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Mysterious Hell


In the spiritual realm following the death, the folklore speaks of seven foreboding gates materializing before the departing soul. Each gate, a passage to distinct levels of infernal sufferings within the depths of hell, beckons with torment and anguish. Whispers in religious lore suggest that passage through these gates signifies a soul's traversal through these nine circles of unrelenting tribulation, each layer a testament to the weight of transgression and the excruciating trials ahead.

The unyielding torment, the searing agony, and the intricate layer of damnation weave a tapestry of divine judgement, encapsulating the consequences of one's deeds. Yet, within these trials lies a glimmer of hope, where absolution may await, cleansing the soul of its sims, offering a chance for redemption beyond the confines of earthly comprehension.

In religious belief systems that incorporate concepts of karma and afterlife, the nature of punishment transcends mere existence in hell. It's attributed to the accumulation of negative karma throughout one's lifetime. Human life is viewed as a precious opportunity bestowed upon individuals to navigate their choices within the framework of their destiny. Even amidst the harshest truths and deceptive paths, individuals are presented with the agency to shape their lives.

Overcoming these challenges becoming pivotal in steering towards a desired existence, with no external intervention possible. The profound fortune of being granted a human life underscores the significance of this chance for spiritual evolution and growth. 

In the realm if religious belief, it's often believed that actions driven by greed or wrongdoing, even towards animals, can burden the soul. It's said that such actions may subject to the individual to extreme experience: enduring scorching heat as a consequence for their misdeeds and facing the bitter cold as a reflection of the pain they've caused to others. Despite these trials, their existence persists, carrying the weight of the emotional turmoil caused by their betrayals and the suffering inflicted upon others. 

Across countless lifetimes, the cycle of reincarnation endures, offering the soul continuous opportunities for rebirth. Yet, due to the frequent passing of souls from various realms, a swift influx occurs into the realm of suffering. In this space, every transgression committed by individuals shall be met with rightful consequences, ensuring that each soul faces the retribution for their actions.

In an era when humanity was less burdened by extreme emotions, only a scant few souls returned to the depth of hell. As time unfolded, humans gained the capacity for both virtuous and malevolent deeds, yet loopholes persist due to the constraints imposed by heaven and earth. Thus, not all souls find their destined path back to hell for reasons unknown. To rectify this, a designated envoy, chosen for their expertise, was dispatched in adherence to the dictum of hell-a law that governs these matters. This dictum commands the qualified agents to traverse diverse planes in pursuit of those who perpetrate evil. Contrary to human perception, the judge overseeing these affairs lacks a name, much like all denizens of hell. Names elude the entirety of the infernal realm's inhabitants. 

Denizens across myriad of realms referred to one another by designated codes numbers, much akin to earthly designations. Amidst this cast cosmic expanse, countless realms mirrored earth's chaos. The specter of hell's existence instilled dread among all the rational beings, permeating their consciousness with an innate fear, despite the lack of precise knowledge regarding its location. This pervasive awareness of hell's existence loomed over the collective consciousness of all sentient entities, transcending boundaries of the known and unknown, shrouding the entity in an aura of unfathomable dread. 

In the realm of spiritual beliefs, the concept of hell is often regarded as an undeniable reality where all beings, including humans, experience reincarnation. While the existence of God may be a matter of debate, the undeniable presence of hell has sparked countless theories among humanity. Despite the numerous explanations put forth, the true nature and perpetuity of hell remain a profound mystery, shrouded in uncertainty regarding its existence and the mechanisms governing its enduring presence. 

The purity observed in a newborn baby implies a profound mirroring of souls in the context of reincarnation. Upon birth, both the memory and essence of the soul are cleansed, mirroring a renewal process before embarking on the cycle of reincarnation. This pristine state embodies a spiritual rebirth, equal to a fresh beginning unencumbered by experiences or memories from previous lives. Certainly, individuals carrying burdens from experiences cannot evade their repercussions in subsequent lives. Some aspects of life are meant to be lived rather than viewed as punitive measures. These lingering afflictions and unresolved matters continuous across lifetimes, compelling individuals to confront and steer through them as integral parts of their journey, rather than as forms of punishment. Few things are meant to be no matter what. 

In the fifth level of hell, an eerie stillness cloaks the surroundings, an unsettling contrast to the harrowing chaos within. Not a single whisper or sound escapes the lips of the sinners thrown into the murky swamps, engaged in an endless struggle against relentless soldiers. Their screams of torment echo through the desolation, a lost in the thick darkness that engulfs this desolate realm. To the untrained eyes, this abyss remains unseen; only the agents of this realm possess the ability to witness its haunting depths. As his terror-stricken eyes beheld the encroaching soldiers, a primal fear gripped his soul, urging him to flee. Despite his desperate attempts to escape, his efforts were futile, and in a heartbeat, he found himself once more under the crushing weight of the relentless soldiers. His agonized cries reverberated within, trapped in a cycle of torment that defied the boundaries of time. With continual speed, his form would reform only to be mercilessly crushed again by the unyielding soldiers, the rapidity of this torment rendering any attempts at counting the cycles an impossible task. 

By the murky depths of swamp, a figure stood, unmoved by the torment surrounding him. His countenance bore an eerie peculiarity, a marked by deep crimson eyes and visage that held both allure and terror. He bore the semblance of a fallen deity, a haunting embodiment of greatness and death. 

He, the A4A822 Dead God, brought forth the man whose anguished screams echoed through the desolate swamps. This tormented soul, once a soldier, bore the weight of a grievous sin-he had slain his own wife. Falsely accusing an innocent soul, he subjected to his own daughter to brutality before trading her to lustful soldiers. Prior to his descent into this realm, he reaped havoc upon thousands with bombs, from another human planet, a realm same as the human world. Yet, within this infernal domain, such transgressions carry severe consequences, for the act of taking a life heralds the demise of one's soul. Through relentless torment, his soul shall endure excruciating trials until it is utterly shattered, destined for external obliteration. For in this realm, the act of taking life culminates in the eternal vanishing of one's essence-a fate sealed in the fabric of divine justice. 

Regardless of the scale of an action, any wrongdoing, no matter how small, is considered a sin. Human beings, with their capacity for rational thought, carry a higher level of responsibility for their actions compared to other creatures. Apologies, although meaningful, might not absolve one of their sins, especially in the context of spiritual consequences like facing retribution in a realm like hell where forgiveness isn't granted. Each individual, according to the concept of karma, will face the upshot, either positive or negative, for their deeds.

A4A822, a celestial being, approached a mysterious door that materialized without warning. In an instant, he found himself within a modest apartment, inhabiting the vessel of a youthful soul recently departed for rebirth. Tasked with a divine mission, he must guide all trapped souls in this city of Anang to their rightful destination before the appointed hour. The weight of spiritual responsibility rests upon his shoulders as time ticks towards the reckoning. 

The young lad named Zerin, a diligent student attending Anang's secondary school, found himself amidst a world where technology didn't boast the advancement akin to earths, yet it wasn't entirely lacking either. A4A822 meticulously mirrored the traits and the former's daily routine. With a penchant for perfectionism, he meticulously replicated every nuance of Zerin Leey's habit. Transferring to Anang school was original owner's fervent desire, a shift that filled him with happiness. But he didn't have any chance to step into this school even once. It seems disappointing but in one point it is better as he was a good person, he was by fate saved from this mysterious Anang school which is swallowing countless students. In preparation for his school today, A4A822 diligently readied himself by preparing a hearty breakfast before going out for the school.

Clad in the innocence of youth, he wore a gentle smile as he confidently approached the bus stop. His demeanor exuded kindness and polished manners. The previous owner's life had been remarkably uncomplicated- centered around the basic rhythm of eating, sleeping, and attending school. 

Upon boarding the bus and passing through the gates, a multitude of wandering souls materialized, some darting around while few even entered the bus. Their presence sent shivers down the spines of the living, although these apparitions remained unseen to ordinary eyes. However, the living could sense the eerie shift in the atmosphere caused by their strong yin energy.

Recognizing the situation, A4A822, swiftly commenced his duty, guiding these souls towards the threshold leading to a place of reckoning-hell. Hell exists beyond the physical realm, spanning the skies, the land, the air, and the water. No soul is exempt from this cosmic equilibrium, for within every human heart resides the capacity for both goodness and cruelty. 

Occasionally, profound remorse or an all-encompassing comprehension of existence can cleanse a soul, enabling it to undergo direct reincarnation. Yet, such instances remain exceptionally rare. Once in million case this is possible. Such genuine comprehension is hardly ever possible.

A4A822 thought about the task execution should start from the school. The Anang school has become a focal point for many years due to a series of alarming incidents. The rate of student's fatalities in this school is shockingly high, a trend that began about ten years ago. However, the gravity of the situation has become more pronounce over the past five years, particularly affecting students with low transfer rates. 

Zerin, as bus stopped before the school gate, also stepped off and confidently made his way towards the school building, situated in the heart of the city. Despite its significantly ruined reputation, the school still boasted an impressive facade, appearing almost brand new and lavishly furnished. The money for this, where did they get that much. However, he didn't pay much attention to this as it is not his work. Upon, appearing, Zerin promptly headed to principal's office to formally announce is enrollment, then proceeded to his designated classroom. The principal's face shine like he saw the sun for the first time in these past five years. For a moment the Dead God had to stop and hear his sweet words to make even a poor guy like him happy in this school. The classroom was immaculately clean, a stark contrast to the conditions in many less privileged schools. The facilities were top-notch, suppressing expectations.

When he stepped into the classroom, a hush fell over the fifty students, their gazes fixed upon him, the class teacher included. The eerie calm within the school was visible, shielded by powerful magic barriers that rendered the place devoid of any souls or presence. A4A822 can see through this but he has to wait for the culprit to show his face until than he can't do anything to anyone here. The lingering mystery surrounding unanswered questions was what had led the previous dead god's attempts. compelling the task to be passed onto him.

In this transparent seal that he can see through countless souls, he just settled into his designated seat, his actions like normal student. Welcomed by the teacher, he introduced himself with a serene smile, announcing his transfer from Actic secondary school, expressing his gratitude for the scholarship that brought him here, "Please look after me in the future." he humbly requested.

The students, a seemingly amiable and welcoming bunch, harbored no visible dissatisfaction or animosity towards him. Throughout two classes, during the break, he traversed the school, meticulously noting every corner before his return. The day flowed smoothly, as clear as water for him, resolving everything within just one day. He's patiently waiting for a specific ghostly figure to show up, though he's not entirely sire it's a ghost. He won't assume without solid proof. However, one thing's clear: whoever it is, they're not from here because no human could create such a detailed seal in this spiritually weak place. 


The next day too everything was fine. Zerin had lunch with the school students. And went to the cafeteria. The surrounding grew silent the moment he was walking in front of the woman named Chlafero Jane. Everyone thought he is going towards this lady. But he turned away heading in a different direction.  The girl is very beautiful and pure. Her hair is long black contrasting her flawless skin a beautiful look like an angel. She is the school belly. Various people used to pursue her but no one succeeded. It seems that she doesn't like people around her.

She appears calm but is not. Zerin noticed her unusual excitement. Her eyes wandered everyone one by one as if waiting for a target She talk with a guy, invited him for something, and went away. Zerin calmly watch everything and followed out after few minutes. They walked inside the empty room where no on comes and goes by. As the scene unfolds very interesting thing happened. Chlafero grabbed the boy's arms and hugged him. Closing her eyes and opening them again and again. She is trying to smell the blood running through the boy's nerves. Her appearance grew very hideous. Very terrifying to be a human being.

The boy was a normal human and was enjoying the moment. After a while when Chlafero did nothing he saw the abnormalities and grabbed her waist to make some distance to see her face but before he could do anything Clafero dragged him toward the wall and started to eat hungrily from the neck. It happened extremely fast. So fast that even seeing the after image was difficult.

The shout of the boy never left his mouth before dying. But as if no one can hear, no one came to help him. The surrounding classroom students did not step out of the room. They were controlled the moment Chlafero came with a guy. In no time she sucked all blood and consume all flesh and bones. After a while, everything finished. Her school uniform was all drenched with blood however it was cleaned automatically. She calmly gazed at everything again and walked out of the room. Within no time the school belly disappeared from Zerin's sight.

The soul of the boy did not go away as it should be and the seven doors of hell also do not appear. The shapeless smoke stayed in the room. Screaming and punching the walls but he could not break the barrier. A moment later he started to sob continuously. Slowly other souls appeared beside him. Thousands of them were trapped in a single room. 

Clhafero is a Ghost. Ghosts are believed to have been false, corrupted, compulsive, deceitful, jealous, or greedy people in a previous life. As a result of their  Karma, they are afflicted with an insatiable hunger for a particular substance or object. Zerin emotionlessly stared at everything happening in front of him and also went away. He walked to the opposite direction. He cannot interfere in this matter. The decision to follow that woman was done by that boy himself. The boy himself had wrong feelings towards the school belly.

Moreover, Zerin has died and did not exist here. A4A822 is the only the who exists in his place and he does not have the power to interfere with the natural process of karma. He will face devastating retribution by helping them. All he could do is to investigate this case and report. In the evening when he was in the alley the surrounding grew extremely cold. In a blink, a young ghost came to face him. The appearance was hideous. Extremely to the point where anyone would die if saw this. But after a while, he changed into a beautiful young self.

The ghost appeared middle school student. Very cute and beautiful. Zerin calmly walk away as if he did not see the ghost. However, he never saw such a stubborn ghost till now. Never once. Ghosts followed him everywhere. He would try to grab him, and when he went to the kitchen the ghost came after along with him, in the washroom he does not shy away but stayed with him, and even when sleeping the ghost slept at the side of him facing him.

Zerin as an agent is very professional to perfectionist his every move was very natural. As an agent of hell, he had seen various torture, stubborn souls, and the most hellish level. The naked beautiful and handsome souls screaming for help. Zerin is different from other beings in the world. He can see through all the souls and deception.

The ghost beside him is pure in his appearance and is just a child of twelve years old. He should have been healthy and well-mannered child. But the problem is the other lingering soul with him. They are unstable and crying.

The young boy uttered "You can see me? Don't you?"


The boy requested "Please led me to my mother. I have been like this for so long. I don't know how much time has passed."


"I'm so lonely. No one can see me, touch me, or talk to me."


Seeing him not replying the boy murmured "Oh God, how can you be so heartless to me?"

Suddenly he started to sob continuously "I want to see you, mom. Where are you now?"

A moment later the young soul flew in front of him laughing crazily. The young soul's appearance was just a deception. The ghost consisting of the soul of fifty people appeared. The more soul one consumes the more powerful the ghost will be. Most ghost consumes vicious people due to their greed, and jealous nature. But sometimes along with this pure soul also gets involved.

The ghost confidently tried to grab Zerin. With the strength of fifty souls, one can imagine how powerful the grab would be. But Zerin stayed indifferent in front of this dangerous situation. His body and soul unmoved and Zerin calmly opened his eyes. 

The ghost in front of him can be considered the strong one. If this situation is faced by different agents they may get agitated but A4A822 is different. His report and work have always been A+. He casually raised his hand and a long ancient type sword appeared. With the arrival of his sword, his real appearance emerged. With a single flash, he pushed the ghost trembling with fear. They were banged backwards and dispersed in fog form.

The ghost cried out after recognition "God of Death!! God of death!! Please show mercy! Mercy your highness!"

Along with ghosts the lamb soul also started to call him the God of death. A2A822 silently glanced toward the ghost and innocent soul. He calmly placed the sword in the air, floating coldly. His original appearance made the surrounding pin drop silent.

The red scarlet eye seems very deep like an endless blood abyss, with white porcelain skin, black hair fluttering due to the wind, and the black cloak covering him from top to bottom. This appearance is enough to kill anyone. Beauty curtails before terrifying aura.

You are very beautiful!!!

A4A822 clearly declared with his extremely strong and deep voice. "All the soul present here should be punished according to the Blood Book. The ghost who killed and consume an innocent soul will face all nine levels of punishment and then perish. The other people who have not killed anyone shall confront nine levels of retribution before reincarnation. The death door reveal yourself."

Right after his word fell terrifying seven doors appeared. That was so horrible that people before stepping into it collapsed. They tried to flee but was sucked inside the door. The innocent one was very few they did not say anything because they could not see what is happening and the death door. The young boy was calm and he was the one in previous appearance of that ghost. He had been the one before sticking with A4A822. He grabbed A4A822's cloak before gently saying "You are very beautiful." It was very awkward comment for a Death God.

A4A822 neither felt shy nor angry but confused. His puzzled look was exceptional. The little kid saw this and laughed before saying "My name is Frener Clane. Nice to meet you."

Where is the nice after meeting him? What awaits is only misery. But why this young soul did not appear terrified? Do his red eyes not affect children? The puzzlement grew even more. Whenever he presented himself, other souls would faint right away due to his eyes and cold black aura.

The child is way too innocent. He seems never to have seen the differences between dangerous and safe people before. A4A822 stayed rooted without responding. He always felt talking is not necessary if you can take action. Verbal attitudes are almost falsehoods only actions matter. He pushed the boy towards the reincarnation door. The boy and other innocent souls disappear. He looked around his lonely apartment before settling down with the appearance of Zerin. As if nothing happened before his mind was calm and he slept. 

The next day Chlafero chatted happily with her friends. The woman is so beautiful that she can cause the mountain to topple. Today is different and excitable day for everyone. Chlafero calmly walked towards A4A822. Her approach was applauded by the surrounding students. A4A822 stared with an amiable expression. His movements were very light yesterday so Chlafero did not notice him. However, when she found him today his pure ethereal aura shocked her very much. His soul could be equalled to hundreds of other souls. She cannot wait to ate him. Thinking too much but her outer appearance didn't leak anything.

Chlafero came face to face before saying "Hii, Zerin. How are you?"

Zerin smiled and act like an ordinary man "I'm fine. Do you need anything?" Acting is one of the best thing he could do. 

"Oh! Actually, I like you, can we go out to play."

Zerin shook his head and said earnestly "I can't accompany you. I have my homework to do. The midterm exam is coming. I have to study."

A4A822 always felt disgusted when people approach him like this. In his every mission, he had faced countless times when he need to be loved or love others. But he cannot even imagine himself with these people. His sense of romance is zero. Saying zero is also exaggerated it would be a minus number. Moreover, the investigation is still halfway. He has to visit the inner part of the school. As he ignored Chlafero and was still into his own thought. The beautiful girl walked away flushing and crying. He didn't heard her cry and walking away steps. This is the power he have. To filter out the unnecessary conversation.  The school belly cried for an ordinary guy. How could this be ignored by her admirers? Right after knowing this, admirers gossiped about Zerin as if he is a terrorist, who killed their wife.

Students pointed at him and whispered. Whispered is not the complete sentence. It is like whispering in his ears. "How dare a nobody like him rejects our queen. Do he know his place? Passed from a lowly school. He dare to stay in this school."

"Apologize to Chlafero. You heartless man. Don't you know how to be gentle? Our queen is so kind to like you and what you have done."

"Are you so proud of your that cheap look? Your looks do not amount anything to our queen. You are so arrogant."

"At first I thought he is a nice guy. Never expected him to be a bastard. Nowadays we could not believe anyone."

"Senior brother Breath is more beautiful and handsome than him. I have always shipped them together. Don't know where this guy came from."

"Senior brother Gream also likes Our queen. He even proposed to her. But our queen rejected due to this brat."

"How could that be? Zerin did not cherish Chlafero. The walking sexy model, like the top famous models."

However, A4A822 didn't act as they expected. He appeared no heard their words  and very calm. He has no desire to say that your goddess is a human eating ghost, like other would like to say to satisfy ones heart. Past students who have faced such criticism are all dead due to depression. He appeared very calm and collected. Due to his opposite attitude, people started to feel offended.

A4A822 heard girls whispering behind his back. He just glanced and nothing. After the classes when he walked out of the school several boys started to walk toward him. They were carrying a thick long wooden stick. Zerin froze in the same place. He looked at the strong wooden stick and the person who is wielding that stick like a sword. He felt refreshed seeing some actions after strong verbal storms. 

If they want to fight then it is good. His subjective strength is not needed because this body owner has worked as a farmer. No person can beat a person who is doing agricultural work from small. 'A farmer is a fighter.' For the first time he felt very pleased with this body.

Seeing him not running some felt nervous and some excited. However, this nervousness did not last long. Now they have stepped into this it would be very shameful to run away from battling a single person. Also, students are watching them. All of the boys are masculine. Those who are vicious but not masculine are standing at the side holding sticks. Offering to beat him. It is apparent that this is for him.

A4A822 snorted coldly after seeing the time and rushed towards the bully without waiting for their actions. The deadline is nearing. He has no time to deal with these people. His speed shocked people and the punch land amazingly well on the cheeks perfectly forcing three and four tooth out. It was amazing. As expected to the hand of a farmer. These rich students will not be able to affect him. Within no time he finished beating everyone and walked away from the crowd.

While walking he combed his hair drenched with sweat with his hand. His glistening white skin and black hair shine sexily under the sunshine effect. His steps were not tough due to exhaustion but it was firm. Looking his back some commented with positive remarks. And this positive remarks are from those who are oblivion about the fight. Those who knew everything angrily went away.

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