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Through The Afterlife [MxM] *Mpreg


...Thank you all for choosing my story, I hope you enjoy it....

Ps: The cover and all the pictures used in the book are not mine, all the credits goes to the artists.

...Before starting, you should know that it is very likely that I will change some aspects of the chapters, because I know what I want to write and how the story should end. But I'm having a little trouble writing, and sorry in advance, I know some chapters will be boring....

...My book contains:...

...-Sexual scenes...

...-Foul language...



...-And maybe a little bit of gore\_(ツ)_/...

...My book takes place on earth, I will not always specify the cities, and on Ennayd, a planet of another dimension than ours....

...The construction of a world from scratch is very difficult. Be lenient with me, I make sure not to detail too much....

I'm trying to make a map to make it easier, but know that Valorine and Hyslenie will be important countries.

An other book will be out in a few weeks if you liked that one.

...On Ennayd, everyone can carry a child, it doesn't depend on their gender, but they have secondary characteristics like in the omegaverse....

...That's it, I think it's good. Thanks again and happy reading....


Here is the prologue of my book, I hope you enjoy it. I'm sorry for the mistakes, I'm having a little trouble with tenses and endings.

When I have a little more time I will make a correction.

It is very likely that I will change some aspects of the prologue and the upcoming chapters, if you get lost a little you can leave me a comment.

Don't forget to vote, comment and subscribe.

Good reading…


Christian Aldini - Sunday, May 26th 2025

Oh my gods, it's so tiring.

"But why, I mean you could take the children with you, it could be nice."says the hologram of my mother that floated in the center of the vehicle.

"Mom, I already told you, they don't want to come back, and I honestly don't understand why this topic is coming up on the table."She looks quite upset, but she must understand. It was better for everyone.

"But, it's their countries, their roots, they have to come you know he would like it too...

You are literally one of the leaders of the Varoline and one of them will become your successor."She really wanted to make me angry, I was in the car, heading to the portal station to finally get home and she was talking to me about succession again.

"Mom, don't worry about it. We both know that the current situation is not stable and that to bring them in would be to compromise their safety."she tried to retort, but I'm taking the lead.

"And regarding the succession, I don't want to talk about it anymore and if I still hear even once, the words "marriage" or "baby" come out of your mouth, that of your husband or anyone else, concerning me, I'll have you locked up."I told him before I hung up.


I am so happy to come home, it is sad to leave my mother, my brothers, my sisters and my friends. But I miss my children and I won't have to see these boring ministers for at least four or five months, so I

am not complaining.

Going home has become much easier, I won't have to wait too long, because of the VIP portal that the government and other personalities can use, the only catch is the time they take to load.

I am sitting in the waiting room, alone and some memories that I had buried deep inside me are resurfacing.

I imagined him  sleeping quietly on my shoulder, holding my hand and his other hand on his slightly rounded belly.

Suddenly, the door opens and someone enters.

"Mr. Zlakov, please follow me."Said the man. 

He accompanies me to the gates. The principle is simple. There are a total of 5 types of portals, in general people only use 4 of them.

The different types have colors so that we don't mix: blue, red, yellow, black and white.

The red to travel from one continent to another.

The blue to travel from one planet to another.

The yellow one for traveling in countries has another

The black for of one solar system or one galaxy has another.

And finally, most often, white to travel from one dimension to another.

I enter the room of the white portals and I see one of my friends.

"Hey, Raviltse, how are you, man? "I wave to him with my hand, he gives me a smile.

"Not bad, no, actually bad, we have some problems with a new creature."Raviltse is a scientist who works on creatures that pose problems at an international and inter-dimensional level, we have been friends for a long time, unfortunately we have a lot of disagreements because of our political point of view. But we still talk from time to time and help each other.

"Ok, well I hope everything will be fine with you."And I hear the controller of the portal n ° 1547, who begins to bring people into the portal.

"Mr. Zlakov, I hope you enjoy your trip," the controller says, and I enter the portal. The darkness engulfs me,no sound is audible and when I open my eyes, I am on the other side.


I land at Madrid Barajas Airport, where my driver is supposed to pick me up. When using a portal, you normally appear in an inconspicuous place where there are not many people. So, I was in the toilet. And another thing, traveling through the dimension was always something I hated. Most of the time I throw up when it's over. 

After emptying my stomach in the airport toilet, I call my driver and I head toward the parking lot.

After 5 minutes, I finally see the car.

"Hello Mr. Aldini, I hope your stay went well?"He says, smiling at me.

"Yes, thank you, Miguel."I answer with a smile.


When I get home, I go inside and turn on the lights in the hallway.

"I'm home," I say, and I walk in the living room, I find Emma sitting on the sofa.

"Hey, old man," she said, jumping up at me. "I really missed you dad."I give him a big hug and kiss his forehead.

"Me too, kiddo. Where's your brother?"I ask, taking off my jacket.

"No idea, he told me he had new inventions, and everything. But I haven't really listened, it's so boring! So I guess he's in his room. "She answered, looking bored, and she picks up her phone again after hearing a notification.

"Anyway, I have to go to a party, I just wanted to welcome you."she said, walking towards the stairs.

"All right, and? "She looks at me annoyed and she sighs.

"I'm going to Francesca's party, I'll come around 3 in the morning, her house is in our neighborhood, yes, I'll send you the location, and it's her birthday. "She answers and goes into her room to get ready.

"OK, thank you my love, have a great time and take Richard with you please!"I yell at her as I head to my room to take a shower and relax a little with meditation.

I work a little and look for new faces for my next creations. But, I feel the need to see him, so I read some of our poems, I watch videos of him and the children, of us. I miss him so much.

After having filled my nostalgic need, I decide to see what my hermit son is preparing in his room. I was about to open his door when I heard a loud 'boom'.

I open the door violently, and I see him lying on the floor with black powder on his face. I immediately crouched down to see if he was okay.

"Are you okay?!"I said, checking his head to see if he had hurt himself.

He looks at me with round eyes and tells me :

"I found him.''

Chapter one | An animated Sunday

Kenny Jackson - Kouassi — Sunday, 1st june

Getting up in the morning after having a weird dream, next to a stranger in a hotel room, with a slight headache, became a routine for me.

Cause well yeah, I thought hooking up with every night with a gorgeous woman, and drinking my arse of was in fact a good idea.

Which is definitely not, please don't do that.

I mean at first, it's nice and all, but then after 2 years it's like getting boring. Yes, you heard me right 2 fucking years of my life wasted in in alcohol. Nope I'm not an alcoholic.

But anyway, in my defense I had a really bad break up, like really bad. It was pretty ugly for me.

My ex, Mia, yes that Mia Belmont, that model who is as famous as the Kardashians family.

Well, to summarize it a photograph and i have a business.

I know a lot of people from different industries, and I met her during photoshoot for a magazine, she wasn't really known at that moment. I fell in love at the first sight she was goddamn beautiful.

But I was naive, i thought she loved me too but she just uses me get more fame and power. And she cheated on me with a Huge dick, of the model industry.

So, it really fucked me up. But I'm doing better, at least trying.

And professionally speaking I'm not doing so bad, I'm even going to open a 2 new business in China and Spain.

The woman who was lying next to me woke up.


When I got home, my beautiful dog Romie gives me a warm welcome. This dog is really the sweetest, I adopted her two years ago for my ex's birthday, and since I've grown more attached to her.

"Hello, Romie, how are you, honey?" I'm stroking her silky fur, and I went in the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Before I could even take a proper breakfast, the doorbell ringed. I mean who could it be at 8 am, of course my bestie...

''Hello!'' She shouts Frida at the door, I open it for her, knocking rapidly on it.

"Hey open up!" Like seriously I have neighbours.

''Girl, it's Saturday morning, you're gonna wake up the whole building.'' I tell her while, opening the door and let her and her children in.

''Ok, I'm sorry." She said, not meaning at all."Anyway, you okay? You look like shit." God, why is she like that.

''Frida the children...'' I sighed to her, Ren, her second 6-year-old child, looks at her with big eyes.

''Oh, damn it!'' She grunts. "Don't repeat Mom's bad words, all right sweetheart?" He nods, Antonio, her 9-year-old, has his eyes fixed on the TV.

"You can go watch some movies on it of you want guys" I told to them.

They both take off their shoes and run to the couch, turning the tv on.

"Antonio, your brother is too young to watch that kind of things, put on some cartoons."She said, while taking her shoes off, before heading to the kitchen, and I followed her.

''I'm so motherfucking tired, man...'' She opens the fridge door and pulls out the orange juice, and I took a sit on the stool.

''Aika and I were supposed to go to a party, unfortunately...'' she grunts and rubbed her eyes, which made me smile. '' The babysitter dropped us at the last minute. So our fun night, turned into a fricking nightmare. '' She takes twoa glass and pours orange juice in it, I take one of themin and I kept listening to her complaints.

''We had to support them until 9 pm because of course they didn't want o sleep and when they finally decided to leave us alone, and you to like watch a stupid movie Ren, my adorable baby vomited in his bed.'' she said, sighting. " And the smell was unbearable so, the boys slept in our bed all night, and they snored loudly. " She finished, leaning on the counter, sipping her juice.

''Poor thing, you seem to have suffered a lot. But, you wanted to have them. '' I said with a laugh.

''Yeah, keep laughing, but wait, you'll see, when you get your first kid, you'll come crying at my door, too''. She says, glaring at me. ''Anyway, how was the girl from last night?''

''Umm, I mean why would I talk about that with you, you are too curious.'' I said to her laughing. Like no , we are best friends, but still.

"Oh come on, you don't have to tell me the details, I just want know if she was hot." she said pouting.

"Ok, so her name was Jessica, and let me tell you Jessica is a motherfucking bomb." And I wasn't kidding, she was beautiful.

"That's great for you, and I'm sorry to change the subject that abruptly but, I have a super good news."She said and I could feel the excitement in her voice.

"Ok, so we may be invited to a fashion show in Paris, and, stop making that face butch I'm not even finished yet, anyway, Christian Aldini, yes man, that guy said he wanted to meet us because he want to create I quote " something fresh", for his new collection and he also loves our work. "My jaw was on the floor, Christian Aldini, The fucking CEO of Diamond, asked us, like ok we are kind of famous, but still it is a huge opportunity for me Frida and our company.

"Close your mouth and stop pinching yourself, but hey seriously, this is what we needed, if it is a success, we will have enough money to do more, and this what you've always wanted, being able to do something huge for once." She came closer to me and she gave me a hug." We are gonna meet Christian Aldini, hiii!! "

" Yes and going to be amazing. "


I really hope that you'll like it. Don't forget to vote, comment and subscribe. Bye

Chapter two | A beautiful dream

Christian Aldini - Monday, 2nd September

"Hey... Wake up...'' He said into my hear. I felt him move his hand under my shirt and his kisses on my neck.

''Hum mm...'' Was the only sound that left my mouth while I tried to get away form his grip. I felt the rays of the sun on my face, seriously they won't let me sleep.

''My love, husband, Best friend, father of my children, please I beg you let me sleep some more...'' I pleaded to be left alone to rest some more.

''Oh come on, I told that we should have slept earlier. Now you are going to be late again...'' He said, caressing my cheek with the back of his hand.

I protected my face with the cover to shield me from my love and the sun.

'' Ohhh, my love, please we have a lot a meeting to attend to, we really shouldn't be late.'' He said, while trying to push me off the bed.

''First of all, yesterday was amazing, and you certainly can't say that you regret it, you were literally screaming my name I'm sure everyone heard you. '' he rolled his eyes, and it made me smirk, '' And second of all darling, if you want me to get out of this bed you know what to do, right?'' I said, and he grinned at me.

''OK but just 5 minutes not more.'' I smirk and got on the top of him, kissing the soul out of him.

I kissed and bit his thick lips, while grinding my boner against his. His hand were scratching my back and pulling me closer to him. He finally slipped one of his hand in my boxer, and palmed my penis. I grunted in our kiss, and decided to go a little lower to kiss his neck.

''Fuck, you have 4 minutes and 24 seconds left baby...'' He moaned while pumping my cock. This man really was something.

I sighed in his neck and took his shirt of. I then attacked his delicious looking nipples, twisting them and sucking them hard, leaving hickeys on his skin.

I took of his pants and underwear at the same time, and spread his legs open. Then, I pulled some lube from the drawer, putted some on my dick and his entrance.

''You're so hot, my love. Can I ?'' He made a yes sign with his head and pulled me closer to him for a kiss. I push myself inside slowly.

He exhaled once I was totally inside, and I started to move short after.

I buried my head in his neck while I trusted deep inside of him, making him cry of pleasure and moaning in my ear.

''Ohhh, yes just like that '-'!!'' I couldn't control myself anymore, and I slammed brutally in him.





It had been a long time since I had wet dreams of him, it was nice and at the same it just made me miss him more.

I think did really hit me when I felt something sticky in my underwear. I had to clean the bed and go take shower.

Under the shower I tried to calm myself with cold water because it seemed that my lil' buddy was here again, but it didn't want to go down, and I had to seriously take care of it. I thought about him while masturbating, of his beautiful face and body, the different expression he would make while we were fucking, how his body would move with mine, how he would shout my name and scream for more, his delicious scent.

After I was done, I had to get ready for the day. Responding to really early calls and getting down, in the kitchen.

Emma was already there eating some toast and Rosa, the cooker was making my breakfast.

''Hello, everyone'' I said greeting them.

''Mornin' dad'' Said Emma, looking up from her phone.

'' Good morning, mister'' Said Rosa, smiling. She served me my breakfast.

''Thank you, Rosa, do you know were my son is?'' I asked her.

''No mister, Thomas said that he would come in the evening'' I sighed, this kid was so obsessed, we were getting closer to our goal, but he wouldn't rest.

''All right, thank you, Rosa, we will discuss the meals of the week when I get home in the afternoon.'' She agreed.

"How are you my princess?" I asked Emma, I opened some new documents to sign and took a sip my coffee.

"Pretty good, Martin is supposed to take me to a new expo this evening and I think will go watch a movie with Cynthia and Chelsea." She responded, she took her plate and putted it in the sink.

"Ok, but take Marci with you" 9 said kissing her forehead.

"Alright, I need to leave now for my new painting, I'll see you later dad." She kissed me on the cheek and left the house with her bodyguard.

"Then, I should go too." I took my important documents and left the house.


"Hi, dad" Said Thomas on the phone.

"Good morning, sunshine of my life who didn't even think it was a good idea to tell his father where he was going before leaving the house." I responded pretty annoyed.

"Ok, I'm sorry, but in my defense-" He started.

"Thomas, don't get on my nerves."

"Dad, you were sleeping, and I didn't want to disturb you, when barely sleep in general." He said, and I could tell, he was biting is lips, his father used to do the same.

"Look kiddo, you and your sister have one thing to do. You need to tell me whenever you want to go outside, the time, the place and the reason why you are going. I want to make sure that you are in security-"My secretary, walked into the room with some paperwork I needed to sign.

"Dad I'm an adul-" he retorted, while I checked the documents.

"Let me finish! I made a promise to your father, and you know me, I am a man of word. So you will, and for the rest of your life do as I say, do I make my self clear?" I said, signing the papers.

"Yes..." He grumbled.

"Great, now I suppose you have some news for me ?" I finally sat down.

"Well yes, I tried to make some test to find out about his new corporal envelope in this dimension and I think that I found him" He said, and I could hear the enthusiasm in his voice which made me frown.

"Thomas, please it's like last time. Don't get too excited about it, if you do, and you inform your sister about it, the both of you will go into one your depressive phase again if you fail." I told him, trying frank but not too harsh.

"It's always the same with you!! So pessimistic, if you want to stay alone you can, but I want to find my father!" And he hung up.



So I really hope you liked that chapter, I had a huge creative blockage, and I wasn't sure of the direction of my story. So, I didn't write in a long time. I think that I'm going to rewrite the first chapters because they kinda suck, if you see some mistakes tell me in the comments and if you want more chapters you can also tell me in the comments.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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