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The Chen Family: A New Chapter



...kai li : Ah\~ where i am where....where is my room\~\~ there\~\~......

...Yichen : (stared at her) "confused"...

...kai li : Ahh!! who are you?! what are you doing oh noh!!!! trespassing! get out of my room!!!...

...Yichen : excuse me!! this is not your room ms!...

...kai li : No! this is my room...


...kai li : Your the one who dare to come in my room...

...Yichen : (push into the bed)...

...kai li : HEY!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE DOING!!...

...Yichen : (takes of his clouth),(take of her clouth)...

...kai li : No!! STOP dont!!! pleaseee!! ah\~ ah\~...

...Yichen : (interesting women)...

...kai li : ah\~ ah\~ ah\~ uh uhmm uh\~\~\~\~...

...MORNING ...

...kai li : (stretch) "yawn" i feel so tired phew...WAIT!? it is "confused"...

...Yichen : Oh, your finally awake women....

...kai li : WAIT!? what?! HOW DID YOU GET HERE?!...

...Yichen : Excuse me, this is my room and that's my bed....

...kai li : (realizing) oh my god,i was drunk last night....

...Yichen : You entered the wrong room dont you?...

...kai li : Yea! and it's not my fault ...

...Yichen : Here's the cheque, it has 10 billion. get lost now....

...kai li : no need for that's the exchange....

...Yichen : "interesting"...

...kai li : ugh, what i have done "breakdown"...

...AT HOUSE... dear your finally here...

...kai li : yea thank you mom... there any problem my dear?...

...kai li : nothing......

...what happend my princess??...

...kai li : oh dad you're finally arive how's your work?...'s great,but why your face is looking so down? are you alright?...

...kai li : dad good to hear that it's great, but you dont have to know what's the matter myself. i can handle it thank you for your concern both....

...My dear,were worried what's the matter?...

...kai li : just let me take a rest mom......

...Yes my dear/princess ...

...AFTER 1 MONTH ...

...Kai li : (starting vomiting)...

...dear are you alright?...

...kai li : yea mom thank you...recently i feel dizzy and vomited... princess maybe your having a child?...

...kai li : (shocks) Dad?! no i wont have this how?!... dear relax,were just asking a question,later we will buy a pt(pregnancy test) and try to test it....

...kai li : thanks mom......



...what if our little dear is pregnant? what do we need to do?...

...All we need to do is to support her. if her pt is possitive then we have to be prepared by this....

...yea your right, but i wonder who's the father of that child?...

...same, i wonder too...

...i have some plan...

...what kind of plan?...

...let's ask her, so we could figure it out ...

...Oh that's a good idea, but i think i refuse....

...what's the matter honey?...

...let kai li say the truth in front of us, not to ask her or please her....

...yea you have your point....

...let's buy a pt now....

...kai li,were going now....

...kai li : okay mom/dad take care!...

...there we go, how many pt we need?...

...i think 1-2...

...okay i got it is there anything you want to buy honey?...

...We have all we need now. let's pay the bills...

...Cashier : (100dollors) ...


...honey let's go back way home......

...My dear were back!...

...kai li : Oh welcome home mom/dad...'s the pt go and test it now....

...kai li : okay im going to the bathroom hold a minute....

...INSIDE THE BATHROOM : awh, let me try ! oh there.......waiting for the mom!! dad!!"...

...what's the matter dear?!...

...kai li : its possitive!! ...

...Wow kai li, your really pregnant congratulations....

...would you like us to celebrate it with your mom?...

...kai li : I, i am not happy to have this........ dear come get outside now.......

...kai li : mom! dad! im sorry....i cant fullfill both of your wishes. im sorry (sad-expression)... princess, you dont have to worry about it, remember your having a child....

...kai li : if you will allow me to do this, could i abort this child??...

...WHAT?!!?... dear, its not good to-...

...kai li : mom i dont want to choose this path.... princess, you have to accept what path desires you today....

...kai li : but how about you mom/dad??...

...were both fine, anyways you should take a rest. go and have a good sleep....

...kai li : Mom tommorrow i have to tell you something important....

...NIGHT AM ...

...I hate this! i hate this child i hate this!!! i wont treat this child as my own daughter/son i wont dare this to call me mom no matter how. i wont let it happen....

... MORNING ...

...goodmorning my dear,its time to wake up...

...kai li : yea mom im already awake.... princess lets have a breakfast together with your little child ...

...kai li : thanks mom/dad...

...anyways, my dear after we eat breakfast, you can chat me later....

...kai li : okay, Anyways the breakfast is so good.......

...thank you my princess, (smiled) i think my grandson/daughter like it too....

...kai li : Im full now....thank you for the breakfast...

...your done?...

...kai li : yea let me take a rest dad, and mom can you come with me?...

...yea sure my dear....

...BEDROOM ...

...What's the matter my dear?...

...kai li : may i have some favor...

...Sure my dear, but what is it?...

...kai li : Mom i dont really want to accept this child, i want to abort it....

...Omg, my dear you cannot do that, your child didnt do anything. you know s/he blessing....

...kai li : but mom im not ready for it. im afraid that one day s/he will research for his dad....

...what are you so afraid my dear? did the father of that child had do something bad about you?...

...kai li : mom, i was entered the wrong room and i...i had sex with Mr.Yichen!!!...

...WHAT?! Mr.yichen?!...

...kai li : Yea,you know his parent and have bussiness with them but what if his parent know about this?...

...(shocks) my dear stay relax until you deliver your child no matter what happens never abort it....

...kai li : okay mom but in 1 condition....

...what condition?...

...kai li : i wont abort this child, but your the one who will stand for this as h/is mom. are you deal with that?...

...kai li? are you sure with your decision?...

...kai li : yea im pretty sure as long as you keep quiet....

...So you want me to raise my own grandchild??...

...kai li : Yea mom, until the day has come to the right time i will face my daughter/son.......

...okay, its clear.......

...AFTER 2 YEARS ...


...AFTER 2 YEARS ...

...Kai li : its been 2 years,and my life is - dumn that so noisy..........

...kaichen : mom!!! mom!! mom!!!!...

...Yes my little princess?...

...kai chen : goodmorning!! mom your so beautiful where's big sister?...

...oh thank you, goodmorning my little princess (smiled) your big sister is inside of her room, why?...

...kai chen : i just wonder what she's doing.......

...what if try to check her out and have some talks?...

...kai chen : Mom i tried but everytime i talk or check her it feels like im just a ghost. i wonder why sister avoiding me....

...haha kai chen my princess dont think like that, lets come together and knock out your big sister (smiled)...

...kai chen : thank you mom(smiled)...

...(knock knock)...

...kai li : what?!...

...this is me my dear...

...kai li : come in mom...

...kai chen : big sister!!! (hugs) ...

...kai li : uh...what is she doing here? where is his brother?...

...her brother is in the school now, and kai chen haven't school yet...

...kai li : i see thanks mom, anyways what brings you here both of you?... dear, your little sister is missing you....

...kai li : Oh come and have a time with me...

...okay, ill may go take your time......

...kai chen : Big sister!(smiled) im so happy that everytime i hug you i feel more energy and happiness from your hugs ...

...kai li : Oh i see but, kai chen can you leave for a momment...i really need to take a rest...also im tired in work...

...kai chen : uhmm (sad) okay have a good rest...big sister...

...kai li : "realizing" What i have done to do this with my own daugher and son(cries)...

...Li chen : Im home!! mom! big sister! little sister!...

...kai chen : brother!!! welcome home i miss you so much (mwuah)...

...welcome home my little prince (smiled)... chen : where's big sister?...

...kai chen : she's taking a rest, she's tired.... chen : Oh then, let her take some rest.......

...kai chen : how is your school brother?... chen : great, how about you how's your doing here?...

...kai chen : im doing great, mom take good care of me but while big sister is avoiding me and.....

...hey kiddo's lets have some dinner......

...kai chen/li chen : lets eat together!!...

...have a good dinner both of you, im going to your sister room......

...knock knock......

...kai li : come in...

...lets have some dinner my dear...

...kai li : im not hungry thanks, (close the door)...

...oh, wont you taste my special cook for you?...

...kai lin : Fine mom, im going now.......

...okay, ill be waiting...

...kaichen/lichen : bigsister!! lets have dinner together (smiled)...

...kai li : mom where's dad...

...he's in work...why?...

...kai li : nothing i just miss dad. having a dinner with us...

...kai li, we still enjoy to eat dinner with your sis/bro... ...

...kai li : yea i know.......

...kai li, help i cant breath........

...kai li : mom?! what chen call a ambulance!!...


...where i am.....kai li? li chen? kai chen?...

...kai li : mom! your awake...why you didnt tell that you had a bad condition?! ...

...There's no need to know about my condition my dear, anyways before i go away tell your dad that i will guide him forever and my grandson/daughter..kai li! remember to take care of them....iloveyou as always. (smiled)...

...heart beat : ----- ...

...kai li : (calling) dad answer this pleaseee...

...whats the matter my princess?...

...kai li : come back here, mom is, mom is...dead......

...WHAT?! are you serious right now???!!!...

...kai li : yea dad, she had a cancer therefore she didnt tell that she had that condiotion....

...Okay, i will arrive tomorrow,goodbye....

...kai li : goodbye dad take care...


...kaichen : how's mom? ... chen : lets pray for jesus and save her, she's gonna be fine okay?...

...kai chen : yes brother i trusted you.......

...(knock knock)...

...kaichen/lichen : bigsister!!!!??? what's the update how's mom???...

...kai li : she's gone........

...kaichen/lichen : (shock)...

...kaichen : noooHHHH, its not true mom is alive mom is aliveeee!!!...

...lichen : kaichen enough stop,kaichen stop...(hold tears)...

...kai li : i have something important to tell you both.... chen/kai chen : what is it?...

...kai li : I want you to know-...

..."knock knock!"...

...kai li : Wait let me open the door...(opens)... feng : Hi kai-chan! ...

...kai li : Hello....who are you?... feng : I am your oldest brother (smiled)...

...kai li : What?!? oldest brother i never knew you?!... feng : I know, but our father sent me here to take care of you and my other silbings there! while he's packing his ticket and bags....

...kai li : I never expect that i have a brother... feng : It just the first time we meet again?...

...kai li : Yea so?... feng : i see, anyways it it true that the (twin of yours is your daughter/son)? ...

...kai li : Its true, did dad told you about this?... feng : sometimes......

...kaichen : "confused" who is he bigsister?...

...kai li : alright he is my- !... feng : handsome brother! call me your handsome uncle.... chen : HAHAHA...

...kai chen : why are you laughing?... chen : bigsister he is not even handsome,im more handsome.... feng : then how about this (shows-muscles)...

...kai li : Stop feng! ...

... li chen : im just i kid i dont have that bread one... feng : So you call my muscles as a bread?HAHA...

...kai li : enough of this both of you!!!... chen/li feng : Fine,were sorry.... feng : kai li can we talk private?...

...kai li : sure! li chen and kai chen wait here okay... chen/kai chen : got you!...

...Li feng : i wonder where you got there last name Chen?...

...kai li : Im sorry i cant answer your question...... feng : dont you tell me that you had sex with Mr.Yichen?...

...kai li : what?! h-how did you figure it out?... feng : Chen name is famous and mr.yichen is the boss of the CEO company. our dad is working on him....

...kai li : "speechless"... feng : why?...

...kai li : i didn't know that his a CEO man,and our father have bussiness on him. ... feng : also, Mr.Yichen didn't know that he had a twin...

...kai li : Just help me!! please!... feng : what kind of help sis?...

...kai li : dont say this to other poeple, and also dont tell this to dad.... feng : what?! mom/dad didnt know about this?...

...kai li : Yea,also i tried to please them to abort this twin but they are naughty.... feng : Oh gosh sis, your planning to abort that poor twin back then?...

...kai li : Yea, i was going to abort my twin but right now i feel, i feel unbetter. What kind of mom i was!? i i was abounded my own twin (cries)... feng : it's alright sis, when the day comes in the right time. tell them the truth okay?...

...kai li : thank you feng.... feng : let's get inside...

...kai chen : What did you talk about sis?...

...kai li : were just talking about some bussiness ...

...kai chen : alright!... feng : kai chen,li chen let's take a dinner. did your big sis know how to cook?... chen : Yea ofc she know how to cook!... feng : Oh then help me to prepare the plates...

...kai chen : done! handsome uncle!... feng : come and sit to your chair, and let us eat!!...

...kai chen : Uhm!! its yummy... chen : same little sis... feng : Im done....... chen/ kai chen : same here! let's play !... feng : sure...

...kai li : after you play,both of you.have to sleep okay? ill wash the dishes first.... feng : times out!! it alright 10pm we have to sleep...

...kai chen : got it.... chen : mom are you doing to sleep after us?...

...kai li : later... feng : Its alright,im the one who will take care of them for tonight...

...kai li : no problem.... chen/kai chen : thank you handsome uncle!... feng : alright lets sleep now kiddo's...

...kai chen : (hold tears)... feng : what's the matter kai chen?...

...kai chen : i just remember mom.... feng : oh, i see it's alright kai chen, she is safe and healthy now. your mom is an your angel now both of you.... chen : thanks...."yawn" goodnight little sister, stop crying now...

...kai chen : Okay, goodnight handsome uncle and little brother....

...kai li : i wonder what they're doing,(checks) oh there sleeping 'huhuhu'...


...TOMMORROW - (6am)...

...phew, i finally arive here,"knock,knock"... feng : Oh dad! welcome home....

...goodmorning!,where is your big sister?and how's the twin?... feng : good morning ,she's still asleep and the twin too....

...Okay,good to hear that....... feng : how is your bussiness with Mr.Yichen?...

...My bussiness with Mr.Yichen is good...... feng : good hear that...

...but im confused why my grandchildren have chen last name.... feng : Okay, let me tell you something important....

...go ahead........ feng : Mr.Yichen is the fa-...

...Kai li : DAD!!! (hugs)...

...goodmorning my dear,Li feng lets talk about that later.... feng : Got it....

...kai li : dad! i miss you so much! where have you been (sad) ...

...Im sorry my dear, i was so busy at work, anyways i have a great new! were moving in the city....

...kai li : Wow! i think its nice there (amazed)...

...yea, there's a lot of people and new technology! also my grandchild will liked there too....

...kai li : Oh i see....Are we having a vocation in city or we will live there forever?...

...My dear, if its okay since your mom is gone lets move to my house in city. can we? so all of us are there....

...kai li : Yeah, sure dad. thank you so much ...

...anyways, how's kai and li?...

...kai li : they are fine both...

...i wonder, how they feel without their grandmother ...

...kai li : shh! dad becareful with your words....

...What?!....they still dont know that you are they real mother???!!...

...kai li : yes, kai and li chen didn't know about it. it is becuase i was afraid to raise them both....

...But, my dear the time has come. ...

...kai li : but im not prepared by this time!...

...Okay, We will set a condition and you have to pick one....

...kai li : im ready to hear that....

...first condition, You will join to my work. if you dont want to tell the truth ....

...second condition, you tell the truth and live with them. which one would you pick?...

...kai li : I pick the first condition.......

...then, prepared by tomorrow we were moving into the city....

...kai li : Fine dad, by the way are you hungry? i can make a breakfast?...

...Thank you but im still full, just make a breakfast for your daughter/son. ill take a rest first. and li feng come with me.... feng : Yes dad!...

...kai li : Watch your word oldest brother.... feng : (smiled), dad im here!...

...i wonder what do you want to say about Mr.Yichen?... feng : i forget but ill tell you when were in the city...

...okay, its go and i'll have some rest bye.... feng : alright...


...kai chen/li chen : "Yawn" ... feng : Oh goodmorning kiddos!...

...kai chen/li chen : goodmorning handsome uncle!... feng : how's your sleep?...

...kai chen : it's great what about you?... chen : mine is none, anyways where's big sister?... feng : oh thank you kai chen, i feel good...anyways your bigsister is cooking for your breakfast you may take a sit and wait first....

...kai chen/li chen : thank you handsome uncle!...


...kai li : alright! im done...

...kai chen : Yum! it's smells good!... feng : i didn't expect that your good at cooking huh....

...kai li : Ofc, Im sister i should know how to cook and ETC... feng : Oh really? sister? or mo-...

...kai li : Enough of that!... feng : Relax,HAHAHA ...

...kai li : kai and li lets eat now!...

...kai chen/li chen : Okay!! "delicious"...

...kai li : ...."confused"... feng : What's the matter?...

...kai li : "look for my daugher/son im going to talk with dad"... feng : alright!,sister........

...kai li : "knock" knock"...

...come in.......

...kai li : Dad! did li feng tell you the truth ...

...What are you talking about?...

...kai li : I mean did he told you something...."nervous"...

...something? my princess, i wont be angry just say it clearly....

...kai li : Dad, i know you and mom dont know about who's the father of my twin. right?...

...Yea, kai li why? is there anything wrong?...

...kai li : Oh, i though li feng told you who's the father of my twin.... feng said that if we arrive in city, he will tell something important. I dont know what is it....

...kai li : Oh i see, he will told you who's the father of my twin....

...But kai li, before we talk about that...let's focus on our bussiness. you have to arrange your data background okay? and this afternoon you have to prepared. and your twin too so before 6pm make sure all the things you need should be bring on....

...kai li : i got it dad thank you....... feng : how's the chat with dad?...

...kai li : feng it's none of your bussiness ... feng : Sister is on fire, what on earth did you eat huh?!...

...kai li : FINE! I just ask dad if.....if you tell the truth about Mr.Yichen.... feng : Oh i see........

...kai li : anyways where's kai and li?... feng : I teach them how to prepared all the things they need. and they so fast to learn....

...kai li : Okay thank you!...

...NIGHT - 6:00 PM ...

...does everyone is ready?...

...Li feng : yea...

...kai li : Excited to see city!!... chen : i want to know how the building so high....

...kai li : It's higher, than you think.... feng : Your sister is so small so she cant touch the top of the building,HAHAHA....

...kai chen : Poor little sister....

...kai li : "stress"...

...(laugh) everyone of you are happy tonight! (smiled)...

...kai chen : Yea dad,lets just continue to laugh and ETC. (smiled)...

...everyone, just go and sleep enough playing its already 10pm....

...kai li/kai,li chen/li feng : Okay dad, goodnight....

... goodnight have a sweet dreams....


...goodmorning everyone,wake up were here in the city now!...

...kai chen : goodmorning dad!Wow! the city is so big.... chen : Omg! kai chen look at the building is so high!!...

...Oh by the way, That building you see. Is that's where i am working.... feng : Awh! i miss the smell of this city!!...

...kai lin : What do you mean dad? were going inside of your work?! does your boss wil allow us?... feng : feeling nervous huh....

...My dear kai li, i have to introduce you to my boss so he will approve my request. anyways do you met my boss before? it seems like you know him already....

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