The world is so unfair they always make me feel that i am a loser . I am doing everything just to make them happy but they always made me fool.I want to end my life i'm tired of being a stubb*rn child and black sheep of that family.My boyfriend cheated on me with my bestfriend aso what's the reason of living.
I was here at the park when i noticed a beggar that was looking at me drinking soju so i gave it to him because i feel pity for him.The beggar smiled at me.
"Mister,have you ever wanted to sleep for a hundred or a thousand years?Everything keeps going wrong and you dont see any hope of it getting better. You tell ypur self 'i'm sure things will get better . Then another thing goes wrong (sighed) . I would just prefer to fall in a deep sleep and never wake up again . I want to forget everything . But it's not working . That jerk who left me with a pile of debt. That wench who fooled me and ran of with him. Gosh...I should never have trusted anyone.Mister, you know what? I thought that if i didn't change the people i trusted and liked wouldn't change either . I was wrong though. (burst into tears) How did my life end up this way ."i asked the beggar
"your life change just because you want it to.Maybe if you died and come back to life again" he aswered
"what?"i asked again but he already fell asleep
Suddenly i hear a child shouting in distance . "Oh no (i was trembling and feeling nervous) hey!,mister!,wake up.No . No ,no . I'm sure someone else saw. By the time i go in there ,someone else will have saved him.So Hyun you don't need to . No you don't . Even if you don't someone else will" i said while i keep on calming down my self
I keep on telling my self that someone will help the child to get of the river so i won't need to save that child .But it seems like i'm the only one who saw it . So i immediately run and jump in the river to save the child
"goshh why is it me againnnnn!!" i said while jumping
"Tae Seok !Honey,it's our Tae seok"the girl said while calling her husband
"Tae Seok!, wait, Tae Seok!" the husband shouted
(Author :suddenly the beggar woke up)
After i save the child it's getting dark ,the father of the child helped me get off the river
"grab my hand"the father said
"okay" i answered
When i was about to grab his hand my body suddenly feel heavy . It feels like some force from the under world is pulling me . After that there's a sudden solar eclupse happen and everything went black
Me and my brothers went out for a horse back riding i got a little bored so i went on a seperate way . I am Jang Wu Jin the 4th prince of Geodae Kingdom
"it's the rebeled prince!"
" get out of the way "
As i seperate way with my brothers i hear too many people talking about me. Well why would i blame them?if they know me for being a brutal and rebeled prince
We already arrived at the palace . So we went for a bath at the Damyeon.I am Jang Ha Jin the 5 th prince of Geodae Kingdom .
"Hurry,let's go!!, let's swim!" i asked Ha Ri (the 7th prince of Geodae) With full of enjoyment
"okay,i'm coming!" he answered
"it's so fun taking a bath , right Ha Ri?"
"yeahhh it's very enjoying HAHAHAH"he replied
We rested after we went out for a horse back riding . While Ha Jin and Ha Ri is enjoying taking a bath i was just drinking tea . I am Jang Tae Ri the 2nd prince of Geodae Kingdom
"Ha Ri i'll be going now "Ha Jin asked Ha Ri
"Ha Jin wait for me,Ha Jin!!" Ha Ri shouted at Ha Jin
"Tae Ri ,is Wu Jin not here yet ?,He Should come bathe if he will attend the spiritual ritual" Woo Taek (the 3rd prince of Geodae Kingdom) asked me
"Has he ever done things our way?Do not bother him it's too much of a pain ." i annoyingly answered
"Hayyy Tae Ri ,don't you know who Woo Taek is? He is always worrying about others " Hae Reong(1st Prince of Geodae Kingdom)
"Wu Jin is the only one born in the same year i was , should at least take care of him" Woo Taek
"This is the first time Wu Jin will be attending the spiritual ritual , right? So i wonder if his majesty has a specific reason for telling him to come"(Su Jin)
" Use Steam and make sure to get all the wringkles out" Wu Jin told the maid
" as you wish your majesty" the maid answered
"Su Jin , did you hear that our 4 th brother massacred his family out in Doldam ?They say it was very brutal like a tiger killing people , awooohhhh" Ha Jin Asked Su Jin
" You can't believe all the rumors like that . All the criminals in the nation don't even talk about things like that " Su Jin explained at Ha Jin
" All Our visitors from Doldam say so. It must be true " Ha Jin And SubJin started arguing
" it is merely a humor Ha Jin , how can he take down a local government on his own , what about the local army ?Even good martial arts skills would not suffice .Also Wu Jin never had a master who taught him to fight" Su Jin answered
"Hay let's stop arguing it would be better if we go back to the Damyeon and enjoy our bath" Ha Jin stopped Su Jin
As the energy from the underground pulled me i feel like i'm dying but suddenly i came up in a ........
"ouch my head aches what is this pl~~"i didn't continue what i was going to say because i didn't notice the man that is also taking a bath,with me!!!!!
"ahhhh!! Who are you?!!where am i?! Have i've been kidnapped?!"i shouted but they all just looked at me
"oh come on Hye Jin don't be too over acting"the man answered me
"Hye Jin don't tell us that you lost your memory after you sleeped under the water,don't you?" the other man told me
Ha Ri and i went back to the Damyeon to continue our bathe,suddenly Hye Jin our younger sister appeared
"Hye Jin don't tell us that you lost your memory after you sleeped under the water,don't you?"Ha Ri asked Hye Jin
"no it's impossible to lost my memory , i just fell on the river and suddenly went into this place that i never have been before,and why are you keep calling me Hye Jin?!,my name is So Hyun"~~
"court ladies please bring princess Hye Jin to her room , i think she's not feeling well" Hae Reong told the court ladies
"come with us princess" the court ladies convinces Hye Jin
"i can do it on m~~*bogshhh*" Hye Jin lost her conciousness
"Hye Jin!" Woo Taek shouted and carried Hye Jin into her room
Hye Jin fell and i immediately bring her to her room together with the court ladies.She must've hurt her head a lot
"please take care of Hye Jin and don't leave her side if she's still not okay call me if she regained herconciousness,i'll just go at the king's place"
"(bowed) yes your highness"the court ladies answered me as i leave Hye Jin's room
Why is Hye Jin seems weird today,she bumped i think she would be more weird when she wake up
"the 3rd prince is here to see you your majesty" i bowed and asked as i entered my father's place
"nice to see you prince Woo Taek,what brings you here? I hope it's an important matter"the king answered
"Hye Jin just come out of nowhere and suddenly didn't recognize us,i'm worried about her condition"i asked my father but he just looked at me
"aren't you gonna say something?,she's yourdaughter your majesty,and she's the only princess of Geodae Empire and i'm sure everyone will be worried if they found out about the condition of the princess" i added
(Disclaimer : i'm so sorry guys because i forgot to tell you that this story has also a brother complex and sister complex theme so if you hate brother and sister complex please just skip,thankyou)
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