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Lost Forever My Love

first step

" plea…se do…n't go ple..ase don't … leave me i am begging I'll do anything nooooooo momaaaa popaaaa " rinnnnnnnnnnnnng with phone rings she opened her eyes all sweating and breathing difficulty tears dropping like rain from her face exhausted like she was running after something' oh again that dream ' she said coldly then she get up and whips her face from tears and picks up the phone .

Hello. Is this ms. Lily Jones !

'Hmmm' she said

'mr. Jack Johns expecting you in office this afternoon '

'Hmmm ok I'll come this afternoon' she said with cold voice.

Adams family collapsed in blink of an eye. Ashley mom dad killed in the fire which caused by Ashley

dad friend .

Ashley got hit on head and burned her face in fire but luckily got saved by her childhood friend Jack John's .

He sneakily brought her to his secret lab and do a plastic surgery, but he can't recover her own face for one year she was in State of unconsciousness.

After one year when she woke up from coma. she lost a lot of her memories because of hitting the head.

she had to know that she had losted her everything

After knowing that she loses her every hope for living she wants to die, tries to suicide 2 to 3 time.

but when she saw who killed her family laughing and celebrating she decides to live for revenge.

She changed her name identity and her personality.

She learned to fight and about her enemy every move

Today she was going to take her first step towards her revenge.

She gets ready and stand in front of mirror .

'Look MoMA Dada what have become your sweet and innocent Ashley. Looking in mirror the with teary eyes she said

'cold harsh like ice why boht of you leave me alone you know that I don't know how to live without you both 'and the tears she was holding floods from her eyes.

 Every time the calm and cold Ashley becomes child when she looks in a mirror.

she holds her self and whips her face then said.

 'MoMA dada please look after me I am gonna make them all cry thousand times and give them the pain what they give us thousands time in return am gonna destroy them.

phone rings Ashley snap out from her thoughts and pick up the phone.

'did you ready the car ' she said with strict voice.

'yes mam everything is ready just waiting for your presents ' he said with shaking voice from other side.

'hmmm ok ' she hang up the phone picks up her things and head downstairs.

when she arrive at the office everyone was waiting for her at the office entrance.

she get off from the car the way like boss.

 Hair high ponytail with bangs eyes with dark black lances on smoky makeup light pink cheeks with sharp jawline full lips with coral lipstick on.wearing black suit high heels like she was some mafia boss.

Every one bow and with one voice great .

'welcome back ms. lily Jones '

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . past returned . . . . . . . . . . . . .

she was standing there and every one bowing

She feels somehow suffocated.

 She remembers when she came for the first time her dad's office and every one bowing

 Then she said to her dad.

'dad why is everyone bowing ' with an innocent face .

'Sweety it's because I'm their boss, and they show respect for me through bowing' her dad cares her face and said.

'Hmmm ! No, when I'll become a boss I will never let them bow' she said with a strict voice.

Her dad and everyone looked at her and laughed.

She looks at her dad with teary big eyes and baits her finger her dad holds her face and says.

'Ok sweetie' then looked at them and said.

'Listen everyone from now on no one is allowed to bow ok 👌' all staff said.

'Ok Mr president' then she smiled.

'Hey lily why are you standing there'

with Jack' s voice she snapped out of her thoughts.

Jack came among everyone and said.

'Oh it's nothing I just lost in thoughts' she said calmly.

'Hmm ok let's head upstairs' Jack said and put his hand on her shoulder.

She raises her eyebrow looks at him then looks at her shoulder.

Jack slowly puts his hands down and says

'hey you become harsher than before after living years abroad' with a sigh.

'Hey Jack didn't I told you don't make a big fuse,She said as she walked.

'Hey lily Jones it's not some fuse that's tradition here OK' he said with an excited voice.

'Don't do that tradition with me again' she stared at him with angry eyes and said with a cold and harsh accent.

'Ok ok I don't do that again now let's head to your office ' he said with shaken lyrics.

They got off the elevator and walked toward the side office she entered and looked all around and said.

'hmm it's good 'with satisfied accent .

' Oof thank goodness that you are satisfied' he whipped his head.

'Ok now quit the nagging and go to your office you're annoying me' she said teasingly.

'You you become boss, and get back to the Fordham's so now you don't need me ha oops' he said and looked at her like he made the mistake.

when she heard Fordham's name her face Turned Red that cold expression back to her face and the atmosphere became chilling.

After making a mistake Jack quietly leaving when she said coldly.

'When they are coming' while working on a laptop.

Jack swallowed and said 'around 4 o clock '. . . He Stood quietly as if there was some lion or wolf in front of him and with one voice it would eat him.

After ten minutes Lily (Ashley) looked up and found that Jack was still there.

She looked at him with questioning eyes and asked.

'Is there something you wanna ask !

Ha can I go to my office' Jack asked.

'Yes of course go and do your work' she said.

when Jack was about to leave she said.

'Hey Jack can you ask my secretary to bring me all the files of the previous year' she said while working.

'Hmm ok' Jack simply said.

'thanks ' Jack left the office and the secretary brought all the files.

'Aah everything is done' lily said with a tired voice.

She looked at the time it was not four, yet she called her secretary and said .

'Anna I am having a headache so I am going to take a nap and wake me up when it's four 'she said while lying on her couch.

'But clients are about to arrive' Anna said while scaring.

'hmm ok you can go ' she said with annoyed


She gets up and freshens up herself then heads to the meeting room.

After some time Jack came to the meeting room with Carlyle Fordham from Fordham's company.

While Standing at the window, Lily was getting restless with a headache.

'Lily' Jack said.

Lily turned around and there was a tall and handsome man standing in front of her.

The hair was curled back, but one braid was coming forward which made him more hot

Sharp eyes with black like Black Sea sharp jawline thin lips wearing black suits just like celebrities.

he extended his hand to lily and said with heavy voice .

' hi ms.lily Jones IAM Carlyle Fordham '

losted something so precious

When she looked at him the sudden pain arose in her head she felt dizzy heart started beating fast she felt suffocated and face became pale.

he extend his hand to lily and said politely with heavy voice.

'Hi ms. Lily Jones I am Carlyle Fordham '

and with that she fainted.

 the girl who just now standing so confident in a moment with voice just carlyle voice she was lying unconscious on ground.

'Lily' Jack shouted and Rushed to pick her up.

Carlyle was got a little shocked but was has handled his self.

 And being gentlemen Carlyle reached forward to pick her up, but when he has reaches his hand Jack beat him back and picked her then said with cold voice.

'thanks mr. Carlyle for your concern but I can carry my own sister 'with aggressive tone but in respectful


' And Anna call the doctor that we are coming and get the car ready now' looked at Anna with serious face and said.

'Ok sir' Anna said and Rushed down.

and other side carlyle.

'Hamm' said with confusing face.

Carlyle in mind angrily .

'what the hell is wrong with this men I was just helping her look like decent person but haaaa lets forget about behavior now and focus on important things '

Carlyle was really polite and righteous parson even though his face was cold and soulless.

he behave respectful to others and expect from others to be respectful.

so he got angry and felt little uneasy with Jack behavior but calmed down his self looking at the situation.

'Mr. Carlyle' he snapped out of his thoughts with Jack voice.

'hmmm' he said.

'Mr. Carlyle if you like can we postpone the meeting I don't think today we can continue' while walking.

After saying that Jack opens the door and take the elevator and didn't look back.

'I am so sorry Mr Fordham behalf of MR. Jack he was normally not like that it's just ms. lily' Jack secretary said politely and being ashamed.

'It's ok Mr. Kylie I can understand for meeting my secretary will be to inform you' he said calmly and headed to the doorway.

Jack Hurriedly heads to the car he laid her on car back seat himself sit with her and Anna sit on passenger seat.

Driver car started, and full speed headed outside the company.

Carlyle takes the elevator to first floor while in elevator lily reaction got caught him in thoughts

'Why she got so shocked and scared she even didn't know me so Why. Why she reacts like she knows me' he got confused.

'And why she felt so familiar I am sure I didn't meet her that was first time feels like her 'touching head with right hand he said in low voice.

'Mr. Carlyle 'he snapped out from his thoughts when his secretary shook his hand.

'Haaa forgot it she can't be her why waste the time 'he shook his head and said with slow voice and walked fastly to the car.

With that sentence how smoothly he denied his self because he knows very well that he's deceiving his self.

The most precious thing in his life was not going to come back.

......................... he had losted her forever................

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