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I Reincarnated In A Novel That I Forgot The Name Of

Chapter 1

Two girls are chatting while crossing the road. One has short tomboyish hair and dress-up,

while the other has long hair and girly vibe. They seem so concentrated

in their topic of conversation that they didn't even notice that the

signal has turned red. One of the girl notices that a truck is coming

their way. To save her friend she pulls her but instead she falls under

the truck. Now, her dead body can be seen lying on the road painted by


Yes, that miserable poor girl is me. It's my dead body. I was hit by

truck-kun to be only reincarnated in a fantasy world of which I even

forgot the name of. You know what? Truck-kun is trash, he enjoys

tormenting people. There plenty of kids who wants to be hit by truck-kun

to be reincarnated, then why in the world did he have to choose me of

all people when I have no desire to leave my world?! Well, what is done

is done. As I said I am now inside a fantasy romance novel of which I

forgot the name of. At least I remember the plot's summary. Basically,

the world I currently reside is a cliche story of a young girl

developing romantic relationships with various character through many

hardships and struggles. She suffers a lot even in her childhood that

would make most people pity her. The female lead has dazzling silver

hair and pink eyes brighter than any rubies. She is extremely beautiful.

Oh, did I forgot to tell her name? Well, I only remember her first name

and that she is a daughter of a duke of this empire. Um, her name was

probably Adelite. Anyway, now let's talk about my current situation.

It seems I was transmiragated in the body of a 10 year old girl who has

raven black hair and violet eyes. I, no she have quite the frail body,

but she is adorable above all with small features unlike my original

body. I wonder what happened to my body or the soul of this girl. Did I

really toke possession of someone else's body or is that all a simple

dream of mine like all the other? Well, the answer is clearly "no". It

is not a dream. A dream can't be this vivid where you feel hungry, can

smell or even hurt.

"Young lady, would you like to shower first?"

"Huh?! Oh! Oh, yes."

Hah! As you can see, I am not any commoner. I possessed the body of the

adopted daughter of marquess Triluver. That man has three biological

children excluding me, two older sons and one daughter. And then there

is "me", Elanoura Triluver. You must be wondering why he adopted me

despite having three children. He stated to the other nobles that it is

out of good will. But it is actually far from being good. This body has

extreme amount of mana which is very rare in this world. Only 30 people

in a thousand have them. Mana is required to have to use magic. So,

since mana is rare, magic is even rare.  That greedy bas- I mean the

marquess found out about Elanoura by chance in the street. So, he

adopted her to make use of her ability.

"My lady, the hot water is ready ."

"Yes, I will be coming."

"May I help you washing?"

"No! I do not need any I would rather bath on my own. You all can go."

"As you wish."

The maids leave

Hah...I still can't get used to this rich life after being here for a whole

week. Whenever I read any novel about girls possessing other historical

noble lady's body, it showed that they can get the maid's help from the

very first day as if it was normal. But only now do I understand that

how uncomfortable it is to get help from other while showering. I will

never fall for those lies.  This girl has some old wounds and bruises in

her body. Considering the fact that it has been not long that she was

adopted, these are from past abuses when she was an orphan and stayed in

the streets or orphanage. She has small, slim fingers and hip length

hair. These are all really uncomfortable and new to me since I never had

such figure. I was always tomboyish and had short hair with strong but

thick fingers. She has round eyes and puffy cheeks. If I was in my

original body and found her body, I would have surely want to pinch or

bite these cheeks once in my lifetime. She is just so adorable like a

small kitten!

Elanoura Triluver doesn't play that big of a role in the original. But at least

she was mentioned unlike many other female leads who just possess some

extra's body. She wasn't a supporter of the main leads nor was she a

villain's supporter. She was more like a sidekick who the author wrote

about once then forgot. Elanoura gets herself connected with forbidden

black magic because of the bastard called marquess Triluver, her

adoptive father. She later gets executed with the whole Triluver family

for attempting treason. Marquess Triluver is a supporter of the villain,

the mysterious legendary mage who never revealed his real appearance.

He was always wearing a robe or cloak which covered the half of his

face. Ugh, totally cliche! He was really mysterious character who was in

the dark till the ending. Many readers thought of him as the male lead

at first. But strangely, despite being the final boss, he never made

face-to-face interaction with the female lead. At the end, he dies at

the hand of the main two male leads. But even his death was mysterious

because his dead body was never found. Anyway, I like the female lead

personally. BUT, those good for nothing male leads are worse than trash!

They use Adelite as they please. All of them are obsessed with her. My

poor girl Adelite suffers throughout her whole life to only end up at

the hands of those "5 trashy male leads". Yes, it had a reverse harem

tag. I usually do not read these kind of stories. But, who knows why

that particular one caught my eye.

Adelite has holy power which is the opposite magic power. Someone's holy power

depends on their nature and essence while magic power is randomly

chosen. If somebody in your family had holy power than it is possible

that you also have holy power. But, magic power is different. Even if a

lot of family members in your family has magic power, it is completely

unpredictable whether you will have magic power or not. Because the

magic chooses it's own owner. Those who have compatibility with pungent

they will be chosen by the flame magic. Or those with more compatibility

with calm and cold will be chosen by frosty magic. All people get only

one magic like that. But of course, there's always some exceptions.

There are some magicians who got more than one magic. They are called

silver magicians. And a "phantom magician" is who that have all magic

powers. But that is nearly impossible.

I get out of the bath

and dry my body before choosing a simple dress to wear. It is nearly 1

pm. I wonder why the maids are not coming to call me for dinner. Then

again, it is better if I don't have to dine with those Triluvers. They

are all trashes in their own unique way.

Knock, knock.

"Come in"

One young maid opens the door and she says timidly, "M'lady, you are being called for lunch."

"I see. Inform them that I am coming."

"Yes" squeaks the maid as soon as she hears this and rush out closing the door quickly.

I laugh and mumble, "She was quite cute, like a mouse".

I have decided what my future will be. I will escape this family and

become a silver magician because I certainly have more than one magic

ability. And I won't leave alone. I will help Adelite, the original

female lead too ONLY IF SHE WANTS. I would have left her alone and mind

my own business if it was any other romance novel. But, it is not. It is

a tragic one. The fl lives four lives. But in each lives, she somehow

dies and never finds her ending. In the last life, the original novel's

timeline, she gets tangled with the obsession of 5 male leads only to

suffer more. I will help her only once since I had fun reading her

story. It's true that the readers want protagonists to suffer because

that's what makes the story interesting rather than some boring

monotonous happy biography. So, even if I liked her, I enjoyed watching

her struggle and then shine. She also reminds me of "a friend". I smile

at the faint memory of her.

Yes, I will survive and offer her a hand too.

I open the door and walk along the corridors towards the dining hall. I

hate going there, sharing a meal with them every time. They are too

annoying. I put my hand on the door-knob and take a deep breath to stop

the feeling of throwing up upon seeing their faces. Here, I open the



[The protagonist may seem childish but she was still not an adult when

she died. She died at the age of 17. I am thinking of adding some plot

twists. It may contain some yuri vibes. But, it is not actually yuri.

Future chapters will reveal what I am talking about. I am pretty sure

that there are some grammar mistakes. But I sincerely hope that you guys

keep reading because it will be fun, I promise (; ]

Chapter 2

After I open the door, all of their eyes fall on me. Marquess Triluver is

sitting on the single-front chair. He has greasy red hair with unclear ashen

eyes without any eyelashes probably like a fish. In his left side is sitting

the marchioness Triluver with her brown hair tied in a bun.  She is

wearing a green old-fashioned gown which matches her grass-green eyes. She

didn't even bother looking at me as I walk and sit beside a chair after her.

The oldest son of marquess Triluver, Vernon Triluver is sitting on the right

side of him. He also has red hair and green eyes. I would say he has rather

good features comparing to his personality. And beside him sits the famous

trash and playboy of the family, Axis Triluver, a perfect piece of garbage. He

has brown hair and green eyes like the marchioness. And finally the apple pie

of the Triluver family, Lydia Triluver sits beside the marchioness; I am

sitting beside her. Her hair has a deep shade of red. Her green eyes are a

great combination with her hair color. If I were to choose, I'd say that Lydia

has the most beautiful features among all the Triluvers, of course excluding


"Why were you late?" the marquess asks.

"It took a while to take a refreshing bath." I say taking a bite

of my meat. Hmm, it is quite tasty, although I can't really bring myself to

enjoy it in their presence.

"Don't you know that it is impolite to make others wait for you because

of your laziness?" the marchioness says frowning at me.

Well, it's not like you waited or anything, I wish I could say that.

"My apologies, it won't happen again." I say in a guilty and

convincing tone.

"Tch!" the marchioness clicks her tongue.

"Ugh, I lost my appetite after seeing a lowly commoner's face. Why does

she have to dine with us in the same table?!" grunts Axis putting her

spoon on the plate with a clank in an arrogant manner.

"Although I agree with you, but you should mind your own table manner

first, Axis." says Vernon wiping his mouth with a handkerchief and giving

Axis a disgusted look. Hah...he has got that proud attitude as always.

Axis grunts in frustration.

"Brothers, don't be like that please. Elanoura is also our family

member. It doesn't matter whither she is a beggar's daughter or a noble's

daughter." Lydia says with a sweet smile pouting slightly. She is at it

again. She always shows sympathy to me to insult me more with her words

indirectly. She may appear like an angel at first because of her witty

behavior. But, she is actually the most evil minded and jealous than all of


"Yes, my princess Lydi, you're right as always. You two should stop. I

wonder when will you learn to behave at least half of Lydi." says the

marquess sighing.  Lydia giggles. She acts way too childish for her age

which makes my body feel queasy.

"Yes, father. I apologize." says Vernon.

After that they keep continue eating talking among themselves as if I do not

exist. Well, I guess it is better this way rather than being their topic of

talking. I quickly swallow the foods of my plate somehow to leave the dining

room as soon as possible.

"I am finished. May I leave first then?" I ask suddenly breaking

their conversation. I really hate it when they give all their attention to me.

"....Yes, you can leave." the marquess replies narrowing his eyes

and clenching his mouth in displeasure.

As soon as I hear those words, I quickly walk out of the dining hall almost

tripping myself over. After I leave the room and close the door behind me, I

let out a long sigh.

"Finally, I am out..." I mumble to myself.

"Young lady, are you finished? Are you alright? Did something

happen" comes a voice from behind me making me almost jolt. After noticing

who the asker is I smile and chuckle rather loudly.

"Emma, at least ask one question at a time to let me reply. For your

worry, nothing really happened. Today was rather smooth than the other

days." I reply smiling at the maid. It makes me ease my mind to see her

face after being with those people. You must be wondering who she is. Well, she

is my personal maid whom I gave the position myself. I have been observing all

the people in this mansion whom I can trust. Among them all, Emma was the only

one who stayed and helped by both "my" and Elanoura's side. She is

trustworthy for now at least. Even though she is a little too energetic and

open-minded, she is a really sweet girl. She is probably 18 in age.

"Sorry, lady. I was just really worried. I am glad to hear that you are

alright." Emma smiles brightly.

"Hm. Let's take a walk at the garden. I don't feel like returning to my

room so soon."


We both walk at the garden. It is well maintained. There is a certain place

in the garden where people usually don't go. So, that place is kinda like mine

and Emma's hideout. That is the only place where I can relax in the mansion.

"The breeze feels nice, right, young  lady?"


"Would you like some refreshments?"

"Unless I want my stomach to burst."

"You should really eat more. It is your growing phase after all."

"Hey, Emma.."

"Yes, miss?"

"Why do you worry and think about me this much? Do you pity me? I want

an honest answer."

"I dare not pity you. I can't help but like and cherish you. I do not

understand why the other servants disapproves of you. You seem clearly better

than the other family members to me. You are so kind and brave. You are also

really wise and a genius at everything! You also remind me of my....young

sister." Emma drops her voice at the last part.

"Is...your sister ill?"

"No, she passed away when she was only 9." Emma replies after

being silent for some time with a sad smile that explains all her emotions.

"I-I am sorry, Emma. I didn't know. I really have no words to console


"You don't have to, Young lady. Just stay healthy and grow happily,

that's all I wish for. I couldn't help my sister back then because of poverty

and immatureness. I regret my helplessness from back then. If I could just go

back in time...I'd never let her be sad. She was also like you. She didn't like

to make others worry with her problems even if it was too much for her to

handle. I want to make you happy so that I will never regret not doing


"Sorry to disappoint you. But I am not unhappy." I say with a


"Then I am more glad than anybody else." Emma replies with a warm


"I just wish you were my biological sister, Emma." I say leaning

against her.

"It would be my pleasure and honor to be blood related by you."

Emma says while stroking my hair.

Later in another day when the night falls, I begin my self training. I

probably forgot to mention that I have been training every single night when

everybody falls asleep. I have already mastered the frosty magic. And now I am

currently halfway through to completely master the flame magic. Now, I can

control water and make it turn into any shape. I can also freeze anything or

make the temperature cool down. The frosty magic also helps to make people's

mind calm down, which is extremely helpful. I can also make rain pour but it is

only in a little place for now. To make rain in bigger places requires training

of years since it is almost challenging the nature. Soon, I plan to visit the

outside, specially the female lead. She is supposed to be 8 year old around

this time. So, I am two years older than her which makes me the same age as the

main male lead, the crown prince, Alexander van Reinhardt.

Crash. Suddenly the sound of something crashing takes my concentration away

to the direction of the sound. I pick up my guard and silently and cautiously

steps toward that way. When I arrive at the source of the sound something dark

catches my eyes. It moves. It is not an animal....It is an human. Could it be assassin?!

Chapter 3

Could it be perhaps an assassin? No, no. There is no way an

assassin will be this careless and make sounds which is easier to track them.

So, it must be someone else. But who?

I step even closer to the lying figure keeping a safe

distance. Now that I am closer, I notice that this person is a man wearing neck

covered shirt and black pants with long boots. He seems more like a mercenary

rather than an assassin.

“Urgh! It hurted like hell…who used magic of such level in

this place-” he stops talking after noticing me.

“Who are you? And what are you doing here in this hour?” I

ask keeping a cold demeanor.

“Was it you who used that magic?” he asks rubbing his legs

as he stands up.

“Did you not hear me? WHO ARE YOU?” I use a

bit of the frosty magic to make the atmosphere colder and intimidating.

“So, it WAS you indeed. Alright, alright, no need to be so

tense, kid. I am Samon. You are Elanoura, right?” he says putting on a broad

smile on his face and raising his hands in the air like the surrendering


“Why, no how do you know me?”

“I was sent here by master Valka.”

“Valka? You’re referring to ‘the holder of secrets’, right?”

My face lit up at the mention of Valka. She is as her title goes ‘the holder of

secrets’, the most famous guild master who knows or can find information about

anything. She basically has her men everywhere. She played an important role on

the original novel. Valka gave Adelite many important information in her fourth

life that saved her life several times. They eventually became really close

friends at one point. So, this time I befriended her first for my own benefit

using the original’s knowledge. Sorry, Adelite, but I needed her.

I already knew that Valka likes money. So, I used that to my

advantage by making mana stones with my own magic to strike a deal. People

those who don’t have magic powers or mana can use simple magic like lighting up

fire, making trees grow faster, freezing the water etc. by using mana stones

created by magicians. The more higher the power of the magician, the more

higher quality is the mana-stone. Since I have magic powers of a high level,

Valka was smitten by the mana-stones I made. So, we struck a deal to purchase

mana-stones instead of giving information and money. That’s how I became her

most precious ally and client, although not “friend” yet.

“Yes, she sent me here to let know her ‘answer.’”

“But she was supposed to give me an answer face to face.”

“Something came up which has now occupied master’s whole

schedule. So, I was sent here in her stead.”

“So, the answer?”

“The answer is ‘yes’. She agreed to the deal to give you

information about ‘the forest of nightmare’ in exchange of those mana-stones

you have.”

“Good” I smile, I actually predicted that she’d agree to the


‘The forest of nightmare’ is as it’s name goes a forest full

of dangerous magical beasts and cursed trees or places. No sane person goes

there without any high level magician excorts. That place is risky and

dangerous for low-level magicians let alone normal people. So, it is a

restricted place and any information about this was announced confidential by

the imperial family since it is like a great salvation for the black magicians

because they can perform plenty of forbidden magic there without getting

caught. Thus, leaking important information about the forest is a taboo. I need

information and location of the forest or how to get there.

“I knew that master’s top client was quite young. But, what

a miracle! You’re literally a little kid!”

Hearing his tone of saying that irritates me.

“I didn’t know that age mattered at Valka’s guild  other than goods.”

“Of course, age doesn’t matter when you are in ‘Night

Eye’(Their guild’s name). But you are way too young. Are you even 12?”

Although he is right about the fact that I am not 12 yet

but, being underestimated because of age is irritating enough since I am

practically an adult inside.

“Are you….underestimating me now?”

“What? No way. How can I underestimate someone whom my

master holds on high value? It’s just that you are too cute, kid.” he says with

a broad smile patting my head. I slap his hand away and glare at him.

“Did I give you permission to touch me?”

“Oh! Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself since you looked so

adorable, little one, no I should say, my lady.”

“Don’t sweat it. Call me Elanoura. I don’t want to be

addressed like that outside the mansion.”

“Alright then. So, were you practicing magic?” he looks

curious inspecting the traces of magic.

“Yes. If your business is done then why don’t you leave, Mr.


“Aww, come on. You don’t have to kick me out like that. We

are going to meet more often from now on. So, can you call me big bro?” he says

putting on a hurtful expression on his face.

“I would rather not. And, I promise to avoid you at all

cost. So, leave. You are hampering my time to practice.”

“Oh! How tragic. How much it hurts to be kicked out by an

adorable younger sister! I am such a pitiful brother.” he says wiping off fake

tears dramatically before finally leaving.

I sigh and mumble "What could have happened to Valka to go back on her

words and send someone else? I can't remember if any big incident happened

around this time when Adelite was 8."

I start practicing again and stop

only when I can see the dawn light from the east. That was a tiring day and I

guess tomorrow will also be tiring.

I quickly erase the traces of

magic from my training and run to my room as fast as I can. Then I change into

my night gown and lay on the bed as if I am deep in sleep. After some time, I

hear the sound of maids and servants talking and starting their work. I have to

do this every morning because it will cause a lot of commotion if the they were

to find out that I practice magic everyday without their permission. Actually,

even if marquess Triluver behaves the worst with me and hates me, he is still

afraid of my power. He is afraid that I will betray him. So, according to the

original novel, he starts brainwashing me from next year. I have leave this

house before that happens. Which means I have exactly 9 months to plan my

escape and finally leave.

Emma enters the room and stands

before my bed to wake me up.

"Young lady, wake up. It's

already morning."

I fake my sleep and attempt to

wake up slowly yawning. I have gotten really good at acting that I might as

well become an actress at this rate.

"Yes....( yawn ) what time

is it?"

"It's 6:30 in the


"Then you could have let me

sleep for at least 30 more minutes." I say pouting. I do not know when I

started acting like this. Oh, God, it is embarrassing.

"No can do, young lady.

Today duchess Gravius and her daughter Adelite Gravius are supposed to visit


At the mention of the name

'Adelite', my ears perk up. No, no, there's no way that this Adelite is the fl

Adelite. Then again there are only one duke's daughter with the name Adelite.

And she is the original's female lead.

"Does-does she have silver

hair and pink eyes?"

"Oh my, how did you know

that, young lady?"

Oh, I am doomed. The Gravius

family has good relationship with the Triluver family. Marquess Triluver and

duchess Gravius are actually childhood friends. But Adelite is on bad terms

with her biological family. They always abused her and insulted her with words.

So, Adelite didn't like them. I should say that she couldn't help but HATE

them. They were like the third villains of the novel. And obviously, whoever

was close with her parents, didn't have a good impression by Adelite. So, the

Triluver family has been on bad terms with Adelite since a young age. So, how

am I to gain Adelite's trust if they have been enemies since childhood?! She

will doubt my every intention. Oh, dear lord, am I really doomed to die? I

wanted to meet her after I leave this family.

But there is still a chance.

Because your enemy's enemy is your ally. So, if I can just prove to her that

the Triluvers are also my enemy and I am not their biological daughter then

maybe I can gain her trust. Yes, let's do that!

"Emma, dress me up like an

angel. I am about to enter a battle."

"Oh my, oh my! Young lady

have such enthusiasm to befriend the Graviuses. Don't worry, lady. Leave

everything to me. I will turn you into the most beautiful angel!"

After that I wash my face and eat

breakfast as fast as  can. Then we start our preparation to turn me into

an angel. After two or three hour I am finally done.

"You are ready, young


Hearing Emma's statement, I turn

to look at the mirror.

"Woah! So beautiful. Is that

really me?"

"You are always beautiful,

m'lady. I just gave some touch up."

It always surprises me by how

beautiful Elanoura was. She really has got the look- of an angel despite having

black hair and violet eyes. With her looks she would have made a cool and

badass villainess. Her beauty is really mesmerizing. Despite wearing a black

dress, I or her feature looks like a dark angel.

"Thank you, Emma. You really

are good with your hands."

Hearing the compliment Emma glows

in happiness and smile broadly.

Now all that's left is to befriend

young Adelite. I have a determined look on my face. Suddenly, the sound of a

carriage stopping breaks my daze. I run through the hall and climb down the

stairs. "Hah! They didn't even bother calling me!" I mumble.

When I arrive at the main door, I

see that all the family members are waiting there for the duchess to come. Even

though they are wearing luxurious clothes, it still can't hide their inner

ugliness. Noticing my arrival, the marquess shouts, "What are YOU doing

here?! Go to your room now!" But it's too late because the duchess already

makes her entrance. She climbs down the carriage with the help of an escort.

Seeing her the whole family's demeanor changes. They put on an oily smile. I

smirk smugly at their patheticness. But the main thing is left. Adelite still

hasn't come out of the carriage.

Then the carriage creaks and she

finally steps on the carriage stairs without any help of an escort. The others

pay no attention at her and keeps themselves busy with the duchess Gravius.

I swallow my saliva as she

finally comes down. I still can't see her face because she is lowering her

head. Slowly she lifts her head. Upon seeing her face, I become speechless.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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