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Family Of "US" (TK)

Woonie's Love

Mom! Mom, where are you?? *shouting*
An excited boy burst into the house while shouting for his Mom.
[Someone 2]
[Someone 2]
I'm in the living room, woonie ~
After getting the reply, he ran & lifted his Mom in his arms, while spinning him with a wonderful smile on his face.
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
OMO! woonie~ put me down *giggles*
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Mom! I'm so so so happy today. *put him down carefully* Do you know, she accepted my proposal today. Yay! ~ I'm feeling euphoric Mom… *excited*
Taehyung smiles widely hearing that, his son finally got a Girlfriend. He's really happy about his son.
Jeon Jungwoo is a 23-year-old bright boy, who's perusing his MBA degree to help his father on his business. Yet he's going to take his position very soon in the future. He has always been a very good & obedient child to his parents. He has never disappointed them in his any field. But he was in his last year, when he fell in love with a decent, very simple girl, who was a new transferee in his university. Jungwoo is Mama's boy. Taehyung used to hear all short of stories about that girl, cause Woonie always shared everything with him. He knew that Jungwoo's choice must be perfect & he trusted his son blindly.
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Mom!!! I'm so happy, You know she said that, she had crush on me since the last 8 months *smile widely*
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
See- I told you nobody can my precious Woonie's charms ~ *proudly happy*
saying this he kissed his forehead lovingly..
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Thanks for the motivation Mom. *honestly* I couldn't have done anything without you by my side. *kissed his cheeks*
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
I did nothing son. But I'm very glad that you have finally made her your girlfriend. *teasing*
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Mooommmm ~ *whining*
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Okay, okay! What about now? Do I need to talk to her parents?? *asked suddenly*
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
No mom, Firstly, I'll stand on my own feet and make you proud. Then I'll ask for her hand when I'll be sure that she will be ready for it… *stated*
Taehyung smiled thinking how sincere his son is. He doesn't want to use her. He respects her and loves her, honestly. This is what making him proud on his son.
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
And when will I get to meet her??
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Soon Mom! Very soon ~ *smile shyly*
Actually, Taehyung had already met her as his classmate and he knew his son's choice was good. But this time he wants to meet her as his girlfriend officially. But with one thing Jungwoo was disturbed.
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Mom---, But Papa?? *anxious*
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Don't worry about him. But don't tell him now. Tell him when you want to make your relationship official, okay? *calmly*
Jungwoo just nodded and went back to his room.
But Taehyung sighed thinking how his husband is. He knew he's a bit old-fashioned and don't like these things(committed relationship) before marriage. Even their marriage was arranged by their parents, but now they love each other unconditionally. Taehyung is very kind, mature and understanding person. On the other hand his husband is dominant, aggressive and ruthless. His soft side is only for his family. That's why Taehyung still gets shivers on his spine thinking how short-tempered his husband is. Then he remembers those days when his husband used to be overly possessive for him and how he used to do anything in his anger, how he has crossed every limit for Taehyung. He still acts like that a bit, but now things are a little calm.
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
How am I going to tell this to Kook?? Also I can't break Woonie's heart. Somehow I'll try to make him(Kook) understand. His(Woonie's) generation is little different from ours. I don't know what will I do! *sighs*
~ Cutie author ~
~ Cutie author ~
What do you think about this part??
~ Cutie author ~
~ Cutie author ~
Hope you're liking it ♡♡♡

《Their Moments》

~ Continuous ~
~ At night ~
Taehyung was busy setting up the table and Jung woo was helping him. Taehyung was smiling while listening to his son, talking about his whole day. Suddenly Taehyung felt someone back hugged him. Without turning back, he held that person's hands and made them circle around his waist.
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
I'm happy for you baby ~ *generally*
Taehyung said thinking it was Jung woo. Soon he heard someone giggles and saw that it was Jung woo, who's standing in front of him. Then he gasped in realization and looked back to see his husband, who back hugged him with a soft smile.
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Mom, I didn't know you were this much romantic ~ *teasing them*
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
I- I thought it w- was y- you… *shutter with blushed*
He was really embarrassed and shy.
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Enough! Don't tease him. *smile*
Jungkook was smiling, but his words were not less than commanding. In reply, Jung woo just nodded at him.
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Okay. Get freshen up. I'll set the dinner. *still blushing*
Taehyung replied without looking at him. Jungkook looked at Jung woo, who's cutting vegetables and then at his beautiful husband.
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
*clears own throat* come upstairs.
As you see, Jungkook is a bit old-fashioned, he doesn't like showing affection to Taehyung in front of anyone. It's not that he's shy or anything, but he likes to follow his mindset.
Taehyung nodded in reply and followed him to their room. As he entered and saw Jungkook standing, waiting for Taehyung to do his routine. Taehyung comes forward and removed his coat. Then stood in front of him to loosen his tie, while doing so he could feel Jungkook's intense stare on him. Jungkook wrapped his arms around his waist, in which Taehyung's breath hitched as he was very intimidated by Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
I guess, I can have my kiss now. *ghostly smile*
Taehyung looks up at him. Those dark eyes still makes a shiver run down his spine.
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
B- but Jungwoo is waiting for us in downstairs. *shivers*
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
So? Does that mean I can't love my wifey?? *tease like inquiries*
Taehyung shook his head hurriedly as "No". Jungkook leaned forward and k!ssed him deeply. Taehyung melted in that k!ss so he k!ssed him back. After k!ssing for few minutes they broke their k!ss.
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
I've prepared a hot bath for you. Take it and come down. *shyly*
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Then, join me Tae~ *smirk while removing own shirt*
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
I n- need to go down. Jung woo is still waiting for me. *shivers while blushing*
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
He can wait for few more times.
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Then what will he think Jungkook?? He's big now. He understands everything. *stated calmly*
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
& we're married couple Tae! All your love is for kids only. Then what about me?? *impatiently*
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jungkook, don't do this now. Go, freshen up and come fast. *hesitant*
Taehyung was about to leave. Then Jungkook pulls him back by his wrist and again k!ssed him passionately. Jungkook's love for him will never decrease in any situation, so for Taehyung's.
After few minutes Jungkook came down with Taehyung. Taehyung knew that Jungkook hadn't taken bath he prepared for him because he didn't join him. He knew how much stubborn Jungkook was, nevertheless, he sighed and called his son for dinner as well. Jungkook sat on the head chair and Taehyung sat on his left side. When Jung woo came and sat on his right side. Chair arrangements; Jungkook Jung woo (t) Taehyung
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Hello, Papa *smiles*
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
I'm fine. How are your studies going?? *smiles back*
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
I'm doing well Papa. *kindly smile*
Here Jungkook and Jung woo's relationship was normal. Jung woo was a nice kid with good manners and that was liked by Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Is anything troubling you??
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
Jeon Jungwoo (Â)
No, everything is good Papa. I'll give my finals within 2 months. Get ready to see your son as the (topper) of the university. *stated in funny way*
Jungkook laughed and patted his back in appreciation. Jung woo has always been made him proud. So there will be no change to show him any dissatisfaction. Taehyung smiled at duo. Then Jungkook asked him,
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
By the way, Tae, did you talk to Min-ah? How is she??
Min-ah is their elder daughter. She's married now and settled in US.
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
She's doing good there. *pleasant smile*
Jungkook nodded in response and started eating. The atmosphere was calm and small talks were done in between. After their dinner, Both son and father left to talk about some business related things. It was Jungkook's idea to make Jung woo a little familiar with the work he has to handle in the future. Taehyung was working in the kitchen with the maids. He brought milk for his husband and son. After finished their work, they left to their rooms.
~ Cutie author ~
~ Cutie author ~
What do you think about Jungkook's character??

《Different Thoughts》

~ After a week ~
~ At night ~
~ In Taekook's bedroom ~
Taehyung was applying lotion while looking at Jungkook through the mirror. He thinks about something and called out for Jungkook.
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jungkook looks up at him.
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Did you talked to Mr and Mrs Song today?
Taehyung asked while making a eye contact with him.
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
why? did Mrs. Song called you? *asked*
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Yes. What did you talked about?
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
As you know they're our business partners and they've a beautiful daughter, so I've selected her as our Jungwoo's wife. *stated calmly*
Taehyung was shocked to hear his husband's words. Being a Mom, he can't put any obstacles in the way of his son's love. So he decided to ask further.
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
How can you decide it on your own, you should ask me or at least Woonie-?
Jungkook raised his eyebrows at his words.
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
I know you like Mrs Song's daughter, then what's the problem?? *sharp gaze*
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
I just like her, but what about Jung woo? He might have different thoughts… *worried*
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Tae, you already know how things work for me. Jung woo have to get married, and he'll only marry her. Why should I ask him?? *frowned*
seeing Jungkook's immutable nature, Taehyung realizes that he's sticking to his words. Still Taehyung tried to convince him from his side.
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Our generation was different Jungkook. But now days kids get in a relationship before marriage. *hesitantly explained*
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
& you know I don't like that(relation before marriage). There's no way that one should have a relationship before marriage. *stubbornly steadfast*
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
I'm not talking about that Kook. What I mean is that Jung woo might've someone in his heart. So we should ask him. *pleads*
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Does he have someone? *sternly*
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
No, but it can be a possibility. *lie*
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Tae, Jung woo will always do what I asked him to do. Moreover, I've given my word to Mr. Song. Now there's no way out.
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Does your word matters above Jung woo's happiness? *inquire hopefully*
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
We were arranged married, Tae. Aren't we happy? Isn't Min-ah happy? I don't understand why are you being noisy about him now!? *clueless*
Taehyung's patience is running out. He tried to control himself preventing from telling about Jung woo's GF. But he has to stop this marriage anyhow.
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
He's not at a marriage age. He's only 23. Let him live his life. *calmly*
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
*sigh* We were about to have Min-ah when I was at his age. We were married when my father handed me the position of our company's CEO. It's the legal procedure that Jung woo has to do to gain the position.
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
He can work under you for some time and, when he'll be ready, he can get married. Can't it be this way? *advised hopefully*
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
*exhausted by explaining* Tae, I don't want to talk about this anymore. I will talk to Jung woo about this someday. And I know he won't deny me.
Saying this he laid on the bed. Taehyung came to the bed sadly and slept on his side, showing his back to Jungkook. A tear escaped from his eyes when he thought about Woonie. Taehyung knew that he'll never deny his father's words. Because that is what he had thought to him from the beginning. He also knew that Woonie's heart will break badly after knowing this news. If he got anyway to stop this marriage, he'll do so, only for Woonie's happiness.
Taehyung was about to close his eyes when he felt his husband's hand on his waist, holding him tightly.
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Jeon Jungkook (Â)
Don't be tensed, Tae. Everything will be fine. *sweetly*
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jeon Taehyung (õ)
Jungkook just kissed his neck and slept soundly. without any reply, Taehyung just closed his eyes sadly and slept while his tears kept flowing. He knows his husband will never be able to understand his kids feelings. But being a Mom, Tae is undoubtedly a fighter. For his kids he can even fight with his hubby too. & he'll do so.
~ Cutie author ~
~ Cutie author ~
~ Cutie author ~
~ Cutie author ~
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