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Blow Up J

ep 1 how?

One aliee was working and found Robin after she discovered she went back ten years.

... and suprised but she remembers that she found a time machine but remembers...

... she went with Robin but Robin ignores and Robin was in another dimension but that time Robin was ignored by aliee so both went to the border and saw a wall so he went and saw aliee after that we meet the main protagonist Jo kin that univers is the time were Robin and aliee were married end of ep be continued . ep 2 death valley after some years Jo kin is a teenager and with powers that went to a power school with friends along and bullied jo kin so they left him beaten so his friends came and magical powers appeared Jo kin was flying that power was called maou the end no this end as the power was formed by god's main come from shiva second source Vishnu third source Hanuman as Jo kin reached home he noticed a gift that said we have decided that u should married so go inside Jo kin said "huh ok" inside a beutiful girl was there and Jo kin collapsed ji kin " huh ur my wife" the girl said "yes by the way i am teali ok"...

Ok after their children were born Jo kin was a class demon hunter and their children were blessed with blessed with a s class magic and days pass by some falls down a element crystal so Jo kin touched it and become powerful ability element control all elements and a friend of Jo kin was possessed by that power and they met each other with powers they always duel and another person who is jo kin friend jojo always come and duel so a man approached the house of Jo kin and killed his wife but not the children but instead kidnapped them and he was jo kins brother kinjo with sadness Jo kin was a loner but his flight ability activated and to a place were his child was kept and with powers they fighted with anger is jo kin with nothing is kinjo a big battle come with Picasa a move that is used to trap them pofo a power to exploded traps so it's very complex who would win so Jo kin used his alternative ultimate which beam of death and with that jojo arrived but kinjo avoid it but kinjo was stumbled with descended of lord Vishnu again stumbled upon that jo kin was descended of lord Shiva a beam that was combined with jo kin and jojo "Austin beat of beam" flying jo kin attached with anger jo kin takes a big rock and throws at kinjo survives but didn't know what is coming that was kinjo use his first fire move and jojo uses his water move big dash water overload attack a big beam with acid coming with his friend indra power x

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