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I Got A Disease Called 'Love'

Episode 1

The sound of people's laughter grated in my ears. When would they ever be quiet? My face ached from forced smiles. I wished I could incinerate whoever invented family gatherings. Furthermore, there was this aunt named Sally Williams who sat beside me, bothering me by showing her son's photo. Like shit, I would marry him!

I forced a big smile and said "Excuse me", I got up and went outside where there was no human being.

I took my phone from my satchel and dialed a number. "Hello, Mark. It's me. Find this motherfu*ker named Justine Williams! Be sure to send his head to me in 5 minutes!"

"Yo! What happen?!", Mark asked me. "Just do the work i assigned you to! No more questions or else i would burn all of your family until you have no ancestors to worship!".

I hung on him and the woman again called me. I rubbed my head and looked at my phone. No messages from the headquarters. I sighed and got back to the house.

Suddenly, my phone rang with a notification. I got the message. I stood up and "Again, going for the lavatory, Anne?", my mom asked me. I smirked.

"I'm not going anywhere, it will be you, mother", without wasting any time, I took a gun and pointed at her forehead. It would be easy for me since they were only 4 people, including me.

Once I killed my beloved mom, I pointed at my aunt, Sally. Just then, I got the package from Mark.

I smirked. "Open it up, I got a big gift for ya". She did as I instructed her to. "Justine! Ah! My son!!", she started weeping. "Anne, drop the gun!", My father called the cops.

My phone again vibrated. It's My senior, Natalie.

"What?", I asked in anger.

"Escape from There! The cops are coming!"

"Fu*k! I can't get to enjoy killing the humans!"

I hung up the call. I activated the bomb which I already fixed onto the table when I entered the room. "See you, Dad!", I gave a small punch to myself and "I mean Dr. Henry. I hope you rot in hell!" I waved my hands.

I have got only 1 minute left. I took the car in the garage. I was at the end of the street when the cops were rushing. "3.2.1... Boom!", the house blasted like bread crumbs.

I drove to my apartment, opened the door, went straight into my bedroom. I took my agent card where there was a secret chip which helped me to communicate with the other agents. I sat on the table and took my laptop and locked the chip into my laptop. I stared at the black screen. Then, the images started to appear.

It was my senior, Natalie, and Joe Marshall, the one who was in charge of my department.

"File a report and we have got another mission for you", Natalie said.

"Another mission? No problem! Send me the details!".

"You look pleased", Natalie raised her eyebrows. I nodded. "But you have to work with a man", she added.

I smashed the table.

"A man?! Why? Did the headquarters lost their trust in me?"

"No, It's a highly complicated mission. We intended to choose five members for this-


"Yeah, but we have you and him. So, we need both of your cooperation in this mission"

"But I can do it myself", I boldly raised my voice. "No, you can't. Even though you are a professional killer and a mind reader, we need his assistance in this!" The trainees underwent a special training in which they prepared and gifted us with powers, like mind reading and radar eyes etc.

"He knows how to hypnotize people", Joe Marshall calmly said. Hypnotize...people?! I paused. I recalled everything that happened when I was a trainee in the Spy and Killian Organization. In my batch, I had never heard of any agent like him. Who could it be?!

"From your face, you want to know who is he, right?", they both asked in unison. I nodded too fast that my head would fall out of my body.

"He's Kelly"

Kelly? That's it?

"Wendy!", my thoughts broke like a bubble. "He had no family. He named himself. I'll send the details afterwards", she said and cut the call.

"Kelly...who could it be?", my mind was bubbled in thoughts of the mysterious man that I'm going to work with.

Without even realizing, I fell asleep. I fell into a deep sleep where no people bothered me.

I heard the water droplets which were so boisterous. Suddenly, I was in a dark room filled with spider webs. There was no candle or torch. I was knocked down by something. I saw a door, which was rusted heavily. I sighed. I guess I can't get out of here through a rusty door.

Then, suddenly, the door creaked Open. The light from a room passed Its way to me. "Who are you?", I asked. My throat was sore. I again asked. But no reply. "Hey!", I yelled.

"Shh! Be quiet, Wendy!", it was a man. From his voice, I think he might be around 30. I tried to read his mind. My power wasn't working! what the hell!

"Wendy", he again called my name. I gulped. "W-What do you want?"

"You know"

"How the hell am I supposed to know?!"

He paused for a while. He whispered something. I can't hear him. "What did you say?"



"You have to die! it was your fault that my Elle was gone"


"Die!", he started towards me. "T-Tracy! Is that you?!" He didn't respond to me. He pointed a gun at me. "I wish it was you who died back there!"

I clenched my fists and closed my eyes. I was unable to move.

Beep. Beep.Beep!

The alarm rang. I opened my eyes too fast. I was covered in sweat. I checked the time. It was 4:00 A.M. "What a nightmare!", I opened the drawer and checked for sleeping pills. I ran out of them.

"Shit! where did I put them? I'm sure I have enough stocks of them", I turned on the light and went to the study cupboard.


I heard a sound from the kitchen. I gulped. It must be a cat. It was not Tracy. It should be a cat, but I locked the windows, who could it be?!

I took my gun and went to the kitchen. I saw a man, standing in front of me. A Thief? A piece of a cake. I pounced on him. But he grabbed my hand. He threw me down, I tried to reach my gun, but he knew my next move and wrapped me in his arms. I was struggling to move.

"Hey!", I kicked him hard. He grabbed my hands tightly.

"You! Thief!", I yelled at him. "I am not a Thief, Miss. I got instructions from the headquarters and they told me to come here".

I paused. "K-kelly?!", I asked. "Yes?", he asked. "First, turn on the fucking light!"

He got up and turned on the lights. I told him to wait for me at the living room. Meanwhile, I called Natalie and asked her to come. "Okay, I'll be on my way".







Hello! I hope you like my story.

Episode 2

Natalie arrived at my house, and as we sat on the couch, Kelly positioned himself opposite us.

"Why did it take you so long to get here?" I questioned Natalie.

"You called me at 4, and I'm here at 5. What's the issue?" she retorted.

I glanced at Kelly, confident in my ability to outdo him. To my surprise, Natalie seemed to read my thoughts.

"You can't joke like this," I said, mustering an awkward smile while scrutinizing their expressions. It was clear she wasn't joking. I shook my head in disbelief.

"You're not joking?" I asked, to which she nodded vigorously. I sighed.

"Introduce yourself," she ordered. We both rose to our feet, facing each other. It was only then that I noticed his blue eyes and a small scar on his forehead. Most notably, he was taller than me.

"I'm Kelly," he stated in a cold tone. "I know," I replied mockingly. "I'm Wendy Heather", as we shook hands, we took a seat.

Natalie handed a file over to us. "You guys will be working on small tasks from now on".

"What about the mission?", I asked eagerly. "Before the mission, you both will be working together on small tasks to get familiar with each other". I remained silent. "The details are in this file". We both nodded.

When she was about to explain to us, she got a call. "Hello?", she took the call. She was eyeing us to open the file. I took the file before Kelly. She put the call on hold and asked me to explain it to him.

I gave Kelly a death stare while he remained unbothered. We stood there for a while. Natalie came and looked at us, behaving like enemies. She coughed. "I'll be going and Wendy, be good to him!", she ordered me.

I read the file and started explaining it to him.

"The mission took on the Mayor's Mansion. From the information, we received, the Mayor seemed to have a link with the underworld Mafias. All we need to do is to take a contract that will prove his crimes. And it is in his study, got it?", I took this chance to get revenge. He talked to me in a cold tone. How dare he?! "Got it?, Mr Kelly", If he was an ice, then I was an avalanche! He remained silent. "We will start the mission within 3 days", I kept being cold like him and walked away.

For the past two days, we worked separately. Even though we spoke a little to each other, we planned everything together since it was a joint mission. "Here", he put two sets of new weapons on the table. "Natalie sent this?", I asked, still being cold to him. He walked away, silently. Was his life dependent on his talking?! Bastard!

At first, we planned to enter secretly when we couldn't be able to breach the security cameras. But that Kelly, solved the issues. Natalie sent a car for us, Mark was going to drive us. "Dude, here", Mark handed me two pairs of AirPods. I looked weirdly at him. "Man! Are you serious?!", I yelled at him. "I can't do anything about this. Natalie said since it was a small task, you guys won't need any advanced technology, dude!", he retorted. I sighed. "Are you ready, Mr. Kelly?", I turned towards him. He looked back at me. Just by looking at his eyes, I understood that he was ready. "Let's do it".




Hello, I hope you like my story.

Episode 3

"Mr. Kelly, the contract was in the study room. I will look out for you," Mark told him. Luckily, there were no guards at the back of the study room. So, we climbed the walls safely. Shit! The window was locked. I took my hair clip and started to unlock it. We entered the room. The lights were off, I closed the window behind me. "Mark, what about the Mayor?", I pressed my AirPods. "He's in the entrance, welcoming the guests", he replied. "Got it!".

"Mr Kelly, Did you find the contract?", I asked him. Still, he remained silent. TSK! He was getting on my nerves! I pushed him hard. "Look out for the guards!", I told him. He did as I instructed him to. "Wendy", someone called me. "Mark, did you call me?", I asked him. "No".

It must be my hallucination. "Wendy", again someone called my name. I looked around, but no one was there. "Wendy, here", a voice came behind me. I turned around. "The file is on the shelf", it was Kelly! He freaked me out! "Oh! Dude, you freaked the hell out of me!", I took a step backwards. Shelf? But how did he know? whatever, I'll ask him afterwards. I tried to reach the file, but the Mayor kept the file at last. "Mr.Kelly! Come here!", I called him. He came. "Take the file from there", I showed him. But he stood there.

"Hurry or the guards will come!", he smirked. "Why should I?", his tone made my spine shiver. He started towards me and cornered me in the walls.

"Mr. Kelly?!", I shouted at him. He placed a finger on my lips. "Shh! Wendy, you are going to alert the guards, be quiet", he said.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?", his voice was deep enough to make me tremble. "Take the file from the shelf", I stood straight and tall, like I was not afraid of him. "Beg me", he said.

"Excuse me?!"

"You don't hear me?", he came closer to me. "I said, beg me", he whispered in my ears. "What the fuck!", I kicked his head, but he grabbed my leg. "Wendy, beg me", he again told me. I clenched my fists hard enough to make it bleed. "You think you can win me?", he mocked at me. I hate men who order women to do anything! I'm going to teach this bastard a lesson!

"You think, I will?", I smirked. I stepped on his leg hard and he released my leg. I grabbed his hand and flung him to the ground. I jumped on the table, jumped higher and took the file. "Mark, mission accomplished!"

"Aye, Wendy. Quickly, climb down!", he said. I didn't speak to Kelly and climbed down. He understood the situation and climbed down.

"Good job! Mr Kelly and Wendy!", Mark gestured to us. I remained silent, keeping my distance from him. "Wendy, you look upset. Did something happen?", he looked at me through the front mirror. I gave him a death stare. He became silent.

After we reached our home, I sent Mark back and walked into the house hastily. "Wendy", Kelly called me. I slammed the door on his face.




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