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Be The Villainess Not The END.

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In the empire of klawitz. Prenetus family was one of the high noble families. They are a part of dukedom of klawitz empire. Prenetus is on the 4th generation of them. They are high in wealth and power. Because of that, Prenetus family got power in the empire's art administration. This power was got in their 2nd generation.
On the contrary, prenetus family produce childrens who can wield magic. When they are using magic, their eye color would change. The now head of the prenetus Family Duke Ron prenetus and Duchess Helen is in power. Their only daughter PRISCILLA LARA ROSE PRENETUS. She is the lady of prenetus family.
maid :elly
maid :elly
maid :elly
maid :elly
My lady, it's time for you to wake up... I will prepare the water to wash your face.
The maid comes up with the water. The lady stands beside the bed. After washing face, she takes a bath ...
maid :elly
maid :elly
My lady, you are ready now...
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
*stands up from her chair and looks at maid jenny
maid: jenny
maid: jenny
My lady, your breakfast is ready.
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Follow the lead
Maid elly and jenny walks towards the dining room and opens the door for the lady
maid: merry
maid: merry
my lady. The breakfast is baneena with sauce, your favorite Mandarin drink, fresh baked bread, salad as side dish, main course pheleis, and hot drink tea... Hope you're pleased with today's breakfast my lady..
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Merry… *calls her a little more soundly.
maid: merry
maid: merry
Mmmyy lady, may I know?? *shivers
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
who told you to bring me this much food.
Ron prenetus (FL father)
Ron prenetus (FL father)
What's the fuss??
maid: merry
maid: merry
Master ....
Ron prenetus (FL father)
Ron prenetus (FL father)
What's happening??
maid: merry
maid: merry
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
I asked her about the food.
Helen sil (FL mother)
Helen sil (FL mother)
Hhh, I'm sorry for interrupting..
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
*slams the table and Stands up… I lost my appetite, I'm leaving…..
Ron prenetus (FL father)
Ron prenetus (FL father)
Stop *shouts
Helen sil (FL mother)
Helen sil (FL mother)
Dear no!!
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
I said I lost my appetite... *shuts the door harshly.
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Hey, bring a pen and paper to my study..right now.
maid :elly
maid :elly
Yes, my ladyy
Priscilla enters her study.
maid :elly
maid :elly
My lady *knock..knock.
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
maid :elly
maid :elly
My lady, here's pen and paper.
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Okay… Call the maid in the maid in the hallway.
maid :elly
maid :elly
ohhh you mean maid besly.... I will call her now my lady.
maid : besly
maid : besly
*Knock ... Knock.
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
maid : besly
maid : besly
My lady why did you call me....???
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Where is the Duchess now??
maid : besly
maid : besly
*shivers. The miss is now in her room, looking after .. Yyyouungg maassterr..
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
I think it's time... Time to make an encounter on the upcoming hier... *smirks.
Priscilla walks towards her mother's room and enters..

A nice day /

That woman is a mess ... I should deal with her quickly. Otherwise, she would keep crying and crying. HHH, I hate those types of woman....
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
*opens the door*
Helen sil (FL mother)
Helen sil (FL mother)
*Turns and get shocked, then made a fake laugh…*
Helen sil (FL mother)
Helen sil (FL mother)
oh my ! Did you come to see your brother?? He's so cute…*laughs*
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
*Glares at her and throws the papers on her face*
Helen sil (FL mother)
Helen sil (FL mother)
Hmm, what are these??
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
*villainous soundly*my dear!! I know I'm not going to inherit anything… Or should I say my heir place has losted… And I know that the Duke has been planning on these...
Helen sil (FL mother)
Helen sil (FL mother)
It's not like Th...thaat
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
*shout* Shut up.... Sign these papers and give me.. That's the only thing I came here.. If you didn't, I will make sure this child grows well *smirks*
Helen sil (FL mother)
Helen sil (FL mother)
*Shivers and signs the papers*
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Good, women...! *walks near the door and turns* May the blessings be with you Fake saintess: Helen sill.
maid: jenny
maid: jenny
My lady you have a visitor from Jess family...
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
HHH, Why is she coming now…? Our meeting happened last week... Is there any schedule of meeting her today??
maid :elly
maid :elly
Yes, my lady. Last week Lady of Jess family has updated today as the meeting...
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Why are you telling me now... *shout*
Priscilla opens the door of guest tea time room
Eunice jess
Eunice jess
my greetings to lady prenetus...
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Greetings Eunice Jess from Jess family…*smirks*
Eunice jess
Eunice jess
*laugh and sits* Lady Priscilla, I heard some unpleasant news.
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Really, You came all the way to tell that unpleasant news, how nice of you...
Maids put the tea and sweets in the table.
Eunice jess
Eunice jess
Hmm, I'm sorry if I'm being rude.. I heard that.. *takes a sip of tea* That You have an eye on the pellet pearl company.. Is it true??
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
*grits the cup hardly and it get broke.*
maid :elly
maid :elly
*opens the door and comes in rushly and take a white cloth from her pocket and wipes the tea on Priscilla's dress*
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
oh my!! Oh my!! What a rush?? Umm, May I know how Marquis Shelly jess doing ?? * smirks*
Eunice jess
Eunice jess
*fake laugh* He is doing fine..
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Maid, Get a nice dark red flower and send it to the Jess family.. *smirks and touches face*
maid :elly
maid :elly
Yes my lady... I will do it fastly..*close the door*
Eunice jess
Eunice jess
Priscilla, I didn't mean that... it's that I want to know if you have interest in it.. Otherwise...
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
*shout and slams the table*Otherwise what... MAID!!
maid: jenny
maid: jenny
*opens the door and bows * My lady.
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Show the Lady the way to go outside and cut the next meeting schedule with the lady..
Eunice jess
Eunice jess
*stands up and shout* No.. I will explain...
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
*glares at Eunice and laughs evily* ohhh Lady, you don't have to explain to me .. Explain to the marquis who is eagerly waiting for my answer..
Eunice jess
Eunice jess
maid: jenny
maid: jenny
*closes the door*
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
*sigh* what a nice day...*smile*


Priscilla's POV: In her study looking through her papers...
What to do now?? No more problems… The mother no that women signed the paper without even thinking…. She didn't know that I have the Duchess bank account in me..
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
maid :elly
maid :elly
What happened lady?? May I call maid jenny for some snacks??
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Yes and prepare a carriage..
maid :elly
maid :elly
Yes, my lady…
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Hmm, I should prepare for the party…
After few minutes. Maid jenny enters and bows…
maid: jenny
maid: jenny
My lady, Here is your snack…
maid: jenny
maid: jenny
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
*takes a spoon of her snack*
maid: jenny
maid: jenny
*bows* May I know the destination, my lady?
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Do I have to tell you every time!! *shouts*
maid: jenny
maid: jenny
*still bowing* But my lady...
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
*laughs soundly* The same place as before…
maid: jenny
maid: jenny
*no reaction* But the Duke has prohibited from lady to go to that place…
maid :elly
maid :elly
*Enters the room* my lady *nervously*
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
I think maids don't know manners, Don't you know that knocking before the door is elite… *smirks*
maid :elly
maid :elly
*shivering* I'm sorry, lady… I won't do this again…... Please spare me ... *kneels and started to cry*
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Shut up…. Take her to the basement..*angrily*
maid: jenny
maid: jenny
*bows again* Yes my lady..
maid :elly
maid :elly
*begging* no please no… My lady, please reconsider…
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
( hhh reconsider…. There are no reconsideration in my life) *smirks*
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
*walks outside*
maid: merry
maid: merry
My lady, The Duke is calling for you…*bows*
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Hmm… Perfect timing… Follow the lead..
At the Duke's study.
Ron prenetus (FL father)
Ron prenetus (FL father)
*clears his throat*
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Greetings… Father *smile gently*
Ron prenetus (FL father)
Ron prenetus (FL father)
Hmm.... What do you did at the count Lars Tea party… I got unpleasant news from them… *serious manner*
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
ohhh, As you can see… It's quite unpleasant *walks near her father*
Ron prenetus (FL father)
Ron prenetus (FL father)
The count has sented an apology letter to ducal house..
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Ohhh really, I never thought the count himself would send a letter… How nice of him *smirks*
Ron prenetus (FL father)
Ron prenetus (FL father)
I asked you what did you do at the tea party for the count himself to send an apology letter…*angrily*
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
*sigh* In the tea party, Some women… Crawl under my feet so I give them a beautiful scar … As you can see the main person was Count Lars daughter…. But doing that… The count himself wrote an apology... *laughs Evily*
Ron prenetus (FL father)
Ron prenetus (FL father)
*grits his teeth* Don't you know that the count is one of my friend... How dare you... *angrily slams at his table*
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
Father, I gave them what they deserved... Don't you think..??*serious manner*
Ron prenetus (FL father)
Ron prenetus (FL father)
*stands up and throws the ink on her* how dare you speak like that…? You are going to apologize to them…
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
*completely wet by ink on her dress* Father, may I ask you... If the count sended an apology it means, The mistake on Their part… Don't you think??
Ron prenetus (FL father)
Ron prenetus (FL father)
*puts his hand on his head* hhh... You should clean this mess, Priscilla..
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
As I will, you should clean the mess you did to my dress father...
Ron prenetus (FL father)
Ron prenetus (FL father)
What are you thinking about ask the maids..*angrily*
Priscilla (FL)
Priscilla (FL)
*smirks* ohhh father, you does something against my reputation... So I will too *walks outside*

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