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A Dream

Not my fault!

...Mom do you want anything from the store? Um yes how about you get me some chocolate chips I want to make cookies later. Okay Anything else? No that’s all but remember Charlotte be careful driving I trust you because your seventeen and you need to learn to be more cautious when I’m not around. Okay mom I will,I grab the car keys and walk out the door,going into the car I start it and start driving.halfway to the store the light turns red and I wait and wait,COME ON HURRY UP,finally it’s green now I’m happy,I start driving and BOOM...


...Ringing in my ear and I’m upside down…? I hear sirens and people shouting,did I get hit? What happened? A bunch of questions kept popping in my head,I groaned and unbuckled falling and hitting my head I tried to get up.I felt tired and I couldn’t keep my eyes open,am I dying?? I had no idea what was going on....


...When I opened my eyes I was in the hospital and my mother having fear in her eyes,mom? What happened? Charlotte! Your awake! Thank God! Mom my head hurts can you tone it down? She calls the doctors and a doctor and a nurse come in,it’s a miracle your alive miss heather.If you didn’t get treated the minute you did you would have lost to much blood. What? I’m sorry but HOW AM I HERE?!, Charlotte you were in a car accident some idiot hit you.Oh I put one hand on the other,is my condition serous? Well you will need to be here for a couple days just to keep a eye on you, you seem to have a concussion and two broken ribs, I cut the doctor off I HAVE BROKEN RIBS?! But my arm also hurts! The doctor continues and says and your arm is broken but it seems not too serious,fortunately the other driver has no serous injuries. ARE YOU SERIOUS? THAT BASTARD IS NOT INJURED AND I AM BROKEN I had so many thoughts running through my head but I only said,oh okay how messed up is the car mom? Charlotte you shouldn’t be worried about the car right now you should be concerned about healing! But I finally got your trust and I messed it up I said with my eyes filling up with tears and I felt so embarrassed crying in front of a doctor (KILL ME NOW) ...

...look Charlotte you didn’t break my trust the other driver is the one to blame! ...


...(The other driver)...

Mister park? Yes that’s me, okay hi I’m your doctor and I would just like to say that you have no serious injuries and you should be able to walk out today. Oh that’s great I sighed, oh wait how about the other driver? Did I injure them bad? Unfortunately yes,she has multiple broken bones and a concussion. Oh- I feel so terrible but most of all I hope she doesn’t sue me I kept thinking.

Lousy driver.

Wait so let me get this straight,I get damage and the person at fault has minor injuries??? why do I get all the damage?! I just hoping mom’s car didn’t take that much. Charlotte? Charlotte?? Are you zoning out? Huh oh no I’m fine I’m just thinking. I try to get up but my body still feels weak. Hey mom? Yes Charlotte? How bad is the car? I see the hesitation on mom’s face and I start to get nervous. Well it took a lot of damage on the side and it’ll take atleast 6,000$ to get it fixed. 6,000???? THATS A LOT! I yelled. Let’s file a law suit! Charlotte maybe that can wait until you get your strength back. I let out a big and heavy sigh and nod my head.well it’s nice outside can we take a stroll? Okay Charlotte but we have to get a wheelchair for you. That’s embarrassing but okay- we get out of the building and start strolling,I can hear the birds and cicadas.



I’m getting packed up to leave the hospital,i just pray the driver doesn’t sue me, I have money it’s just law suits are so exhausting.I grab my phone and my stuff that was in my car,I check out and walk outside,my driver pulls up to the hospital and opens the door.hi Alfred. mister park are you well? Yes Alfred I am but how about my car? Well it just took damage in the front but I already took it to then repair man. I sigh and get in the car and about 5 minutes in the drive,mister park? How is the other driver? Are they going to press charges? Well I hope not I chuckle,I look out the window and then close my eyes hopefully to get all this out of my head.



I saw a man walk out of the hospital and get into a fancy car,lucky him. Hm? Mother looks at me. Oh nothing I just saw something I say and I close my eyes and put my head up at the sky,the outside was peaceful but it’s kinda noisy when people are coughing sneezing and talking very loudly, of course sits a hospital bunch of sick people are here but still,look Charlotte they have some drinks over there would you like to check it out? Yeah that’ll be nice,we stroll over near a stand and look at the options,Lemonade,pink lemonade,smoothies,tea,coffee, hi did you make a decision the lady at the stand asks,oh yeah I look up, how about some pink lemonade please? Sure and for you? Same mom says,wait this is free right? I ask her,of course the lady says while giving me a huge smile,I smile as she gives us our drinks and I thank her,we stroll around while sipping our drinks and we stop at a bench,I’m sorry for all this, nonsense Charlotte it’s not your fault I don’t wanna hear anything like that now.

Rich boi.

Two days has passed and I’ve been impatient of getting discharged out of hospital,mothe opens the door and walks in with a fruit basket,hey Charlotte how you doing? I’m feeling pumped I said with probably too much excitement,why are you so hyped? Mother chuckled,I say let’s sue that dude now so I have pity when I show up with a broken arm,well Charlotte that’s kinda complicated…how? I’m going to take him to court! Mother let’s put a long sigh and agrees,I quickly grab my phone and start dialing,the morning after they respond and say that I can take him to court tomorrow,UGH why do I have to wait that long mom? I told you it’s complicated and it’s only a day! Okay okay,I feel tired maybe I need to rest for a while… okay Charlotte I’ll leave the basket right here,mother puts the basket on the table next to my bed and walks out the door and slides it closed,this is hurting my brain I’m too dumb to deal with court stuff-



Sir,Alfred interrupts my slumber,what is it Alfred I said with exhaustion changing my tone,it seems the woman you got into a accident with wants to press charges so you’ll need to go to court tomorrow. What a nice way to wake up- ugh whatever,Alfred go tell chef to prepare breakfast.yes sir, Alfred walks out of my room and closes the door behind him. That damn woman.


...Charlotte ...

FINALLY I yell a little to loudly,mother walks in my room,are you ready Charlotte? YUP I get up and grab my glasses,mother starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot,I start to get nervous, what If we get into a car accident but this time it’s much worse, I knew thinking negatively makes it worse so I focused on a bird flying over the car,we get there and as we walk in I see the man who CRASHED INTO ME! He’s surprisingly Good-looking and tall, he has a sharp suit on which looks expensive and sharp eyes piercing into my soul, chills and butterflies- we get to the stand the judge starts talking but to me it’s just going into my ear and going out the other,I couldn’t take my eyes off of that man he was so so EVIL! I remind myself that he was the reason I’m in this mess! In the end he ended up paying the medical bills and the car, this man is LOADED! We open the door and walk out infront of us is the man. He paid everything so it’s fine right? I can admire him now and that’s exactly what I was going to do for those twenty seconds,he gets into the car and drives off.well technically his assistant drove, I wonder if he’s a rich snob,I SLAP MYSELF FOR ADMIRING THE MAN WHO DROVE INTO ME.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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