NovelToon NovelToon

Into The Unknown


hello everyone
who has made it to this story thank you for joining me
for joining us, the team of into the unknown
we shall no, we will embark on this short journey to unrevel what lies behind our demon problem child Kokuchi
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
name : towa age. : 26 yrs known info : none! kidding CIA agent basically unstable in the head likes close combat battling likes spicy things also has a massive sweet tooth
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
name : Kokuchi age : 25 yrs known info : leader of a Gang called wild 🦄 unicorns goes by the D. E. A. D on the field because he mercilessly kills family members : none friends : unknown he's unpredictable life threatening wicked and toxic fact!
Itadori mc
Itadori mc's 1st friend
name : Itadori age : 25 yrs known info : he's just started the life of crime because he's got nowhere to go and eventually this kind/evil soul will be friends with our Towa-kun
Sukuna mc
Sukuna mc's 2nd friend
name : Sukuna Age : 27 yrs known info : started this when he was 19 he also owes his life to Kuchi for certain reasons which will be explained later in the story
Gojo mc
Gojo mc's 3rd friend
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
name : Gojo age : 22 yrs known info : a newbie to the gang for certain reasons he's a blood thirsty beast who hunts people as a hobby so... yeah
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
my husband!!!!!!!
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
back to the intro
name : Geto age : 29 known info : nothing we'll just leave it all to Gojo to turn the table upside down
Gun uni crew
Gun uni crew
name : Gun age : you don't need to know
Gun uni crew
Gun uni crew
she's our main lady!!!
Gun uni crew
Gun uni crew
name : Ricky age : yeah known info : (yes uhm don't mind me in not a Zerose or anything I'm just the biggest Zerose you could find) he's young and rich that's all I have to SAY Y'ALL
Jiwoong scorpion
Jiwoong scorpion's crew
you'll meet this guy later on so buckle up and be ready to wait because
Jiwoong scorpion
Jiwoong scorpion's crew
it's gonna be one hella ride
that's for making it this far
I will try my outmost best to deliver to no matter how many people would spare their time to read my chat story
I will work my hardest
please support my work if you like it
or you'll see oily London in your dreams
pictures in this comic do not belong to me
I'd like to thank the owners for their wonderful work and for making this possible thanxx

the loss

hey guys welcome to the first episode of my story
Towa is a CIA agent who works undercover his only family living till this day is his twin brother Tawo
they were an unbreakable pair in action they were never separated
Tawo Is the one on the right
and they have constantly been on missions undercover to find info on the gangs that were taking over almost the whole city
I need you Tawo to go and
Towa MC
Towa MC
wait what?
I want Tawo to go alone...
Towa MC
Towa MC
what do you mean alone?
note*Tawo is deaf*
so he doesn't speak
I only need him to go alone
Towa MC
Towa MC
wha. why?
because I said so
Towa MC
Towa MC
no! he can't we never work separately
Towa are you defying orders!?
Towa is at the brink of shouting back at his director
but the solemn hand that creeps to hold his shaking hand calms him down
Towa MC
Towa MC
(looks at his little brother)
Tawo smiles and signs *Don't worry about me I'll come back safe, and ready to celebrate your birthday tomorrow*
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
(in sign) just... stay safe okay, come back early it's your birthday as well tomorrow
Tawo nods his head lightly and looks up at the director
as Towa is dismissed from the premisses
Towa MC
Towa MC
how dare that old rinkled hag separate us
Towa MC
Towa MC
if it was me on that mission I would have twicked like a bird the second they say talk if I was ever caught
Towa MC
Towa MC
not that anyone come to my level of expectese
Towa MC
Towa MC
I'm so cool even my brother admires me
Towa smiles as he drives out to his home so he could get a goodnight rest
he shall be energized when Tawo is back home
Towa MC
Towa MC
home sweet home
towa throws himself on the bed
and he dozes off too sleep
*ring ring*!!!!!!!
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
who the fuck is it!
towa shouts as he sits up in an elegant way looking down at his phone
he rubs his eyes continuously when he spots the date
Towa MC
Towa MC
did I sleep for like the whole day what...
Towa snaps out of his daze
the director is calling
Towa MC
Towa MC
yes director
I have some urgent news, bad news
Towa MC
Towa MC
bad news?
Towa remembers that his brother....
Towa MC
Towa MC
Tawo!!!! what happend?!
Towa MC
Towa MC
(stands up pacing around the room)
he... he died this morning.
the silence is loud from over the other line
Towa stands still trying to calmly ask if the director was joking?
Towa MC
Towa MC
what do... wh... he's dead, my little brother is what DEAD!!!
Towa MC
Towa MC
why would you DARE JOKE ABOUT THAT!!!!!
I suggest you watch your tongue boy
your brother died while serving the country his brother resides in
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
my brother...
Towa MC
Towa MC
it's not true..
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
he was killed by the gang we have spoke of before wild unicorns
Towa MC
Towa MC
(drops the phone and collapses with it)
Towa MC
Towa MC
how could this happen
Towa MC
Towa MC
this happend because of me
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Tawo ON!!!!
Towa holds his head as he screams in agony
his body pulsing with blame and hatred towards himself
on this very day where they were supposed to be together
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
I'm sorry Tawo
Towa MC
Towa MC
I'm sorry
Towa MC
Towa MC
how could I ever let this happen to you
his loss was too great to simply ignore
he has lost the one and only person who gave life to his useless life
he had to take revenge
no matter what
he is going to take it no matter what happens
he doesn't care if he dies trying
only then will he forgive himself
and die happy
Towa MC
Towa MC
(burst the door open)
why did you hang up
I was going to tell you that you need to go on a mission to catch the thugs who killed your brother
Towa stops in front of the old man
Towa MC
Towa MC
after I bury my brother
they have his body
Towa MC
Towa MC
have whose body
Tawo's body
Towa MC
Towa MC
they don't even allow me to put him to rest at peace
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
what do I need to do?
Is your left eye okay?
Towa MC
Towa MC
get to the point
infiltrate them as they're own I heard they have they're own recruiting system
your job is to get in undetected and kill the leader who goes by the name D.E.A.D in the field
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
he's sure to follow his name soon
Towa turns away already leaving
I haven't told you everything...
Towa MC
Towa MC
I don't need your petty pep talk.
this warning was well heard
Towa MC
Towa MC
(whispers) I read the darn portfolio you sent me f*ckin' old hag
Towa MC
Towa MC
I know the gang like the back of my hand now that m*therf*cker will meet his maker sooner than he thinks
Towa MC
Towa MC
besides since me and Tawo are unidentical twins he won't know a thing
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
I'll make it a slow and painful death to honor Tawo
Towa finds his way on the trainstation
he finds his way to the out skirts of the city
where the home of the gang leader is
deep into whatever shallows he had to go into
in his hands he has a knife and for a pair of clothes he only has the ones he was wearing
he would sleep in the street for a few days until someone appeared someone he would slit open so he'd be noticed
noticed by that psychopathic killer
Towa MC
Towa MC
(in hands a cigerate)
Towa was looking for prey
hey kid
what are you doin' out here in the night
Towa MC
Towa MC
I bet it's none of your business you drunk f*ck!
it's rude of you to say that, but I'ma let it slide because you're cute
Towa MC
Towa MC
I'm in a very bad mood
And you're in the wrong teritorry
the an points a gun at Towa
Towa MC
Towa MC
(looks down at the gun then back to the man's eyes)
Towa drops the burning bud down and presses with his foot
he move closer to the man looking straight in his eyes
Towa MC
Towa MC
I didn't wanna grab such a small fish but you'll do for now
Towa MC
Towa MC
(looking down at the gun)
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
tell me how does it feel to have a gun pressed on your head?
what?.. how?
you were too busy shaking that you couldn't even hold yourself in place
Towa MC
Towa MC
better luck next time buddy I'm not here for stupid games
Towa shoots the man's arm and the man fall down
the loud bang! alerted some other thugs that came out in a rush and amongst the a slim figure
half naked in his clothes body
his eyes of different colours
looking straight into Towa's eyes as if he were draining the life away of the subject
Towa looks around hoping to see a leader of a sort
Towa MC
Towa MC
this is kinda boring *yawns*
Towa MC
Towa MC
are you gonna stand there and stare at me!?
Towa MC
Towa MC
or should I spice things up for you to move.
(he places the gun at the strangers head)
*bang* the blood splatters on the ground and a smile lands on Towa's face when he sees them swaying like leaves
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
I'm waiting ya know....
his statement Is cut short when someone starts laughing
loudly as if he wanted the whole neighborhood to hear his voice
what a little show we just had there guys!
(wipes tear)
are you drunk?
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
I'm sane and sobber
who are you?
Towa MC
Towa MC
beats me
Towa MC
Towa MC
who are you?
Towa MC
Towa MC
look here people I'm not here for your petty jokes who wants to fight me.
Towa MC
Towa MC
I'm free for the taking
why do you want a fight?
Towa MC
Towa MC
you talk too much, shut up!
haha ha ha haha ha!
he laughs historically
Towa approaches without fear in his eyes and in his stride
Towa MC
Towa MC
looks to me like you're itching for a fight, how about it
Towa MC
Towa MC
you guys look like some kind of gang when you're all cramped up like that, where's your boss tell him to come out and fight me
wouldn't I be enough?
Towa throws the gun away
he smiles
Towa MC
Towa MC
buy me a drink right after, trust me you'll need it
Towa MC
Towa MC
come on don't be shy
then please go easy on me
Towa MC
Towa MC
(like I'd do that)
Towa MC
Towa MC
the unknown male approaches Towa slowly with nothing at hand
Towa bares his teeth as he attacks without thought
he lands a blow on the males face
standing still
(spits the blood)
the male attacks as retaliation
Towa is able to dodge a few blows and lands another blow on the male
but before moving back to a safe zone Towa is caught with a jaw crushing right
he looks up and smiles
Towa MC
Towa MC
the fight just goes on and on
exchanging blows
but Towa finally is pinned down against the ground on top of him smiles the stranger.
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
call me (SPELLS) D.E.A.D
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
what you don't have a proper name, what did you say D.E.A.D?
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
yeah I bet it is, but I can let you call me daddy instead
Towa MC
Towa MC
wha..., what's that supposed to mean?
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
it means I don't mind taking you home.
Towa MC
Towa MC
I'm not a stray dog get the fuck off me
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
you said i should buy you a drink if you won? am I right?
Towa MC
Towa MC
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
so what now I won and you also killed one of my men
Towa scan the emotions on this man's face but he can't seem to pinpoint if he was happy of insane
Towa MC
Towa MC
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
(smirks) call me Kokuchi
Towa MC
Towa MC
Kokuchi, ko....
Towa is stopped with a neck breaking kiss
he doesn't back down or push him away but just yeilds
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
what do you say, you look homeless anyway, you'll have to replace the man down
Towa MC
Towa MC
(looking straight at D.E.A.D)
Towa MC
Towa MC
I'm not here to play house with you little f*cker
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
take him to the warehouse
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
you're my property now
Towa MC
Towa MC
what the f*ck did you say you m*therf*ckin' rats ass!!!
Towa MC
Towa MC
I'm no one's property, got that!
Towa MC
Towa MC
f*ck you, I'm not going anywhere
Towa MC
Towa MC
with you!!!
before he could run away he is grabbed by some buff guys and thrown in the car
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
I'll make good use of him
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
what's his deal
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
diving into the devil's den like that
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
he'll be taught with the other rookies that were recruited by Gun
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
hm keep me updated on how he's doing
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
and also keep me updated on how the others are doing
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
leave it to me I'll take care of it
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
he seems rather impressive for holding me up for so long
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
he looked like he was fighting for fun
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
what do you mean by that?
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
how could you not notice you were just smiling at each other like idiots when you fought
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
and I'm leaving bye
Geto run before anything could happen
but Kokuchi stays behind his mind all tangled up and puzzled
he could feel it
his body reacting to the way that kid's lips caressed his name like they had known each other for so long
he senses something
he was gonna have fun for quite some time now
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
I bet they'd look good if I stuff something deep in his throat
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
I forgot he was a man
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
aish what's the difference
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
they all got holes, damnit my pants are getting tight
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
as for Towa
he's in a sticky situation but he's fine
he's fine
I hope
thanks for making it till the end please like and leave a comment
don't be scared please leave gifts if you like or vote for me if you'd spare a vote it would be helpful
to me and the story
and byeeeeee


hi hello my lovely readers
this is just going to be a normal update
I know episode 1 was kinda long and all and I don't really know if you might like it that way
but I'ma try my best to not drag it for too long without reason
but I'll be sure to make the best of it no matter the amount
so please show some love to the characters and the story because I love spending time with them I guess
they keep me company
onto the story
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
why did that jerk kiss me?
Towa MC
Towa MC
that psychopath must have thought it was funny
Towa MC
Towa MC
I bet he enjoyed toying with me
Towa MC
Towa MC
that bull's ass, must think I'll dance to his tune
Towa MC
Towa MC
well f*ck him, f*ck his ancestors and f*ck his future wife or shit
Towa MC
Towa MC
I bet he'll beg me not to kill him
Towa MC
Towa MC
when I put a knife on his throat
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
(end of thoughts)
a dark gate comes into view
and a quite gloomy mansion soon came into view
Towa MC
Towa MC
what you're housing pigs or what why does it look so dark and...
Towa MC
Towa MC
just shut up and wait
the boss said he wanted to relieve himself tonight so I brought you here instead... (I think that's what I'm supposed to do right?)
Towa MC
Towa MC
ha... who cares I'm already here why not go in and say hi
Towa MC
Towa MC
to a darn lonely house with the lights off
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
just shut up already!
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
I'm the one escorting you so sit tight or your journey might as well end now
Towa looks at Geto dead straight the eyes
and sucks his teeth lightly scanning him up and down
Towa MC
Towa MC
wanna try me? wanna fight kiddo?
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
(is he sane?)
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
Towa MC
Towa MC
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
there's definitely a screw loose in your head
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
(sighs deeply)
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
(his husky voice echoes quietly as he speaks)
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
come on, I'll show you the way in
Towa MC
Towa MC
*perusal look*
Towa MC
Towa MC
why is he?...
Towa MC
Towa MC
walking like..... tha...t
Towa MC
Towa MC
hey wait up grandpa😂
Towa was trying to keep calm cool and collected but...
Towa MC
Towa MC
what is wrong with this people
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
I'm sure you'll find your way in
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
I'm leaving.
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
don't be a bug and wait patiently in your room after taking a bath and loosening up, I'm sure there's some, lu... whatever it's not my place to say anything
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
see you tomorrow kid, you've got a hella work to do
Towa MC
Towa MC
see you in hell
Towa MC
Towa MC
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
*while walking away*
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
well I guess boss changed his mind about me taking care of that kid
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
he said...(flashback)
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
the mansion... I need to release
(end of flashback)
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
ah f*ck it who cares if he's interested in the same gender but wait... they just met, and besides...
Geto ML
Geto ML's friend and right-hand man
the guy that, that kid shot wasn't one of us so why did HE say he should replace... whatever I don't care
(back in the mansion)
Towa walks in and is met with a
a spacious dark....
Towa Flicks the light open
and as he did the room also lights up inside
from every corner and curve
he was studying the interior for he was still alone in this house
Towa MC
Towa MC
let's see how the gang leaders hold up their business
Towa MC
Towa MC
does he have anything to hide in here
Towa MC
Towa MC
or am I putting on too much of an act I mean I can just kill him when he arrives right?
Towa MC
Towa MC
but... that'd be too easy
Towa MC
Towa MC
let's search for a few cracks on his armour first
Towa looks around the house on every room he could open
but he soon grew tired of searching for something he too didn't know
Towa MC
Towa MC
I sweated a lot
Towa MC
Towa MC
I should take a quick shower and continue before that demon arrives
Towa finds a suited bedroom and uses the shower.
after a few minutes he comes out holding onto his unfinished top
his stomach is filled with scars
he blenched a bit when he spotted a shadow in the room
he slowly approaches trying to attack the male because he looked suspicious
in the blink of an eye he was on the floor
his chest heaving because of the weight on it
a hand pressing him down
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
who are you?!
Towa MC
Towa MC
you've got a name fetish or what? bozo!
Towa MC
Towa MC
you've been asking for my name since we met, what are you doing here?
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
this is my house, and you dare ask me what I'm doing here?
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
obviously I'm here to get some rest away from people who cause trouble just like you
Kokuchi's husky voice is no loud but is affirmed
he knows what he saying and he damn thinks he sexy
Towa MC
Towa MC
get off me.
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
tell me how you got in
Towa MC
Towa MC
your dog brought me here, okay now get off me you F*cker! this is goddamn embarrassing!
Towa's pride was hurt at this point how was he stuck under this man
did he let his guard down or was he not careful enough
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
Towa MC
Towa MC
yeah that big puppy, he said i should take a bath and loosen up whatever I don't understand what he meant
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
loosen up... ha
(he starts laughing deeply in his throat, his Adam apple bouncing)
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
that stupid Geto, I didn't*t it was dying down a moment ago now this.
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
this is testing my limits honestly
Towa MC
Towa MC
if you wanna go coo co do it when you're not on top of me okay, get the hell... off
Towa MC
Towa MC
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
fierce I like it
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
*starts unbuttoning suit*
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
so did you do it?
Towa MC
Towa MC
do what you psychopath f*ck!
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
I almost thought you got me there calling me by my middle name is rude
Towa MC
Towa MC
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
Towa MC
Towa MC
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
loosen up
Towa MC
Towa MC
loosen what up?
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
do I really need to spell in for you?
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
*thinking hard*
Towa MC
Towa MC
*found answer*
Towa MC
Towa MC
mind games you're playing mind games with me but I told you I ain't playing with you OKAY!
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
next time I won't be so kind, since you already gave me ideas
Towa MC
Towa MC
what... you crazy...
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
let's keep things professional
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
you shall call me by Sir, not by your petty nicknames that you picked up from the trash truck
Towa MC
Towa MC
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
and also since I own you now, you shall do as I tell you
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
if I choose to assign you to a job you do it and if I ask for your presence you come, (whisper) if I need a hole, you'll be of use SO! go get your beauty sleep princess because you won't be sleeping here anymore
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
you'll be sleeping with the other rookies like you sharing house and bathing together
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
you'll get used to it in no time
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
since you don't have a choice anyways
Kokuchi then frees Towa from his clasp
and the moment Towa was at his feet he was glaring at Kokuchi as if he'd kill him
a distraught gaze on the taller
he couldn't believe it
how did he get pinned down did he loose touch, how was Kokuchi that strong, or was it defense mechanism
Towa MC
Towa MC
*perusal stare*
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
get out of my room
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
Towa MC
keep a close watch on your back
kokuchi ML
kokuchi ML
is that a threat!?
Towa MC
Towa MC
beats me
and with that
thank you for joining me again
thank you for reading
please also shown support by liking and commenting
I'm ready to receive gifts anytime
please share
have a lovely day
Gojo mc
Gojo mc's 3rd friend
just wait a little longer I'm coming alright 😁

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