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Gangster’S Love

Episode 1

Unknown: I promise u dad, I will kill them all, I will let them Down And they will taste the fire of hell.

Robert: How will you do that Young Master?

Unknown: it’s up to me, you just take good care of dad.

Robert: okay.


Sofia: Stop it.

William: No.

Sofia: I said stop, I don’t want this all

William: I want u to be All mine Sofia, I will destroy whole world for u. my love so now don’t disturb me and let me kiss u.

Sofia: I told u thousand of time I don’t want this all before our marriage. So be in your limits otherwise I will break this engagement.

William: ok ok babe don’t be so rude. Let’s go we are getting late for our class, come.


...At university ...

Teacher: hello, so today we have a new student with us he got scholarship. You all should welcome him. so Mr: Eillian Introduce yourself.

Eillian: hello: myself Eillian I got scholarship through students exchange program. That’s all Thankyou.

Teacher: Okay Eillian Take A seat.


After class Eillian went to Ground just to watch Around.

William: hey U new Boy bring the water from canteen quickly. Iam thirsty

Eillian: First of all My name is Eillian. And 2nd iam not Your Servant.

William: don’t u know who iam. (While pushing Eillian backward)

Eillian: I don’t give a fuck who u are. It’s better for u to stay Away From me.

William try to punch Eillian but Eillian twisted his hand and say, I told u stay away from me.

At that time Sofia came and push Eillian away from William.

Sofia: William, stop it what are you Doing. Principal will kick you Out if u do any shit. Don’t do this. lets go please


...Introduction of characters ...

Eillian: He is 30 years old guy having beautiful light brown Eyes. He is tall and handsome having sharp Jawlines and sharp nose, he has mole below the lips which is the centre of attention for all. He is Cold, and rude. He is also good in everything.

Sofia: A rich Spoiled girl. Having long hair, hazel green eyes, her father is the mafia king of Korea and she is the next princess of his kingdom. she is the fiancé of William. She is fond of parties, makeup, cars etc. she has a lavish lifestyle

William: spoiled bret of a jeon family have a black eyes like a deep clouds. Tall, dark handsome, he is the heir of jeon family his father is also mafia boss. He loves to do flirting, and he is also a womeniser. He loves to go to clups. He bully everyone. And he also love Sofia. She is his fiancé.

Unknown: only heir of Rosso family. They are most powerful mafia family of Italy. He is charming and breathtaking handsome. Girls kill each other for him. He is Cold, arrogant and ruthless. He loves his father so much

iam not going to reveal his name just wait a little more🤣

Note: English is not my native language. So that’s why my English is poor and I made alots of mistakes in this story so kindly forgive me.



Episode 2

Eillian was sitting in canteen. He was drinking his coffee while looking around and thinking about something. At that time a boy who was 25 years old having curly hair and wearing glasses came towards Eillian and sit infront of him.

Eillian: what? While staring him

James: hello My name is James I’m your classmate. Actually I’m inspired from u. The way u twisted william’s hand OMG u are increatable

Eillian: ok ok if u want something than tell me otherwise get lost I have no time for your shit.

James: look I actually umm. I want your help actually william is a bad boy he bully me in college I want to take revenge from him can u help me?

Eillian: looking straight to his eyes and take a deep breath and say look little boy I don’t have a time for your shit seems like u don’t want to go Just Sit here and Enjoy I’m going🤧

James: huh. What he think of himself is he a prince of any state or what *******

Eillian: turn around immediately and look at James with death glares and show him middle figure and Walk out from canteen.


I can’t let u win you pervert.

Hehehehhe let’s see sweetheart. And he increased the speed of his car. Sofia also speed up the car just to reach at her destination. She wanted to win from William.

William: while looking at his Phone where Sofia was connected with him on VC. Oh my babe want to win. But actually I don’t let u win this time as u cannot let me kill that new guy.

Sofia: I just protect u from that guy can’t u see his muscles. He just look like a gangster. If he punch u, then u will be hospitalised for whole year

William: are u inspired from him?

Sofia: are u feeling Jealous. She increased the speed of car and won the game.

Sofia Flipped her hair and say next time be prepared boy


William: did u get the information about that poor guy?

Butler: yes sir, the full name of this boy is Eillian Deniz he is from Busan. He studied in XXX university but his parents died in car accident that’s way he shifts to sueol. He is good in math and finance that’s way he got scholarship in your university.

William: is anything is suspicious about this guy?

Butler: I don’t think so sir. I got this information from his neighbours. They say Eillian is kindhearted and poor guy. He help them All

William: oh soo poor guy impressed my girl(he tell butler with evil smile on his face)

ok u may go now.


Unknown: hello, how’s dad?

Robert: Sir is healing And doctor told us that he will wake up Soon From coma they see alots of improvement.

Unknown: dad have to wake up to see the distraction of their enemies.

Note English is not my native language so Please forgive me for the mistakes and enjoy the story

To be continued!!!!

Episode 3

Sofia and William went to club to celebrate their friend’s Birthday. This club was for high class Peoples.

Sofia And William: Happy Birthday!!! Jon

Jon: So finally the Star couple of Our university is here, BTW Thankyou Both of U for wish and Also for coming in my birthday party.

Sofia: we must’ve to come as u r our most funny and playboy of the group.

Jon: Ohh my beautiful lady. What don’t u breakup with your boring boyfriend?

William: Fiancé,

jon: whatever while laughing, okay now come let’s cut the cake.

Jon Cut the cake they All take a bite of cake and do drinking And Smoking while dancing.

William was on the other side of stage and dancing with some random girls he was fully drunk. Meanwhile Sofia was also dancing at the stage.

Along with a counter their was a guy who was sitting on a chair and wearing a hoddie and cap his face was covered with mask. That guy was watching Sofia who was wearing black revealing gown. That guy stand from chair and went straight to Sofia he than hold Sofia and looked in his hazel eyes he also tight his grip on her waist. Sofia hissed in a pain and look into that light brown eyes. They both were watching each others souls from eyes.

The guy moved closer to Sofia and told her in a low voice. Don’t show these dance moves to everyone. This show is only for me.

Than that guy move aside and went backside of the club and leave Sofia their dumbfold.

Sofia: what was this Way I’m shivering Agh…


...2 months before the club incident....

Unknown: did u get the information about jeon family?

Robert: Yes Young master, Jeon Wu is currently in Juju Island With his new mistress. He has only one son Who studied in University of XYXY in Seoul. But no one knows anything about his son he keep his sons information Confidential. In his circle no one knows that he also has a son. Because Wu is afraid that his son might be killed by his enemies.

Unknown: So you Don’t get any information about his son?

Robert: no Sir except that his son is Studying in finance department.

Unknown: ok U may Go now and book my tickets for Sueol.

Robert: okay Young Master,


Eillian was sitting On A Ground and typing something on his phone. He was too much busy that he can’t even saw that James come and sit besides him..

James: Eillian did u participant in football match competition?

Eillian: Quickly hide his phone. And look straight to James with furious expression. And say Don’t u like your feet?

James: what??

Eillian: if u love your foot than run because I will break them If u can’t stop following me.

James was about to say something but stop on his midway because he and Eillian Saw a lavish car stop infront of their university gate.

James: wowww.

To be continued

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