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The Night Devil Season 1

episode=1,the creepy photo

The story starts with a golden high school in greeanville America where many children participate in the race.Ethan Parker.his parent name is James parker and Emily parker who is new in this city.ethan is a very good racer and his best friend Charlie Harris the one who always loses in the race and candy Addison who hates Ethan the most.the race begins. After a few minutes in the race, Candy tries to push Ethan again and again but Ethan does not give up and after a few seconds Ethan wins the race.After school Charlie goes to Ethan. Charlie said\=hey Ethan you've done an amazing job, how do you run so fast! Ethan said\=I have been practising racing since I was little! Charlie said\=hey it's a good thing!.ethan said \= let's go I am going home!.Charlie said \= ok ethan we will meet online tonight!.ethan said \= but for what!.Charlie said \= what I have said is that I want to have a private talk with you it's a normal thing to get a laptop at night!.ethan said \= ok we will meet at night!

When ethan comes home, his grandfather and grandmother is there, ethan meets them and then goes to his room and does some school homework, after that he goes to meet his grandmother and grandfather, grandmother said – hey ethan we are waiting for you, ethan talks to his grandmother and grandfather, some time when he is going from there, ethen  grandfather gives ethan his father's photo, ethan said\=Who is he with dad? Grandfather said\=ethan he is your dad's friend, he could have become a scientist, maybe he would have become one, but no one trusted him, so he got thrown out of many companies, only your dad supported him, tried to take him to his destination, but!etahan said\=but what!grandfather said\=it is a very long story, when your grandfather will come again then I will tell you the whole story!ethan said\=I want to hear his story huh! Then those people are leaving.Charlie talks to Ethan at night. Charlie said \= look at me Ethan..abh..aa! ethan said\= what happened Charlie, everything is fine isn't it? Charlie said \= everything is fine, what he did is that I have fallen in love! Then he becomes completely silent! Charlie said \= what happened here, why are you not saying anything! Then he said \= you called me online at night to tell me this I have called you! Charlie said \= here look, you have to help me! Charlie said \= now what should I do in this! Charlie said \= here I will tell you what to do, look you are my best friend, won't you help your friend! ethan said\=ok telk me what should i do!..Ethan helps Charlie! After talking to Charlie, Ethan goes to the kitchen to eat something Then he hears some strange sound, he tracks that sound and sees that the sound is coming from the basement ethan he searching that sound, that sound is coming from inside a bags, then he opens that bags, inside that bags there is a creepy face photo, that sound is coming from that photo, then he is going to put that photo in his ear, then suddenly his dad call him Ethan's dad asks him what he is doing in the basement so late at night. Ethan says, "Dad, a strange sound is coming from this creepy photo." Ethan's dad listens to the sound, but he can't hear any sound. Ethan says, "Dad, I am telling you the truth. There is a sound coming from this." Ethan's dad tells him to go to sleep.Ethan goes to his room and wonders what sound is coming out from that creepy day in school Charlie takes Ethan to the canteen. Ethan said, Charlie, which girlfriend do you have? Charlie said, look at her with long hair. Ethan said, you like her. Charlie said, look Ethan, no matter how she is, but she is cute for me. Ethan helps Charlie but he fails.Then suddenly there is a lightning strike, the weather starts getting bad and there is an announcement in the school to go home.Charlie said \= The weather is a little weird today, it seems like something bad is going to happen. Ethan said \= Why are you saying like this. Charlie said \= I am telling you according to the weather. Ethan comes to his house he sees his parents going somewhere? Ethan said \= mom, dad, where are you going? Ethan's dad said \= my best friend his leg got fractured in an accident. Ethan said \= should I also come? Mom said \= no Ethan, you keep take cure of the house, it is important to look after the house as well.After a short while he eats food, then he sleep just a few minutes ago suddenly he hears a strange sound from the basement, and he goes to the basement again.and he opens that door, a sound is coming from that creepy photo, ethan hears it from the other side, if someone wants to say something in that sound then ethan gets scared and keeps that photo in the bag As Ethan turns back, a man with a strange face covered in blood comes in front of him, Ethan runs away through the door, closes the door of the basement and comes out of the house.After a few minutes, Ethan courageously goes inside the house, takes a weapon from the kitchen and goes to the basement but there is no one there, then the creepy man catches Ethan from behind and says\=heyy .. Ethan, it is just starting now, soon everyone will die and first place is your dad's. Still the creepy man wants to eat Ethan.the end if u like then subscribe for upcoming episode 2!.

episode=2,house in the middle of forest

As you saw in your previous episode..ep2 begins in 1998 where there is a huge crowd of people,then two officers are bringing one man with them People were saying very bad things about that man, then that man started laughing very loudly and he said you humans don't have brains, I only did good to you people and you gave me this reward for that See, even if you kill me, my soul will definitely come to take revenge from you That's when an office guy shoots a bullet in the head of that man only then ethan comes out of his dream.ethan thinks about his dream which happened in the basement ethan goes to the basement and looks but there is no one there Then the door bell rings ethan opens the door, his mom and dad are there and his cousin emily addison He meets his cousin, Ethan's dad said. Ethan Emily has come to our house, take her to your room ethan takes emily to his room ethan said \= Emily your mom and dad haven't come. Emily said \= he has gone out for some work, he will be back in a few minutes. ethan said \= and how are your studies going. Emily said \= good. look brother, what have I brought for you Ethan looks at the drawing which came in his dream. Emily said \= I have made this with my own hands, how did you like it ethan gets very scare Emily said \= brother did you not like it!.ethan said\= no it is very good by the way how did you make it Emily said \= what happened is that I like drawing very much, I have learnt it since childhood, I have made many drawings ethan said\= is this for me Emily said \= yes I made this for you only, I did it because I wanted to make a horror drawing sometime ago, so ethan said\=it's very good By the way, what name have you given to it? Emily said \= I want you to give it a name because I have brought it for you Ethan said\= Look, I don't no know how to name the drawings so you name them

Ethan gives Emily a drawing. Emily thinks what the drawing should be called.emily said\=aaaa freddy.that's when ethan's mom calls him and Ethan takes that drawing from Emily and keeps it in his room Both them go downstairs where Emily's parents, are there ethan dad ask them to stay for dinner tonight.Everyone talks to each other. Ethan said\=Dad your friend's fracture is fine.Dad said\=Yes his leg fine now Emily dad asks what happened to your friend, Ethan said\= he had an accident and his leg got fractured After dinner Emily and her parents go home Ethan goes to his room, Ethan looks at that drawing, ethan remembers the photo in the basement, Ethan thinks that his cousin has also made the same photo which was in the basement.When he goes to the basement, he sees those bags, he opens those bags, but there is no photo on it.ethan wonders where that photo went ethan goes to his dad and said \= dad, where did you keep that photo of yours which was very creepy, dad said \= hooo, I took that photo from a shop, I had to take photos, those photos were of low budget and the rest were of high budget ethan said \= where did you keep those photos, dad said \= I burn that photo ethan said\=why did you burn that photo dad said\=that photo was very dirty that's why come on now go to sleep, you have to go to school tomorrow ethan goes to his room ethan think about that photo, his father burn that photo and that photo came to him again ethan sleeps At 2 o'clock a deep voice is calls ethan Ethan looks up and sees that the voice is coming from that drawing That's when ethan's room door open in his self someone call ethan outside the door, He goes outside and checks,He goes to the hall and sees that there is a lady sitting there in a completely white dress that lady is crying a lot that lady takes ethan's name Ethan becomes very scare and then look back he sees that same people are sitting there and their faces are covered with white cloth. And the lady has also disappeared from there ethan calls his mom and dad ethan run away from there ethan is in maze ethan try to find a way to get out of the maze That's when Ethan's leg slips and he falls down that's when that deep voice calls Ethan again and again ethan close his eyes then suddenly the deep voice gon Ethan open his eye and sees that he is in a forest ethan sees a small child crying a lot ethan goes near him and tries to talk to him That's when the child runs away and Ethan chases him The child goes into the   house, that house is in the middle of the forest. ethan goes inside that house, that house is small from outside and very big from inside, ethan listen a strange sounds come from that house That's why that child runs away from the stairs, Ethan chases him That child goes inside a door, then he goes near that door and opens that door Inside the room a man wearing a strange dress is cutting someone's headethan gets scared and as he runs away from there, that man calls ethan The man said \= finally you have come ethan. ethan said\=how do you know my name, that man shows his face ethan thinks this is the same man who come in his dream The man said \= I am the one who has come to kill you, now I will kill you and then your father ethan fights him but then one The female priest saves ethan she says a mantra that man run away from house ethan fall down and unconscious if u like than subscribe for upcoming episode 3!

episode=3,the Christmas night

As u saw in previous episode.ep3 begins.

December 25 christmas day!..Ethan wakes up from his dreams ethan thinks about his dream ethan's mom calls him for breakfast.ethan thinks about dreams while having breakfast Ethan's mom said\=happy Christmas ethan! Ethan relpy nothing mom said\=what happened Ethan you are looking very quiet.ethan said \= no there is nothing like that, I am fine.ethan's dad said \= happy Christmas to both of u. Ethan mom said\=look today ethan is very quiet.ethan dad said\=ethan is strong as me, right ethan.ethan said\=dad where are you said\=yes, I have to go to Australia for some reason, I will come in 2 days Ethan said\=dad today is christmas so why don't you go tomorrow dad said\=What should I do, my boss is like this, he keeps me busy, next time we will go with the whole family.ethan said\=ok happy Christmas dad.ethan leaves for his school, ethan's mom said \= ethan you have washed your dad only, not me. ethan said \= hoo soory i forgot, happy Christmas, mom, love you.ethan That's when Ethan remembers the drawing he goes to his room, Ethan sees the drawing Ethan take that drawing and go out somewhere he goes to a jungle and burns the drawing then he leave for school ethan tells Charlie about his dream in the school library Charlie said \= look, I also have a lot of dreams and anyway dreams don't come true ethan they are only a dream buy the way happy Christmas ethan Then Jenson arrives and invites him to his house for a Christmas party.ethan come to his home ethan mom said\=ethan will you bring something for me from shop later i want to buy something,.ethan said\=ok Call me I am in the Ethan comes to his room, and play some video game then he go in the hall for launch ethan thinking about the dream,mom said\=what happened, I have been watching you since morning, you are absolutely quiet

ethan said\=no mom I am very tired, I was not able to sleep fully last night mom said\=did you watch a horror movie last night.ethan said\=mom i have not watch a horror movie am having very strange dreame I don't know why I am having such dreams but there is someone who wants to kill me in said\=ethan dream never come true I have very strange dreams but they are just dreams That's why understand consider it a dream and forgot it .ethan said\=mom There is a Christmas party at my friend's house today so I have to go, I will come said\=It doesn't matter, you should go to for party Christmas. ethan goes to the shop to buy something.That's when the shop's lights started flickering shop keeper goes to fixed the lightt hat's when a deep voice calls Ethan again ethan follows that voice, that voice is coming from the washroom of the shop, ethan goes inside the washroom that voice is coming from inside a pipe Just then a girl comes out of the washroom and says \= hey are you okay

ethan said \= yes i am fine did you listen any voice in the washroom.the girl said no

then she leaves from there ethan takes his stuff and went near the shop keeper, the shop keeper is reacting weirdly When Ethan reach jenson house, an old man keeps watching Ethan on the side of the house.ethan meets charlie then meets his girlfriend Emma waston The party started

Then a deep voice calls Ethan again and says now you will not be able to do anything, slowly everything will be wiped out, no one will be spared! The creepy stand in front of ethan Ethan, he says hii to Ethan Then Michael takes the micro and said \= sorry for disturbing you all, but the person who organised this party were is he

Emma said to Charlie that she something doesn't seem right to her Then Jenson comes there, he goes straight to Michael and kills him with a knife.everybody gets scared Jenson starts killing one by one like crazy person Jenson is about to kill a child when Emma appears before him and  says a mantra, as if Jenson starts having pain in his mind.jensen He screams a lot and suddenly he quits.that's when jenson slowly stands up and he screams loudly and all the mirrors in the house start cracking and breaking That's when Jenson gets quite then Jenson points the knife towards Ethan.that's when jenson starts laughing towards ethan and then jensen

Falls unconscious.that's when someone calls the cops.At Ethan's house,his grandfather and grandmother and relatives are there, Ethan's mom wait for ethan, grandfather said hey emily what happened.emily said\=no nothing, I am waiting for ethan because he went to his friend's Christmas party we will start the party when he arrives Grandfather said\= Emily, Christmas is for children, so let them enjoy it with friends, Anyway the family also enjoys it Then Emily gets a call which makes her very shocked police comes to jenson's house The police sends every child outside the house the police investigates the house The police officer asks every child questions about the incident which is happened in the house then Charlie and Ethan talk about that what happened to jenson then Charlie ask about Emma.emma is in the house garden charlie talks to emma Emma looks really scared that's when ethan's mom calls him ethan gets really scared and fastly run away if u like then follow for upcoming episode 4!

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