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To Kill Him

First encounter

5 April 2024,

A young lady standing in the front the door with a sharp and clean knife in one hand reflecting over all her life decisions " How did it come to this. There's no other way. I must kill him. It's all his fault and I must kill him!!!"



"Hah! This b*tch looks so ugly." said Sally holding Ria's chin. The other two girls who were the minions of the school bully held Ria tightly. Ria struggling between the two and resisting the grip of Sally shouted" F*ck off". This angered Sally,, and she gripped her by hair, very strongly, strongly enough to pull out the hair out of her head" wow, trying to piss me off". Sally raised her hand and folded her fingers to form the fist. As soon as she was about two hit Ria, she arrived. "Stop it" she shouted. She was a tall beautiful girl wearing the same school uniform as them. The top button of the shirt was undone revealing her beautiful collar bone and the silk like hair were falling on her shoulder. She approached Ria and asked her kindly" Are you alright?". Sally filled with rage tried to hit her as well, but she blocked it. The other two girls tried to approach her, but Ria stood up and blocked them. And now this fight became two versus four which was one versus four earlier. Hitting and kicking each other, shouting and yelling all kinds of abusive words and slangs, obviously they were noticed by other children and teachers.

About half an hour later standing outside the classroom as a punishment ,Ria asked " hey why did you help me earlier? Others also saw me getting bullied but they ignored it". The girl standing next to Ria smiled kindly and asked" Why did they pick on you?"."I don't think there was any particular reason. One day suddenly I became their target and the bullying just continued."replied Ria with a sad expression. "Just like you were picked on without any reason, I helped you without much thought.You looked like you were in need of help. So I just stepped forward. By the way, I'm Freya.What about you?" said Freya.

That was their first encounter with each other.

Ria and Freya became friends with each other.Ria loved everything about Freya. Freya was beautiful,kind ,careful, sensitive and a cheerful girl. Ria always followed her.They studied together and played together.



"I spent a lot this month, not left with any money . I am completely broke so could you please lend me some money?" said Ria with puppy eyes directing towards Freya."I think you said the same thing 3 months ago,but no problem , I will send you some money."replied Freya.Actually Ria had some critical financial condition due to which it was always difficult for her to afford accommodations during the college time and Freya would always help her.It was all thanks to their friendship that both of them were able to graduate without having any problem helping each other during hard times.


November 2023,

And now they both work at the same place .Nothing could make Ria more happy then staying by side of Freya.

"Is this all you could present before me .Well, you have to redo it. This proposal is a complete waste .I want another idea tomorrow on my desk "scolded Freya .



Her Work attitude

Freya moved her hand gesturing for the person to leave the room. Picking the rejected proposal from the desk with a disappointed face the person finally left the room. Freya sat in a more relaxed position and fumbled "Aaah! this headache is killing me. I think I need a break". Saying this Freya headed towards Ria.

Freya is a tall girl with perfect body .She has thick natural shiny curly hair that hangs down below her shoulders .She has big green innocent eyes .She has a fair skin with Rosy cheeks.She wore a light pink frock with floral design that perfectly suited her .The background would light up wherever she went.

Ria was busy fixing her work .She sat at her desk,her eyes fixed on the computer screen in front of her .Her fingers flew across the keyboard ,typing a report that was due the next day .She was working on that report for hours and she was no closer to finishing it . This was all very frustrating for her ,but then she saw Freya coming her way and she lit up instantly.

"Are you busy? It's soon going to be break time.So are you in for the lunch?" asked Ftreya."Of course and I'm never busy enough not to hang out with you" answered Ria with a smile.And then Ria closed her work and both went towards canteen area.

The office canteen was a bustling hub of activity, with tables arranged in neat rows under the soft glow of pendant lights. The walls were adorned with colorful artwork, adding a cheerful touch to the space. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of hot meals, creating an inviting atmosphere. Amidst the lively chatter of coworkers, the clinking of utensils provided a soothing background rhythm.

 Ria and Freya grabbed their coffee and meal and sat down together, chattering and laughing ."I need to use the washroom , I'll be back in a moment ." saying this Ria left the canteen area.By chance she heard the two women criticizing Freya behind her back . "Manager is so obnoxious ,I hate her looks and guts.She thinks she is way more talented than us but let me tell you she's just a bootlicker of the director " said the woman."Obviously, otherwise how was she able to climb the position of manager so quickly .Her sidekick Ria entered here at the same time but she has not been promoted since then." added the other woman.Hearing this conversation filled Ria with rage.She couldn't stop herself from interfering their conversation "I don't know about others but Freya is more talented than both of you." "Aah! so annoying "said the lady and moved away.

Ria admired Freya not only as a friend but also as a person. Freya was actually a very hard working and talented person.Even though both of them joined the company at the same time Freya Showed a remarkable growth within a short span of time while Ria didn't improve at all .Freya soon became a manager due to her continuous efforts.Some jealous people would criticise her but that wouldn't change any of Ria's opinion about her.


The next day,

"Hey, did you see a handsome guy has joined the design department." said Delphine." " Right, some vacancies were released on the websites. I guess the company is growing well, so as the work load"said Ria.

His arrival

Delphine was a colleague of Ria.She sat next to her. Delphine was a tall, slender figure with dark, wavy hair that fell effortlessly over her shoulders. Her piercing blue eyes seem to hold a world of wisdom, complemented by a gentle smile that lights up her face. With an air of sophistication, she carried herself with grace and confidence, effortlessly commanding attention in any room she enter.

"Yes, and they hired a handsome young guy." said Delphine. " Well, I don't really care " said Ria." Of course you do dear, few newbies will join our department as well and take off some workload from us." said Delphine. "I actually know what you want. You just want a sidekick " added Ria. Both Ria and Delphine laughed together .


During the break time Ria and Freya went along with other female colleagues sat together in the canteen area. They were eating, laughing together and gossiping . Ria got up to get one more cup of coffee. But when she returned she saw that man sitting beside Freya. He had a round square jawline with little puffy cheeks and slight creased chin along with a beautiful smile. His diamond eyes filled with innocence, slightly covered with his hair bangs made him look all approachable and naive.

"That's my seat!"exclaimed Ria."Ah! I am sorry, I just saw a seat empty and sat in" that young man apologized and got up. Ria could see the stare of other people making holes in her. What was so good about him that everything was talking happily with him and they wanted him seated in her place. Freya was quick to judge to judge the situation and acted."Let it be Ria, you grab another seat" said Freya. Ria never disobeyed Freya so she actually sat away. "What the f*ck!" murmured Ria.They all started laughing again soon, like that young man was cracking a joke that was hilarious for everyone except Ria." he may look innocent on the outside but I know he is a sly fox" murmured Ria.And what was disheartening to see that Freya was enjoying his company too." Excuse me , What's there on your face?" asked that guy. " What? " asked Freya. That man answered " Oh it's beauty." "Oooohhhh" everybody reacted there. It was obvious he was flirting with Freya.

"The f*uck! so cheesy" What Ria felt towards him was abomination. Ria continued to stare at him and he could feel the chill down his spine.Their eyes met for a moment and then that man turned away his gaze but Ria knew one thing "He and l are going to be enemies."


5 April 2024,

Everything is disordered . Things are lying on the floor. This place is a mess. All the cupboards are open. Even the quilt and pillow is shredded into pieces. The wall picture frame have been thrown on the floor. The shattered vase was also lying on the floor. A woman was rummaging sky and earth in this house. She said " A clue, just one clue please."


November 2023,

Ria is completely lost in her thoughts not aware of her surrounding. Delphine noticed her and whispered in her ears "Are you thinking about him?" Slightly warm air that tickled in her ear brought her back to her senses and she replied "Who's thoughts?" "Seriously, no use hiding it.We all saw you staring holes in his body at the canteen." She smiled and added " maybe you got a crush on him" "That's nonsense"answered Ria.

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