NovelToon NovelToon

The Seven Sins

Chapter 1: More than ten-inch

Quinn POV

His well-sculptured fingers trailed down

my naked body making me shiver from

want, I bit my lower lips to suppress the

moan that was threatening to escape my

mouth. I can feel my senses beginning to

lock away. His fingers kept going down till

it stopped just a little above my treasure

curve. My body shuddered in anticipation.

His fingers alone on my body are already

driving me crazy. His eye met my half

opened once and he smirked and

which got me gulping down. "Have some

patience, Mi Amor, we are just getting

started" He said and my mouth

subconsciously patted from how

commanding and deep his voice was even though he was only commenting.

My eyes take in the sexy sight of my

boyfriend. We have been dating for some

time now but I can't seem to get used to

his well-sculptured body that was

personally made by a god if you ask me.

'f**k!' every part of that motherfucking

body of his screams s*x, arousal and

masculinity. I have become a jealous-bag

ever since I began dating him because

'Damn' every girl is practically

eye-f*****g him every he goes. Deep in

my heart I don't blame them because that

was what I did the first time I saw him. I

was wet and I know that many of the girls

are too because the way they were

clutching their thighs tightly together

says it all. His fingers brushed my body

making me shiver before heading

dangerously down. I'm already so turned

on and leaking wet, mouth parted and

eyes half closed, I wonder what he did to my body to make me always ready and

wanting for him every time.

As his finger started rubbing my clit, I lost

it, the moan I have always been trying to

keep in was forced out. His rubbing

increased and soon he started pinching

and pulling. My fist clutched tight the

bedsheets as I felt myself surrendering

entirely to him. He chuckled "You always

can't resist me, can you?" He smirked

whilst inserting one of his long fingers

into my cunt, I bite my lips but the moan

still escapes. 'oh god, I feel so good, so

so... "f**k!" Imoaned again as his fingers

started doing wonders inside my p***y.

My thighs were quivering, sweat filled my

body that was served to him to do with as

he pleases. "The way you always squirm

from every touch of mine. You way you try

to bite back your sweet moans and

suppress them but can't... " his baritone

voice kept reverberating inside the room whilst he added his second finger into me.

I felt more squirts ozz out, moans not

falling to leave my mouth. He was still

smirking at my pathetic state, how I was

at his mercy, craving his touches, losing

my mind from his fingering whilst

sweating with unending moans steadily

leaving me. And if I was in my rightful

sense and wasn't this crazily aroused and

squirming from every touch of his I would

feel embarrassed too.

His three fingers were stretching me to be

able to barely accommodate him whilst

also playing with my inside. My body

started shaking from pleasure, my eyes

almost closed and I knew that I was losing

it. He suddenly bent closer and captured

my lips with his, 'Oh f**k, he's such a

good kisser!' I screamed inside my head

whilst still moaning, I'm almost a goner

and he knows it. Although he was trying

to bask his arousal his eyes were betraying him as it was almost glossy "So

beautiful..." he muttered whilst we made

eye contact, well T know that I'm

beautiful, if not how would a greek god

like him be charmed by me?...

But my train of thought was cut off when I

suddenly felt something massive rubbing

against my entrance, I opened my already

almost closed eyes to see his black boxer

already off and his more than ten-inch

thick d**k was puking my entrance,

although l always knew how big he was

but seeing it each time never fail to give

me the shocker of my life. He gulped and

his prominent Adam's apple bobbled up

and down gluing my eyes to it f**k!' is

there something about this male that

doesn't look sexy? "I knowl should

prepare you more but I can't wait

anymore babe," he said whilst lubing his

monster and positioning it straight to my

p***y entrance. I gulped feeling my mouth water but the water quickly dried

when I remembered how l couldn't take

his d**k into my mouth, I have tried many

times but the house racker was so big

that I couldn't even take in a quarter of

him and my mouth would feel like

bursting already. I still try but it was going

nowhere and it nmakes me feel bad each

time I remember that I couldn't give him a

blowjob but it's not my fault is it?

"Ahhhhh!!!"I screamed when his tip

entered me, I felt my p***y stretching

wider and wider every second. His eyes

were almost closed and his mouth parted

as he basks in pleasure, one of his sexy

was resting on his waist whilst the

other was on my thigh to keep me in place

"Babe you are so right like.. f**k!" he

groaned as he pushed in a little bit more

and my Cunt was so tight on him, l saw

him bite on his lips and it was as sexy as

f**k. After a few moments, he opened his eyes to stare at me and I almost forgot

how to breathe as his gorgeous face was

displaying the intense pleasure he was

feeling as he was unable to mask it


"Why are you always so tight like it was

our first time doing this?.." his baritone

voice was filled with pleasure as he was

almost moaning, tiny droplets of sweat

started dripping down his gorgeous body

and it was an unforgettable sight to look

at. I shut my eyes as intense pain and

pleasure shot all over my shivering body

as he pushed in a quarter of his monster

into me, I felt like dying... in pleasure.

Chapter 2: Intense pleasure

Quinn POV

The pleasure | was feeling at that moment

was so iintense, that my body was

quivering from want, from needing him. I

have qulped down many times trying to

gulp away some of the pleasure with it

but it was as if it was getting more intense

as time passed. Incoherent words and

moans were leaving my mouth steadily

and I didn't even know how to shift or

move my body anymore all this was

happening even though he hadn't fully

penetrated me yet. I look up and see his

eyes lock with my mind and I can't seem

to look away, it was like a chain was

locking my eyes with him. All his body

movements become obvious to me, how

sweat runs down his well-defined

sculpture of a body. I couldn't look away

"Ace.." I moaned, his name has always

Sounded sweet to every mouth I heard

calling him, but there was greed in me, to

be the only one to call him that name, I

want him to only hear that name from me

and me alone. But I know it's not possible

because l cannot zip close every mouth

that knows his name...

"Ughhh... Ace.." he forced his d**k into

me once more whilst gritting his teeth

and I know that it was to suppress the

intense pleasure he was feeling. His eyes

were turning drowsy from want and it

looked sexy as hell... "I'm sorry babe but I

have to do this" his voice reverberated

through my body which made me shiver

more even though it was more of a

whisper but he could only blame himself

for having a voice like that... "Ahhhhh!!!" I

screamed from pain and intense pleasure

as he pushed his monster all the way into

me, I didn't even know when I started

shooting loads of cums all over his d**k, I could feel his d**k puking inside my belly

as it scrapes past my G-spot and all the

sensitive parts inside my treasure. I can't

describe the level of pleasure I was

getting at that moment. I think I lost my

voice from that scream earlier, my p***y

was throbbing intensely and I felt like all

my senses are gone, the only word I know

and felt at the same time was a pleasure,

my body felt overwhelmed and shivering,

and my eyes were glossy and I seemed to

have lost it. Ace bent towards me and

captured my lips with his, my mind was a

mess, I couldn't even moan anymore but

the intensity of the arousal I was feeling

was many times more than before, his

tongue seeking entrance and |

subconsciously opened my mouth him for

him. His long and wanting tongue took

over my mouth and almost turned me to

mush, it's expertise in kissing wasn't

helping my case. After a while pulled out.

"Bae, I'm gonna start moving" His

baritone voice entered me like a drug that

always puts my body in more mess than

how it already is. He slowly pulled out and

trusted in sending pleasures all over me, I

Wanna scream, I wanna moan, I wanted to

do something but I couldn't, every once of

his thrusts seemed to send me into

another dimension and I was getting

helpless and helpless but at the same

time I was feeling so much pleasure that I

felt like my body will burst open anytime

soon. The way his pec-filled waist was

slowly moving in and out of me was

making my mouth water and the intensity

and the sweetness of the thrusting was

making my squirt rush like a river. My

body has long belonged to him to do as he

wishes ever since he thrust in. I have lost

control over my body ever since then and

he can do anything to me and I won't be

able to do anything. I feel so vulnerable. I

always feel so vulnerable whenever I'm

having s*x with him. My body can't resist

him at all and it always feels so good that

I always squirt whenever I think of our

previous s*x anytime.

His hips were thrusting in and out of me

and I felt like I was in a dimension of black

and white with only Ace to accompany

me. "f**k!" he groaned as my p***y

clenched whilst a shot my second load,

that moment I felt so sweet and

indescribable. My eyes rolled back and my

breathing seized for a moment but l still

couldn't find my voice, I still couldn't

make a sound, and I felt like I was getting

into the dimension more deeper. "Fuck...

you are so pretty Quinn, you are so

beautiful" he confessed and I felt his

monster getting bigger inside of me

stretching my cunt more, as he pulls out

and in each time he would rub against my

G-spot and other sensitive parts inside my

cunt which was so intense before he goes

All the way to my stomach which always

sends me to cloud nine.

His movement starts to increase and he

places both his arms on my hips thrusting

me backward as he moves forward hitting

our bodies together. While our bodies

collided together in intense s*x my eyes

were trailing his body, sounds of our

bodies hitting on each other reverberated

through the room and it was another turn,

sweat was dripping down our bodies and

the way it looked so sexy on him was a fist

to the eyes, s*x Scent filled the room as

well as sweats, his breathing was coming

out ragged and intense as well. I think I

was getting overwhelmed again leaving

me with no other option than to close my

eyes but immediately an intense

command filled the room "Look at me

Quinn" The baritone of Ace got my heart

palpating, my body shivered from intense

pleasure and I felt ozze of cums shooting

out from my body whilst it shivers, the

baritone command was still reverberating

on my body and coupled with the intense

release I felt so vulnerable. My body was

shaking, my mouth wide open and tears

were streaming down my eyes 'Why am I

always so vulnerable and exposed in front

of him?' thought inwardly, I still couldn't

talk, couldn't moan, and couldn't move, I

felt like I was at his mercy, at his pardon.

chapter-3 Cunt drilling

Quinn POV

"Oh, babe.." Ace moaned both from

pleasure and emotion when he saw me

crying. He bent down and immediately

sCooped me up placing me on his waist,

his monster still inside me. My legs

wrapped around his hard body and he

scouted my head closer to his capturing

our lips together in an intense kiss, his

mouth was savoring my lips whilst he

started thrusting into me good. His d**k

was not for once weakening but I could

swear he was getting harder and harder. I

felt like my p***y was at its limit of being

stretched. Our body was wrapped

together whilst he drills my p***y. "You

know I love you, Quinn? Don't cry

anymore, no matter what just know that |

got you, okay?" he consoled but only I know that what his voice was doing with me was more than consolation.

'Should | blame him for being too

gorgeous or should I blame myself for

being a horny motherfucking girl?' But he

immediately got my thoughts messed up

again as he started moving in circles

inside my p***y. I felt so good that my

eyes were in the back of my head. I almost

drooled from the pleasure and excitement

it was giving. My body was heating up and

my mind was turning blank. At that

moment, the only thing I could

comprehend was for him to keep going.

His d**k was like a second skin and I was

feeling it all the way to my stomach and

the sensation was touching the brain, I

felt a sweetness in my head that was

almost mouth-watering. He kept moving

in circles and, brushing all sensitive parts

and my G-spot too, it was intense and like

a never-ending process, if I felt like the

pleasure was decreasing it would hit me again like a wave and my mind would go

numb again because of it.

I felt my fourth climax approaching and

my body weakening, I felt almost dried.

almost used up, and like he was trying to

f**k away the last bit of strength thatI

have remaining. My body was still shaking

because I can't ignore the pleasure I was

receiving but I have been f****d dry but

this monster of a man. "Aahhhhhh.." a

moan escaped my lips when he suddenly

stop moving in circles and suddenly

thrust into me with force, I felt my organs

reset, my toe curled and I shot another

load of cums before collapsing on his hard

body clutching him tightly whilst

breathing hard for my life. He chuckled,

kissed my cheek, and placed me on my

king-sized bed whilst entering the

bathroom to bring a wet towel to wipe me


When Ireturned, I looked down and gasped when I saw his still rock-hard

monster dangling and then it clicked, 'He

didn't c*m all those while?' l almost

screamed out. But soon I felt quilty

remembering that I can't even give him a

good blowjob. It was as if he caught my

dejected look and smile, he climbed into

the bed with me and pulled my head

resting it on his arm "It's okay Quinn, you

don't have to feel bad, actually you

surprise me a lot. I know I haven't said this

and it's somehow weird but no girl has

been able to take our dic... well, my d**k

ever since I started f*****g around.

Anyone that claimed to be able to take it

will faint after three thrusts, and at the

end, I will end up jerking myself to

climax" he said kissing my temple. His

monster was still hard and prominent,

sweat dripping down his gorgeously

defined body and it was hard to tear my

eyes away from the sight and it was

turning me on so fast but I gulped and averted my gaze, if I dare and cummed for

the fifth time I will surely faint.

"When I first saw you I was hooked, not

because of s*x but your looks. You were

damn pretty and beautiful like an angel

and my plan then was to date you only

and not talk about s*x with you because

you might break" he said and chuckled

"You can't blame me though, you look like

an angel and innocent. So you can

imagine the shockl got when you last for

a whole round the first time we had s*x,

although you later fainted but it was a

f*****g 'full' round, and I... I guess that

was when I became obsess... umm

attached with you, and I don't think I will

ever leave you" he said capturing my lips

with his and I felt so happy hearing his

confession. Ever since we started dating

which was 5 months ago he has never hearing him now made me so excited.

Even though I was a little jealous 'well,

not a little' hearing him talk about his

previous f***s before we met, I'm not

glad that so far l'm the only one that

halfly-satisfied him and the fact that he

didn't originally date me for s*x also

made my day.

"So, if you are feeling bad, you shouldn't

because you are the best so far. And if you

noticed you are lasting longer and longer

as we do it" he said and chuckled which

got me blushing. "The last time you were

only able to c*m three times and already

exhausted, but today you did better than

the last, so I'm sure you will one day be

able to hand me, that it last longer till I

c*m" he said whilst heading to the

bathroom to help himself but not without

saying "... because I don't think that any

girl in this planet will be able to exhaust

us in s*x" he added and disappeared into the bathroom leaving me with my


"Who was he talking about?''Or rather

who are the 'us' was he talking about?' |

can't seem to understand the sentence

because l'm already so exhausted, but

remembering that I was improving made

me beam from ear to ear because

someone like Ace doesn't lack anything in

this life because of the family he came

from and finding out what he has been

craving but no one was able to satisfy him

mad me realize a new way to make him

want me more and more and more... and

with that though, I fell asleep.

talked about his previous s*x experience

with me so l thought I was failing him but

hearing him now made me so excited.

Even though I was a little jealous 'well,

not a little' hearing him talk about his

previous f***s before we met, I'm not

qlad that so far I'm the only one that

halfly-satisfied him and the fact that he

didn't originally date me for s*x also

made my day.

"So, if you are feeling bad, you shouldn't

because you are the best so far. And if you

noticed you are lasting longer and longer

as we do it" he said and chuckled which

got me blushing. "The last time you were

only able to c*m three times and already

exhausted, but today you did better than

the last, so I'm sure you will one day be

able to hand me, that it last longer till I

c*m" he said whilst heading to the

bathroom to help himself but not without

saying "... because I don't think that any

girl in this planet will be able to exhaust

us in s*x" he added and disappeared into

the bathroom leaving me with my


"Who was he talking about?''Or rather

who are the 'us' was he talking about?'|

can't seem to understand the sentence

because l'm already so exhausted, but

remembering that I was improving made

me beam from ear to ear because

someone like Ace doesn't lack anything in

this life because of the family he came

from and finding out what he has been

craving but no one was able to satisfy him

mad me realize a new way to make him

want me more and more and more... and

with that though, I fell asleep.

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