he encounters Sabrina in her school uniform, carrying a bag on one arm.

"Oh, you're here," he remarks.

"Yes, Father," Sabrina replies coolly, passing by him. Her father is left speechless. Despite five years passing, their relationship is still somewhat disconnected. Sabrina behaves well and studies diligently, but their interactions remain minimal. Yet, even a few words exchanged with his daughter bring him happiness.


"Aunt Rosy."

"Here's your breakfast."

"Thank you."

"And this is your lunch bag."

"Thank you, Aunt Rosy."

The tension in the family has improved since Sabrina's arrival, but it's far from perfect. Sabrina still speaks little to them and behaves impeccably. She finishes her breakfast and takes the dishes to wash.

"I'm leaving for school, Aunt Rosy, Father."

"Oh, be careful on the way," Aunt Rosy says, while her father merely responds with a grunt.

""Honey, your mouth got shut by the glued huh."," Rosy teases. "Why do you always find it hard to talk to her?"

"Okay, okay, I'll stop," he concedes. "You go take a bath. I'll finish washing the dishes. You have an event at your company today, so you need to look beautiful."

"You flatter me," Rosy laughs. "Let's get Sabrina over this evening, too. I already told her to come."

"What did she say?"


Episode 2: A Couple of Transfer Student

On the way to school, the tall trees swayed gently under a clear sky. The streets were alive with activity: people walking briskly, cars honking, and a few individuals running to catch the bus in time. In the midst of this busy morning, a sharp ringing sound pierced the air.

"Get out of the way! No brakes on this bike!" Sabrina yelled, frantically ringing her bicycle bell. She weaved through the crowd, her heart pounding as pedestrians hurriedly stepped aside. The urgency in her voice and the wild look in her eyes made it clear she was serious. Finally, she flew down the road, narrowly avoiding a few startled onlookers, and reached the school gate.

"Sabrina! Over here!" her friend SaSa called from the other side. Sabrina waved, starting to cross the path to join her, but suddenly, a sleek black car swerved in front of them, screeching to a halt.

"Watch out, Sabrina!" SaSa screamed.

Sabrina tried to brake, but it was too late. She tumbled off her bicycle, hitting the ground hard. The car sped into the school, its tires kicking up dust.

"Damn it!" Sabrina groaned, wincing as she sat up. SaSa rushed to her side, helping her up and inspecting the damage.

"Are you alright? Those idiots didn’t even stop!" SaSa fumed, her eyes flashing with anger.

"I'm okay. Let’s just go. We’re going to be late." Sabrina brushed off the dirt, her hand stinging from a scrape.

They walked in with their bicycles, parking them quickly. Sabrina winced again, noticing the blood on her hand. Despite the pain, she kept moving. Sabrina and SaSa had a complicated history, their friendship forged through a series of confrontations and reconciliations. SaSa had once mocked Sabrina and taken her belongings, prompting Sabrina to cut SaSa’s hair in retaliation, leaving SaSa devastated for weeks. However, Sabrina later stood up for SaSa when she was bullied after winning a tennis competition, solidifying their bond.

"Sabrina, do you have time this evening?" SaSa asked as they hurried towards the building.

"No, I have to join Aunt Rosy's event. I promised her already," Sabrina replied.

"Oh, right. I heard she's launching a runway fashion show." SaSa tried to keep the conversation light, but there was an undercurrent of disappointment in her voice.

They reached the school entrance when SaSa suddenly halted. "Oh my god! Today is Mrs. Flower's class. I'm doomed."

"Did you finish her assignment?" Sabrina asked, slightly amused.

"No, I have to go. Bye!" SaSa exclaimed, dashing off.

Sabrina and SaSa studied in different classes. SaSa sprinted away, while Sabrina’s class was nearby, so she walked calmly. As she passed the teacher’s office, she glanced through the window and saw her teacher speaking with a well-dressed couple and a young boy who looked nervous. Curiosity piqued, she continued to her class, wondering what the meeting was about.

Sabrina took her usual seat at the front desk by the window, pulled out her notebook, and got ready for class. The teacher entered with a cheerful greeting.

"Good morning, everyone! Did you finish your homework?"

A murmur of groans and nods filled the room.

"Alright, today we have a new transfer student joining us," the teacher announced.

Sabrina looked up, intrigued.

"What's your name again?" the teacher asked the boy standing at the front.

"Ren. My name is Ren Milkael."

"Welcome, Ren. Please take any available seat."

Ren walked down the aisle, his eyes scanning the room. As he passed Sabrina’s desk, he bumped into it, causing her pencil case to fall to the floor. He didn’t bother to apologize or pick it up, continuing to his seat without a second glance. Sabrina clenched her fists, feeling a mix of annoyance and disbelief.

Before she could react, another boy picked up her pencil case and handed it to her with a kind smile. "Here you go. Don’t mind him," he said.

"Thanks," Sabrina replied, slightly taken aback by his kindness.

"My name is Owen. I'm also new here."

"Oh," was all Sabrina managed to say, still processing the interaction.

"Hey, Owen, take your seat quickly. Everyone, open your textbooks to page 45," the teacher instructed, snapping Sabrina back to reality.

As the lesson began, Sabrina couldn’t help but steal a glance at Ren, wondering what his story was and why he seemed so aloof. The arrival of two new students promised that this school year would be anything but ordinary.

Episode 3: Interview Side



...Camera focuses on Sabrina, sitting alone in her room with a solemn expression, surrounded by her sketches and unfinished designs....

"It's like I'm drowning in a sea of uncertainty, struggling to stay afloat. Aunt Rosy's efforts to make me feel at home only highlight the emptiness inside. Every stitch I sew, every brushstroke I make, it's all just a desperate attempt to fill the void left by my parents' divorce. But no matter how hard I try, the darkness always creeps back in."


Camera shifts to Ren, standing by his window, gazing out at the city lights twinkling in the distance.

"Life's like a puzzle with missing pieces, and I'm still trying to find where I fit in. Sketching and playing guitar are my sanctuary, my refuge from the chaos of the world. But Sabrina... she's like a flicker of hope in the darkness, illuminating the path I never knew existed. Yet, I can't shake the fear that letting her in will only lead to more pain."

...Closedown by A hand,...

...It’s Open📸⚽️...

Owen, sitting on his bed, his laughter fading into a somber silence.

"Behind every smile, there's a story untold, a burden too heavy to bear. I bury my fears beneath layers of jokes and charm, but deep down, I'm just as lost as everyone else. Sabrina's strength shines like a beacon in the night, guiding us through the storm. But I wonder if she sees the cracks in my facade, the shattered pieces of my soul that I hide from the world. And then there's SaSa... she brings out a side of me that's more than just a mask. Maybe, just maybe, there's hope for something real."

...Hi 🏸...


twirling her tennis racket with a forced grin, her eyes betraying a hint of sadness.

"Life's a stage, and I'm playing the part of the carefree friend, the one who always has a smile on her face. But behind the laughter lies a fear of being forgotten, of fading into the background. Sabrina's resilience reminds me that strength comes in many forms, even in the quiet moments of vulnerability. And Owen... he sees me in a way that no one else does, beyond the jokes and the smiles. It's scary, but also thrilling."

...Hey Lady, please turn your face, 📸...

Camera zooms in on Harlett, staring at her reflection in the mirror, her facade beginning to crack.

"I may strut with confidence, but beneath the surface lies a well of insecurities. Sabrina's talent is a constant reminder of everything I'm not, of the dreams I've buried beneath layers of perfection. Yet, amidst the envy, I can't help but admire her determination, her unwavering resolve to keep moving forward. Perhaps one day, I'll find the courage to do the same."

...Camera Off 📷...


...Hey! Wait… there are Someone here....

Master Lu's POV (Sabrina's Father):

Camera focuses on Master Lu, sitting in his study with a troubled expression.

"I thought remarrying would bring stability to Sabrina's life, but I can see the pain in her eyes. I wish I knew how to help her, but every time I try to reach out, it's like she's pushing me away. Maybe I'm not cut out to be a father after all. I just want her to know I'm here, even if I don't have all the answers."

Susan's POV (Sabrina's Mother):

Camera shifts to Susan, sitting alone in her apartment with a glass of wine in hand.

"I never wanted things to end up like this. Leaving Sabrina was the hardest decision I ever had to make, but I thought it was for the best. Now, seeing her struggle, I can't help but feel guilty. Maybe I made a mistake. I hope one day she'll understand my choices, even if they hurt her."

Rosy's POV (Sabrina's Step-Mother):

Camera moves to Rosy, bustling around the kitchen with a forced smile on her face.

"I thought marrying Master Lu would be the start of a new chapter for all of us, but Sabrina's silence speaks volumes. No matter how hard I try to make her feel at home, it's like she's a million miles away. I just hope she knows she's not alone. I want to be there for her, even if she can't see it yet."


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