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Pregnant with the Arrogant CEO's Baby

Episode 1

I am Dante Rossi, the CEO of Rossi Exports. I rule the company and my underworld dealings with an iron fist. I am known as unbeatable and I don't usually forgive mistakes. There are no second chances with me. If you screw up, it's over. That's how it is in the mafia. We are swallowed whole when we leave room for error and we are affected by every thoughtless act.

I was in my office when Fernando arrived, informing me that I had a meeting with the company lawyer. Alessia is a feisty woman, an excellent professional, and heir to the Romano family fortune. She's also my friend... a friend with benefits, let's say. Her father and mine have been friends for many years, and since she's an only child, she inherits everything. Not that it matters much to me, as I have much more than she does, and I'm not interested in anything other than a good fuck.

"I'm going there now, Fernando. Have them bring coffee to the meeting room," I said as I left my office and headed for her office. I noticed the whispers and giggles as I walked past and I knew those girls wanted me. Whenever someone catches my eye, I take them to bed. I've never been told no in here and I believe it will never happen. They want the moment and the money.

My team was made up of unbeatable men and sensual women. Some served me in other ways, too. My rule is to never forget protection, as some aim to bear my heir and get a nice pension, or even marriage. They think I'm an idiot, but that would never happen. They've tried to pin children on me before, and I've done several DNA tests. As I was always certain that no child was mine, I don't make that mistake.

I entered the meeting room and found her seated. Alessia is a femme fatale: determined and powerful, no time for small talk, straight to the point.

"Good morning, how are you Dante?" she asked me, and my eyes immediately fell to her breasts, practically bursting out of her top. She always wore low necklines and tight clothes. It was her style. Not what I was looking for in someone to stay by my side.

"Alessia, I'm fine and you look divine. How's your father?" I replied cordially, and asking after her father, she quickly replied,

"We're fine. Let's get down to business." She was direct. I sat in my chair, looking over the papers I had to review.

We sat down at the table and I picked up the papers I wanted her to sign and review. I saw the girl come in with the coffee and didn't acknowledge her. I was focused and saw that she left quickly, too.

"I need this paperwork all organized. That the judge signs this authorization today. You know me, no room for error," I said firmly, because I didn't accept failure from them and she was always aware of that.

"Right, boss. Now, down to business." She got up and locked the office door. She turned to me and started to slowly lift her dress.

"We have at least 15 minutes before your next meeting. I want to feel you," she said as she pulled my chair to the side and knelt in front of me. She put her hands on the button of my pants, then pulled down the zipper and the elastic of my underwear, exposing my cock.

I liked the thing I had with her, because there was no obligation. It was just raw, deliciously rough sex.

Alessia started to suck me off, looking into my eyes the whole time. I ran my hand through her hair and began to dictate my rhythm. She was very experienced in pleasing a man and knew what to do. Soon I came in her mouth. She liked it rough and so did I.

She got up after swallowing every last drop and straightened her dress to leave, but I wasn't about to let her leave without giving her pleasure. I pulled her arm and brought her to me. I kissed her neck and pushed her onto my desk. I lifted her dress and quickly put on a condom. I always had one in my desk drawer. Soon I entered her and started to thrust. She came to me with her hair loose, because she liked it when I pulled it. She took her hand to her intimacy, seeking to quickly achieve her pleasure. Alessia bounced on me tirelessly. I pulled her hair and slapped her ass. She liked it and asked for more. I gave another slap, reaching my climax, and she came with me. Now she could leave happy. Nothing like starting the day with a hot and fast fuck.

"It was good doing business with you, honey. Will you be at the governor's gala?" she asked me, fixing her briefcase and getting ready to leave. She looked like the same femme fatale as before, unshakable.

"Yes, I'll be there. I hope to see you there. Send my regards to your father," I said, and she nodded, opening the door and leaving, swaying provocatively.

I waited a few minutes and got ready to leave the office. I found Fernando coming in and he said:

"These business meetings are very productive, right? I heard the slaps." Fernando was my younger brother, my vice president and underboss. He was more lighthearted than I was, but just as lethal.

"You're such a voyeur. You were watching the cameras, weren't you?" I said, amused. I wasn't worried about other people seeing that, because I wasn't jealous. My performance was quite interesting and anyone who saw that would know it.

"Our father is in your office. He wanted to come to the meeting room to say hello to dear, sweet Alessia, old friend Diogenes Romano's daughter. I convinced him that the meeting couldn't be interrupted. Imagine him seeing sweet Alessia, who he watched grow up, sucking you off like that, and worse, naked." He said, and I agreed. My father wanted me to marry Alessia, but she's been with a lot of people. The sex is good, but to be by my side in charge, she has to be someone who accepts her husband's orders, not someone with the same temper as him. Not to mention, I had my doubts about her emotional stability, but that's a matter for another time. I've seen her lose her temper on several occasions with clients and soldiers. Not to mention she treats her employees deplorably. I'm already like that. My future wife will have to be different.

I entered my office and my father was having coffee. I took the opportunity to go to the bathroom and wash my hands quickly, and when I came out, the girl had left my coffee and gone out.

"Son, was my dear Alessia here? I wanted to say hello to her. Too bad the meeting couldn't be interrupted." My father was already 70 years old and was getting weaker. Despite being ill and even with the diagnosis of dementia, he came to the company at least once a week, but it was always just to observe. My mother passed away a year ago and he suffered greatly. We all did, but he married her when she was 18 and lived 40 years by her side. Her death brought devastation and pain. He gave up his position and I took care of everything. The nurse who took care of him at our house also visited my room and showed great care for my father, at least in front of me. And I know my father didn't like her, but I didn't see anything to discredit her.

"Yes, Dad. She came to get the paperwork for the bids and take it to the governor to sign today," I replied calmly. My father is my example, my point of reference, and I respect him. Seeing his suffering, I realized that I don't want to get married. I don't want to lose someone I love and share the joy of living with. We had each other and we would take good care of him.

"Shall we have lunch together, Dad?" asked Fernando, and he agreed. The nurse came in to give him his medicine and looked at me, smiling. She had been his nurse for a year and took care of my mother before she died.

"Good morning, Mr. Dante, Fernando. Let's go, Mr. Leonardo, take your medication," she told my father, who didn't seem to want to hide the fact that he didn't like her. My brother reprimanded him, thinking it was an aftereffect of dementia.

"Talia, you can let us take my father home later. You're dismissed. Ask the driver to take you to the mansion." She smiled. She wasn't wearing a uniform and she had a driver. She was opportunistic and longed for a life like that, so she enjoyed what she had very much and still earned a great salary.

The three of us went out to lunch and then took care of some mafia business.

There were always rats and traitors. The council was pressing me for a wife, and for my brother too. Fathers came in droves to offer me a wife, but if I married, it would be to someone I chose, for my own pleasure, not for the mafia. After all, I'm the one who will sleep with her, not the association.

Episode 2

Waking up at 4 am to catch the subway to the city center and start work at 8 am is very tiring, but it's necessary. I graduated this year and needed to start working right away. I couldn't start college, which was my dream. My father is always drunk, and my mother is a narcissist who doesn't work and complains about me being a coffee girl. She says I should look for a rich husband or work as a luxury escort. I can hardly believe my mother is like that. I'm not even pretty. We have a rented house here in the rural area of the city, which is why it takes me so long to arrive. Our village is horrible and dominated by criminals. I really want to be able to stay in the center and not live with my parents, but I can't afford it on my salary.

I have a sister named Charlotte. She's 20 years old and just like my mother, without many goals in life other than finding a rich husband. I wanted to go to nursing school because I love taking care of people, but that won't be possible anytime soon. Here in the village, there are many poor families. There are some men who do business; they are like the owners here, but I don't like any of them. I have few friends. Luna is the daughter of a very old man. She is very young but takes care of the house and her father. Marisa is older than me but also suffers terribly. I heard my mother saying that the guys asked for his house or the money he owed. That's what they do, lend money for basic necessities and then threaten.

"I'm going to bed, you know I wake up early," I said to my parents, who had friends over. One of them was looking at me rudely, it was disgusting. I immediately went to my room and locked the door. It was around 1 am, and I couldn't sleep peacefully, it was too noisy. So I was getting ready to leave when I heard something that horrified me.

"Yes, I'm sure she's a virgin, trust me, Arnaldo. You paid for a good night of pleasure. Well, not the whole night, because she leaves for work at 4 o'clock. Tomorrow you can get her when she arrives," she said, and I heard a man reply:

"It better be good. I have great plans for her. I'll come tomorrow, and I don't want any mistakes." He spoke, and I heard footsteps walking away.

I couldn't believe what I heard. Did my mother sell my virginity to a friend? Worse, to a criminal. I need to get out of here. I opened my wardrobe door and took my documents, my most urgent belongings, and the little savings I had managed to put together. If my mother saw my money, she would certainly take it all for herself.

I put on a coat and climbed out the window. I walked a dark path on foot. As soon as I saw Arnaldo's men walking away, despite being a little scared, I wouldn't stop. I was afraid, but I always walked there to catch the bus. An old man drove by and offered me a ride. I was afraid to accept the ride. He seemed like a good man, so I ended up accepting. Of two evils, he would be the lesser, because if one of Arnaldo's men saw me, they would certainly come after me.

"I'm going to the Camboa Hotel, I'm a cook there, young lady. Where do you want to go?" he asked.

"I'm a kitchen assistant at the Rossi Export company. I always leave at this time, a little later, but I need to catch the subway earlier today," I said, and he looked at me in astonishment.

"You leave this early to catch the subway and work at the Rossi company? My hotel is also theirs. The owner there, Mr. Dante Rossi, is ruthless, he doesn't accept mistakes, that's why I also leave earlier, I'm afraid that any unforeseen event will cost me my job, after all, at least they pay good salaries," he said, and I agreed.

I had already heard about the owner of the company and how women line up to sleep with him. I thought about it and immediately shook my head to clear my mind.

During the hours on the road, I learned that he was a father of three girls and was already a grandfather, supporting the house alone because, in our neighborhood, poverty dominated alongside crime.

"You took a lot of risks going to catch the subway at this hour, daughter. It's dangerous, and there are bad men out there," he said, clearly worried.

"Well, I had to, because my parents don't work, and now they don't anymore. From today onwards, I won't be going back. I'm going to find a boarding house there or a very cheap apartment that I can maybe find someone to share with. Let's just say it became too dangerous to live there," I said, and we arrived.

Today started out busy. I arrived at 7 am, very sleepy, after all, I hadn't slept at all. I went to the locker room to change to go to the kitchen, start making coffee, and organize things.

"Good morning, Sami. It's a hot day today. Alessia, the pretty lawyer, is already in the meeting room waiting for the big man. Take her coffee, and she'll give him the tea he likes," Julie said with a laugh. She was my colleague, the only one who helped me. Everyone knew what the boss did with the lawyer and the other women who passed through his office. He's a handsome man, but not at all discreet. Yes, I've noticed him, and yes, he's not bad looking, but his wickedness precedes his beauty, at least that's what they say around here. I believe he's never even noticed my presence.

"Julie, I'm looking for a place to stay tonight. I can't go back home," I said, and she looked at me seriously.

"Oh my God, what did your crazy mother do?" She was the only one who knew what she did to me. I told her everything, and my phone rang.

"It's her, my mother," I said tensely. I didn't know whether to answer or not, so my friend said:

"Answer it and tell her some home truths. I have a spare room in my apartment; we can split the expenses. I'll talk to the girls first, but for me, it's no problem. Put an end to this," she said, and I agreed. Enough of being afraid of that crazy woman.

I decided to answer.

"Hello, Mom," I replied coldly.

"What's going on in that head of yours? Arnaldo gave me $5,000 to sleep with you! He said he would come today to finish the deal. I saw that you took your bag. What are you thinking? Daughter, this place where you're killing yourself is not going to get you anywhere. You can't even say it's a job," she said furiously, not even ashamed to admit she sold me.

"Mom, aren't you ashamed? I'm not sleeping with anyone. Are you crazy? This is a job, yes, it's what allowed me to save up and get rid of you," I replied furiously.

"Savings? What do you mean? You had money and didn't give me any, you're ungrateful, aren't you? Tonight, when you get home, you'll pay me. Arnaldo paid less than half for your sister than he did for you," she said, thinking I was coming home.

"I'm not going home anymore; you won't see me again. Forget about me. I'm hanging up because I'm going to start working," I said, disconnecting the call and watching my colleague's shocked face.

"Seriously, your mother is not right. You've been here for five months, right? Did you manage to save anything?" my friend asked.

"A little, yes, I managed to save some. We'll talk later. Tonight, I'm going to a small hotel, and you can get organized with your roommates. Give me an answer tomorrow," I said, and she nodded, going back to work.

I prepared the tray and went to the meeting room. On the way, I met Mr. Fernando. He is very kind and greeted me.

"Sami, good morning! How are you? Serve the coffee and take another one to my father, who is in my brother's office," he said.

"Sure, sir, I'll take it right away," I said and entered the room.

"Excuse me, I brought coffee," I said, and as always, they didn't answer. She just looked at me with disgust, and he never looked up.

I left the coffee and immediately left. I went to see Mr. Leonardo.

"Good morning, Mr. Leonardo. How have you been? I brought your coffee with cream because I know you like it, skimmed milk, so it doesn't interfere with your treatment," I said, and he looked at me kindly.

"Hello, young lady, thank you for your kindness. What's wrong? You have a worried look on your face today. If you need anything, let me know, no matter what it is, your kindness deserves a reward," he said, leaving me speechless. Did he know me well enough to see that I wasn't okay, or was I being too transparent?

"It's nothing much, I had to leave my house, but as I was already leaving at 4 am to get here on time, it was better for me," I said without realizing it, and I saw the man's son looking at me.

"Oh, Mr. Fernando, I'm sorry. I don't have to talk about my life," I apologized quickly, and he asked me to calm down.

"It's okay, calm down, Sami. I was just surprised. You left at 4 am to start here at 8?" he asked, astonished.

"I have to, I mean, I had to. Now, I'm going to a small hotel tonight, and then I'll see what to do. My parents don't work and wanted all my money. I want to study nursing, and I can't without saving up. They had an attitude that was the last straw, so it's been decided. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going," I said goodbye and left.

I went back to the kitchen and went about my normal work routine. My boss called me and said:

"Samira, I need you to stay until 8 pm today. There's a meeting until late, and I have another commitment," she said and left without giving me a chance to question.

"I'm so tired. God give me strength, but let's go," I said to myself and went back to organizing my commitments.

The day flew by, and when I looked at the clock, it was already 6 pm. People started to leave, and I stayed by the phone, waiting for orders. Whenever there was a night meeting, they would switch from coffee to drinks, but I had already learned how to make them, so let's go, the night is not over yet. I served at least 200 glasses of drinks; I made them, and the waiter took them away.

When the night was finally over and they left, I got ready to leave.

Episode 3

The nighttime meetings, when they happened, were mysterious. Strange men would come, all looking like they were up to no good, and always accompanied by many guards. The floor would be a mess of people, which is why it was always after 6 pm.

Today they ordered drinks at least 200 times, and when they were finishing up, I went to get dressed in the locker room. I took the opportunity to take a good shower since I didn't even know if I could find a hotel today. I looked at the clock, and it was already past 9 pm, I was screwed. I thanked the waiter and went straight to the elevator.

I put on a light dress and let my hair down; if I keep it tied up all day, it gets marked. I sprayed on some perfume and headed for the exit; if I go looking for a hotel smelling bad or in old clothes, they'll think I'm a wretch.

"Damn it, the service elevator is off. I'll take the main one; no one is in the company at this time," or at least that's what I imagined, but I was wrong.

When the elevator stopped and I entered, I was about to close the door when an arm prevented it from closing, and when I saw Mr. Dante enter, I was afraid of being fired. If he complained, I was screwed, and I couldn't be unemployed, especially not now.

I saw him look me up and down. He was big and strong, I had never noticed how good he smelled either, I guess I had never been this close to him to smell it before.

"Good evening, miss," he said, and I looked at him, very afraid that he would yell at me.

"Good evening, Mr. Dante, I didn't have access to the other elevator, so I took this one, I'm sorry," I realized I was already apologizing.

"Calm down, do you work here? Are you new?" he asked, and only then did I realize that he hadn't recognized me. Of course not, he's always hitting on the employees; he wouldn't notice a simple girl who delivers coffee. I started to laugh, and when I was about to answer, the elevator shook and stopped. I accidentally grabbed his arm and quickly let go. Seeing my fear, he immediately reassured me.

"Don't worry, they'll fix it soon, security will see that we are stuck here," he said when I let go of his hand. I was scared, and I didn't need anything else to happen; the first encounter with the feared Dante, and I would be attacked by my claustrophobia.

"Oh my God, I can't be trapped, what if they've already left?" I said, panicking, feeling my throat closing up.

"Are you afraid? It's okay, nothing is going to happen to you," he said and held my hand, what a charmer. I saw him press the emergency button.

I sat on the floor, letting the fear blind me, and he sat in front of me.

"Look at me, everything is okay, hold my hand and tell me now who you are," he was trying to distract me, and with tears in my eyes, I answered:

"I'm Samira, Mr. Fernando calls me Sami, but not many people notice me here in the company; I deliver coffee to everyone, including the arrogant guests." I might have been talking nonsense, but I was terrified and probably going to die anyway, so I'm going to speak my mind.

"And how do you know my brother for him to give you nicknames?" he asked, using his thumb to caress my hand. His touch was warm, and it was really calming me down.

"I've been here for five months, Mr. Dante. Your brother talks to me every day, unlike you, known as a ruthless man. He's a nice and friendly guy." He narrowed his eyes at me and said something I didn't expect.

"Have you slept with him?" Instantly, I slapped his face and covered my mouth, seeing the blunder I had made.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm screwed, I can't lose this job because I don't even have a place to live today. I've never slept with anyone, men only think about that." I was crying like a little kid, and he was watching my every move, seemingly in disbelief that I had slapped him.

"It's okay, you're brave, I have to admit it. You're not going to lose your job, just breathe slowly and calm down." Even after being slapped, he didn't get angry. Could he be as bad as they say? He continued holding my hand, and I closed my eyes. Having not slept all night and working until this hour, sleep overcame me, and I ended up falling asleep.


Getting in the elevator and seeing that beautiful and full of life young woman there alone was nice. I immediately thought about ending my night in my hotel room. She had a panic attack when the elevator broke down, and I found out she was my employee. I received a message from the security technician letting me know that they were fixing it, but unfortunately, it would take a few hours. I sat in front of her, making small talk, and discovered that she was the coffee girl. I confess that I had never noticed such beauty; she really got to me, her courage also counted positively. It was the first slap I had ever received in my life. When she said that my brother, unlike me, was a good man, I felt uneasy, I figured she was already one of his conquests, and since I don't beat around the bush, I asked directly. I received a slap in the face and was surprised by her audacity.

"I'm not going to sleep with that disgusting man, Mom, I'm not going to sell myself for money," she spoke in her sleep with her head resting on my shoulder, and I wondered what that story was about.

"No Arnaldo, let me go," she moaned once more, and I thought about waking her up. I made a mental note of that name, Arnaldo, who are you? But I didn't need to; she woke up with a start. Her nightmare was too bad because her eyes showed great despair.

"Are you okay?" I didn't mention what she said in her sleep because I didn't want to embarrass her.

When she was about to answer, the elevator started working again, and she got up relieved.

"I'm sorry for falling asleep, I've been up since last night. I had to leave my house and ended up not sleeping. The boss asked me to stay late, and I really need this job, so I accepted. I'm going to look for a hotel now; it's already a new day, and I can sleep in tomorrow since I'm going to see something here nearby today," she said, and as soon as the door opened, she ran out.

"Who are you, Samira, and why did you get to me like this?" I looked at the security guard and asked him to send me the girl's complete file: where she lived, her parents, her time at the company, school, everything. I asked for discretion, and he nodded. I headed to the garage, and when I left, I saw that it was raining heavily, and my mind went back to that girl.

"I wonder if she managed to find a place," I said out loud inside my car, catching myself thinking about her and, even worse, worrying about her.

I looked around and drove around a bit, but I couldn't find her, so I went home, but my mind was fixed on her.

I got home, and my father and brother were in the living room watching a fight. My brother was obsessed with it.

"Hi, son, come on, the boy is winning." The fighter was a childhood friend of Fernando's, and my father always called him that.

"Yes, Dad." I sat down, and the nurse came to bring his medicine and see if my father needed anything from her. She was pretty, but I wasn't interested in anything today.

"I don't need anything, go, go and leave," he said rudely, and she left.

"Dad, don't treat the girl like that, she takes care of you," my brother said.

"Only in front of you two, she's a bad girl, I like that Sami girl." Instantly, I looked at him.

"I was going to ask you that, Fernando, who is this girl?" He, who was distracted, looked at his cell phone and then back at me.

"Who? Sami?" I was annoyed once again and replied.

"Yes, Fernando, who else?" I answered impatiently.

He leaned forward and questioned me.

"Why do you ask? Until today, you hadn't asked about her." Fernando's beating around the bush stressed me out.

"I got stuck with her in the elevator, and the girl had a panic attack; she said a few things while dozing off, waiting for the elevator to work," I said, wanting more news about her.

"Samira has been working with our company for five months; she started the day she turned 18. She lived four hours away, using the subway. Yesterday, she had a fight with her mother and came here, and yes, she's terrified of elevators; she always feels sick. Don't mess with her, Dante; she's not like the others. The girl is practically alone in the world, she has a self-centered mother and an alcoholic father. Her sister is a bad girl too, ambitious, she's the only good one in the family," my brother answered my questions and left only one unanswered:

"Do you have feelings for her?" I was direct because I definitely would want to sleep with her.

"No, Samira is my friend; I'm fond of her, she's alone. Some days, she wouldn't have lunch, and I wondered if it was a lack of money. She dreams of being a nurse, and I even offered her a scholarship, but she always said she couldn't do it. She had lunch with me a few times in the company kitchen. I would order food and take it there for her; she would only eat if no one was around. She said she hates gossip and confusion and knows that all the girls who passed by our tables ended up with a bad reputation," he answered calmly while fiddling with his cell phone.

"Should we go to the boat? New girls arrived today, and I want to see if anyone is being forced into anything," my brother said, and I refused. My head was stuck on that little body, those lips, and definitely on that slap.

"Son, fire that abusive woman and call Sami to work here; she will take good care of me," my father said, and I replied:

"We'll see, Dad, we'll see," I said, and he looked hopeful.

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