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The Alpha King and His Tribrid Mate

Episode 1

Well, my name is Luiza Black, I'm 26 years old, and a human.

Or at least that's what I seemed to be until now. I've always had to fight hard for what I want and always struggled. I'm an orphan, no parents, no siblings, no aunts or uncles, nothing to call family.

I have a job I hate; I'm a secretary to a handsome CEO.

But the worst of all men, and because of him, I lost everything, my job, my friends.

He deceived me, and I had to flee the city where I lived almost my whole life, Starlencit. A big, crazy city, but one I loved. I arrived in Nesvil, about 1200km away from Star.

I took every penny I had and went as far as I could.

I've been here for a month.

The city is in the middle of nowhere; I don't talk to anyone, and I got myself a room in a boarding house.

But today the worst happened; I decided to go out for a drink at a quiet little bar around here. People are strange here; they look at you hungrily, as if they're smelling you. And looking closely, they're beautiful, well-built people; the women are tall and strong, beautiful, like models, and always smiling. It made me envious of them and how they can be like that, lol.

Not to mention the men; they're all athletic, muscular, exuding sex appeal, handsome, but since I'm already traumatized by one, I pretend I don't see them. But today I was at the bar having a drink, 2, 3, 4, I don't even remember, but... but I started to feel cheerful and decided to go home because I'm a lightweight when it comes to alcohol.

I left, it was already two in the morning, and as the city is small, I was walking back to the boarding house, and halfway there, I heard a noise, and it was terrifying. An ugly, fat, disgusting man came out from behind the alley and pulled me into the darkness. I tried to scream, but he covered my mouth with those filthy, disgusting hands; he pushed me against the wall, and I hit my head and felt dizzy.

I panicked because I knew what would come next. He started dragging me further into the darkness, and I started screaming, but it seemed like nobody was around.

He started toying with me, saying that the smell of my fear was arousing him, and he started to take his clothes off, and I went into full alert mode. That's when he came at me, already shirtless and unbuttoning his pants. And I felt a wave of fire growing inside me, something I had never felt before in my life.

And it burned me from the inside until he got close to me. Since I was panicking, I didn't know what it was, but when he grabbed my waist, a wave of red light came out of my body and hit him right in the middle of his chest, and he was thrown more than five feet away from me, writhing in pain. I, in a state of panic, just stared at the scene.

I didn't understand what had happened, but the fire I was feeling just disappeared.

At that moment, my attention turned to the other side of the alley, and that's when I really thought I was going to die.

There were two of the biggest wolves I'd ever seen in my life.

Well, I'd never seen a wolf up close, but I thought they were the size of a slightly bigger dog, that's all.

But these... no, I think they must have been about six feet tall each, one bigger than the other. One was all brown with yellow eyes, and the other was bigger and stronger, and you could tell from a distance that it was much stronger.

It was all black with only a white spot in the middle of its chest, and with fiery red eyes, almost like the light that had come out of me, and they were shining intensely.

It was looking at me and the man on the ground, and I didn't know what was going on, but I could see the bloodlust in that wolf, only when it looked at the man on the ground. But when it looked at me, it seemed different; I can't explain that look.

But panic struck me in such a way that the first thing I did was run in fear and terror from those wolves.

And I started running aimlessly. I didn't even remember the boarding house anymore; I just wanted to run, and that's when I turned onto a street and ended up in the forest and kept running. In desperation, I ran and ran until I ended up here on this rocky cliff.

Which has a beautiful view, but that's beside the point.

Because I'm here, ready to jump off, because I'm done.

I was deceived by the man I thought I loved and accused of fraud and theft, and I just killed a man with a power that God knows where it came from.

My life was already a mess, and now with someone's death on my conscience, and two wolves chasing me to kill me...

Enough is enough, I thought to myself. This is crazy, but I have no family, no friends, no job, no love, nothing but a miserable life that nobody cares about. I will not be food for wolves.

Looking down at the cliff, I think about everything I've ever wanted, about my dreams.

I hear a noise coming from the direction I was running.

I'll tell you, I don't know how I got here before the wolves.

But I ran, and it seems like I ran faster than those wolves. I stop to listen and hear the wolves coming.

Damn it, they're here, and out of nowhere, the black one with the glowing red eyes appears, shining even brighter than I saw back in the alley. I turn around and stop to pay attention because I know it's going to attack me.

The black wolf appears, notices my intention, and stops walking. I don't know what's happening. I get closer to the cliff, ready to jump, and man, this is high. The wind up here is cold and blows through my black hair. My ice-blue eyes are fixed on the wolf's red ones.

I take another step back, and the wolf stops and looks at me, and it starts to back away, and I don't understand what's happening. It backs up a little more.

And then, in the blink of an eye, the wolf turns into a man, tall and strong, with smooth skin and a large design on his chest, with black hair and forest-green eyes that glow intensely in the dark.

He's beautiful, the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my life, and he's naked, as the day he was born.

And I try not to look, but, of course, I fail, and he's all big and mouthwatering.

Looking at him like this even makes me feel a little hot.

What the hell am I thinking?

I'm standing here in front of the biggest precipice, ready to jump, and seeing or hallucinating that a wolf has now turned into a man right in front of me.

Well, I think I really have gone crazy, and thinking about sex, damn, I'm really messed up in the head. I look down and think, well, I'm going to die an epic death. But then the man speaks and snaps me out of my trance.

"It's a long way down. Why don't you step away from there and come talk to me?" I looked at him as if he had two heads.

I think to myself, okay, the wolf-man speaks. Damn, maybe I'm dreaming.

But in a moment of carelessness...

I slip, and he catches me with a speed I didn't even see coming. He pulls me to his chest, and I smell him, the most wonderful smell in the world, and a jolt of electricity passes between us.

And everything in my vision goes dark, and with the most pleasurable sensation I have ever felt in my life, I simply black out.

Episode 2

My name is Alexander Kairos Wolf.

I am 28 years old, light brown complexion, black hair and forest green eyes, a werewolf. In fact, I am an alpha king, the most feared of all time.

My wolf's name is Kairos, a king feared by all.

Today I am in the entourage to return to my kingdom, my city Montreal, the cities of wolves, my kingdom is large in the middle of a great forest.

No one is allowed to enter there, because it is a private environmental reserve, we have fences to protect the place, we have approximately the size of 12 soccer fields.

Here we have many families, some packs came from far away to join us. Here we are one community, we have the best and strongest warriors in the world. We have farmers specialized in all kinds of areas you can imagine.

We also have a large hospital to support all residents.

We also have some species, here we have witches, leopards, mainly wolves, but everyone lives in peace.

And if something goes out of line we have those who eliminate the problem.

I am indeed strict, and I do not accept rebellion in my kingdom, if you want peace we will have it, if you want war we will have it, that simple.

I am known for being fair but also ruthless.

None of my enemies lived to tell stories around.

I have my mother Maria and my sister Sara, who live with me at home.

My beta is Rafael, strong and imposing, and I also have Biel, third in command who commands the warriors, a monster to say the least. He is proud of his nickname "monster".

Today we were passing through Nesville, a small town about 300km from my pack.

We stopped to eat something and have a drink.

Me and my team are on a mission.

There was a rogue wolf attack in the neighboring city and we solved the problem there.

But when we arrived and were eating and drinking at a bar in the town of Nesville.

I saw her, the most beautiful woman in the world, sitting oblivious to her surroundings, she had such a great sadness in her eyes that it was hard not to see.

I think she's not from here because she seemed like an outsider in the city.

She is beautiful, but there was something about her that intrigued me, she emanated a strong energy (like stay away danger) LOL.

Funny, because I'm not afraid of anything, but I wanted to see more of her and see if she was all that.

Her gaze passed by me, as if I wasn't here. And mind you, it's hard not to see me because of my size, I'm the biggest in this bar.

My phone rings, and I answer. But when I finish the call, she's not there anymore, I look around looking for her and she's nowhere to be found.

I stop to smell her, but I can't, strange her scent doesn't appear to me.

I go to the counter and ask the bartender about her.

"He told me she had been here for about three hours and drank a lot. She seemed a bit drunk, he said she drank about a liter of vodka with soda."

With that amount of alcohol, a woman her size should already be in an alcohol coma.

It was more intriguing than usual for me.

I leave the bar with Biel to see if I could find her. We started walking and looking. Suddenly I hear a blood-curdling scream, and we started running.

We turn into our wolves and run to where the scream came from.

To my surprise, a rogue wolf was grabbing the woman from the bar.

And she was shining, with a blood-red glow.

And suddenly the rogue was thrown nearly two meters away from her, lifeless.

Me and Biel wondering.

"What was that?.

And looking between her and the rogue. It was then that our eyes met, it was then that I saw my wolf screaming (mate).

Biel growled, oblivious to my state. Growling with hatred, I linked my mind to his and said.

"Do not touch her because she is my mate".

It was at that moment that she suddenly started to run.

And damn, how can that be. She ran so fast.

I asked Biel to get rid of the rogue and ran after her.

I could only see her shadow entering the forest.

I went after her and ran in pursuit.

Look, I don't know what species she is, and I've never seen anything emit a red light like her.

She is not a vampire, a witch doesn't have the speed she has, what is she?.

I ran as fast as I could.

And when I arrived there, she was near the cliff.

And from her expression, she was ready to jump. I waited.

I prayed to the goddess for her not to jump! Damn, years of waiting for my companion and she wants to jump off the cliff! ...

Looking at her from here, I saw the body language that emanated from her. It was painful and sad, with no hope for life. She had reached rock bottom.

And slowly Biel appeared by my side, but hidden from her to not scare her. She started walking slowly, she sees me and panics, she takes a step closer to the edge of the cliff and I am on alert.

No, she cannot jump, I look into her eyes and try to convey a message that I will not hurt her, but she doesn't understand and takes a step back.

I walk back to show that I will not attack her. I see a glint in her eyes, determination to end everything around her.

That's when I think and transform back into a man, she never takes her eyes off me, assessing me from top to bottom. I see her blush when she looks further down in my v-line. I notice desire there, and I can be proud because she liked what she saw.

Out of nowhere, she panics again, as if something clicks in her head, and takes a step back, a few inches away from falling. That's when I speak.

"Why don't you step back and come talk to me?"

But she looks at me strangely, as if I had grown two heads. And at that moment, she slips, and I quickly run and catch her, moving away from the edge and holding her close to my bare chest.

I feel a huge electricity pass through me and go straight to my crotch. Damn, it's the craziest sensation I've ever felt! She seems to feel it too, as she looks at me confused, then rolls her eyes and faints.

I catch her before she falls and carry her, smelling her new scent that wasn't there before, it's wonderful and makes my mouth water. I bring my nose close to her neck and inhale.

She smells of fresh grapes and spices, an aroma that drives me crazy. And if I weren't an alpha king, I would have already marked her as mine forever. But my self-control is incredible.

One of my guards comes to us, bringing clothes for me. I put her down because I can't let anyone else touch her. I put on sweatpants and a t-shirt and pick her back up.

We head back to the city, going straight to the hotel where I already had a room reserved. I lay her in the bed, intrigued by what I saw from her today. She seems so fragile and innocent. But when I saw her, she was exuding that strong aura that scares many. I don't know how that scoundrel got so close to her. And look, he screwed up.

Looking at her, I search for some identification, but find nothing, no purse, no phone. Just some money in the pocket of her pants, nothing else.

I leave her like that and go take a shower because I'm starving for her. I need to cool my head at the moment, I lock the door and ask a guard to stay outside in case I need anything.

I go to the bathroom and take my shower. I think about her and can't help but touch myself, starting slowly, stroking my penis up and down while thinking about her. That fire I saw in her is incredible and I want to know everything about her.

I can't resist and increase the pace, imagining her mouth on me, engulfing me entirely. That mouth that makes me thirsty and hungry, I want to taste her in every way possible. I can't hold on for long and climax with force, as if I've never climaxed before in my life. Just by imagining her, I felt that way, imagine when she's under me! Look, I'm not a pervert... but she stirred up my wolf in a way it never has before, he's crazy to mark her as his own and I am too, but she needs to wake up.

I finish washing and put on black boxers and sweatpants, shirtless, then leave the room with a towel around my neck, drying the wet hair still dripping water down my chest.

When I come out, I see her sitting there, scared and not knowing where she is. When she looks at me and moves away, going to the corner of the room, she asks.

"Who are you and why am I here?"

I see how scared she is!

I raise my hand to show that I won't do anything and introduce myself.

"Hello, my name is Alexandre and I promise I won't harm you."

I ask for her name, and she looks at me confused.

She looks around, searching for an escape.

But the door is behind me, and there is a glass window and a door to the balcony on the third floor of the building.

She looks and sees that it's locked.

"I want to get out of here, please."

I sit in the armchair near the door, where there is a small table.

I start talking, asking why she wants to jump off the cliff?

She says nothing, and I stay silent, waiting for her to speak.

She sighs and looks at me, asking about the rogue.

"I tell her he won't do anything because she killed him."

She looks scared. But I can't hide what happened there.

She wonders how she did that? I don't understand.

She doesn't speak to me but to herself, asking.

"I ask, I would also like to know how you did that?.

And she says,

"I have no idea what happened -, I just know I'm very scared"!

I ask for her name again.

"Can you please tell me your name?

I see her avoiding answering, but she says her name is Estela. I see how her body reacts, and I realize it's a lie. I don't know why she doesn't want to say, but it's serious, I feel it. I look at her with a look of interrogation, but I don't question her, for now.

And I find myself apologizing for chasing her like that.

I think she realizes it then, and remembers the wolves in the alley. She starts trembling; I see it. She looks at me, even paler than before, and asks,

"Were you really the wolf I saw? - I thought I was imagining it. You chased me; are you going to kill me?

She starts crying and trembling as if she were going to collapse. I reassure her, saying I won't harm her, that she's safe, but it doesn't seem enough. She sits in the corner of the room near the bed and stays there for a while without moving. I stand up and go closer. I see her with her head between her legs, crying softly, whispering some words I don't understand.

I ask her to calm down, and I extend my hand to her. She hesitates a bit but takes it.

She looks at our hands and asks,

"Why does it feel like I'm getting a slight shock?

But she doesn't withdraw her hand from mine. She looks into my eyes, and they are shining, a dim light, not red, but white. I look and feel like everything I wanted is right in front of me.

I say with conviction.

"You are my mate" she looks at me and asks.

"What do you mean, mate?

We stay there, looking at each other, for just a few seconds, but they seem like an eternity.

She is beautiful, she reaches up to my neck, she must be around five feet seven inches tall, I'm six feet one inch tall. She has a strong bone structure, I can feel it; she's not fat but athletic, strong legs because she ran so fast that I was stunned at the time, she calmed down in my arms, of course, I couldn't just hold her hands, I pulled her closer to my chest because I wanted to feel her in me.

She didn't complain, and it seems like she found a place to forget her troubles, and I let her stay there, for as long as she wants, I wouldn't leave my arms.

I've never felt so sure about something in my life! Having her in my arms feels like a dream I never want to wake up from.

Episode 3


I woke up in a strange room, it took me a while to remember what happened, but my head was a mess.

At that moment I hear a door opening, and when I look he's there, beautiful with his wet hair with a towel draped around his neck, shirtless and with pants that hide nothing,

I see drops of water running down his bare chest and I follow it until it disappears into the waistband of his pants, there you can see the beginning of a muscular, beautiful V, and that gets to me - drugs what's wrong with me!

I wake up from my pornographic dream and panic and ask.

"Where am I?"

I stand up with everything, only he's between the exit door, I can't get past there without him catching me. I look around, the window is all glass, and there's a balcony, from what I can see I'm high up, and I wouldn't be able to jump without breaking myself, funny because until a little while ago I wanted to jump off a cliff.

But something happened in my head and I don't want to die anymore, I don't want to jump, I want to live. I look around and ask who he is and where I am.

He seems calm and introduces himself to me,

"My name is Alexandre"

His voice is a deep tone that gives me goosebumps just listening to it, he asks my name, he takes a step and I flinch again, I look to see if I can find a way out and I see that the balcony door is locked, and he raises his hands showing that he won't hurt me, I beg to get out of here, I'm scared!

Even though he gives me a certain peace of mind! but since I don't trust anyone, I can't believe him, he asks my name again and I make one up, I answer.

"My name is Stella,"

He looks at me as if he knows I'm lying, but he doesn't say anything, out of nowhere he apologizes for running after me like that and that's when I remember the wolves I was running away from in panic. Already trembling, I ask,

"Were you really that wolf? Because I swear it was just a dream, but no, here I am with the most handsome man in the world, who's also a wolf. Crap, where did I get myself into? As if everything wasn't enough, now this." I sit in the most isolated corner of the room and continue to complain to myself because I have to get myself into so much trouble! He comes over slowly, and I don't move, I start crying like a child, because I can't take it anymore, try to be strong, nothing works out for me, why didn't I just jump off the cliff, damn it.

He reaches out to me, and I don't even know why I take it, he helps me up, and I feel electricity running through my hand, going straight to the middle of my thighs, I can't take it and ask

"Why am I feeling a slight shock?"

And he says the craziest thing I could have ever heard.

"We are mates"

"What do you mean mates?"

He just stands there looking at me as if nothing else in the world existed, he pulls me closer, and I feel my body relax, I feel at peace, I feel alive, the pain I felt is gone, here in his arms, here I feel at home, like I haven't felt in years!

I wanted to stay like this forever, but nothing comes easy for me, my body starts to glow, a bright but faint white light.

I don't know how long this light has been coming from me, but I don't feel in danger, it's peace that I feel! I want to stay here in his arms, never wanting to leave, and it seems like he doesn't want me to leave either.

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