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Death Bed

The First Cracks

Tokyo, Japan - 2023.

Sayoko Nakamura, a Japanese woman in her twenties, works at a prestigious information technology company in Tokyo. Her life on the surface seemed perfect, but inside, there was an endless dark void.

Sayoko: "Why do I feel this constant loneliness? Why can't I trust anyone?" (She ponders while sitting in a crowded café, trying to appear engrossed in a book in front of her).

Sayoko struggled with borderline personality disorder, something she hid from everyone, even her best friend, Miko.

Miko: "Sayo, I think you need to get out more. Why don't we join a book club?" (She innocently suggests).

Sayoko: "Maybe... I'll think about it." (She responds tensely, trying to conceal the overwhelming anxiety dominating her thoughts).

Every morning started with a mix of fear and apprehension. Sayoko would wake up feeling a sense of chaos, hesitating to get out of bed, and contemplating the upcoming days as if they were mountains to climb.

At work, tensions escalated within Sayoko, affecting her relationships with her colleagues. She appeared tense and volatile, arousing curiosity and questioning from her office mates.

Kaito, her coworker, noticed this change. He sympathized with her and tried to help.

Kaito: "Sayoko, is everything okay? You seem extremely tired." (He asks gently).

Sayoko: "I'm fine, Kaito. Thanks for your concern." (She quickly responds, attempting to hide her distress).

Tensions began to escalate within Sayoko, affecting her relationships at work and with her friends. Every morning started with a mix of fear and anxiety.

Erosion of Trust

Sayoko's relationships began to noticeably deteriorate. She suffered from sharp mood swings that made it difficult for her to maintain her daily relationships.

Sayoko began to cling to Kaito excessively, believing he was the only person who could save her from herself. Every smile from him, every kind word, gave her a false sense of security.

Sayoko: "Kaito, can we talk after work? I feel like I need your company." (She asks, her eyes filled with tears).

At first, Kaito was understanding and supportive, but he began to feel the burden of Sayoko's excessive reliance on him. She would call him in the middle of the night, sending him long messages expressing her conflicting emotions.

Kaito: "Sayoko, I'm here for you, but I can't be available all the time. You need professional help." (He says gently).

Sayoko:"I can't do it alone, Kaito. I need you, don't leave me." (She pleads, her eyes filled with fear).

Things continued to deteriorate further, as Sayoko began to feel more empty than ever before.

Edge of the Abyss

Sayoko delved deeper into her disorder, contemplating self-harm, feeling that physical pain could be an escape from mental anguish.

Sayoko: "I can't take it anymore... Why do I have to live this nightmare every day?" (She thinks aloud, staring into the mirror).

One night, after a fierce argument with Miko, Sayoko finds herself in a state of panic and breakdown, reaching out to Miko in a frantic state.

Sayoko: "Miko, I need you... I can't (go on, please help me." (She pleads, crying).

Miko rushes to her apartment, finding her in a pitiful state.

Miko: "Sayo, I'm here. We'll get through this together, I promise." (She tries to calm her with a warm embrace).

After this incident, Sayoko decides she needs professional help and agrees to visit a psychiatrist, feeling that things have completely spiraled out of control.

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