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Chapter 1: Rebirth

Bad luck would descend on people who had everything they wanted.

Yan Xi was deeply touched by this saying.

It was her first time attending a top-notch medical summit on her own. After

sleeping for a while, she woke up to find that her hand was uncontrollably

stabbing her chest with a knife.

The sudden pain caused her vision to darken, and her already muddled

thoughts started to drift away.

In dizziness, she heard the man gritting his teeth. “Yan Xi! Do you like Zhang

Ming that much?!”

Yan Xi thought to herself that the man’s voice was actually quite nice.

When Yan Xi opened her eyes again, her wound had already been bandaged,

but it still hurt.

She hissed, her confused gaze sweeping the room before settling on the man

beside the bed.

The man was sitting in a wheelchair. He was handsome and had deep facial

features. His pair of peach blossom eyes looked calmly at Yan Xi without any emotions.

There was actually such a handsome person in the world. Yan Xi was stunned

and subconsciously called out, “Hubby.”

The man frowned slightly, his eyes watery. He pushed a document towards

Yan Xi said in a low and cold voice, “This is the divorce agreement. I’ve

already signed it.”

He paused for a moment before adding, “As for Zhang Ming, I will no longer

hold him responsible.”

Wow, divorce at the start.

As Yan Xi thought to herself, a memory that did not belong to her was

forcefully squeezed into her mind. She widened her eyes, and everything that

seemed abnormal now made perfect sense.

She entered a book that her best friend strongly recommended and became

an infamous female supporting character who had an affair with her Ex .

The man in front of her was the male supporting actor, Gu Shen, and the elder

brother of the female lead, Gu Yuan. At the age of 26, he had stabilized his

business empire. His only flaw was that he was permanently disabled and

could only move in a wheelchair.

Although Gu She was handsome, rich, domineering, and affectionate, for

some reason, girls in this book never fell in love with him, perhaps because of

his disability. Eventually, they made the Host, an illegitimate daughter of the

Yan family, marry him.

Resentful at being made to marry Gu Shen, the Host started to retaliate by

making out with her Ex, deliberately cheating on him. Yan Xi was angry while

she was reading the book, but now she was even angrier when she thought

about it. She thought those people really had bad taste. If she were to choose,

she would’ve definitely chosen to marry Gu Shen as he was her ideal type.

The current storyline was that the host was busted while secretly meeting with

her Ex. Zhang Ming flew into a rage out of humiliation and stabbed Gu Shen’s

assistant. In order to get Gu Shen to drop the charges against Zhang Ming,

the Host threatened him by stabbing herself with a knife.

It was no wonder she was getting a divorce.

Seeing that Yan Xi was distracted, Gu Shen spoke again, “The assets in the

marriage has been divided. This money is enough for you to live comfortably

for the rest of your life.”

“Wait!” Yan Xi quickly sat up. The wound caused her to gasp, but her eyes

were sparkling. “Hubby, I’m not getting a divorce!”

Gu Shen frowned and guessed according to what he knew about her. “Not

enough money?”

“It’s not about the money. I don’t want to divorce you. You don’t have to

withdraw the charges against Zhang Ming. If he did something wrong, he

should be punished by the law.”

Gu Shen’s brows twitched, and his cold gaze landed on Yan Xi.

“Do you know what you’re talking about?”

“I know.” Yan Xi’s tone was serious. “I’m not getting a divorce.”

The person who used a knife to force him to divorce and withdraw the charges

suddenly became different.

Did she really not want a divorce, or was it a new trick?

Gu Shen sneered, looking at Yan Xi. “Then why did you stab yourself?”

Chapter 2: Love My Husband Only

“Is that the knife I just bought?” Yan Xi’s face was not red and her heart was

not beating fast. She smiled and asked, “Do you think it’s fast?”

“Don’t give me that crap.” Gu Shen did not take the document back. “Think

carefully. I’ll get the document back before tomorrow morning. It’s up to you to

sign or not.”

With that, he wheeled himself out of the room.

Yan Xi thought to herself that only a fool would sign it.

She knew from the book that if she took the money and ran away, she would

end up being murdered and her body burned. As for the money, it would be

taken away by Zhang Ming to have fun with her bestie.

Instead of getting murdered, she thought she might as well stay with Gu Shen

and get a handsome rich husband for free. What was more, She got to torture


The anti-inflammatory medicine didn’t seem to have any effect. In the middle

of the night, Yan Xi’s wound started to exacerbate.

Her entire body was boiling hot, like a half-melted wax. She felt extremely


Her throat was hoarse and dry, and she could not make any sound, so Yan Xi

did not call for help. She forced herself to sit up and found anti-inflammatory

medicine from the bedside drawer. She chewed a few mouthfuls and

swallowed them.

The bitter taste of the medicine spread in her mouth, but Yan Xi did not feel

uncomfortable. She was already used to this taste.

At the age of fourteen, Yan Xi was admitted to a medical school and mentored

by Zheng Ming, one of the top doctors in the country. At the age of

twenty-three, she received a doctorate degree and became an attending

physician in the hospital. However, before she could enjoy her bright future,

she was thrown into a book. The only thing that kept her in this book was her

handsome husband.

However, the terrible things that the Host did to Gu Shen were too many to be

counted. She didn’t know if she could save this broken marriage.

While she was lost in thought, the pain started to subside and soon she drifted

into a deep sleep.

After sleeping for a few hours, Yan Xi was woken up by someone. A sharp

voice rang in her ears. The person felt that it was not enough and slapped Yan

Xi’s wound.

“Why are you still sleeping? Zhang Ming is about to go to court!” Su Wanwan

rattled on by her ear. “If the other party doesn’t withdraw the lawsuit, he’ll be

sentenced to at least 15 years in jail. Didn’t you say you would help him?!

What have you done?!”

Enduring the intense pain in her chest, Yan Xi impatiently opened her eyes

and looked at Su Wan with a bone-chilling gaze.

She retorted unreservedly, “Can’t you see the wounds on my body? If you like

Zhang Ming so much, why don’t you find someone to help him Instead of me.”

“What nonsense are you spouting?” Su Wan felt guilty but she continued as if

she was in the right. “Even if you’re injured, you can’t ignore Zhang Ming! He

loves you so much that he hurt people because he was afraid you would be

treated unfairly. How could you allow yourself to watch him being sent to the


“Afraid I would be treated unfairly?” Yan Xi sneered. “He’s afraid that he won’t

be able to get the money.”

Su Wan widened her eyes. “How can you say that about him?! Go beg Gu

Shen, give in to him, and ask him to drop the lawsuit.”

Yan Xi sneered. “Instead of asking me to beg Gu Shen, tell Zhang Ming that

he should be happy that I didn’t sue him for hitting my husband.”

Su Wan was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise, “Yan Xi, what’s

wrong with you? Don’t you like Zhang Ming? Why are you calling Gu Shen

your husband now? Did he force you to say so?”

“My husband treats me very well.” Yan Xi raised her chin and said proudly,

“Don’t talk nonsense from now on. I only love my husband now. Who the fuck

is Zhang Ming?”

Yan Xi called Gu Shen husband very sweetly.

Gu Shen sat in the wheelchair and looked at the person in front of him with a

dark gaze.

What the hell was Yan Xi thinking? He frowned, but at the same time, a sliver

of hope popped up in his heart.

Chapter 3: Husband, Just Hug Me

When Su Wan heard Yan Xi’s words, she immediately frowned and

reprimanded her in a high and mighty tone.

“Zhang Ming sacrificed so much for you. He loves you to the point that he’ll

sacrifice himself just to protect you. Yet, you abandoned him so cruelly!”

Yan Xi glanced at Su Wan coldly, thinking to herself, what nice words!

However, after that, even though Su Wan knew that Zhang Ming murdered the

Host, she still got together with him and took the Host’s money.

Why didn’t she feel that he was abandoning her?

“Zhang Ming brought this upon himself. I won’t care about him.” Yan Xi coldly

asked her to leave, “I’m going to rest. Get out.”

“How did you become so cold-blooded?” Su Wan complained as she sat next

to Yan Xi’s bed. She chose to ignore the bandage on the bed and held Yan

Xi’s shoulder tightly, her long and sharp nails circling around the wound.

“Zhang Ming is about to go to jail and you still want to rest!”

Su Wan was unhappy. She used a little force and her fingertips pierced into

Yan Xi’s gauze.

The fragile wound burst open. The sudden pain made Yan Xi’s body go limp

and she almost fell to the ground.

“Let go!” Yan Xi’s voice was already hoarse. In addition to the pain, her voice

was like a mosquito buzzing, almost inaudible.

Su Wan pretended not to hear anything. Her fingers were still on Yan Xi’s

wound, half pleading and half threatening.

“Yan Xi, nothing can happen to Zhang Ming. Go and beg Gu Shen to drop the

charges against Zhang Ming.”

The wound swelled up, hurting and swelling. Yan Xi’s forehead was covered in

a cold sweat. She reached out to push Su Wan, but the force was soft and

couldn’t move her at all.

Taking advantage of Yan Xi’s vulnerability, Su Wan tightened her grip a bit at a


“Zhang Ming treats you so well, you must save him.”

This lunatic!

Yan Xi tilted her head and her gaze fell on the glass beside her.

Without any hesitation, she grabbed the glass and smashed it into Su Wan’s


What came after the glass was broken into pieces was the painful scream

from Su Wan. She then let go of Yan Xi and frantically fiddled with the glass

shards on her head.

“Someone Help!” Yan Xi seemed to have heard the sound of a wheelchair and

immediately used all her strength to shout, “Gu Shen, Help me!”

The door opened completely and Gu Shen was pushed in by Gu Yi.

He looked at Yan Xi who was lying weakly on the bed. There was a trace of

blood on the bandage on her shoulder and her eyes were red. She looked

pitiful and aggrieved.

The moment Gu Shen went over, Yan Xi complained to him in a sexy and soft

voice, completely different from before. “She purposely hurt me with her

fingernails. I don’t want to see her again. Kick her out!”

“Yan Xi, you wanna kick me out? Are you crazy?!”

Yan Xi had always been obedient to Su Wan. Even if she was wronged, she

would still rush over to beg for her forgiveness. But today, she turned against

her all of a sudden.

Su Wan opened her mouth and wanted to say something more.

Gu Shen sent Gu Yi a signal, who then walked up to Su Wan and said politely

and firmly, “Miss Su, please leave.”

Su Wan didn’t want to move, so Gu Yi helped her. He grabbed her wrist and dragged her out forcefully.

The noise disappeared and the room became quiet.

Yan Xi looked at her shoulder and realized that the blood had seeped out of

the bandage, leaving a faint red mark.

“Hubby, my wound hurts.”

After Yan Xi finished speaking, she eagerly waited for Gu Shen to comfort her

like a kitten waiting for its owner to touch its head.

Gu Shen frowned, feeling troubled by something he was not aware of. “Gu Yi has already called the doctor.”

“But the doctor isn’t here yet.” Yan Xi’s eyes were misty. “I’m really in a lot of pain and my blood is still coming out.”

Gu Shen looked at her steadily. After a moment, he compromised, “What do you want?”

Yan Xi blurted out, “Hubby, just hug me.”

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