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Love You Dearly


Hello guys
This is my first chat story
Hope you like it
In the college cafeteria a beautiful omega was sitting alone waiting for his partner. he was very nervous. Thinking how he will say it to him. His waiting ended when he saw alpha coming towards him.
jeon jungkook/DO
jeon jungkook/DO
You came....
There was hint of sadness in his voice.
jeon jungkook/DO
jeon jungkook/DO
Tae I wanted to talk to you about something.
kim taehyung/A
kim taehyung/A
Seeing him (tae) calm his own heart calmed down a bit, so he continued.
jeon jungkook/DO
jeon jungkook/DO
I want to break up with you.
kim taehyung/A
kim taehyung/A
*hearing this he looked in jk's eyes* baby are you ok… tell me if you are in problem I will help you ok....
tae saw jk was hurt. Not physically but mentally.
jeon jungkook/DO
jeon jungkook/DO
No I just want to break up with you. I'm not interested in you anymore.
kim taehyung/A
kim taehyung/A
*He knows JK is not saying this from his heart, but he still felt pang in his heart hearing those words.he asked* Baby don't be like this if you don't tell me whom will you tell your sorrow.hmm...
jeon jungkook/DO
jeon jungkook/DO
*but Jungkook didn't tell him anything and ran away from there.*
kim taehyung/A
kim taehyung/A
Baby tell me *this time his (tae)voice was cracking. He was sobbing he ran after him and hold his wrist.*
kim taehyung/A
kim taehyung/A
Tell me this is a joke. I can't take it. Please stop this.
kim taehyung/A
kim taehyung/A
Baby I love you. I will die without you. Please*saying this he fell on his knees still holding jk's wrist and started to cry more*
jeon jungkook/DO
jeon jungkook/DO
*JK wasn't able to see his love on this state he wanted to hug him and tell him everything. But he stopped there thinking about the consequences.* Hyung I'm serious we don't belong to the same world. So we don't have any future together. So I'm breaking up now.
kim taehyung/A
kim taehyung/A
Baby I will work hard. Baby I will also be a successful businessman like your father in few years. Don't do this baby. Please* he started to cry very hard. Everyone in cafeteria was looking at him*
jeon jungkook/DO
jeon jungkook/DO
*jk couldn't see it anymore. He removed tae grip and ran away from there without saying any words.*
After jk left tae sat there for few minutes more . Then he stood up wiping his tears.
kim taehyung/A
kim taehyung/A
*Baby you didn't believe me your own love, my love for you. Now don't blame me for punishing you.*
So tell me if you understood what was I telling in the story
If there are mistakes you can also tell me


Kim Taehyung 21 years old when his breakup happened 27 years old in the story cause that is this story's time An orphan Kim surname was given to him in orphanage Loves his baby very much Can't see him in pain Even after 6 years of breakup he didn't look for anyone nor had girlfriend, he was waiting for his baby's punishment to end. Alpha
Jeon Jungkook 19 years old when breakup happened 25 years old in story timeline Loves Taehyung very much Regret for losing his unborn baby Didn't know Taehyung love for him Very much afraid of his father when he was 13 years old his mother died in front of him. That scenario didn't leave him alone like nightmare. Dominant omega
Jeon da yoon JK's father and CEO of jeon empire 42 years old in main story timeline Behaves like a good father in front of everyone but secretly lust over his own son's body and beauty Is fearful of his father cause even after being CEO he didn't have any of his father's share All power is in his father jeon yeo been's hands. So he behaves like good son. Dominant alpha
I don't even want to give colors to his picture. He is devil in disguise.
Jeon yeo been Father of jeon da yoon and grandfather of Jungkook 57 years old Loves his family very much especially his grandson jk Didn't know what his son does Elite alpha
Park Jimin Best friend of Taehyung and his personal secretary 27 years old Knows his boss love for his baby and his sufferings Has crush on tae's cousin brother min yoongi who is 30 years old Rare omega
Your author 🤭 18 years old Like to live in fantasy This is my first story that I'm writing, but I started to make story in my little head when I was little like 10 years old. So thank you if you're reading about me also 🥰🤗☺️
So as I mentioned Jungkook has seen his mother death in front of him. When he was 13 years old his first heat came because he was dominant omega his scent was very powerful and as I said his father was lusting over his body. So he thought of it as good opportunity and ran to him. His mother knowing his mind ran to his son and hide him in her closet. Then she sprayed perfume everywhere. When his husband got to know about it, he was very angry he took kitchen knife and killed her in her room. Jungkook saw everything from his mot her's closet he was crying silently. That day there was not a single servant at home cause of his heat.he didn't come out of the closet for three days after three days when his heat ended came out when he saw servants there. His mother's death was written like she died cause of accident.


First I want to thank you for being my first reader who liked my story.
Thank you very much
You don't know it gave me courage to write more.🥰🥰🥰🥰
Since their breakup six years has passed
Taehyung became businessman with his own hard work
Taehyung is now ranked 2nd in business world in south Korea. Just below jeons.
taehyung is still in love with his baby (jk). He missed him so much but he can't go to his baby cause he is punishing him just 5 more months and he will go to his baby.
Somewhere in a secret room someone was looking at the pictures of a very beautiful person who was smiling like bunny in those pictures. He looked very happy.
Baby I miss you very much.
Do you miss me too. *he said while caressing pictures.*
Don't worry we are going to meet very soon. After that I will not leave you.
Then someone knocked on the door.
park jimin /RO
park jimin /RO
Sir it's time for us to leave.
kim taehyung/A
kim taehyung/A
*he looked back and saw Jimin looking down and standing at the door. He said in his cold voice* hmm... Let's go
Yes that someone was tae, and he was watching his baby's pictures. Those were the pictures that he took of his baby when they were in relationship.
And to why Jimin was looking down that was because tae has forbidden anyone to look into the room. Only his old butler Mr. Wang can go inside and that's only for cleaning.
Whoever by mistake looked in the room would be killed on the spot by tae himself.
That's it for today
I'm thinking how will tae meet jk before time.

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