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Cheating Couple

Mommy, I want to eat dinner with daddy," the little one said.

Xueyi couldn't resist her son's charm and reluctantly said yes.

The next day.

"Mommy, I heard from my classmates that they sleep with their parents. Can I call daddy to sleep with us?"

Xueyi rejects the idea but when her son started to cry and throw a tantrum, she finally gave in.

And the next day, again.

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"Mommy, I want a little sister from mommy and daddy. Go and make one for me!" the little one demanded and then winked to his dad who was standing behind him.

But things didn't end there as the father of her child started to demand things from her just like their son.

Husband: "Wife, I got a free ticket to M country. We can treat this as our honeymoon vacation and make a baby sister to our son."

p Xueyi: "Scram! Sleep on the sofa!"

Thus, starts Xueyi's life filled with love from both her husband and son.


Babe, when are you going to break up with her?" a seductive voice came out from the slightly ajar door.

Inside the room, the woman straddled the man's legs and coquettishly started to unbutton the front of his shirt and pouted her lips as they sat on the couch.

The man she was straddling was instantly enchanted by her charms and caressed her cheeks. "Our family already discussed and finalized our engagement. I can't break up with her."

"But I can't stand looking at her with you!"

The man sighed and kissed the top of her nose. "You're not the only one who can't stand her! I also can't wait to divorce her as soon as I get my inheritance." The man's eyes were cold as he remembered why he was forced to a loveless engagement.

Upon seeing the hatred in his eyes, the woman faintly smiled and kissed his lips.

The two soon engaged into a passionate kiss that they didn't notice that someone was standing before the room they were in.

With glowering eyes filled with hatred and unshed tears, Ran Xueyi looked at the two in shock as they continued to kiss passionately and not caring about who could see them.

The man sitting below the woman was her fiance, Yang Baihua, the young master of the Yang family. While the woman he was holding right now was none other than his secretary, Song Qian.

Holding the door knob until her fingertips turned white, Xueyi felt extremely awful. She had been away for a couple of nights because she had a fight with Yang Baihua. She had her own suspicion that he was cheating on her and keeping mistresses behind her back.The next day.

After staying a night in a hotel alone, Ran Xueyi went to her family's mansion to tell everyone of what she had found. After she carefully thought about everything, she decided to run to her family and tell them that she and Yang Baihua were incompatible.

She wanted to tell them that she'd rather pick a beggar on the street than marry Yang Baihua, that scumbag.

As she stopped at the gate, the guard smiled at her.

"Young miss, you've returned. How was your vacation?"

"It was great." Taking something out from a bag in the backseat, she handed a souvenir to the guard. "I bought a lot of things while I was in the countryside."

While she was in the countryside where her grandparents lived, Ran Xueyi enjoyed her time there. She tasted the delicacies there and enjoyed the experience. She bought a lot of souvenirs for the children of the family and even bought some for the servants.

As she handed the small pouch to the guard, from the corner of her eyes, Ran Xueyi saw the front door being pushed open where several recognizable figures came out.

Upon seeing her family, Ran Xueyi almost smiled, but her smile didn't reach a higher notch as she saw two figures hugging each other coming outside along with them.

It was Yang Baihua and Song Qian.

What are they doing here?

This cheating couple shouldn't have the face to show to her family!

But as she was wondering what Yang Baihua and Song Qian were doing in her family's mansion, she saw them reaching out to hold hands in front of her family as if it was a normal occurrence.

Her family didn't flinch nor berate the cheating couple.

On the contrary, they even smiled brighter than the time when Ran Xueyi was with Yang Baihua.

Suddenly, a horrible thought entered her mind.

No! This isn't true...They can't have known about them, right? Her family should have been scammed by Yang Baihua and they had no clue about what was going on between the two of them.

So, why are you guys smiling at them? Why are you laughing as if they were your real children?


Snapping out her thoughts as the guard was staring at her in concern.

"I... I forgot something. I'll bring it back later. For now, don't..." she took a pause to take a deep breath and continued, "Don't tell anyone about my arrival. Please..."

Without waiting for the guard to reply, Ran Xueyi stirred the steering wheel and pulled out of the gateway.

Ran Xueyi sat straighter in the front seat and looked at the distance with a cold gaze.

But who could have known that the mistress was just right before her eyes!

Mister Handsome, Do You Have A Girlfriend?

Ran Xueyi tried to calm her nerves and answered the call. "Hello?"

From the other end of the line, she heard Qiu Lia's voice rang through her ears, saying, "Xueyi, are you still in the countryside? Can you buy me Pan Li Yun's works? My father has been raving over his paintings."

Ran Xueyi bit her lips and replied, "I'm at James' bar."

James was one of Ran Xueyi's childhood friends and the man who owned the reputed Phoenix club. Every rich kid and wealthy businessman visits the bar to enjoy a separate life from work and stressful events in their real life.And as James' childhood friend and co-owner of the bar, Ran Xueyi didn't need a VVIP card to enter the bar in the morning.

Qiu Lia didn't reply for a long time that even Ran Xueyi thought that the former hung up. But when she looked down on her phone screen, the call was still connected.

Since the moment she left the mansion, Ran Xueyi felt like her world had crumbled down. So, she wanted someone to listen to her.

"Lia... do you know who Yang Baihua's woman is?" Ran Xueyi grabbed the glass of vodka in front of her and drank in it one gulp, feeling the burn of the alcohol inside her throat. Before her friend could say anything, she exposed everything, "It was Song Qian! It was his secretary all along!"

Upon hearing her, Qiu Lia blurted out, "How did you find out? Did you see them together?"

How did I find out? Ran Xueyi stared at her glass in disbelief. "You knew about them already?"

A deafening silence answered her question. Ran Xueyi could already imagine this friend of hers panicking after blurting out something she shouldn't have.

"You knew about it and never said a word to me."

Qiu Lia hesitated before saying, "I'm really sorry, Xueyi. I wanted to tell you when I found them together, but everyone stopped me. They threatened me that if I told you Yang Baihua's secret, they'll expel me out of the circle."

"Who else knew about his secret?"

Qiu Lia: "E-everyone..."


Ran Xueyi slammed the glass on the counter. It broke into pieces and her hand that was holding the shards bled out.

"Xueyi? What was that sound? Are you alright?" Qiu Lia's voice came from the phone.

Ran Xueyi laughed and replied in anger, "Now, you're acting like a friend?"

Before she could reply to Qiu Lia's reply, Ran Xueyi pressed the phone screen and ended the call.What a good fiancé, family and friends I have!'

Yang Baihua, Song Qian, her parents, and friends... These people laughed at her making a fool out of herself, running around, and smiling like a clown. She had no idea that all of them were lying to her, even her closest friends chose to keep Yang Baihua's secret.

Thinking of this, Ran Xueyi's mouth pulled upwards, revealing a mocking smile. Then, she looked up at the bartender, who was caught watching her.

The Ran Xueyi he knew was a gentle and beautiful woman, but at this moment, the woman before him was exuding an extremely dark and evil aura.

It was like watching an angel turn into a villain or a devil.

Ran Xueyi no longer cared about the image she created to impress Yang Baihua. In order for him to like her, she made sure to suit his taste in women, kind, compassionate, gentle and friendly.

However, now that their lies were out, she no longer needed to keep up with the appearances.

As for what she should do after this...

Ran Xueyi sneered. She had something in mind, but she needed someone to become her partner in crime for her plans to succeed.

"Miss, are you alright?" Suddenly, a masculine voice rang out from beside her. "Your hand is bleeding." He took out a black handkerchief from his front chest pocket.

Ran Xueyi turned to look at the man and paused.

The man sitting a chair away from her had a short hair and was wearing a slim-fit black suit. Just from a glance of his face, you would assume that he was an A-list celebrity who was popular because of his handsome face.

However, Ran Xueyi knew almost every top actors and idols in the entertainment industry, and she had never seen this man before.

The man moved his eyes and blinked. He was waiting for her to take the handkerchief.

Suddenly, a crazy idea came to Ran Xueyi's mind.

Instead of taking the handkerchief the man was offering her, Ran Xueyi took hold of his hand.

"Mister Handsome, do you have a girlfriend?"

The handsome man: "..."

Song Yu Han

The man stared at Ran Xueyi coldly. He didn't reply to her.

On the other hand, the bartender behind the counter was sweating profusely, but because he was standing in front of the two, he couldn't even dare try to wipe his sweat away.

'Miss Ran, you can't say whatever you want in front of this man!'

But Ran Xueyi turned a blind eye to the warning that the bartender was shooting in her way. Or rather, she was utterly engrossed in her one-sided conversation with the handsome man.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" she repeated her question.

However, the man didn't reply the second time again.

Ran Xueyi was confused.

She knew she was extremely brave and shameless for trying to pick up guys in public, but what could she do? She was desperate to put her plans into action. She wanted revenge and made everyone regret doing this to her even if it meant destroying her reputation, which they had already ruined.

Ran Xueyi felt the man try to take his hand back, but she pulled it towards her. The man was gentle towards her even after her shameless question, and because of that, when she pulled him, they almost collided.

Thankfully, the man stopped himself before their bodies hit each other.

After steadying themselves, the man swiftly took his hand out of her hold.

Ran Xueyi gave him an awkward smile and said, "I'm sorry."

The man finally opened his mouth and said: "It's alright."

At first, Ran Xueyi thought that he would get angry at her. If he were mad at her for touching him without his permission, she would gladly accept it since it was her fault. However, she didn't expect that he would answer.

Ran Xueyi was stunned for a moment. Then, she said, "Then, can I be your girlfriend?"


The bartender: "..."

Ran Xueyi stared at the bartender.

The two of them looked at each other without saying anything. The only sound that was inside the bar was the sound of the hushed voices of the waiters cleaning the tables and floor.

A minute later, the bartender put a new glass filled with vodka in front of her and said, "Miss Ran, it's alright. Don't take that man's words too seriously. It's just that he's someone who would rather die single than have a girlfriend."

Ran Xueyi was surprised and asked, "He's gay?" Before the bartender could reply, she added, "No wonder he rejected me."

For some reason, the bartender felt his knees weakening and turned into a puddle underneath him. He wanted to cover her mouth so that other people wouldn't hear her words lest someone reports it to that man.

Ran Xueyi furrowed her brows as she saw the strange expression on the bartender's face.

"Do you know him?" asked Ran Xueyi.

The bartender solemnly nodded.

"He's Song Yu Han."


When Ran Xueyi returned to her car, she slumped in her seat and covered her face with her hands. Her ears turned red as she remembered what she had done and said to Song Yu Han inside the bar.

"...And I don't have a girlfriend."That man was Song Yu Han! How could I be so stupid and try to hit on him?' Ran Xueyi regretted it a lot.

Song Yu Han was the third son of the current head of the Song family. The Ran and Yang family might be very rich in A city and considered one of the top 10 families in the A City, but it could not compare to the Song family, which was one of the top 3 families in the country.

Two years ago, Ran Xueyi saw him at a party. Song Yu Han was standing in a corner, but it was as if there was an invisible wall around him that no one dared approach him. He is really handsome and very tall with his 193 centimeters (6'3ft) height; he was someone that people wouldn't forget when they laid their eyes on him.

But at that time, Ran Xueyi's attention was all over Yang Baihua. So, she didn't take his charm into her heart and eventually forgot about him.

Now thinking about it, it seems that Ran Xueyi treated a stone like a diamond when the real diamond was just before her eyes!

However, this wasn't the time for her to remember how stupid she was for treating Yang Baihua like a treasure. She must find a way to strike back at these disgusting people!

Ran Xueyi quickly gathered herself and went to a fertility clinic in the city. She picked the clinic that wasn't around her and Yang Baihua's family's radar or influence. She wanted to keep this event a secret until she dropped the bomb on top of their heads.

After filling up some documents and paying the bills, a nurse led Ran Xueyi inside a room. In not just a few minutes later, a female doctor entered.

The doctor didn't ask her anything like where Ran Xueyi's partner was and remained a professional and strictly business tone when she made Ran Xueyi lie on the operating table.

With her legs spread wide, Ran Xueyi felt nervous and embarrassed.

That day, she was going for an Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). It was a procedure that would put sperm directly inside her uterus. That way, even if Ran Xueyi didn't have a partner, she would get pregnant.

And although Ran Xueyi told herself that this move was made for her revenge, she knew in her heart that this was what she really wanted.

Her fiance and friend betrayed Ran Xueyi, and even her family didn't side with her.

Today, she was making a decision that she, alone, made for herself.


Author has something to say: FL's actions might be out of anger, but don't worry, she wanted a child even before this happened to her.

ML is also not your typical cold and heartless ML. He has a soft spot for FL.

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